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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Does Obama have anything big planned for tomorrow?

Do candidates usually take it easy the day before the election, or do they go all out?


Hannity must love the attention he gets. Every pastor at Trinity loves to piss on his face.

In case you didn't know, Trinity is a racist church.


GhaleonEB said:


And he ends with the highest margin in all three models. Just damn. :D
Oh god, it looks better than I could ever imagine. Look at the size of that thing! I need a clean pair of pants.


segarr said:
Does Obama have anything big planned for tomorrow?

Do candidates usually take it easy the day before the election, or do they go all out?

They'll be going all out, tons of rallies. I know Obama has rallies in Jacksonville, FL, Charlotte, NC and Manassas. McCain does a lot of states and has a rally in Arizona to end it.


First tragedy, then farce.
segarr said:
Does Obama have anything big planned for tomorrow?

Do candidates usually take it easy the day before the election, or do they go all out?

all out, the candidates and the VP's and their wives and all of their surrogates will be all over the country tomorrow.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I need these post count totals before I go to bed!

My wife's given me a deadline of 11:00 Eastern... you've got 3 minutes Grand!

...otherwise I'll just have to wait till the morning and it won't matter either way.
<-- eagerly awaiting Majora's Mask final day title card!!

It's weird, I joined the Obama train late -- I think it was in early February or thereabouts. I remember being impressed not by his normal speeches, but stuff like his comments on religion in politics. I was basically stunned to find a political candidate that had so much substance and so little BS about him.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the massive Obamarama on Tuesday night and onward.


Man, in these older threads nobody had any Hopium at all :(
Crushdance said:
Man nobody will vote for him. He's black for crying out loud, no way in hell in America will this fly. Its sad but thats the way it is. Even to this day if your in a interracial relationship you ALWAYS have to watch your back or people will stare at you. Then having a black guy ****ing represent the Unite states of holy America on the world stage? Pfft not in our time man.


this thread should just be named praise obama.no ones discussing politics or election.Pure brain washing at work.
The RNC has been carpetbombing SNF with anti-Obama ads. I don't think I've seen a single Obama/DNC ad either. Most likely too little too late though.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Dax01 said:
I demand a PoliGAF tag!
(neutral) Dax01
McCain '08
(Today, 11:01 PM)
Reply | Quote


Ruas said:
this thread should just be named praise obama.no ones discussing politics or election.Pure brain washing at work.
You mentioned that already. Nobody cared about your whining then, and nobody cares now.
segarr said:
Does Obama have anything big planned for tomorrow?

Do candidates usually take it easy the day before the election, or do they go all out?
MCCAIN: Will make stops in seven different cities in seven states -- including Florida, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Indiana, New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona.

Palin stumps in Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada.

OBAMA: Swings through some of his toughest battlegrounds -- Florida, North Carolina and Virginia.

Biden is dispatched to Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania.


they don't take the day off.


Ruas said:
this thread should just be named praise obama.no ones discussing politics or election.Pure brain washing at work.
Well okay, what would you like to discuss exactly? For a lot of us this is the culmination of nearly a year of exhaustion and wild expectations that look like they're about to come true, but I'm sure plenty of us would be willing to discuss other matters as well.


Saint Gregory said:
The RNC has been carpetbombing SNF with anti-Obama ads. I don't think I've seen a single Obama/DNC ad either. Most likely too little too late though.
Yeah, is the RNC/McCain really outspending the DNC/Obama? I've been seeing a shitload of anti-Obama ads (because you know, McCain's campaign isn't actual about him, it's about Obama,) mailers, and phone calls, and almost none from the DNC/Obama.


Ruas said:
this thread should just be named praise obama.no ones discussing politics or election.Pure brain washing at work.

You're certainly not adding to it, are you? If you have a political topic to introduce, don't let our swelling joy for the impending defeat of the Republican party stop you.


Grimmy said:
I've moved on from the inevitable Obama win. What needs to happen is:

1) Michele Bachmann is eradicated from her seat.
2) Ted Stevens goes to jail - and loses his Senate seat to the Democrats
3) Al Franken!
I've been door knocking and phone banking in one of the most conservative parts of MN and from the Obama supporters, I found they werent sold on Franken.

The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed.


kkaabboomm said:
MCCAIN: Will make stops in seven different cities in seven states -- including Florida, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Indiana, New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona.

Palin stumps in Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada.

OBAMA: Swings through some of his toughest battlegrounds -- Florida, North Carolina and Virginia.

Biden is dispatched to Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania.


they don't take the day off.

Ruas said:
this thread should just be named praise obama.no ones discussing politics or election.Pure brain washing at work.

i'd like to discuss things, but theres not much to 'discuss' at this point. no 'undecideds' in the thread. what races to discuss? senate races? house races? GOTV effort? new polls havent come out, and when they do, they say the same thing as they have for the last couple of weeks.

so what is really 'left' to discuss?

Iksenpets said:
i read an explanation, apparently the media market near the airport hits far west Virginia (rural VA) - he's trying to up the turnout in western VA to try and overcome the NoVa margins for Obama


TDG said:
Yeah, is the RNC/McCain really outspending the DNC/Obama? I've been seeing a shitload of anti-Obama ads (because you know, McCain's campaign isn't actual about him, it's about Obama,) mailers, and phone calls, and almost none from the DNC/Obama.
It's because McCain is pouring RNC money that was supposed to be reserved for GOTV operations into television advertisements. Obama, in the meantime, has people volunteering and canvassing 24-7.


TDG said:
Yeah, is the RNC/McCain really outspending the DNC/Obama? I've been seeing a shitload of anti-Obama ads (because you know, McCain's campaign isn't actual about him, it's about Obama,) mailers, and phone calls, and almost none from the DNC/Obama.

Yup, they're outspending Obama on the air in the last few days, but took almost all the money away from Get Out the Vote efforts.


First tragedy, then farce.
TDG said:
Yeah, is the RNC/McCain really outspending the DNC/Obama? I've been seeing a shitload of anti-Obama ads (because you know, McCain's campaign isn't actual about him, it's about Obama,) mailers, and phone calls, and almost none from the DNC/Obama.


They took all of their money out of their ground game to do it though.


Ruas said:
this thread should just be named praise obama.no ones discussing politics or election.Pure brain washing at work.
Wait, didn't you say that about the last thread? Make up your mind. Which thread exactly should be named "praise obama"?


thekad said:
Hootie: Be sure to post fuuuuck.gif when the Indiana polls close. Tradition.

I shall honor my duty and post the fuuuuuck.gif, even if that means taking one for the team and getting banned. It must be posted.


First tragedy, then farce.
Hootie said:
I shall honor my duty and post the fuuuuuck.gif, even if that means taking one for the team and getting banned. It must be posted.

For the good of poligaf.

I'm going down in a flaming pile of HBK photos.
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