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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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BakedPigeon said:
Why the fuck do we still do the EV? This isnt the horse and buggy days anymore. It just doesn't make sense.

Say a state elected a candidate with only a 3,000 vote difference between the two. Why should that candidate get every EV? It would make more sense to divide them in half.

I know I am going to get rocked by poligaf, oh well.
Nope, you're right.

No problem with that from me, but don't paint that as a way to say this election was closer than it was. If popular vote was the metric to win, you bet your ass both candidates would have campaigned differently.


domokunrox said:
This is so FULL of FUCKING WIN!

Sol.. said:
holy shit, BBC is the shit.

I'm jumping around, but everytime i land on BBC they are doing some cold shit. Earlier they were jamming some McCain campaign rep with some cold ass questions, then they were interviewing some cold republican farmers and asking them somewhat complicated questions, now they are jamming some republican lady with questions such as "do you think bush feels this is his fault"

dyam are they this hardcore all the time?

They keep winding these people up.

You mean they aren't asking soft-hitting questions like most of the American media?



Obama now down 4,900. Monroe County, the home of Indiana University is now 92% reporting. Lake County also reported more. A Gain of 10,000 votes.


BakedPigeon said:
Why the fuck do we still do the EV? This isnt the horse and buggy days anymore. It just doesn't make sense.

Say a state elected a candidate with only a 3,000 vote difference between the two. Why should that candidate get every EV? It would make more sense to divide them in half.

I know I am going to get rocked by poligaf, oh well.

Two different things. Nothing inherently wrong with Electoral College, it's the nutty "winner take all" electors that 48 of the 50 states do. It's a state by state decision, and states fear losing influence if they split their electors.

Winner take all is also why we'll never see a third party candidate do anything more than waste people's time. If people want a viable third party, they'd be smart to work at the state level to get rid of winner take all electoral assignment.
So turns out that comcast is just lying and the indecision 08 coverage WAS on live. Glad I happened to check... though I missed the very beginning.
Sol.. said:
holy shit, BBC is the shit.

I'm jumping around, but everytime i land on BBC they are doing some cold shit. Earlier they were jamming some McCain campaign rep with some cold ass questions, then they were interviewing some cold republican farmers and asking them somewhat complicated questions, now they are jamming some republican lady with questions such as "do you think bush feels this is his fault"

dyam are they this hardcore all the time?

They keep winding these people up.

Its normal for reporters from the UK to ask challenging questions and to push their interviewees, afterall that's what they're there for. I find it bizarre how people from the US sometimes find it dsrespectful, if you don't ask the hard questions you don't get answers you really want.


I am Wayne Brady.
DoctorWho said:
You mean they aren't asking soft-hitting questions like most of the American media?

lol yeah, but it's more or less the delivery than anything else.

They are not only asking hard questions...but they are jamming people up and interrupting them like crazy. It's hilarious. It had me crying when he asked a small town lady about if Obama will effect their life and she kinda slowly came about a good point or two and he just cut her off like uhhhh this bitch is stupid ON TO THE NEXT TOPIC.


Phoenix said:
Sorry GAF. I tried to change GA, but its fucking impossible. GA just can't be moved over to being Democratic.

I understand.. the deep South is tough.

1996, Ole Miss dorm commons area (Deaton Hall), discussion about the Clinton vs. Dole race..

redneck #1: "So, who ya votin' for?"

redneck #2: "Who are all the n*****s votin' for?"

redneck #1: "Clinton."

redneck #2: "Then the other guy. Dole."

*other rednecks in the room nod. No one bats an eye. HylianTom walks away, disgusted..*
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