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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Does a rainy election day in NC help one candidate over the other? Looks like it will be rainy in central and eastern NC tomorrow.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
reilo said:

The fuck?

Someone knocks on the door, and I'm thinking maybe it's a canvasser for Obama or something. I open the door, it's some middle aged lady handing out fliers about the Bible and says "here is a flier about Jesus Christ and the Bible and for people who have questions about their faith and what not. Thank you!"


I ended up tearing that shit apart.

Fuck off my lawn Jesus freaks!

...the fuck is your problem? Is this a serious post? It sounds like she wasn't pushy or rude at all. How can you seriously be upset with someone when all they say is "here is some information. Have a nice day!" ???


DenogginizerOS said:
Does a rainy election day in NC help one candidate over the other? Looks like it will be rainy in central and eastern NC tomorrow.

I think conservatives melt in the rain, so ya. :lol

EDIT: Damn beaten



I'm sorry, but that's the face of an idiot. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
These McCain rallies are completely devoid of any information or policy proposals.

John McCain: How awful is Barack Obama?
Mob: So awful!
John McCain: How awesome is Joe the Plumber?
Mob: So awesome!
/end rally
Facebook friends smh. I had a couple with horribly stupid anti-Obama notes/statuses. When I do mention politics on there I do it in a non-partisan manner

DenogginizerOS said:
Does a rainy election day in NC help one candidate over the other? Looks like it will be rainy in central and eastern NC tomorrow.

Any other election I would say it helps Republicans. But this time I think Democrats are more enthusiastic and maybe it will discourage Republicans who are already disenchanted with McCain and the election. I hope (!).


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
So, if Obama wins, do you guys think there'll be any stories on various networks and newspapers about his plans for socialism?
alright, so there is nothing between me and election day now. i literally walked home from class with a skip in my step. going to the UK basketball game tonight to stay entertained, then bam. w00t. i'm pumped.

oh, and obama's got this.


DenogginizerOS said:
Does a rainy election day in NC help one candidate over the other? Looks like it will be rainy in central and eastern NC tomorrow.

It will help Obama immensely, because it was largely the Democratic contingent that voted early. Then again, I voted early even though I had to stand in the rain for 30 minutes without an umbrella, and I didn't see anyone giving up.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Has anyone heard a rumor that Jennifer Granholm will be involved in Obama's administration? 2 people said they heard something about it today.

Another person also heard that Microsoft's main offices may be moving out of America too.

My class was quite the rumor mongers today.

I've heard the rumor that she would be his first nomination for Supreme Court Justice.

Anything to get her out of Michigan. She's destroyed that state. My ultra-liberal parents who voted for her twice are even admitting she's done a horrible job.


Over 170,000 voted yesterday in Florida, up to nearly 4.3m and 56% of 2004's total vote.

Dems keep adding to their advantage in party ID.

Party	2008	2004
Dem	45.7%	40.7%
Rep	37.2%	43.5%
No/Oth	17.1%	15.8%

8.5% Dem-Rep spread, up from 7.9% two days ago.

I read a report this morning from a Florida paper that estimated McCain was down ~325k in early voting, a switch from Bush being ahead at the end of 2004's early voting. Which is almost the same margin Bush won by. Looking good....



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
RubxQub said:
McCain is such a fucking idiot.

He keeps saying the line:

"Obama said he was for Nuclear power...but it has to be clean and safe!"

...and the problem with that statement is...?

Absolutely nothing. It relates to the nutball republicans who think that we should do anything for personal gain even if it means poisoning a few people along the way.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
kkaabboomm said:
alright, so there is nothing between me and election day now. i literally walked home from class with a skip in my step. going to the UK basketball game tonight to stay entertained, then bam. w00t. i'm pumped.

oh, and obama's got this.
Ditto, ditto. I'm pumped man. i just looked through my wallet and found my voter registration card. It's gonna be so awesome. I'm gonna vote like, 10 times. I'm gonna bribe people, burn mccain ballots, fix machines. It's gonna be fucking awesome. Obama's gonna win by 10 billion votes.
Chuck Todd said:
Someone asked me this week which state Tim Russert would be writing down (three times) on his white board. Colorado? Virginia? Florida?

My answer? It's not a state. Tim would simply be writing down one simple four letter word: "Bush, Bush, Bush."

and that's all she wrote. it's a good article about McCain's folly's (no mention of everything Obama did right), but those ending sentences really sum it up.
GDJustin said:
... is your problem? Is this a serious post? It sounds like she wasn't pushy or rude at all. How can you seriously be upset with someone when all they say is "here is some information. Have a nice day!" ???

Agreed. Just when it seemed that democratic supporters were showing greater tolerance and aversion to bigotry, this kind of stuff gets posted.

Fact: A lot of Christians are Democrats too. The Republican party doesn't hold a monopoly on religious values despite their claims. You're free to believe what you believe and discuss it, but be careful of insulting the beliefs of others. If the goal here is to bridge gaps and work together as a nation, it doesn't make sense to alienate part of the constituency.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Plinko said:
I've heard the rumor that she would be his first nomination for Supreme Court Justice.

Anything to get her out of Michigan. She's destroyed that state. My ultra-liberal parents who voted for her twice are even admitting she's done a horrible job.
Yea, this was the rumor actually. Unfortunately, my teacher, who's an undecided (retard) really REALLY hates Granholm, so if Obama rolls with her, she tips the other way.

I tried to fight it ("uh, no way would Obama would announce something like that before being elected. Just a rumor, people.") but i don't care. Michigan is in the tank for Bams. It's gonna be awesome.


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How obvious is it that Palin wears jeans and FashionBug outfits now instead of Fifth and Saks ever since being called out :lol


TheKingsCrown said:
does anyone have that chart comparing drudge daily / weekly hits to huffington post that shows drudge going down?


Huffpo is drawing more unique hits, whereas the overall numbers heavily favor drudge (2:1 margin).

Also, it's a silly comparison because HuffPo has a ton of content (much of it exclsuive) on it and Drudge is just a link aggregator. People rarely direct link to Drudge's website.
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