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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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There should be a "Hall of Shame" post-election thread of ordinary citizens, pundits, news anchors, and politicians that have done or said something worthy of the history books. I'm talking about from the start of the primaries until November 4th. Maybe we even have nominations :D


GhaleonEB said:
Haha, Kos has been pimping that post for a while. He's going to post it a million times on Wednesday. :lol

Yeah, it's pretty much dead-on except for underestimating the female support for Hillary.
Hootie said:
So at this point is there any viable chance of there being a democrat supermajority in Congress? I keep hearing 57-59 and not 60 (which is the number for a supermajority, correct?)

Here's the rundown:
it's at 49+2I's right now


as pure shoe in's, so thats 54+2=56

then add more than likely:

so thats 56+2 = 58

then you minnesota.

and then there'd be one from the southern 3: Ky (probably not), Ms (probably not) or Ga (more than likely a runoff on Dec2)

and the D's wont be losing La's seat.


Oh boy, just saw the Jeremiah Wright ad on NBC...

Didn't we already go through this shit back in March? Obama made an amazing speech and we were supposed to be past it.


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
Haha, Kos has been pimping that post for a while. He's going to post it a million times on Wednesday. :lol

Nice, only two points other or undecided. Eight points is PLENTY.

Tomorrow is going to be such a long day at work. I won't be getting any work done. :lol



Master of the Google Search
StoOgE said:
Can we get an overall poligaf allstar posters going back to day 1? I'd like to see how much time I've wasted.
Dax01 said:
Yes please.

And look who posts more.:lol :lol
Red Scarlet said:
Grandjedi could probably do it in 5 mins.
Hootie said:
Oh boy, just saw the Jeremiah Wright ad on NBC...

Didn't we already go through this shit back in March? Obama made an amazing speech and we were supposed to be past it.
Yeah we were past Ayers too but that didn't stop the Repugs either.


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grandjedi6 said:
Prepare for the following:

Tamanomnomnom: 5,000,000
GhaleonEB: 3,500,000
3rd Place: 5,000


Haven't been able to keep up with poligaf much the last couple of days, what do the last early voting numbers look like?
segarr said:
Someone please explain Coalgate.
An Obama aide said that an audio clip that seemed to show Obama threatening to bankrupt the coal industry is "wildly edited to take it out of context."

As both sides release the last shreds of possibly damaging information, the conservative site Newsbusters quoted Obama saying:

"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them."

Obama and McCain support similar cap-and-trade systems, which would make it prohibitively expensive to build new coal plants with existing, high-emissions technology. Obama's campaign said he was only referring old-fashioned, high-emissions coal plants, though he didn't specify that in the quote.

Obama was criticized in the primary for supporting "clean coal" as a senator and on the campaign trail, against the wishes of environmental groups, which consider it a fantasy.

The aide noted that in the same interview Obama said that "this notion of no coal, I think, is an illusion."

"The only thing that I’ve said with respect to — I haven’t been some coal booster," he said, speaking to an environmentalist-leaning editorial board in the primary. "What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a ideological matter, as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it. That, I think, is the right approach. The same with respect to nuclear."

and it's in an RNC robocall too
kkaabboomm said:
this is the USA Today poll i posted in the old thread, but yeah. it's the final 'weekly' gallup, not the end of daily polling i dont think

This is actually from their trackers, though it looks like there isn't a difference and the USA Today/Gallup poll is just a pull from their trackers and not a separate poll.


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Dax01 said:
I think I'd be in the top 20...possibly top 15...perhaps in the top 10...definitely not in the top 5.


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You know what's fucking scary...watching the movie Recount on HBO right now.

This shit better not happen this year...like fuck.


monchi-kun said:
I believe early votes are leaning towards Obama

I know, I'm talking specifics in key states. Has the black vote remained steadily around 30-35%, actual numbers etc..
Fragamemnon said:
This is actually from their trackers, though it looks like there isn't a difference and the USA Today/Gallup poll is just a pull from their trackers and not a separate poll.

well would you look at that - will there still be a daily update tomorrow and tuesday? or is this the official, final, the end of the gallup daily tracker?


Hootie said:
So at this point is there any viable chance of there being a democrat supermajority in Congress? I keep hearing 57-59 and not 60 (which is the number for a supermajority, correct?)

They get 59 if they win every race where they're up now, including the Minnesota race, which is really close. 60 requires pulling an upset in one of the Southern races. I think Georgia and Mississippi are possible thanks to the Democratic candidates riding Obama's coattails with black voters. I don't see McConnell getting ousted in Kentucky, though.


PhoenixDark said:
Those comments were made in January. I'm not defending his quote but jeez, talk about desperation
Yeah, talk about desperation, Obama' campaign has been so mistake-free recently that the only "gaffes" they have to jump on are fairly standard statements like, "the next President will be tested." It's a bit sad to watch.

BobLoblaw said:
And I'm expecting them to pick up whatever else they need in 2010.
It will depend on:
a) How well Obama does as President.
b) How much blame/credit the public is assigning to which party for what's going on.
c) How quickly the GOP can dust itself off and get back on track after this blowout.


Nameless said:
I know, I'm talking specifics in key states. Has the black vote remained steadily around 30-35%, actual numbers etc..

The 30-35 is for Georgia, and yes, it has remained in that area. The North Carolina black voter turnout is also very high and has remained high.


polyh3dron said:
Fuck, I just saw a Rev. Wright ad during football in CA.

It must be a national ad.

Yeah it's a national ad, If they spent the money to buy an ad in the most expensive timeslot, more power to 'em, won't do shit.
Stoney Mason said:
One of my earliest posts on Obama.


I took a rather interesting route since supporting Hillary on this board was essentially like supporting evil incarnate. If it all comes down as it should on Tuesday I'll be proud of my country for the first time in awhile. Probably since we started our BS adventure into Iraq.

Mandark from in that thread

Mandark said:
Quick! How many black:



Presidential or Vice Presidential nominees by major parties?

Obama is just the latest Political Magical Negro, the black person with a competent, moderate persona, and a small enough record that people can project their own feelings and opinions onto him. Like Powell and Rice, he would poll very, very well until he had to start telling people what he believed on non-consensus issues.

His appeal is a bit similar to McCain, where people latch on to a few biographical details and a general impression of the candidate's personality (see chadums90's post), and decide that he's A Decent Guy. McCain has had a backlash where Obama hasn't, because he's been forced to make political choices that people didn't like.
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