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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Wow just saw an epic four-way debates on Larry King live regarding McCain and Obama. Damn it was annoying hearing all the interruptions and general noisiness :lol King seems to felt it was so out of control that several times he had to tell everybody to stfu or go to commercials.
MightyHedgehog said:
I think people are overplaying the race shit. It will be a factor, no doubt, but I think it's mostly limited to specific counties in certain states rather than it being a country-wide factor.

I think it's overplayed at least in the idea that the polls are wildly inaccurate because of it .

I mean I think race will play a large roll in the election, but I don't think a bunch of closeted racists are telling pollsters they are supporting Obama to avoid being called racists.

Pundits often cite the Bradley Effect, but one big difference is that Tom Bradley had a 20 year career when he ran.

I honestly believe the experience question gives people plenty of cover for coming up with a reason not to vote for Obama.

I think it's more of a manufactured problem, like the "black/brown divide" the media liked to talk about that would keep hispanics from voting for Obama.

There are people that won't vote for him because he's black, but I think to a certain degree, that is being captured in the numbers, which is why it's so close to begin with.
NetMapel said:
Wow just saw an epic four-way debates on Larry King live regarding McCain and Obama. Damn it was annoying hearing all the interruptions and general noisiness :lol King seems to felt it was so out of control that several times he had to tell everybody to stfu or go to commercials.

Thanks NetMapel.

This is epic.

I love the Reps spin doctors.

It's comedy you can believe in.
NetMapel said:
Wow just saw an epic four-way debates on Larry King live regarding McCain and Obama. Damn it was annoying hearing all the interruptions and general noisiness :lol King seems to felt it was so out of control that several times he had to tell everybody to stfu or go to commercials.

Yeah I saw that partisan mess too. :lol That's what happens when you essentially get a group of partisan talk radio hosts in the same room. Utter chaos with mindless talking points hurled with reckless abandon. Pretty soon I thought Larry King was going to be like, "Get the f*ck off my lawn!".


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
To be honest both sides were spinning so fast I totally lost track of what the original question asked was about :lol


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
OH FRIGGING BURN :lol Rep talk show host said "blah blah people thought Palin are more like them because of her background." The Dem talk show host fired back immediately by saying "Well that's the point, we don't want somebody like us. We want somebody who's smarter and more confident." :lol :lol :lol


NetMapel said:
OH FRIGGING BURN :lol Rep talk show host said "blah blah people thought Palin are more like them because of her background." The Dem talk show host fired back immediately by saying "Well that's the point, we don't want somebody like us. We want somebody who's smarter and more confident." :lol :lol :lol

I hope that narrative gains traction.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Well, the Rep talk show host brought up a good point. Where and how is Obama going to balance the budget with his tax cut plan for the mass ? Tax cut is great but not when the government has to go further into debt just to bring in enough cash to survive.


NetMapel said:
Well, the Rep talk show host brought up a good point. Where and how is Obama going to balance the budget with his tax cut plan for the mass ? Tax cut is great but not when the government has to go further into debt just to bring in enough cash to survive.
It's an irrelevant argument. Obama has no plans to balance the budget, but neither does McCain.

Chris R

NetMapel said:
Well, the Rep talk show host brought up a good point. Where and how is Obama going to balance the budget with his tax cut plan for the mass ? Tax cut is great but not when the government has to go further into debt just to bring in enough cash to survive.
Tax cut for the masses, increase taxes for the ultra rich, and cut spending? Wouldn't that lower the debt?


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
avatar299 said:
It's an irrelevant argument. Obama has no plans to balance the budget, but neither does McCain.
Well we certainly don't want to make it more red. How can this tax cut minimize the damage, how about this question ?

Tax cut for the masses, increase taxes for the ultra rich, and cut spending? Wouldn't that lower the debt?
That's the whole point. The tax cut is for the masses. Even with a tax increase for the riches (which is what, 10% of the US population ?) , you think in the end, the government will have increased tax revenue or decreased tax revenue ? Also, is Obama gonna cut spendings ? Which spending is he gonna cut ? His quasi-UHC, if implemended, is additional expenses. Your only hope is that Obama is able to pull the troops out of Iraq soon enough that the demage can be minimized.


NetMapel said:
Tax cut is great but not when the government has to go further into debt just to bring in enough cash to survive.

But that's exactly what Bush has been doing with his tax cuts for the rich and Iraq debacle. Obama's plan is to roll back the tax cuts for the rich and use it to fund the tax cuts for everyone else..

The Republicans need to worry about McLame's tax plan. Oh wait, it's exactly identical to Bush's...

Darth Sonik

we need more FPS games
Don't worry at the rate the fed is feeding money into the system, 2-3 Trillion Dollars will be the weekly wage at Burger King by 2010. ;)
FitzOfRage said:
There are people that won't vote for him because he's black, but I think to a certain degree, that is being captured in the numbers, which is why it's so close to begin with.

This is my opinion largely at the moment also.
Steve Youngblood said:
Of course you are -- you're a democrat. Maybe if you pay enough taxes, your precious big, nanny government will come along and provide that link for you.


I'm a Dem!

I didn't know that an Independent voter that is leaning Dem for THIS election cycle is a Dem.

Joke can haz fail.
NetMapel said:
Well, the Rep talk show host brought up a good point. Where and how is Obama going to balance the budget with his tax cut plan for the mass ? Tax cut is great but not when the government has to go further into debt just to bring in enough cash to survive.

that's fuzzy math on his part, just looking at the "tax cut" looks like the reversion of the clinton tax rates on ppl making 250k or more would likely bring in more revenue than McCain's and Bush's. Honestly that is a really stupid point when his candidate of choice is proclaiming the benefits of even larger tax cuts.
ryutaro's mama said:

I'm a Dem!

I didn't know that an Independent voter that is leaning Dem for THIS election cycle is a Dem.

Joke can haz fail.
Are you an independent? If so, I have only one response to dig myself out of the unfortunate hole: "dammit!"

I'll win next time.
NetMapel said:
Well we certainly don't want to make it more red. How can this tax cut minimize the damage, how about this question ?

That's the whole point. The tax cut is for the masses. Even with a tax increase for the riches (which is what, 10% of the US population ?) , you think in the end, the government will have increased tax revenue or decreased tax revenue ? Also, is Obama gonna cut spendings ? Which spending is he gonna cut ? His quasi-UHC, if implemended, is additional expenses. Your only hope is that Obama is able to pull the troops out of Iraq soon enough that the demage can be minimized.

Obama's plan is estimated to raise $600 billion in revenue over 10 years, while McCain's plan is estimated to reduce revenues by $600 billion in the same time.


NetMapel said:
Well we certainly don't want to make it more red. How can this tax cut minimize the damage, how about this question ?

That's the whole point. The tax cut is for the masses. Even with a tax increase for the riches (which is what, 10% of the US population ?) , you think in the end, the government will have increased tax revenue or decreased tax revenue ? Also, is Obama gonna cut spendings ? Which spending is he gonna cut ? His quasi-UHC, if implemended, is additional expenses. Your only hope is that Obama is able to pull the troops out of Iraq soon enough that the demage can be minimized.

You are aware that the actual amount of taxes collected from the bracket getting the most cuts under obama in general is peanuts compared to the top 50%, right? I think the figures are somewhere around the top 50% incomes pay like 97% of total taxes, with the top 5% taking on half of that. Cutting taxes for under 50% is hardly going to effect the tax income coming in but will give needed relief to lower income families struggling and their extra money will allow them to consume more goods. Someone else has here has been hammering the phrase trickle up economics and he's exactly right.


*drowns in jizz*
Stoney Mason said:
At the moment my biggest pet peeve isn't even the race factor but the "elitist" factor (which admittedly can often be treated as code for race).

I didn't even bother watching that Lady de Rothschild interview until recently and that piece of human shit made me very angry.


I'm scared of course that some of the audience we are gunning for in the swing states while not exactly like this fool have that same garbage floating around in their heads.

Campbell Brown expression throughout that whole segment of listening to that woman spew nothing but non-sensical BS says it all. She knows she's talking to a self-righteous clown.

So, what has Barack done specifically to make him elitist?

'Alot of it is, you know it when you see it' WAT?
'He spoke to 200,000 in Berlin' WAT?
'He came into this campaign to talk about Audacity. Audacity is not a good thing.' WAT?
' He says 'I am the one you've been waiting for'. Stop lying, bitch. He says WE ARE THE ONES WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR.

Then this multi-millionaire married to a billionaire starts serenading about democrats not caring about the 'middle-class' and the family 'she came from'. What a fucking tool. Nothing enrages me more than these shits pretending they give a shit. Just be honest and admit you're bitter your candidate with a vagina didn't win out, and like the pathetic little individual you are, you found it easier to 'cross-over' than support the person who beat her out, issues be damned.


NetMapel said:
That's the whole point. The tax cut is for the masses. Even with a tax increase for the riches (which is what, 10% of the US population ?) , you think in the end, the government will have increased tax revenue or decreased tax revenue ?

Probably increased. The top 1% pays 33% of all the taxes taken into the government. The top 10% make over half of all income in the US. And it falls off sharply after that.


Clevinger said:
Actually, McCain has said that he's going to balance the budget by 2013.

McCain is full of crap. There will be nothing close to a balanced budget until the 10 billion/month in Iraq is off the books and we all know his stance on that..


Slurpy said:
Campbell Brown expression throughout that whole segment of listening to that woman spew nothing but non-sensical BS says it all. She knows she's talking to a self-righteous clown.

So, what has Barack done specifically to make him elitist?

'Alot of it is, you know it when you see it' WAT?
'He spoke to 200,000 in Berlin' WAT?
'He came into this campaign to talk about Audacity. Audacity is not a good thing.' WAT?
' He says 'I am the one you've been waiting for'. Stop lying, bitch. He says WE ARE THE ONES WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR.

Then this multi-millionaire married to a billionaire starts serenading about democrats not caring about the 'middle-class' and the family 'she came from'. What a fucking tool. Nothing enrages me more than these shits pretending they give a shit. Just be honest and admit you're bitter your candidate with a vagina didn't win out, and like the pathetic little individual you are, you found it easier to 'cross-over' than support the person who beat her out, issues be damned.

She's probably more pissed that there was an ambassadorship waiting for her if Hillary won and she's too stingy to let go of it.

I can't believe McCain has fucking royalty trying to call somebody else elitist. I half-expect him to call Biden old soon.


NetMapel said:
That's the whole point. The tax cut is for the masses. Even with a tax increase for the riches (which is what, 10% of the US population ?) , you think in the end, the government will have increased tax revenue or decreased tax revenue ?


In January 2001, the month President Bush took office, the Congressional Budget Office released budget estimates for each of the next ten years (2002-2011). CBO predicted that the 2009 budget would show a $710 billion surplus. So the $546 billion deficit now predicted for 2009 is actually $1.3 trillion worse than CBO predicted nearly eight years ago. What caused this trillion-dollar decline?


the economy's weaker-than-expected performance, along with other "technical" factors that are beyond policymakers' control, account for less than a fourth of the $1.3 trillion deterioration in the budget. The other three-fourths -- $1 trillion's worth -- is due to actions by the White House and Congress since 2001 -- specifically, the tax cuts and spending increases they enacted.


the federal budget would still be running a projected $465 billion surplus in 2009 if policymakers had enacted no tax cuts or program increases.

Read the article.


Cloudy said:
McCain is full of crap. There will be nothing close to a balanced budget until the 10 billion/month in Iraq is off the books and we all know his stance on that..

He's also promised that we're going to be victorious in Iraq by 2013, so it's all good.

I wish I was making this up...


Clevinger said:
Actually, McCain has said that he's going to balance the budget by 2013.
yeah until you bother to ask him how. When you do he just deflects. Hey you know I can say I'll balance the budget by next year! Vote for me!!!


NetMapel said:
Well we certainly don't want to make it more red. How can this tax cut minimize the damage, how about this question ?
It can't.

Maybe if Obama heavily decreased spending while giving the middle class bigger rebates and tax credits it could work, but as a whole It is literally impossible. In fact I read somewhere that Obama's plan is 4.2 billion loss per year, while McCain is 2.something.

Clevinger said:
Actually, McCain has said that he's going to balance the budget by 2013.
Good luck with that John.
According to the Rep panelists on LKL, Obama only does well when reading from a teleprompter and should be very worried about debating John McCain next Friday.

The same John McCain that was fumbling over teleprompted speech during his own acceptance speech at his own Convention?

That John McCain?

Ok, guys...


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Ok, informative reads. Thanks guys :D Obama seems to know what he's doing then. In this troubled time, creating new and good jobs is key because then people get the money to live and government gets extra tax revenue. Having a healthy amount of tax revenue that can be spent on various social and essential programs is the big picture each candidates must be able to see. Whichever candidate who can deliver on that is clearly the better choice.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
NetMapel said:
Ok, informative reads. Thanks guys :D Obama seems to know what he's doing then. In this troubled time, creating new and good jobs is key because then people get the money to live and government gets extra tax revenue. Having a healthy amount of tax revenue that can be spent on various social and essential programs is the big picture each candidates must be able to see. Whichever candidate who can deliver on that is clearly the better choice.

Has you met our friend Jay?


ryutaro's mama said:
According to the Rep panelists on LKL, Obama only does well when reading from a teleprompter and should be very worried about debating John McCain next Friday.

The same John McCain that was fumbling over teleprompted speech during his own acceptance speech at his own Convention?

That John McCain?

Ok, guys...

Good. That's exactly what I want the Republicans to think.
ryutaro's mama said:
According to the Rep panelists on LKL, Obama only does well when reading from a teleprompter and should be very worried about debating John McCain next Friday.

The same John McCain that was fumbling over teleprompted speech during his own acceptance speech at his own Convention?

That John McCain?

Ok, guys...
That's always been a funny argument to me as well. Honestly, I'm willing to concede that debates haven't always been Obama's strongest forum. But when Republicans get giddy about how Obama is going to make a fool out of himself during the debates, they do realize that they're not allowed to send in a designated hitter for McCain, right?
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