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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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eznark said:
So besides interviews with joke characters (which is why I specifically mentioned the Sunday shows) has he done much?

Yes he was on Stephanapolis (sp) last Sunday, and has appeared on all the Sunday shows MULTIPLE times in the last few months, as has McCain and Biden.


AniHawk said:
This week had Obama on This Week (with George Snufaluffagus), The O'Reilly Factor (the final three parts of a four parter that started last week), Countdown with Keith Olbermann (where Obama and I proceeded to fall asleep
I actually did fall asleep
) the Presidential Forum, and that hard-hitter, David Letterman.

McCain did an interview with some local news channel somewhere, the Presidential Forum, and he was on Leno not long ago.

Biden was on Meet the Press.

Palin was on World News with Charlie Gibson.

Thanks, I watched parts of the O'Reilly one.

Did Obama fall asleep from an Olbermann back rub or what?

I like the Biden interviews. I don't ever agree with him but the guy gives good interview...and I would be stunned if he has ever turned one down.

I want to see Palin and Biden on one of the Sunday talk shows, which seem less managed than a debate and allow for more free form discussion. That aught to give some idea of Palin's actual intellectual capacity.

Yes he was on Stephanapolis (sp) last Sunday, and has appeared on all the Sunday shows MULTIPLE times in the last few months, as has McCain and Biden.

yeah, it wasn't accusatory, just wasn't sure how often they'd been on.


Thunder Monkey said:
See the part that I bolded?

This is the part that's wrong.

Ohhh you got me.

I guess Civil War and WWII were just a bunch of wastes of time.

I guess businesses during the robber baron days could BARELY exist, because you know, they had little government help.

Vast swaths of America is just like Haiti without electricity, infrastructure, water or food.

Obama 268 McCain 270

Presidential polls today: AL CO FL GA ID ME MI MS NC NV OH PA West VA WY

Dem pickups (vs. 2004): CO IA

GOP pickups (vs. 2004): (None)


Schlep said:
It's a good interview, because up until the interview she'd been put in an invincible bubble. The bubble is gone now, and it's obvious that she's a Dan Quayle. Even after a week+ of prep, on questions that they knew were coming, with a handpicked interview, and extreme editing...she still looks stupid.
I really cant believe that anyone in the republican camp thinks putting her on the ticket was the best they could do. I mean seriously..... The goal should be to put together the best possible combo of people in terms of qualifications. And i'm sure this pick had to have ruffled some feathers when it comes to qualification. Especially with women there. It's really ridiculous when you sit back and think about it.

And then they're trying to put her out there to be this "just like you" political figure. "No one else knows what the Bush Doctrine is either!" What the hell kind of excuse is that? Shouldnt we WANT people smarter than us close to the WH? I mean..... do you want a person "just like you" who knows shit about doing a kidney transplant up in the ER with a scalpel ready to go to work? Ugh...


Jason's Ultimatum said:

Obama 268 McCain 270

Presidential polls today: AL CO FL GA ID ME MI MS NC NV OH PA West VA WY

Dem pickups (vs. 2004): CO IA

GOP pickups (vs. 2004): (None)

Off the cliff I go.


I've been listening to Tool's "Aenema" over and over since the announcement.

Moms comin' round to put it back the way it oughta be.....


eznark said:
Did Obama fall asleep from an Olbermann back rub or what?

Think so. When I woke up, Maddow's show was just about to start. Put me to sleep for about an hour (er... Maddow's show didn't put me to sleep for about an hour. When it got to Maddow, I just turned the TV off).


How is Maddow's show? I think if they wanted to go whole hog MSNBC should have put Randi Rhodes on. At least that is guaranteed entertainment.
NEW Gallup details results

All registered voters

Pre-Biden = O 46 M 44
Biden-DNC = O 47 M 43
Post DNC = O 49 M 43

Palin-RNC = O 48 M 43
Post RNC = O 44 M 49

All white voters

Pre-Biden = O 38 M 51
Post RNC = O 37 M 55

White Women

Pre-Biden = O 40 M 47
Post RNC = O 40 M 51

This just goes to show the gains are within the sampling error especially white women, the numbers that both candidates had before are essentially the same
APF said:
This is damage control?


God damn GAF, smarter trolls please.

If you want to go on the premise that the Palin pick was to "build support and emotional credibility in areas unrelated to FP" then yes, it's unimportant if she does or doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is or if she's met with foreign leaders or if she can throw a rock and hit Russian territory (by the way, no one in the McCain camp has made any specifics about what that actually means).

But it's fair to say, given McCain's age and the elevated status of VP in recent years, that she's just not ready to be leader of the free world. Even you can agree to that.

And it doesn't matter what Obama's experience is when qualifying Palin. Throw it out. This is about McCain's judgment on a running mate, on picking someone who could potentially become president. It was a political move, yes, and a savvy one at that. But then not only does that fly in the face of his "country first" mantra, it also doesn't give him the right to blow smoke up our ass and explain how this neophyte is ready to be leader of the free world in case of emergency.

Now you can get into "well Biden flies in the face of Obama's change message!" And that may be true. But the difference is Biden has the ability to be president day one. That's a huge difference here.


lexdysia said:
I've been listening to Tool's "Aenema" over and over since the announcement.
This is a disturbing confession.

worldrunover: I've long noted people aren't going to be voting on FP this year. Plus, people don't vote on VP. You say, this is about McCain's judgment because he's basically dead already and we just have to collect the corpse but the least he could have done was leave us Mitt Romney to warm the seat for Hillary's ascension, and to an extent I agree but I'm also not likely to vote for a Republican ticket in the first place.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
LM4sure said:
It's so funny to come into this thread and see how all the liberals are so afraid of Palin. No one is even talking about the guy at the top of the ticket. It's even getting to Barak. His comment the other night was priceless, priceless in that he came off as a douche and is likely losing a lot of voters because he is getting so upset. Even Biden is now saying Barak should have chosen Hilary over him!! Awesome!

what comments? he only talks about Palin when directly asked about her. you do realize that the lipstick comment was about McCain's policies.. not Palin. right?


eznark said:
How is Maddow's show? I think if they wanted to go whole hog MSNBC should have put Randi Rhodes on. At least that is guaranteed entertainment.

I haven't watched it. Actually, I try to avoid cable news in general. It's apparently more popular than Countdown though, and the most popular cable news show not on Fox.

...According to somebody.


worldrunover said:
If you want to go on the premise that the Palin pick was to "build support and emotional credibility in areas unrelated to FP" then yes, it's unimportant if she does or doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is or if she's met with foreign leaders or if she can throw a rock and hit Russian territory (by the way, no one in the McCain camp has made any specifics about what that actually means).

But it's fair to say, given McCain's age and the elevated status of VP in recent years, that she's just not ready to be leader of the free world. Even you can agree to that.

And it doesn't matter what Obama's experience is when qualifying Palin. Throw it out. This is about McCain's judgment on a running mate, on picking someone who could potentially become president. It was a political move, yes, and a savvy one at that. But then not only does that fly in the face of his "country first" mantra, it also doesn't give him the right to blow smoke up our ass and explain how this neophyte is ready to be leader of the free world in case of emergency.

Now you can get into "well Biden flies in the face of Obama's change message!" And that may be true. But the difference is Biden has the ability to be president day one. That's a huge difference here.

I think you have a hard time finding a conservative here that buys into country first crap. I think most conservatives here are on the anti-obama camp rather than pro-mccain.


artredis1980 said:
NEW Gallup details results

All registered voters

Pre-Biden = O 46 M 44
Biden-DNC = O 47 M 43
Post DNC = O 49 M 43

Palin-RNC = O 48 M 43
Post RNC = O 44 M 49

All white voters

Pre-Biden = O 38 M 51
Post RNC = O 37 M 55

White Women

Pre-Biden = O 40 M 47
Post RNC = O 40 M 51

This just goes to show the gains are within the sampling error especially white women, the numbers that both candidates had before are essentially the same

So McCain is catching up? How is that possible... :(


APF said:
This is damage control?


God damn GAF, smarter trolls please.

No this is damage control


and this

Not to mention, Gibson gets the "Bush Doctrine" wrong IMO; it's not about preemptive war--which was considered a "reserved right" but not "doctrine" and technically speaking preemptive strikes are different than the argument for going into Iraq, more a preventative war--it's Bush's judgment that he would make no distinction between terrorists and the nations that harbor them.

and this

For most voters as with Palin, this will be the first time they hear of this term, meaning that while it will contribute to some sense she's not a FP whiz it will also likely come across as both some obscure bookworm gotcha and a repudiation of the idea she's a Bush devotee. The actual answer she gives is non-controversial boilerplate that a reasonable person would agree with, and this could be reassuring to an average voter.

You seem willing to accuse everyone but Palin for her ignorance.

edited. Fuck you firefox


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
If Matt Damon ain't liking Palin, then neither am I!

Seriously though, she isn't one of those "the earth is 6000 years old", is she?


Zapages said:
So McCain is catching up? How is that possible... :(

Obama has had a quiet few weeks and McCain shrewdly stole his DNC thunder.

All he would have to do is codify his ideas into something like Gingrich's Contract for America, something light and easily digestible that clearly defines what he means by Change and Obama would be an unstoppable force. For some reason it's yet to happen, which I find odd.
Huzah said:
Ohhh you got me.

I guess Civil War and WWII were just a bunch of wastes of time.
Each had their uses.

Not every war is a Civil War, or World War. It's been quite a while since either. But plenty of wars have been fought. Not against evil or injustice, but for profit.
Huzah said:
I guess businesses during the robber baron days could BARELY exist, because you know, they had little government help.
I bet they paid their employees really well too. Terrific hours, and everything.
Huzah said:
Vast swaths of America is just like Haiti without electricity, infrastructure, water or food.
The fact that any single person goes without these fairly basic necessities in this day and age, in this country, is criminal.

Some will chose to live that way. The way of the hermit, or hobo. Those that don't choose that lifestyle, those that try to raise themselves out of it and falter, need all the help they can get.

This isn't a 3rd world country, so don't try to compare it to one. We are the richest country on the planet. We have more money then we know what to do with. So instead of ending poverty in our country, we use that money to blow a 3rd world country back to the stone age.

This is pretty much why I don't like responding to Republicans. You guys have a backassward world view. Corrupt, selfish and self-serving.


Chili Con Carnage!
wtf, McCain is leading in electoral votes now as well?!?

ffs America is so fucking depressing some times. Sort this shit out.
Politico has a detailed analysis of how Palin did in her first interview


Kenneth Baer, Editor and author:

Sarah Palin proved herself to be a political consultant's dream, but a citizen's nightmare.

Michael O'Hanlon, Senior fellow in Foreign Policy, Brookings Institution:

I thought she handled the discussion of the “Bush doctrine” fine.....Where I had concerns about her interview is where I have concerns about all four of the candidates—their support for admitting Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, apparently fairly soon. That is the right long-term goal but we need to let this thing cool.

Roy Blunt, Rep. (R-Mo.):

Governor Palin hit the ball out of the park....

Whit Ayres, Republican strategist:

On a one to ten scale, with ten being perfect, I’d rate her a 6 on this interview...a 9 as a VP pick, and an 11 on driving the Democrats nuts.

Drew Westen, Psychologist and neuroscientist:

We’ve seen what happens when “the average person” becomes president. The world is simply too complex to do that again. She wants to be a heartbeat away from becoming the leader of the free world behind a 72 year old man with a recurrent deadly illness and she gives answers like she’s in a beauty pageant and hasn’t even followed the news enough over the last 6 years to know what the Bush Doctrine is. It’s fine for the average person not to know, but it’s not fine for someone who could become President at any moment, any more than it’s fine for your pediatric oncologist to say, “Ah, gee whiz, I don’t read what’s in those fancy medical magazines—I just give it my all and pray a lot when I see a sick child.” Time for a second opinion.

Norman J. Ornstein, Resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute:

She had me at hello Charley-- had me scared to death....a series of knowledge and logic gaps that ought to shake every foreign policy specialist, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, to his or her roots.

Diane Ravitch, Historian of education, NYU, Hoover and Brookings:

The interview so far was a draw, but for Obama supporters, the main impact will be to deepen their fears of her unreadiness.

Dan Schnur, Jesse M. Unruh Institute, USC:
At this rate, Sarah Palin is going to be the most polarizing American politician since... Hillary Clinton.

Lanny Davis, Attorney and Democratic strategist:

The question remains: can she avoid the "James Stockdale" moment (which she did tonight--we can say that much) --she didn't say, 'Who am I? What am I doing here?". She did tonight. But if I were the McCain campaign, I'd still be worried that at any time, unexpectedly, Governor Palin might have such a spontaneous moment.

Robert Kagan, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:

Headlines are blaring that Palin said the "U.S would have to go to war if Russia invades another country." But that is not what she said.

Ron Bonjean, Republican strategist:

I would give her a solid 9 for her performance so far because she defied expectations.

NORMAL JOE's (Moderated by Politico's Editor for best sampling)

nkele mcnair (guest), buyer, MD:

I'm very worried as a mother of two sons.

Haley Brawner (guest), Student, NY:

How did Sarah Palin do in her interview? She didn't do terribly, but she didn't do that well either.

Jonathan Zwicker (guest), Academic, MI:

She had no idea what he meant, but then neither did I

Patrick Leary (guest), Marketing Executive, FL:

Have our standards lowered this much?

Rich Edwards (guest), Student, MT:

Republican pundits on cable news are talking about how great she did in her first-ever major interview done SEVEN WEEKS before the election.

Rafi Ha (guest), Employee, NJ:

Two thumbs down.


eznark said:
Obama has had a quiet few weeks and McCain shrewdly stole his DNC thunder.

All he would have to do is codify his ideas into something like Gingrich's Contract for America, something light and easily digestible that clearly defines what he means by Change and Obama would be an unstoppable force. For some reason it's yet to happen, which I find odd.

I'm wondering if he'd be labeled a Marxist or Communist by the right for doing so or something like that.


AniHawk said:
I'm wondering if he'd be labeled a Marxist by the right for doing so or something like that.

not for the codification, but likely for the content.

What's he gonna say?

Yeah, you could read the individuals descriptions and know without reading what their responses would be. The only interesting ones were the normal folks at the end.


Ghost said:
wtf, McCain is leading in electoral votes now as well?!?

ffs America is so fucking depressing some times. Sort this shit out.

electoral-vote.com always got a bit of an eye-roll from me. All it does is take one poll and apply it to a state. fivethirtyeight's results are more accurate... and sad.


Thunder Monkey said:
Each had their uses.

Not every war is a Civil War, or World War. It's been quite a while since either. But plenty of wars have been fought. Not against evil or injustice, but for profit.

So "War helps noone" is a strawman.

Thunder Monkey said:
I bet they paid their employees really well too. Terrific hours, and everything.

So businessess can barely survive without government help is an incorrect statement.

Thunder Monkey said:
The fact that any single person goes without these fairly basic necessities in this day and age, in this country, is criminal.

Some will chose to live that way. The way of the hermit, or hobo. Those that don't choose that lifestyle, those that try to raise themselves out of it and falter, need all the help they can get.

I don't see anybody on eithier side who doesn't support food, water, housing, electricity for all Americans. I think you're confusing necessities of life with quality of life which there is a divide on how to achieve it.


So it seems like this election is going to be 2000, all over again. People are going to vote for who they like instead of who can do the best job. It's really depressing that voting for the next president, is becoming more and more, like voting for who you want to be the next American idol.


Whit Ayres, Republican strategist:

On a one to ten scale, with ten being perfect, I’d rate her a 6 on this interview...a 9 as a VP pick, and an 11 on driving the Democrats nuts.

At least he's right about that if you replace Democrats with "logical people".
Anyone notice every single political website has the same McCain ad with the blue background saying 'Invest in Victory'?

Obama should just buy out all the google ads


but it’s not fine for someone who could become President at any moment, any more than it’s fine for your pediatric oncologist to say, “Ah, gee whiz, I don’t read what’s in those fancy medical magazines—I just give it my all and pray a lot when I see a sick child.” Time for a second opinion.

:lol :lol
AniHawk said:
electoral-vote.com always got a bit of an eye-roll from me. All it does is take one poll and apply it to a state. fivethirtyeight's results are more accurate... and sad.

I haven't followed the changes @ fivethirtyeight, but didn't Obama have a projected electoral votes of 300+ a few weeks ago?

And now he's behind?

That seems like a huge swing in a short time.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
God I fucking hate Inhofe.


Those "7 votes" on state-funded abortions was really only on two different bills, and the second bill simply took the language from the first one (SB 714 and SB 139). There was concern in the medical community because the bills prohibited doctors at state-funded hospitals from even recommending an abortion if it became a health risk. Not even as an option. And four of those votes for higher taxes were just on one bill.

Sadly Inhofe is up about 20 points in the state. Guy is a fucking nutjob. I really wish Oklahoma voters weren't so crazy.


Rasmussen shows a sizable jump for McCain this morning:
McCain now attracts 48% of the vote while Obama earns 45%. When "leaners" are included, it’s McCain 49%, Obama 46%. Yesterday, the candidates were tied (see recent daily results).


Cheebs said:
Rasmussen shows a sizable jump for McCain this morning:

Lipstick, I'm guessing.

I don't see Obama tied or with a lead until maybe after the debates. McCain probably has September all locked up.
Huzah said:
So "War helps noone" is a strawman.
No it was hyperbole.

War can help, but we sure as hell haven't seen a helpful war in near 70 years.
Huzah said:
So businessess can barely survive without government help is an incorrect statement.
Business tends to implode in on themselves without government regulation... so your still wrong.

Huzah said:
I don't see anybody on eithier side who doesn't support food, water, housing, electricity for all Americans. I think you're confusing necessities of life with quality of life which there is a divide on how to achieve it.
It's that divide that pisses me off.

The necessities should be mandatory for all Americans. Hell, for all of humanity. Everyone should at least have those basics without owing a bank your kids to get them.

The right to individual property is another area entirely. If you've got the money you should be able to buy whatever the hell you want. A bigger house? Go for it. But in today's world everyone should have access to the basics.

It's not a left or right position, or at least it shouldn't be.
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