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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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~Kinggi~ said:
I really want to be reading world headlines on the 5th like;

"Americans r smart!"

instead of

"dumbshits do it again!"

In 2004 we had a college class on electoral issues, electoral politics, and the specific campaign issues, I also had a class on the history of the US in the 60's (including Vietnam), this class basically turned into a discussion on the election also. One week before the election, students who were in both classes were invited to participate in a teleconference with french students about the issue. There was then a follow up to the teleconference after the election.

That second conference felt like a damn recrimination. "Seriously guys sorry, I know, fuck, Ohio it sucks."

At that point I was pretty much convinced Diebold stole the election.
Speevy said:

Wait, why was this released now?


Falch said:
Exciting stuff for me as a European to be in the US right at this time.

What network will you guys be watching on tuesday? I'm leaning towards CNN, and occasionally switching to FOX for bitter, bitter tears.

The most entertaining network to watch that night will be FOX for the bitter tears if/when Obama wins. I can't wait to see Hannity have a heart attack. Hell, after he's declared the winner the station just might go to a test pattern.


So I guess if Obama is elected do we give credit to Bush?? I mean he pretty much singled handedly made it possible for the first black president to be elected. :lol
SecretDestroyer said:
I just got back from my legal observer training.


The Obama campaign will have a total of over 1,500 lawyers and law students at various polling places in Missouri on Tuesday.

Only because I am so excited!


SecretDestroyer said:
I just got back from my legal observer training.


The Obama campaign will have a total of over 1,500 lawyers and law students at various polling places in Missouri on Tuesday.
Iksenpets said:
Wait, the highest turnout in modern history was to elect Taft??

More people voted back then. In the 1800s we had something like 85% turnout of registered voters.

Granted, that was just white men back then, and elections were like huge fucking parties, but hey, things change.


Jack Scofield said:
I'm still remaining cautiously optimistic, but an Obama presidency seems more real than ever. I just can't comprehend what I will do if McCain somehow pulls off an upset. My mind cannot even fathom what will happen; it just locks up.

A McCain win changes every hopeful thought I had about this country.

Honestly, this election means so much to me, white support of a black candidate? MLK's dream at least partially being realized? A true backlash against neo-conservatism? These things are important, and a vote for Obama is a vote for more then just his policies. To be honest, just 14-15 months ago, I was far more of a radical leftist then I am now...I had lost a lot of faith in America, and was delving more into internationalism/third worldism more then anything. I would not be registered to vote if not for Obama and honestly, if he hadn't come around, I probably never would have registered. Fuck what the stupid neo-cons say, for the first time in my life, I actually feel a sense of patriotism for America that goes beyond rooting for the Dreamteam, and if Obama is rejected, I don't know if I could say that again.
greepoman said:
So I guess if Obama is elected do we give credit to Bush?? I mean he pretty much singled handedly made it possible for the first black president to be elected. :lol

We've joked about it before. Bush was both a curse and a blessing with his shitty war and his sinking of the Republican party for awhile.


mj1108 said:
The most entertaining network to watch that night will be FOX for the bitter tears if/when Obama wins. I can't wait to see Hannity have a heart attack. Hell, after he's declared the winner the station just might go to a test pattern.
ytmnd should be epic


SecretDestroyer said:
I just got back from my legal observer training.


The Obama campaign will have a total of over 1,500 lawyers and law students at various polling places in Missouri on Tuesday.

Make us proud.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
greepoman said:
So I guess if Obama is elected do we give credit to Bush?? I mean he pretty much singled handedly made it possible for the first black president to be elected. :lol
Him & Sarah Palin and John mcCain 2.08 will be to be blame for the most awesome presidency ever.

I can not wait until Wednesday when i can finally forget about sarah Palin and John mccain's stupid ass campagin once and for all.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
artredis1980 said:
none of those are as accurate except SUSA
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Get the fuck out.

SUSA fucked up so many times during the primaries that they almost reached joke status.


SecretDestroyer said:
I just got back from my legal observer training.


The Obama campaign will have a total of over 1,500 lawyers and law students at various polling places in Missouri on Tuesday.
Bless you good sir.
Gary Whitta said:
Is it just me or are the fivethirtyeight stats slipping back toward McCain?

We're two days away from the election. A projection site is useless at this point except for curiosity sake.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I can not wait until Wednesday when i can finally forget about sarah Palin and John mccain's stupid ass campagin once and for all.

I really hope so, I don't want any post-election challenges or any of that shit, if everyone does what they said they are going to do, then Obama should win with 300+ EV's and that will be the end of it (Unless something crazy happened, like, McCain challenging a bunch of states, or New York/Cali...:lol).

If it's close, best believe that the republicans are going to try to make McCain their Al Gore.


Gary Whitta said:
Is it just me or are the fivethirtyeight stats slipping back toward McCain?

They did a bit, he said he was adjusting the aggressiveness of the model so it gets more volatile. No worries though.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gary Whitta said:
Is it just me or are the fivethirtyeight stats slipping back toward McCain?
Nate has stated that polls conducted in the last couple of days have a higher weighting than one's made a week ago. Even then, Obama is still in the 90 percentile. NOISE.
little update from pueblo.....working nearly 20 hours a day, now. tomorrow, though, gov bill ritter, senator ken salazar, and future senator mark udall stop by our office to congratulate us for our work and wish us well.....just think, in 48 hours, we could have president elect Barack Obama... our little team of 7 canvassers today knocked on over 1,600 doors from 930am to 5pm. we rocked the hizzouse. folks in pueblo are screaming us because we're bothering them so much but if they haven't voted, or dont plan on taking their ass to the polls on tuesday, i told them to expect us at their doorsteps every three hours starting at 10am tuesday.
The Lamonster said:
Isn't this the Houdini program thing? What exactly will you be doing Tuesday?

I will be outside talking to voters in line, answering questions, advising any voters who left without voting, and documenting any problems.

There will also be an attorney inside monitoring the election workers, challenging them when necessary, and doing the whole houdini thing. The inside legal observers are not allowed to actually speak with voters.

Regular Obama volunteers will also be outside to keep people's spirits up while waiting in the long lines.


GOP's problem is that they are too undisciplined to stay with one attack. Every day it's a different smear and so far it looks like people are just blocking it out..


reilo said:
Thirteen point spread by Gallup? Wow.
Probably the full effect of the infomercial bumb + early voting turnout adjustments.

Honestly, going into this thing way back like most people I expected Colorado, Virginia, Ohio, and the demographic clusterfuck known as Florida to be competitive. But I honestly in NO WAY expected the map to be expanded to the extent it is today.

Chuck Todd mentioned that the Republicans should basically start using MI and CO as experiment pools to figure out a way to get a grip on the rust belt and the southwest. But what's great is that Obama's large baseline of support has shown another battleground that probably otherwise would not have emerged for a few years: The New South / South Coast. It's not just NoVa anymore, as time goes on the GOP is also eventually going to have to find a way to neutralize ATL and the research triangle.

Actually, this is one of the parts I really like about 538: the demographic analysis and regional groupings are also great for identifying areas becoming more effective.

Also, award for best post in the midterm thread goes to StoOge

Damn right bitch.. and when we win, Im going to **** your sister, abort the fetus and donatel it for stem cell research while burning an American flag..

Incognito said:
little update from pueblo.....working nearly 20 hours a day, now. tomorrow, though, gov bill ritter, senator ken salazar, and future senator mark udall stop by our office to congratulate us for our work and wish us well.....just think, in 48 hours, we could have president elect Barack Obama... our little team of 7 canvassers today knocked on over 1,600 doors from 930am to 5pm. we rocked the hizzouse. folks in pueblo are screaming us because we're bothering them so much but if they haven't voted, or dont plan on taking their ass to the polls on tuesday, i told them to expect us at their doorsteps every three hours starting at 10am tuesday.

SecretDestroyer said:
I will be outside talking to voters in line, answering questions, advising any voters who left without voting, and documenting any problems.

There will also be an attorney inside monitoring the election workers, challenging them when necessary, and doing the whole houdini thing. The inside legal observers are not allowed to actually speak with voters.

Regular Obama volunteers will also be outside to keep people's spirits up while waiting in the long lines.
That's pretty awesome. I bet a lot of them will be driving people to the polls too.

Tuesday should be fun.
Incognito said:
little update from pueblo.....working nearly 20 hours a day, now. tomorrow, though, gov bill ritter, senator ken salazar, and future senator mark udall stop by our office to congratulate us for our work and wish us well.....just think, in 48 hours, we could have president elect Barack Obama... our little team of 7 canvassers today knocked on over 1,600 doors from 930am to 5pm. we rocked the hizzouse. folks in pueblo are screaming us because we're bothering them so much but if they haven't voted, or dont plan on taking their ass to the polls on tuesday, i told them to expect us at their doorsteps every three hours starting at 10am tuesday.

You rock!

Seriously, Canvasser poligaf, you guys are inspiring!


Incognito said:
little update from pueblo.....working nearly 20 hours a day, now. tomorrow, though, gov bill ritter, senator ken salazar, and future senator mark udall stop by our office to congratulate us for our work and wish us well.....just think, in 48 hours, we could have president elect Barack Obama... our little team of 7 canvassers today knocked on over 1,600 doors from 930am to 5pm. we rocked the hizzouse. folks in pueblo are screaming us because we're bothering them so much but if they haven't voted, or dont plan on taking their ass to the polls on tuesday, i told them to expect us at their doorsteps every three hours starting at 10am tuesday.
I noticed I hadn't seen you around.
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