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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Funky Papa said:

Best shirt ever or bestest shirt ever?

Is that the fucking candy man?

Edit: It is! Just saw the url to the picture :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think obama should target McCain's advising staff too. It's a repeat of bush choosing to surround himself with tards and yes men.


speculawyer said:
Actually, I think that in a few weeks we may be wishing it was Obama v. Palin. The bridge to Nowhere lie is being exposed everywhere, Tina Fey is cutting her down with wit, her more extremist positions are becoming known (no abortion even in cases of rape & incest, thoughts about banning library books, etc.), her leaving Wasilla $20 Million in debt, . . . and Troopergate is heating up.

Troopergate could become difficult for Palin . . . some ugly truths will dribble out as the investigation proceeds. Even if the GOP were to stop the investigation, it they becomes a big talking point . . . So, why did this alleged 'reformer' get a bunch of high-priced lawyers to stop an ethics investigation? What does she have to hide? I thought she was supposed to be reformer!

Thats all true, but do the people that are afraid of Obama stealing their change know any of this? Are they going to find this out? No, they are going to watch the Sean Hannity interview with her and go "gee she is a normal person like me!"


Flo_Evans said:
Thats all true, but do the people that are afraid of Obama stealing their change know any of this? Are they going to find this out? No, they are going to watch the Sean Hannity interview with her and go "gee she is a normal person like me!"

It's not going to effect the Republican base but hopefully it will carve out a few Independents (Real Independents).



Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Treasury is considering taking over American International Group Inc. under a conservatorship as one option to address the insurer's crisis, according to two people briefed on the discussions.

Executives from AIG, bankers and Treasury and Federal Reserve officials are meeting today on the company's situation at the New York Fed. A number of options are under being discussed to fill a shortfall of $75 billion to $100 billion in funding, one of the people said. The talks are continuing, he said.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., which have been leading efforts to find a private-sector solution, informed the Fed that such an effort would be difficult, the person said. Under another option, the Fed would extend a loan to New York-based AIG, according to a person informed of the matter.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson earlier this month seized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and put them into conservatorships, where officials will oversee the firms and aim to protect their assets.

This....this isn't good at all. Remember how evil "nationalizing healthcare" would be, and that's not even nearly as "socialist" as this!


Y2Kev said:
I think obama should target McCain's advising staff too. It's a repeat of bush choosing to surround himself with tards and yes men.
Make a commercial just for Phil Gramm. Especially with the economy going to shit.
harSon said:
It's not going to effect the Republican base but hopefully it will carve out a few Independents (Real Independents).

If Hannity and Palin weren't tards she would try and come off as more fair to Obama and give him the benefit of the doubt when Hannity brings up things to smear Obama with.
Tamanon said:
This....this isn't good at all. Remember how evil "nationalizing healthcare" would be, and that's not even nearly as "socialist" as this!

It sets a terrible precedent: If you get too carried away with your greed we'll bail you the fuck out!

Just don't get sick.
DSWii60 said:
I just saw the interview where Matt Damon talks about Sarah Palin. Just wondering, how much coverage did that get in the US?

seriously i have one question...i really need to know when you think dinosaurs existed. seriously if i could ask you just one question to determine if you should have nuclear weapons or not, its when did dinosaurs exist? this is my number one determining factor in judging someones nuclear weapon possessing ability.

Flo_Evans said:
What's interesting to me (OK scary is the word I am looking for) is that this election has been successfully steered into Obama vs. Palin.

It's shifted more and more away from that as the excitement of the convention and McCain's VP pick have passed. Now it's really about Obama vs. McCain. Palin is still newsworthy but none of the news is good for her and people are caring less and less about her as time passes.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
seriously i have one question...i really need to know when you think dinosaurs existed. seriously if i could ask you just one question to determine if you should have nuclear weapons or not, its when did dinosaurs exist? this is my number one determining factor in judging someones nuclear weapon possessing ability.

Being a whackjob fundie loon isn't so much scoring a 0% on the "Qualified to be C-in-C" test as it is scoring a 100% on the "DO NOT WANT" test.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
:lol :lol

I swear, Lou Dobbs, ranting about illegal aliens AGAIN. Every two weeks I tune him in. Like fucking clockwork.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
seriously i have one question...i really need to know when you think dinosaurs existed. seriously if i could ask you just one question to determine if you should have nuclear weapons or not, its when did dinosaurs exist? this is my number one determining factor in judging someones nuclear weapon possessing ability.

Yes, that's exactly what he said.


Due to McCain's bounce in the polls post-convention, our new list of battleground states has changed. According to our current projections, John McCain would win 274-264.

This is different from the pie chart you see in the top left of the site, which averages the electoral vote based on simulation runs. This mid-month update simply gives each state's EVs in full to our projected winner, and we add the totals. It's essentially the same split as the Bush-Kerry race, with Iowa flipped from the Republican column to the penumbra zone for Obama, and a narrow win for Obama in New Mexico.

With Colorado sitting at McCain by 0.3%, any tiny movement and a 9-EV flip would change the winner of the 2008 presidential race. As we leave Las Vegas today for Gallup, New Mexico, we're going from the frying pan into the fire of the ground game battle.


One of the notable aspects of our Penumbra tables below is that the national tracking polls are having a large undue influence on states that aren't getting polled as much. Notice that California, Illinois and Massachusetts have entered our Obama Penumbra chart, but also notice on the righthand column of our individual state polling that it's not because Obama's getting poor polling in these states. For example, our projection model shows Obama winning California by 6.9% but that no individual poll has ever been that low, and that nearly all CA polls show double digits.


For McCain's Penumbra states, you'll notice a lot of "former" battleground states in this column, some of which we believe could still be battlegrounds and will re-tighten after McCain's post-convention bounce fades and the debates begin.


Overall, the national tracking polls have had a more distorted effect on states that don't get polled as often. Colorado, by contrast, has barely moved because it does. In fact, Colorado and Ohio were the states which flipped since our last update in Mid-August. Each moved fewer than three points, but that changes our winner-take-all projection.

Thanks for being patient with us as Nate and I are each on the road (albeit in different places). We'll be checking in with our Las Vegas update later today and of course Today's Polls.

mamacint said:
Maybe McCain's "lie your ass off through a shit eating grin" strategy might work afterall.
I think McCain's adoption of Obama's slogans and messages is another strategy that might counter-intuitively work. If both campaigns have the same signs and catchphrases, Average Voter doesn't know who the real or first "agent of change" was and the whole race blurs back to personalities/politics/prejudices again.


adamsappel said:
I think McCain's adoption of Obama's slogans and messages is another strategy that might counter-intuitively work. If both campaigns have the same signs and catchphrases, Average Voter doesn't know who the real or first "agent of change" was and the whole race blurs back to personalities/politics/prejudices again.

The use of their slogans move is a brilliant strategy. It dilutes Obama's message as you said sewing confusion in who is the agent of change. It also forces Obama's camp to switch slogans as they have been trying each time Republicans jump on it.
laserbeam said:
The use of their slogans move is a brilliant strategy. It dilutes Obama's message as you said sewing confusion in who is the agent of change. It also forces Obama's camp to switch slogans as they have been trying each time Republicans jump on it.
Eh, the slogans aren't going to matter once the debates hit and McCain will be forced to start talking about how much they look like Bush and the Republican's plans. Slogans never win anything, nor do they really mean anything when it gets closer to election day. Brilliant? No. Just desperate. Even die hard supporters of McCain and Palin will recognize the borrowing of phrases since they also pay attention to the 'enemy' in the Obama campaign.


laserbeam said:
The use of their slogans move is a brilliant strategy. It dilutes Obama's message as you said sewing confusion in who is the agent of change. It also forces Obama's camp to switch slogans as they have been trying each time Republicans jump on it.
Alternately, it plays into Obama's message that the McCain camp is just slapping labels on their old, crusty ideas. Switch from experience to change messaging. Slap Obama's labels on it. It comes accross as petty and downright desperate. It also means Obama is defining the terms of the debate.


Setec Astronomer
GhaleonEB said:
Alternately, it plays into Obama's message that the McCain camp is just slapping labels on their old, crusty ideas. Switch from experience to change messaging. Slap Obama's labels on it. It comes accross as petty and downright desperate. It also means Obama is defining the terms of the debate.
...and, you know, Clinton tried it and it didn't work out so well.
laserbeam said:
The use of their slogans move is a brilliant strategy. It dilutes Obama's message as you said sewing confusion in who is the agent of change. It also forces Obama's camp to switch slogans as they have been trying each time Republicans jump on it.
But it is proof of how morally bankrupt they are.

Who are they going to copy from if they get elected?



Palin Backstab? Commissioner Praised Then Fired

Exclusive Video Shows Sarah Palin Praising Commissioner, Just Months Before She Fired Him

Advocates for women's issues in Alaska have come to the defense of the state's former public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, abruptly fired by Governor Sarah Palin in July.
An inquiry is under way as to whether Sarah Palin abused her power as governor.

Monegan spent Wednesday testifying before a legislative commission which is investigating allegations Palin abused her office in firing him. Monegan claims he was dismissed because he resisted pressure from the Governor and her office to fire the Governor's former brother-in-law.

Some women's advocates say Monegan was one of the few state officials to take seriously the "epidemic" problem of violence against women and children in Alaska.

"I don't believe Gov. Palin has made this a priority," said Geran Tarr, co-chair of the Alaska Women's Lobby. "We have not seen Gov. Palin do anything that would indicate this is a priority."

two pages of text at the link


testicles on a cold fall morning
laserbeam said:
The use of their slogans move is a brilliant strategy. It dilutes Obama's message as you said sewing confusion in who is the agent of change. It also forces Obama's camp to switch slogans as they have been trying each time Republicans jump on it.
using this logic Obama should then continue arguing on change to counter and dilute McCain's message and further confuse McCain's attempt to confuse people on who is the agent of change.
so after I pimped it here, did anyone end up going to the Generation Obama Event in NYC?

the one with Jonathan Coulton?

Fucking great time; 5 out of the 6 comedians were great, the one that sucked was mercifully pulled. Jonathan Coulton Rocked the house. Also, all performers were performing for free, and Comix wasn't taking anything off the entrance fee, it was all going to Obama victory fund.

I may also be going to canvas PA for a weekend at some point here, I'm getting more and more pumped for november.
electricpirate said:
so after I pimped it here, did anyone end up going to the Generation Obama Event in NYC?

the one with Jonathan Coulton?

Fucking great time; 5 out of the 6 comedians were great, the one that sucked was mercifully pulled. Jonathan Coulton Rocked the house. Also, all performers were performing for free, and Comix wasn't taking anything off the entrance fee, it was all going to Obama victory fund.

I may also be going to canvas PA for a weekend at some point here, I'm getting more and more pumped for november.

It was at Comix IN NYC?? DAMN. Who were the comedians?


scorcho said:
it's too late to worry about moral hazard when the economy is already at the brink.

I know, it's how they keep getting away with it. I can hold out hope that at the very least a few suits will end up in a PMITA federal facility, but oh wait, that's only for "dangerous criminals" like growers of cannabis, possibly the most useful plant humans have ever cultivated.
Xisiqomelir said:
I know, it's how they keep getting away with it. I can hold out hope that at the very least a few suits will end up in a PMITA federal facility, but oh wait, that's only for "dangerous criminals" like growers of cannabis, possibly the most useful plant humans have ever cultivated.

I'm sure that they can get themselves a good lawyer once they pawn off those nice golden parachutes. Bah.


Setec Astronomer
Xisiqomelir said:
I know, it's how they keep getting away with it. I can hold out hope that at the very least a few suits will end up in a PMITA federal facility, but oh wait, that's only for "dangerous criminals" like growers of cannabis, possibly the most useful plant humans have ever cultivated.
The thing is, bailout or no bailout the people responsible will still walk with millions in their pockets.
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