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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Dr_Cogent said:
No, that's not the point. The point is, all of it is blamed on Bush while none is placed on the Democrat at all. Bill Clinton didn't do shit after the USS Cole was bombed either.

You are 100% wrong. Study-up before posting this nonsense.

Bill Clinton wanted to INVADE Afghanistan after the Cole was bombed, it was the CIA and FBI that refused to certify that Bin Laden was responsible which was the major hold-up in taking action. Also, the US did not have authorization to use the foreign air-space we needed to attack Afghanistan until after 9/11.

During the entire latter half of the 1990s, Bill Clinton had authorized the capture of Bin Laden, which NATO forces and local militias were attempting to do all throughout the 90s.

Basically, all you are doing is repeating Republican propaganda.



Here we go

Agent Icebeezy said:
You still got the voter registration stuff coming?
Been busier than I expected to be, but there are some trends. Most states have voter registration numbers, and I've been gathering them up for some of the key states. For example: Iowa.

Interestingly, total voter registrations are down ~20k from 2004. Iowa has been having folks move out of the state, which might explain it. But there's been a swing in the partisan registrations:

In November 2004, there were 4,402 more registered Republicans than Democrats. Bush carried the state by just a few thousand votes. Now, there are 94,225 more registered Democrats than Republicans - nearly a 100,000 person swing. Some of that came before the January caucuses, but not all - Dems gained a net 60,000 since the end of January. So most of the swing came AFTER the caucuses.

Pollster has Iowa deep blue this year, and that looks about right.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I'm quite curious to see how accurate electoral-vote will be when the election is over.

electoralmap.net is also very interesting (just wish they updated more frequently) because it is based off of intrade.net which was very accurate for the 2004 election. The nice thing is pretty much whatever model or site you use it currently has Obama in the lead even the republican style sites, although as always I think it will be a close election.
NullPointer said:
I still don't want to believe that the McCain crew/handlers/RNC techs/whoever could be this stupid. Not only stupid, but big-screen, projected stupid, to millions around the world.

I actually feel sorry for them at this point.

I must not have been following closely enough. What is this, and what is the significance?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I've been trying to register for tickets to a Columbia Obama event now since 8 AM. The page has just been obliterated since 8 AM.


theBishop said:
The "Votemaster" at Electoral-vote is Andrew Tanenbaum. He's a computer science legend for developing the Minix kernel, micro-kernel flamewars with Linus Torvalds, and writing some of the best textbooks around in the topics of operating systems and networking.

My guy over at fivethirtyeight is Nate Silver. He's made major contributions to understanding the crazy sport of baseball. He's a pioneer in sabremetrics, a new field of baseball scouting used by new-age general managers like Billy Beane of Oakland and Theo Epstein of Boston.

Apparently, Nate's unique approach to forecasting the election was so accurate during the Democratic Primaries, the media attention forced him out of his veil of anonymity.

But, now that I know your guy's solid background, I'll have two websites to visit ever hour :)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

The news media has fifty polls showing Obama is still up by a few points, and the one they run with? Yup, the CBS poll showing them two tied at 42% [that's a high undecided number, wow].
GhaleonEB said:
Here we go

Been busier than I expected to be, but there are some trends. Most states have voter registration numbers, and I've been gathering them up for some of the key states. For example: Iowa.

Interestingly, total voter registrations are down ~20k from 2004. Iowa has been having folks move out of the state, which might explain it. But there's been a swing in the partisan registrations:

In November 2004, there were 4,402 more registered Republicans than Democrats. Bush carried the state by just a few thousand votes. Now, there are 94,225 more registered Democrats than Republicans - nearly a 100,000 person swing. Some of that came before the January caucuses, but not all - Dems gained a net 60,000 since the end of January. So most of the swing came AFTER the caucuses.

Pollster has Iowa deep blue this year, and that looks about right.

Yeah, McCain doesn't stand a chance in Iowa this year. His opposition to Ethanol subsidies is enough to put Iowa out of play.
Dr_Cogent said:
No, that's not the point. The point is, all of it is blamed on Bush while none is placed on the Democrat at all. Bill Clinton didn't do shit after the USS Cole was bombed either.


FIVE YEARS BEFORE 9/11 . . . .

Clinton presses for anti-terrorism tools
Congress agrees tougher measures needed

July 29, 1996
Web posted at: 7:25 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton asked Congress Monday to put more teeth in a tough new anti-terrorism law, and won broad agreement but no specific commitments from Republican lawmakers.

Clinton and the Congressional bipartisan leadership met for about an hour at the White House to discuss what steps can be taken to further combat terrorism at home and abroad. Both sides agreed to meet again Tuesday and Chief of Staff Leon Panetta planned to go to Capitol Hill to continue the discussions.

sound icon Flanked by Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate, President Clinton opened the meeting by saying, "You can see that when we are attacked, whether it's from within or without, we come together and that's what we're doing here." (191K AIFF or WAV sound)

In a month that has seen an attack on military barracks in Saudi Arabia, the bombing of Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta and the possible sinister downing of TWA Flight 800, leaders of both parties were rallying behind efforts to eradicate terrorism.

sound icon During a photo opportunity before the meeting, House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Georgia, told Clinton, "We look forward to having a serious discussion here about how we can work with you to continue to strengthen our ability to deal with these kind of people." (254K AIFF or WAV sound)

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott echoed Gingrich's spirit of cooperation and suggested a willingness to adopt parts of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1996 that the White House had supported but were eliminated from the original bill, such as the placing of tracing elements in explosives.

Sen. Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, who has voiced concerns about the constitutionality of certain measures, urged the Congress be "expeditious and not rash," in adopting a stricter plan for fighting terrorism.

Seizing on a signal that Congress might relent on anti-terrorist tools that were denied him earlier this year, Clinton is asking Gingrich and other legislative leaders "to provide these additional protections."

"He'd like to give the FBI more tools so there will be no more bombing like at the Olympics," White House spokeswoman Mary Ellen Glynn said Monday.

Clinton told a veterans convention in New Orleans Sunday that he was encouraged by televised remarks by Gingrich that indicated a softening of resistance to expanding wiretapping and to requiring chemical markers in black powder explosives.

He spoke a day after a pipe bomb exploded at an after-hours Olympics celebration in Atlanta, killing one person and injuring more than 100, and 11 days after a suspected bomb downed a TWA jumbo jet at a cost of 230 lives.

sound icon Clinton planned to press his request at the meeting Monday with Gingrich, Lott, Daschle, House minority leaders Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Missouri and FBI Director Louis Freeh. (254K AIFF or WAV sound of Gephardt)

sound icon The aim, he said to applause, is "to help to agree on a package that will provide these additional protections against terrorism and any other measures we need to take to increase the protection of the American people." (127K AIFF or WAV sound)

Daschle said Monday it was possible an amendment might be offered in the Senate this week to approve Clinton's new proposals but said nothing had been decided.

"It may put Republicans in an awkward position," he said, in a reference to the watering down of the anti-terrorism bill last spring before it reached Clinton's desk. "They have to decide between the NRA and the FBI. I hope they choose the FBI."

Speaking of terrorism at home and abroad, Clinton told the Disabled American Veterans: "This is a challenge we can and will meet. It may well be the most significant security challenge of the 21st century to the people of the United States and to civilized people everywhere."

Meanwhile, it was announced that Attorney General Janet Reno will lead the U.S. delegation to a multinational conference on terrorism in Paris on Tuesday.

The anti-terrorism bill that Clinton signed earlier this year applied the death penalty to convicted terrorists and provided $1 billion in special assistance for law enforcement.

But a provision to allow the FBI to wiretap all telephones used by a suspected terrorist was dropped and one requiring explosives manufacturers to insert chemical tracers in their products was weakened to cover only plastic explosives.

A rare grouping of conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats succeeded in killing the wiretap provision on the grounds that it would encroach further on personal liberties.

Clinton said he wanted increased wiretap authority "for terrorists who are moving from place to place," adding: "Where they are flexible, so must we be."

Yeah . . . he did 'nothing' . . . sure. Deny reality since we all know reality has a well-known liberal bias. :lol


Bitches love smiley faces
Someone unearthed a copy of Life magazine from 4 years ago...

McCain is more of the same.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
polyh3dron said:
Cogent needs a new tag linking to this recent series of posts, methinks.


Someone should summarize it all in one post.


PrivateWHudson said:
I must not have been following closely enough. What is this, and what is the significance?

Instead of putting a picture of Walter Reed Medical Center behind McCain to...I guess show he cares about wounded veterans, they put a picture of Walter Reed Middle School, a random school in Cali.
Dr_Cogent said:
No, that's not the point. The point is, all of it is blamed on Bush while none is placed on the Democrat at all. Bill Clinton didn't do shit after the USS Cole was bombed either.

On October 12th 2000, two suicide bombers detonated an explosives-laden skiff next to the USS Cole.

The 2000 election was on November 7.

You're really making yourself look bad so i suggest moving on to another subject, BUT if you insist on continuing, PLEASE at-least read the links & counter-post to your original arguments.
Tamanon said:
Instead of putting a picture of Walter Reed Medical Center behind McCain to...I guess show he cares about wounded veterans, they put a picture of Walter Reed Middle School, a random school in Cali.

LOL. All I saw was green screen and the blue sky/flag background the whole time. Did they just put this up for a couple of seconds and then pull it?


Tamanon said:
Instead of putting a picture of Walter Reed Medical Center behind McCain to...I guess show he cares about wounded veterans, they put a picture of Walter Reed Middle School, a random school in Cali.

And got the hilarious green backdrop out of it no less, which then became some smudged piece of shit, which then became blue. Stewart and Colbert will mock it heavily.


polyh3dron said:
Fix your settings to 100 posts per page, pansy!
I use that, but most people don't. :p


Bush beat Kerry by 262,217 votes in 2004.

Since the end of November of that year 225,834 new voters registered, nearly all of them this year. Virginia does not have partistan voter registration, but if they follow the partisan trends in other states (like neighboring North Carolina), that's going to be about 95%+ Democrats. They're averaging nearly 30,000 new voters per month. If that keeps up, new voter registrations will be enough to close the gap Kerry had.

And that's before higher black turnout, and assuming a spike in last-minute registrations, etc.
speculawyer said:

FIVE YEARS BEFORE 9/11 . . . .

Yeah . . . he did 'nothing' . . . sure. Deny reality since we all know reality has a well-known liberal bias. :lol

I'm not sure what you are trying to prove by that article. Clinton wanted tools to help fight terrorism, republicans were willing to give those to him. Meanwhile Clinton's own party voiced concerns about constitutionality. The article never mentions what these tools were (besides placing tracing elements in explosives), if they were ever passed into law, and if Clinton ever used them. Wanting something is a lot different than doing something. I don't have a problem with your point. I just feel that this article adds nothing to the conversation.
jmdajr said:
Interesting about Texas. As the minority community grows it will probably be a democratic state soon.

I know in Houston its really close to 50/50

It was great to see The Clintons and Obama stop by.

I don't know. 2008 will mark the 8th straight presidential election that Texas has voted Republican. It's hard to shift states like that once such generational voting patterns have been established. Same with NY and CA on the dem side. Unfortunately I truly fear FLA is becoming that way after being a much more bell-weather and balanced state in the past.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
fallengorn said:
Someone unearthed a copy of Life magazine from 4 years ago...

McCain is more of the same.
That is kinda creepy... just a bit.
Stoney Mason said:
electoralmap.net is also very interesting (just wish they updated more frequently) because it is based off of intrade.net which was very accurate for the 2004 election. The nice thing is pretty much whatever model or site you use it currently has Obama in the lead even the republican style sites, although as always I think it will be a close election.

Is there a way of finding out the outlook just before 2004's election on that site? I got the final results, but that's it.


You are 100% wrong. Study-up before posting this nonsense.

Bill Clinton wanted to INVADE Afghanistan after the Cole was bombed, it was the CIA and FBI that refused to certify that Bin Laden was responsible which was the major hold-up in taking action. Also, the US did not have authorization to use the foreign air-space we needed to attack Afghanistan until after 9/11.

During the entire latter half of the 1990s, Bill Clinton had authorized the capture of Bin Laden, which NATO forces and local militias were attempting to do all throughout the 90s.

Basically, all you are doing is repeating Republican propaganda.


I had no idea Clinton wanted to invade Afghanistan. Guess you learn something new everyday.
PrivateWHudson said:
LOL. All I saw was green screen and the blue sky/flag background the whole time. Did they just put this up for a couple of seconds and then pull it?
The green was the lawn of the school.


PrivateWHudson said:
LOL. All I saw was green screen and the blue sky/flag background the whole time. Did they just put this up for a couple of seconds and then pull it?

That green shit was grass from a picture of some building.


North Carolina

Kerry lost this state by 435,317 votes.

Since November 2004, there have been 401,174 new voter registrations:

Dem: 100,939
GOP: 36,819
Unaffiliated: 275,356

Side note: since the start of 2008, 20k Republicans and 171k Democrats have registered.

(Registered Democrats dropped from 2004 to the start of 2008.)


typhonsentra said:
The green was the lawn of the school.

MaddenNFL64 said:
That green shit was grass from a picture of some building.

I'm pretty sure people don't think it was an actual green screen. They're saying that because of the green screen challenge that Colbert ran last time McCain stood in front of a green backdrop (which was not very long ago).


Unconfirmed Member
Am I the only one who thinks neither seem to be competent to run the country. Just looking at their voting record McCain seems to bounce all over the place and Obama seems to not want to vote on an issue. Aah well guess it will be another crappy 4 years with someone else in office.


Many of my friend's don't understand how many new Democrats will be voting this election. They don't think the Dems have a chance.

Is there a website that has state by state numbers?
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Is there a way of finding out the outlook just before 2004's election on that site? I got the final results, but that's it.

I doubt it. A least not easily. Intrade become much more well known post election once it was so accurate. That site may not have even existed pre-2004 since it is basically just a cull of intrade data.


Anyone post this yet?

09/04/2008 Order Denying Motion Case Motion #3: Motion to Make Case File Confidential 0.00 0.00
09/03/2008 Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Scott Alan Richter (Petitioner); Case Motion #3 0.00 0.00
09/03/2008 Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Case Motion #2 0.00 0.00

Todd Palin's former business partner that allegedly had an affair with Sarah Palin filed an expidited motion to make his divorce file private and it was just denied today.

It's speculation but maybe the reason he tried to have it made confidential is because it discusses the alleged affair between him and Sarah Palin.

This is where I originally saw the story (before the motion was denied)



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Obama to be on Olbermann tonight. Guess he wants to wash off the stink from O'Reilly.


*drowns in jizz*
It fucking blows my mind how close this race is. I've never, ever seen a starker difference between these 2 parties or 2 candidates, or 2 conventions for that matter.
Just a personal choice but I'm not going to even take into account all this new voter registration stuff and cell phone demographic stuff. I'm gonna go with the (relatively) straight poll data. I heard all about the missing cell phone demographic in 2004 and I wept like a little baby so I'm not going to set myself up for that crushing lose of hope ;)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Steve Youngblood said:
Is it tonight? I thought it was Monday, followed by the premiere of Rachel Maddow's show.

Is it Monday? I just heard they said Obama would be on Olbermann, I assumed today.
Zeliard said:
I'm pretty sure people don't think it was an actual green screen. They're saying that because of the green screen challenge that Colbert ran last time McCain stood in front of a green backdrop (which was not very long ago).
Check what the guy I quoted said.


Rugasuki said:
Anyone post this yet?

09/04/2008 Order Denying Motion Case Motion #3: Motion to Make Case File Confidential 0.00 0.00
09/03/2008 Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Scott Alan Richter (Petitioner); Case Motion #3 0.00 0.00
09/03/2008 Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Case Motion #2 0.00 0.00

Todd Palin's former business partner that allegedly had an affair with Sarah Palin filed an expidited motion to make his divorce file private and it was just denied today.

It's speculation but maybe the reason he tried to have it made confidential is because it discusses the alleged affair between him and Sarah Palin.

This is where I originally saw the story (before the motion was denied)

Interesting. It could also just be that he knows his private life is about to come under massive scrutiny and he doesn't want his divorce details aired in the national media.
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