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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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First tragedy, then farce.
And early voting is probaly what killed Kerry... he moved in on Bush in the final days in some swing states and made it a closer race, but was getting hammered by Bush in early voting in many of these states.

Obama being up or tight in them now will help him if the states break late for him to win some of these swing states.


Obama's skin color is both a positive and a negative. If he were white he'd be where John Edwards is today, but at the same time he loses votes because he's black. Obama's key appeals as a mystical figure are not his, "John McCain owns FOREIGN CARS" ads, but rather his unique personal story and alleged "transcendence" of race. The argument that race plays no role in his success, simply because he loses votes from racist Dems, is myopic.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
APF said:
Obama's skin color is both a positive and a negative. If he were white he'd be where John Edwards is today, but at the same time he loses votes because he's black. Obama's key appeals as a mystical figure are not his, "John McCain owns FOREIGN CARS" ads, but rather his unique personal story and alleged "transcendence" of race. The argument that race plays no role in his success, simply because he loses votes from racist Dems, is myopic.
I agree with you in part, but you discredit Obama's far superior ability to run a campaign compared to Edwards. Obama is a much more relevant candidate than Edwards for this reason alone, not to mention his greater charisma and oratory skills.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
Obama's skin color is both a positive and a negative. If he were white he'd be where John Edwards is today, but at the same time he loses votes because he's black. Obama's key appeals as a mystical figure are not his, "John McCain owns FOREIGN CARS" ads, but rather his unique personal story and alleged "transcendence" of race. The argument that race plays no role in his success, simply because he loses votes from racist Dems, is myopic.

Again bullshit! Obama always ran a better campaign than Edwards. Why nobody wants to credit Obama for his own skills and the people he hired (their skills) is what's so bad.

Edwards lost to Kerry, so why do you believe had obama been white Edwards could have beat Obama?
APF said:
Obama's skin color is both a positive and a negative. If he were white he'd be where John Edwards is today, but at the same time he loses votes because he's black. Obama's key appeals as a mystical figure are not his, "John McCain owns FOREIGN CARS" ads, but rather his unique personal story and alleged "transcendence" of race. The argument that race plays no role in his success, simply because he loses votes from racist Dems, is myopic.

Wow, so Barack's skills and masterful campaign are equitable to "two america's" Edwards? Come on now..


formerly sane
mckmas8808 said:
The damn truth is Obama ran and very powerful and strong campaign. To take everything that he and his team did and just say him being black is what pushed him over the edge to beat Hillary is self defeating if you are black and plain ignorant of the facts.

Yet I didn't say that at all, certainly not at that degree. I'm saying it played it a part not that it was everything, as I clearly pointed out his color has a downside as well. He is where is because of various factors not just one.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
RubxQub said:
I agree with you in part, but you discredit Obama's far superior ability to run a campaign compared to Edwards. Obama is a much more relevant candidate than Edwards for this reason alone, not to mention his greater charisma and oratory skills.

And to add to your comment, Obama is just plain/flat out smarter than Edwards. I mean damn why isn't this so clear to smart thinking people like APF?


mckmas8808 said:
And to add to your comment, Obama is just plain/flat out smarter than Edwards. I mean damn why isn't this so clear to smart thinking people like APF?

I think they're equally smart, Edwards made quite a life for himself as a lawyer.
5th Grader Suspended For Anti-Obama Shirt

An 11-year-old in Aurora says his first amendment rights are being trampled after he was suspended for wearing a homemade shirt that reads "Obama is a terrorist's best friend."

The fifth grader at Aurora Frontier K-8 School wore it on a day when students were asked to wear red, white and blue to show their patriotism.

The boy's father Dann Dalton describes himself as a "proud conservative" who has taken part in some controversial anti-abortion protests. Dalton says the school made a major mistake by suspending his son for wearing the shirt.

"It's the public school system," Dalton says. "Let's be honest, it's full of liberal loons."

According the the boy's father, the school district told the student, Daxx Dalton, that he had the choice of changing his shirt, turning his shirt inside out or being suspended.

Daxx chose suspension.

"They're taking away my right of freedom of speech," he says. "If I have the right to wear this shirt I'm going to use it. And if the only way to use it is get suspended, then I'm going to get suspended."

Daxx's dad agrees with him and is encouraging his son to stand his ground. "The facts are his rights were violated. Period."

Aurora Public Schools would not talk about the case but said the district "Respects a student's right to free speech, such as the right to wear specific clothing," but administrators say they review any situation that interrupts the learning environment.

Paperwork submitted by the school district says Daxx Dalton was not suspended for wearing the shirt, but for willful disobedience and defiance.

The boy's father says he intends to pursue a lawsuit against the district.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Fatalah said:
I think they're equally smart, Edwards made quite a life for himself as a lawyer.

I'm not talking about being a lawyer. I'm talking on the issues. Obama is waaaay smarter on foreign policy than Edwards.

I mean to me it's not even close.


ChoklitReign said:




capslock said:
Well, are they government backed or not? Your post does not make it clear.
Supposedly, and legally, they are not supposed to be, but the fact that the federal government will bail them out when they fail makes them implicitly government-backed. And if the government will bail you out for making stupid financial decisions, you have much less motivation to make smart ones.


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ChoklitReign said:
...it's kind of stupid to act like you can wear whatever the hell you want in school.

I can't go walking around school with a shirt that has the middle finger on it and not expect to get in trouble. I couldn't go walking around with a "Kill all teachers" shirt and not expect any repercussions.

Common sense.

That being said, this shirt, while questionable in general, doesn't really seem like it should illicit that strong of a reaction.

RubxQub said:
...it's kind of stupid to act like you can wear whatever the hell you want in school.

I can't go walking around school with a shirt that has the middle finger on it and not expect to get in trouble. I couldn't go walking around with a "Kill all teachers" shirt and not expect any repercussions.

Common sense.

That being said, this shirt, while questionable in general, doesn't really seem like it should illicit that strong of a reaction.

I think he should be allowed to wear it. That said, I would still go all Leonidas on him and kick him in the chest and knock the wind right out of him. THIS...IS...BLASPHEMYYYYYYYY
Branduil said:
Is the ACLU going to defend the wacky Obama shirt as well?
I guess they kinda would if the family would wish to pursue it with them (Given their orientation, I doubt it) but there is a distinction in my mind between a 10 year old and a 16 year old making these kinds of political statements. By that I mean the 16 year old probably understands what he's saying whereas the 10 year old probably doesn't.


typhonsentra said:
I guess they kinda would if the family would wish to pursue it with them (Given their orientation, I doubt it) but there is a distinction in my mind between a 10 year old and a 16 year old making these kinds of political statements. By that I mean the 16 year old probably understands what he's saying whereas the 10 year old probably doesn't.
That is true, but free speech is free speech. If the ACLU believes one case is free speech they should believe all similar cases are free speech.

And I'm sure they wouldn't want to appear to be biased in any way, so I'm sure they will at least publicly defend his right to wear the shirt.


Branduil said:
That is true, but free speech is free speech. If the ACLU believes one case is free speech they should believe all similar cases are free speech.

And I'm sure they wouldn't want to appear to be biased in any way, so I'm sure they will at least publicly defend his right to wear the shirt.
Yeah they would, if the family asked. Given that they probably think the ACLU is full of "liberal loons" seems we wont get to find out and keep the whole ACLU is teh communist boogieman.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Branduil said:
That is true, but free speech is free speech. If the ACLU believes one case is free speech they should believe all similar cases are free speech.

And I'm sure they wouldn't want to appear to be biased in any way, so I'm sure they will at least publicly defend his right to wear the shirt.

I'm not as knowledgeable as most folks around here, but I think they have a history of defending just about anyone regardless of whether that person or group is liberal or not.


ronito said:
Yeah they would, if the family asked. Given that they probably think the ACLU is full of "liberal loons" seems we wont get to find out and keep the whole ACLU is teh communist boogieman.

The ACLU has defended Nazis and NAMBLA. I don't think they're afraid of controversy.


Branduil said:
That is true, but free speech is free speech. If the ACLU believes one case is free speech they should believe all similar cases are free speech.

And I'm sure they wouldn't want to appear to be biased in any way, so I'm sure they will at least publicly defend his right to wear the shirt.

Considering they've defended the Klan before, I doubt they'd have a problem with this guy, if he asks the ACLU for help. But he'll probably ask the American Center for Law and Justice, which only takes right-wing cases.


RubxQub said:
I agree with you in part, but you discredit Obama's far superior ability to run a campaign compared to Edwards. Obama is a much more relevant candidate than Edwards for this reason alone, not to mention his greater charisma and oratory skills.
and not putting his dick where it shouldn't be


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Branduil said:
Supposedly, and legally, they are not supposed to be, but the fact that the federal government will bail them out when they fail makes them implicitly government-backed. And if the government will bail you out for making stupid financial decisions, you have much less motivation to make smart ones.

But they weren't exactly government companies. They were private companies. But the deal was always for the government to help Fannie and Freddy. That's what made the companies what they were.


I find it curious that Edwards' alleged stupidity managed to shift the entire Democratic primary, policy-wise, in his direction.

Obama's alleged superiority in running a campaign is, IMO, more situational than dispositive, and again I don't think you can dismiss the role excitement towards the man has in attracting key supporters and advisers.


APF said:
Obama's skin color is both a positive and a negative. If he were white he'd be where John Edwards is today, but at the same time he loses votes because he's black. Obama's key appeals as a mystical figure are not his, "John McCain owns FOREIGN CARS" ads, but rather his unique personal story and alleged "transcendence" of race. The argument that race plays no role in his success, simply because he loses votes from racist Dems, is myopic.

Edwards always had the stench of phoniness to many voters I've talked to. He was a very rich guy talking about the poor. The $500 haircut, and the stories from John Kerry and Russ Feingold didn't help him either.

Obama won because his campaign focused on the math. In Nevada, they put resources into pumping up registration numbers in targeted areas 9 months before the caucuses, so that when the party decided the delegate allocation, friendly places had more delegates to offer.

Along that very line, it were the Super Tuesday caucuses and 11 contests after Super Tuesday that won him the campaign. The caucuses were in lily-white areas, but he put staffers there where Hillary had ignored, pumping up his percentages to be in the 60s and 70s in those states. He put staffers into post-Super Tuesday contests where Hillary had not, so he was able to run up the margins. The caucuses in Washington and Maine destroyed Hillary, creating a big boost that let him run it up in the Virginia and Maryland primaries.

That's what won him the game, not being some kind of black John Edwards.


So on my way to work this morning I was listening to Boortz and he had McCain on as a guest. They were talking about the economy and the bailout and then suddenly went into Iran. McCain started talking about the economy of Iran and I shit you not said exactly this, twice even

"Well you know if you have a lousy economy then you have a lousy government"

I burst out laughing. Of course he wasn't called out on it not being a librul media show but I thought it was funny. We will see if Obama does anything with that slip. Not that I disagree with McCain, but i'm sure its not something he wants associated with him right now.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
I find it curious that Edwards' alleged stupidity managed to shift the entire Democratic primary, policy-wise, in his direction.

Obama's alleged superiority in running a campaign is, IMO, more situational than dispositive, and again I don't think you can dismiss the role excitement towards the man has in attracting key supporters and advisers.

What do you mean situational? And what policies did Edwards start that made the whole Democratic party follow his lead?
Palin bans reporters from meetings with leaders
By SARA KUGLER, Associated Press Writer 17 minutes ago

NEW YORK - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who has not held a press conference in nearly four weeks of campaigning, on Tuesday banned reporters from her first meetings with world leaders, allowing access only to photographers and a television crew.

CNN, which was providing the television coverage for news organizations, decided to pull its TV crew, effectively denying Palin the high visibility she had sought.

Props to CNN for pulling its reporters from what became a campaign commercial instead of a news event.


APF said:
I find it curious that Edwards' alleged stupidity managed to shift the entire Democratic primary, policy-wise, in his direction.

Obama's alleged superiority in running a campaign is, IMO, more situational than dispositive, and again I don't think you can dismiss the role excitement towards the man has in attracting key supporters and advisers.
I've always said that Edwards had the right message in the wrong package. His policy resonates with people that feel left out of the "first America" as things progress more and more down the urination economics track this of course grows, so it's hardly surprising that his policy and whatnot are popular. Now, that being said, a man that pays $400 for a haircut, has multiple estates and gets paid thousands of dollars to talk about wage ineqaulity is not the best man to present such a message.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
speculawyer said:
Props to CNN for pulling its reporters from what became a campaign commercial instead of a news event.

CNN's balls are starting to grow really big. You know the McCain campaign will say CNN is in the tank for Obama now.


speculawyer said:
Props to CNN for pulling its reporters from what became a campaign commercial instead of a news event.

LOL -- good job, CNN. Which "world leaders" is she meeting with, anyway? Governor of Idaho?

I know she met the cast of "Orange County Choppers" yesterday, which was a big deal for her.


ronito said:
I've always said that Edwards had the right message in the wrong package. His policy resonates with people that feel left out of the "first America" as things progress more and more down the urination economics track this of course grows, so it's hardly surprising that his policy and whatnot are popular. Now, that being said, a man that pays $400 for a haircut, has multiple estates and gets paid thousands of dollars to talk about wage ineqaulity is not the best man to present such a message.
Don't forget, one woman for each America.
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