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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

John Brown - Sarah Palin (I Wanna Lay Pipe[Line])

Gaborn said:
Freedom - It's not my company, why should I care what some other business does? Would you care if Bill Gates randomly walked up to a person on the street and gave them a million dollars? And again, I opposed the company being bailed out by the government, the government should immediately sell it's shares.

I'm with you on the first part. Companies can do as they please so long as they don't act with such sheer reckless abandon so as to cause a financial crisis unlike anything else in almost a century.

It's unfortunate that things are unfolding as they have been over the last few months. But it should be criminal to allow some of these big wigs to walk away with MILLIONS while we borrow from the Chinese to keep the other ~90% of the nation (world?) from suffering the incredible effects of a complete and total economic crash. These people should find themselves fortunate to walk away with the clothes on their backs, not with large sums of money.


speculawyer said:
Yeah . . . as if Joe Sixpack has the information, skills, or even the time to figure that out.

*shrug* people get screwed by bad investments and mistakes all the time, that's really not the government's responsibility.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Holy Shit, listening to Obama's Economic speech from today, it's going to be just ugly in the debates....


First tragedy, then farce.
CharlieDigital said:
I think more than a few GAFfers have been asking for this type of view.


Courtesy of: http://chartjunk.karmanaut.com/taxplans/

Basically, McCain gives a big "fuck you" to the middle class...(literally, check out where median income is).

good work on whoever put this out there. Now, SPAM the shit out of this to your friends. It needs to make the rounds.


First tragedy, then farce.
capslock said:
Holy Shit, listening to Obama's Economic speech from today, it's going to be just ugly in the debates....

yeah, dont kid yourself. Obama is going to thwack McCain without coming off as a jerk. He did well against Hillary who is much smarter and a much better debater than McCain. On top of that, Obama was a bit boxed in because Hilldawg and he were arguing semantics over the same basic side of the arguements.

and dont get me started with Palin and Biden, thats not even close.
JCX9 said:
what would this look like with mean income? Median seems like a weird statistical choice to me.

Median is often a better indicator as mean can be heavily influenced by outliers. You can get a rough estimate (very rough) by using the percentages as weights to partition the categories. I suppose you could choose the median of each bracket to get an estimate.


JCX9 said:
what would this look like with mean income? Median seems like a weird statistical choice to me.
Joke post?
Why would mean income make sense?
It's about how this impact people, not who's plan leave the most dollar bills untaxed.


McCain should raise hell tommorow about the AIG bail out. It will give him a chance to pick a fight with the republican administration.

Obama should do the same, for obvious reasons.

My opinion on the bailout: I'm not an expert on the stock market, but I'm usually inclined to let this shit play itself out.. Let everything fall apart so that it can be built again better. I think it sets a bad precedent to rescue this company, regardless of the consequences of not doing it. It sucks that everything may fall apart, but if this economy is so fragile, what is the point in saving it? This will all probably come back to bite us in the ass, because if you are falsley propping up broken company's, you create an incentive for other company's to take stupid chances.


Gaborn said:
Ronito - that's actually why I believe these companies shouldn't be bailed out as well. As I said, businesses need to learn that risk taking is actually RISKY and has consequences. Perhaps the next round of companies will be more responsible and risk averse.
You should know you wont catch me advocating a bail out. But let me share a bit of my professional history for you to illustrate the problem.

I worked for a telecommunications company that made tons of money. The board decided "Hey let's take this for everything it's worth." The board then proceeded to make some very stupid decisions that brought them in a ton of money in the short run but in the end would destroy the company. Executives didn't care they rode the wave until the peak then sold everything and bailed out. Every member of the board left within about a year and were replaced by others. The original board were filthy rich and moved on to other bigger telcos while the stockholders and employees were jilted.

It's nice and purdy to think that businesses wont do stupid stuff because it will destroy them, but fact is some businesses are setup to make money off of such a thing. Smart regulations should exist to make companies more accountable if not you'll just get what you've had in the past. To think that business men will do what's best for business, is not truly understanding how businessmen work.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
StoOgE said:
yeah, dont kid yourself. Obama is going to thwack McCain without coming off as a jerk. He did well against Hillary who is much smarter and a much better debater than McCain. On top of that, Obama was a bit boxed in because Hilldawg and he were arguing semantics over the same basic side of the arguements.

and dont get me started with Palin and Biden, thats not even close.

It's pretty clear that McCain does not have much to say on the economy other than 'I will cut taxes for all Americans'. Honestly, when Obama hit that purple patch with the detail of his regulatory framework, I couldn't believe it, homeboy has his shit down!


RiskyChris said:
Why is it a weird choice?

Edit: Damn that's a lot of 6s in the post #.

I guess its that I'm just used to seeing "mean" in stats than median. Not criticizing Obama or McCain's plans


ronito said:
You should know you wont catch me advocating a bail out. But let me share a bit of my professional history for you to illustrate the problem.

I worked for a telecommunications company that made tons of money. The board decided "Hey let's take this for everything it's worth." The board then proceeded to make some very stupid decisions that brought them in a ton of money in the short run but in the end would destroy the company. Executives didn't care they rode the wave until the peak then sold everything and bailed out. Every member of the board left within about a year and were replaced by others. The original board were filthy rich and moved on to other bigger telcos while the stockholders and employees were jilted.

It's nice and purdy to think that businesses wont do stupid stuff because it will destroy them, but fact is some businesses are setup to make money off of such a thing. Smart regulations should exist to make companies more accountable if not you'll just get what you've had in the past. To think that business men will do what's best for business, is not truly understanding how businessmen work.

The problem is that the goal of financial management isn't to maximise net income (profit) as most people would assume. The goal of financial management is the maximise shareholder value, ie pump the stock price. Since pumping the stock price isn't exactly a long-term game, this is why we see all the bullfuckery we do.


JCX9 said:
what would this look like with mean income? Median seems like a weird statistical choice to me.
For a large data set, median is more realistic because the top earners skew the mean higher due to earning such disproportionately high salaries. All in my opinion.


testicles on a cold fall morning
not to be debby downer here, but in light of the economic issues i find it unlikely that either candidate's tax platform will stay the same
If anything, the chart shows that McCain's economic policies are sexist :lol

scorcho said:
not to be debby downer here, but in light of the economic issues i find it unlikely that either candidate's tax platform will stay the same

Agreed. But ultimately, one guy is willing to say "I'm going to raise taxes on some folks to help balance things out" while one guy is not.


JCX9 said:
I guess its that I'm just used to seeing "mean" in stats than median. Not criticizing Obama or McCain's plans

Median is used for cases like this because it more accurately reflects what the 'average' person makes in income. If you use mean as the average, it will be much higher than what most people earn, as it is distorted by the mega-wealthy. It's uncommon for mean to be used in statistics about income.


scorcho said:
not to be debby downer here, but in light of the economic issues i find it unlikely that either candidate's tax platform will stay the same

Yeah Obama has already hinted that the raising of the rich taxes might wait a bit. Although something tells me we're going to be running into more budget shortfall problems with this year's revenues as is.


scorcho said:
not to be debby downer here, but in light of the economic issues i find it unlikely that either candidate's tax platform will stay the same

This is why I don't pay that much attention to campaign promises prior to election. Everything everybody is saying is designed to get elected and has very little to do with the practicalities of actual governance. They are both promising the moon, but once they get in office, they will be restricted in various ways, and many of their plans will fall apart for various reasons. Real life, and things that happen in the moment will impose themselves.

I'm always more interested in a candidates record and history than their campaign platform. Their previous actions and behavior are a much more reliable indicator than the words they say when they are trying to seduce you into electing them.

Also, If McCain wins, he will likley encounter a democratic congress. Anything he does will require bipartisan consensus, and if obama doesn't get a veto proof majority, he will encounter a similar problem.


Hitokage said:
Not to mention voting power is allotted to how much of a stake you have in a company(read: cash you have), which rarely give the common disorganized shareholder any real power.
Even more sad is the impact that proxy votes have. Most people own most of their equities through mutual funds. Pension funds are held by companies which invest to maximize return and almost always give away the proxy. Give money to your college and they'll invest as agressively as possible to grow their endowment and may not care how their vote goes.

It's sad because people really could have a lot of power. Everyone hates Home Depot CEO pay, and toxic chemical dumps, and Halliburton, but at the same time hands off investor trends just distill down the shareholder first mentalities everyone decries.

At the same time, even this would be limited by share concentration. And for every project Darfur, there's an Eisner fiasco.

Also, deep down I think The Wire Season 5 was actually intended as an extended metaphor for the housing bubble.

Also, I eagerly anticipate the upcoming commodities bubble.


BotoxAgent said:
really? all I hear from McCain is smears, POW, and fake outrage :lol

He's also promising to fix the economy, win the war, solve all our problems and create a conservative utopia.

Obama is offering a liberal counterpart when he's not busy spouting fake outrage about McCains vicious "lies" and "swiftboat tactics" and trying to pretend that McCain is Bush II.

Both are full of shit and both will struggle to accomplish anything much.

edit: Most presidents make numerous serious mistakes for every 1 thing they get right. History hasn't been kind to many of our presidents. It's safe to assume that both of these will also have numerous failings if they get into office.


My friend is moving away from Obama:

ME: What's the special interest group story about obama you mentioned?

Fanny may and freddy mac. and most of his funds are private...he's full of shit. the more i find out about him the more i dont like em

Where's he getting this stuff? What's he talking about?


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Krowley said:
He's also promising to fix the economy, win the war, solve all our problems and create a conservative utopia.

Obama is offering a liberal counterpart when he's not busy spouting fake outrage about McCains vicious "lies" and "swiftboat tactics" and trying to pretend that mccain is Bush II.

Both are full of shit and both will struggle to accomplish anything much.

Please post examples of Obama expressing his 'outrage'.


Krowley said:
Also, If McCain wins, he will likley encounter a democratic congress. Anything he does will require bipartisan consensus, and if obama doesn't get a veto proof majority, he will encounter a similar problem.

If we can just keep a democratic congress and elect Obama, stuff could actually move forward for once.


Krowley said:
Also, If McCain wins, he will likley encounter a democratic congress. Anything he does will require bipartisan consensus, and if obama doesn't get a veto proof majority, he will encounter a similar problem.
Why will Obama need Congress to override his vetos?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Krowley said:
Obama is offering a liberal counterpart when he's not busy spouting fake outrage about McCains vicious "lies" and "swiftboat tactics" and trying to pretend that McCain is Bush II.

Both are full of shit and both will struggle to accomplish anything much.
Where is he full of shit on any of that?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Gruco said:
Why will Obama need Congress to override his vetos?

Everybody keeps calling McCain a maverick, but Obama is such a maverick he plans to Veto.. everything

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Fatalah said:
My friend is moving away from Obama:

Where's he getting this stuff? What's he talking about?

Jim Johnson, former VP vetter for the Obama campaign resigned in June. He is the former chairman of mortgage lender Fannie Mae. However, he stopped being CEO in 1998


ronito said:
You should know you wont catch me advocating a bail out. But let me share a bit of my professional history for you to illustrate the problem.

I worked for a telecommunications company that made tons of money. The board decided "Hey let's take this for everything it's worth." The board then proceeded to make some very stupid decisions that brought them in a ton of money in the short run but in the end would destroy the company. Executives didn't care they rode the wave until the peak then sold everything and bailed out. Every member of the board left within about a year and were replaced by others. The original board were filthy rich and moved on to other bigger telcos while the stockholders and employees were jilted.

It's nice and purdy to think that businesses wont do stupid stuff because it will destroy them, but fact is some businesses are setup to make money off of such a thing. Smart regulations should exist to make companies more accountable if not you'll just get what you've had in the past. To think that business men will do what's best for business, is not truly understanding how businessmen work.

I don't think businesses won't do stupid stuff, I just think they won't learn anything (or their successors won't) if we don't let them experience the result of that, up to and including their destruction. If the economic position they occupied is vital a different company will inevitably take their place.


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Fatalah said:
My friend is moving away from Obama:

Where's he getting this stuff? What's he talking about?

Your friend has made up his mind already. He's just looking for reasons to justify it. Let him be :p

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
capslock said:
It's pretty clear that McCain does not have much to say on the economy other than 'I will cut taxes for all Americans'. Honestly, when Obama hit that purple patch with the detail of his regulatory framework, I couldn't believe it, homeboy has his shit down!

Was this part of a speech? Recently? Is there a video online? I would appreciate a link if you have one!


demon said:
Where is he full of shit on any of that?

Last time a democratic president got a democratic congress, he lost it very quickly. I expect the same to happen here.

Because obama is a completley conventional liberal democrat, he will be at the mercy of the congress, and they will quickly make the republican disaster of the previous congress look like sound minded spendthrifts. It will be insane.

My only hope is that they manage to get a healthcare bill passed along with all the other useless shit they will enact. That might make the whole thing worthwhile.

Tyrone Slothrop said:

its time to shake up washington! LOOK OUT

You got to admit it is a smart political move.

Also, I honestly don't think he approves of these kinds of bailouts.
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