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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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LCGeek said:
Everyone gets what they get in the sea of chaos, existence and life.

I hate what he said but he has a valid point even if it's despicable to say. You seriously think obama would've taken hillary had he been white? I'm black as well, so don't bother pulling that line with me.

Obama being black at this point in time gave an great opportunity to be president, but we also see it has a double edge with it being a downside in some cases out of ignorance and fear.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me. People seriously think that Obama being black HELPS him in an election in *this* country? Wake the fuck up. Segregation wasn't fully eradicated until the 70s, black CEOs and politicans are still wildly underrepresented, we've never had anything close to a minority in the White House nor have we ever been remotely close to doing so (until now), latent and corporate racism is in full swing, Obama has been on the receiving end of ethnic slurs and ridiculous suspicions because of his name and upbringing, and polls consistently show that a good chunk of the population isn't voting for Obama because he's black.

If Obama was white this shit would be a no-contest. He'd have had it wrapped up ages ago. If Obama loses, the dominant reason will be because he is black.
VanMardigan said:
No, I can't say that's really true. As a religious conservative, I've gotten a ton of flack on poligaf. I think once I started to lean towards Obama, the treatment has gotten better, but anti-Obama views generally get a ton of negative attention, whether they're worded well or worded ignorantly.

And I don't think there will be much resistance moving forward from informed Republicans/Independents, since it's becoming increasingly obvious that Obama is the better choice in this election. Of course, that leaves folks like crazedarabman who will never agree, but that's why you'll see less and less coherent arguments against Obama heading into the election. If there were many compelling reasons to pick McCain, you'd see a lot more counter-current intelligent posts. He'll never be the perfect candidate for Republicans/Independents, but Obama is increasingly looking like the overall better choice. McCain 2000 would've been a better opponent in terms of discussion in this thread.

Well put. I have no problem discussing the philisophical differences between core Republican and Democratic ideologies. Unfortunately, McCain is not representing his supposed side of that equation anymore.


Zeliard said:
You've gotta be fucking kidding me. People seriously think that Obama being black HELPS him in an election in *this* country? Wake the fuck up. Segregation wasn't fully eradicated until the 70s, black CEOs and politicans are still wildly underrepresented, we've never had anything close to a minority in the White House nor have we ever been remotely close to doing so (until now), latent and corporate racism is in full swing, Obama has been on the receiving end of ethnic slurs and ridiculous suspicions because of his name and upbringing, and polls consistently show that a good chunk of the population isn't voting for Obama because he's black.

If Obama was white this shit would be a no-contest. He'd have had it wrapped up ages ago. If Obama loses, the dominant reason will be because he is black.
Anyone that believes that Obama's skin color is anything but a handicap in this election is delusional.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Chuck had some interesting words about that this morning. It just has a higher ceiling for Obama culturally. There's more there for him to work with.

I agree with Mr. Todd on that. In Ohio you'll find not a whole lot of diversity in terms of culture and in Florida there's so many different paths to a potential victory.


Obama needs to put more work into PA. McCain consistently outspends him there in ads and does rallies there roughly 4x as much as Obama. Obama can't win the election if PA slips away. Not even Virginia would save him.


Setec Astronomer
Cheebs said:
Obama needs to put more work into PA. McCain consistently outspends him there in ads and does rallies there roughly 4x as much as Obama. Obama can't win the election if PA slips away. Not even Virginia would save him.
VA+NV would. :/


Cheebs said:
Obama needs to put more work into PA. McCain consistently outspends him there in ads and does rallies there roughly 4x as much as Obama. Obama can't win the election if PA slips away. Not even Virginia would save him.

True - Biden needs to come back.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Steve Youngblood said:
So, I was sitting here this morning, worried that this economic situation was going to be a tough one for McCain to overcome. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to inspire confidence that he can fix it, and some would even go so far to argue that his party's hatred of regulation played a big role here. All was lost.

Then, one of my esteemed colleagues brought me up to speed on what happened, at least with Fannie and Freddie. It wasn't a lack of regulation, it was too much! They were forced to give out mortgages to minorities who couldn't afford them. They didn't want to, but government policies that were inspired by white liberal guilt forced their hand.

I feel much better now knowing that McCain can get back on the trail and preach about how big government needs to stay out of the free market.

I love you man. :lol


Hitokage said:
VA+NV would. :/
It would be far easier to not take PA for granted. Week after week he is outspent in ads. I mean come on, throw some extra cash at it and do some more rallies there. He has done like 9258958928958 in Florida in the past week, he can spare time for one in PA and McCain is there like twice a week.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
LCGeek said:
Everyone gets what they get in the sea of chaos, existence and life.

I hate what he said but he has a valid point even if it's despicable to say. You seriously think obama would've taken hillary had he been white? I'm black as well, so don't bother pulling that line with me.

Obama being black at this point in time gave an great opportunity to be president, but we also see it has a double edge with it being a downside in some cases out of ignorance and fear.

The damn truth is Obama ran and very powerful and strong campaign. To take everything that he and his team did and just say him being black is what pushed him over the edge to beat Hillary is self defeating if you are black and plain ignorant of the facts.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Chuck had some interesting words about that this morning. It just has a higher ceiling for Obama culturally. There's more there for him to work with.
I didn't see that, but he said something along those lines on First Read this morning.

What's going on here? Why is Obama seeming to make gains in some of the big growth states (see FL, NC, and VA), but McCain is making progress -- or at least keeping it close -- in the shrinking population states (NH, WI, PA, and MI)? The growing states have electorates that tune in later and the swing voters in those states may also be more sensitive to the current economy issue. Take Florida, for instance: The state's economy was built not just on tourism but homebuilding. As for McCain's improvement in the North and Industrial Midwest? The Republican base was really underperforming in many of those shrinking population states. Also, Obama's ability to change the electorates in those states is much more limited than in places like Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida.
Also: HOLY SHIT for some reason it didn't click how much early voting is already happening.

For most, Election Day is November 4, but voting is already underway in 11 states. Voters in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Georgia, Missouri, and South Dakota already have the chance to cast ballots. In fact, in Kentucky -- which started voting on Thursday -- the first ballot in the state was cast for McCain (and the second went for Obama). The first absentee ballots went out Aug. 26th, more than two months before Election Day. By the end of this week, voters in 15 states will have the opportunity to cast their ballots. And by October 5, a month before Election Day, some form of early voting will happen in 23 states.
Shouldn't be too long before we start getting reports on early voting turnout. The one-week window to register and vote at the same time in Ohio starts in one week.


Cheebs said:
It would be far easier to not take PA for granted. Week after week he is outspent in ads. I mean come on, throw some extra cash at it and do some more rallies there. He has done like 9258958928958 in Florida in the past week, he can spare time for one in PA.

I still think McCain has a ceiling in PA - I think it's fairly safe, and I do expect Biden to spend some time here firming it up.


Cheebs said:
Obama needs to put more work into PA. McCain consistently outspends him there in ads and does rallies there roughly 4x as much as Obama. Obama can't win the election if PA slips away. Not even Virginia would save him.

as said before, the overwhelming majority of new registrations in PA are Democratic, this would, to me, indicate a toss up polling to be a slight Obama victory. I would love for it to not be that close, but it may be. I'm knocking on doors in my area of the state and have gotten a good reaction by many in my mainly republican town. Hell, i went home to my parents this weekend and THEY got an Obama supporter knocking on doors there, and they live in one of the most ass backwards parts of PA. So the ground game is there.

The recent appearance by McCain/Palin in my town brought out almost as many protesters as people at the rally.


mckmas8808 said:
The damn truth is Obama ran and very powerful and strong campaign. To take everything that he and his team did and just say him being black is what pushed him over the edge to beat Hillary is self defeating if you are black and plain ignorant of the facts.

Someone who says that also hasn't been paying attention or has short-term memory. Obama had to fight to win over black voters (granted, Bill helped some). Remember when Obama wasn't "black enough"? Hillary towards the beginning of the primaries was getting more AA support than Obama was.


Incognito said:
True. Throw in exit polls (see: 2004) and you have the potential for epic meltdowns. On second thought....
Seriously, I don't get the point of them. They over-predicted Kerry in 2004 and in nearly every state in the 2008 primaries they vastly over-predicted Obama's margin.
gkrykewy said:
It's going to be chaos anyway.
I don't know why you say that. This place has always been extremely level-headed when it comes to metrics concerning the current leader. It's not as though we overreact at all to single-digit shifts in the Gallup poll every day it's released. I'm sure the election day analysis will continue that trend.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gkrykewy said:
I still think McCain has a ceiling in PA - I think it's fairly safe, and I do expect Biden to spend some time here firming it up.

Yeah the DEMs have a 1 million registation lead on the REPs in PA.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Steve Youngblood said:
I don't know why you say that. This place has always been extremely level-headed when it comes to metrics concerning the current leader. It's not as though we overreact at all to single-digit shifts in the Gallup poll every day it's released. I'm sure the election day analysis will continue that trend.

Oh god thanks for reminding me how horrible it will be to go through election day with you guys.


Steve Youngblood said:
So, I was sitting here this morning, worried that this economic situation was going to be a tough one for McCain to overcome. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to inspire confidence that he can fix it, and some would even go so far to argue that his party's hatred of regulation played a big role here. All was lost.

Then, one of my esteemed colleagues brought me up to speed on what happened, at least with Fannie and Freddie. It wasn't a lack of regulation, it was too much! They were forced to give out mortgages to minorities who couldn't afford them. They didn't want to, but government policies that were inspired by white liberal guilt forced their hand.

I feel much better now knowing that McCain can get back on the trail and preach about how big government needs to stay out of the free market.

Well this talking point is particularly stupid, which means it ought to be swallowed wholesale by the base, and hopefully will horrify the cleverer independents.


syllogism said:
And 30% is just the average, some battleground states expect up to 50% to vote early
I take a certain measure of delight living in Oregon, which is 100% mail-in voting. No exit poll data for you!


GhaleonEB said:
I take a certain measure of delight living in Oregon, which is 100% mail-in voting. No exit poll data for you!

What a waste of paper and postage. Big government west coast liberals at their worst and most hypocritical.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CrazedArabMan said:
One more thing, I find it hilarious that I say one thing, and its like a hornet's nest in here, man you guys are pretty much hypnotized by him. (you could say the same thing about McCain supporters)

see what I did there, you can say something that you think applies to someone, but you just change a few words and it turns the whole sentence around. And now the bomb, you know and I know that if Obama wasn't black, he would not be even remotely as popular as what he is today. (same thing can go for Hillary and Palin for being women).

This thread is always great for a few laugh knowing why I'll never vote liberal.

:lol why did i click to view your post??!


GhaleonEB said:
I take a certain measure of delight living in Oregon, which is 100% mail-in voting. No exit poll data for you!
Hmm was it mail-in in 2004? Networks seem to have 2004 exit poll data for Oregon.
Steve Youngblood said:
So, I was sitting here this morning, worried that this economic situation was going to be a tough one for McCain to overcome. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to inspire confidence that he can fix it, and some would even go so far to argue that his party's hatred of regulation played a big role here. All was lost.

Then, one of my esteemed colleagues brought me up to speed on what happened, at least with Fannie and Freddie. It wasn't a lack of regulation, it was too much! They were forced to give out mortgages to minorities who couldn't afford them. They didn't want to, but government policies that were inspired by white liberal guilt forced their hand.

I feel much better now knowing that McCain can get back on the trail and preach about how big government needs to stay out of the free market.

Send him this, http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?sched=1242

Though if he see PRI or NPR he'll freak out.

Also, NPR money podcast is awesome.

syllogism said:
Exit polls are going to be utterly worthless with 30+% voting early

I'm big-time against polls, but why wouldn't non-early voters be representative for all voters? Is it democrats or republicans who tend to vote early?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Xisiqomelir said:
Well this talking point is particularly stupid, which means it ought to be swallowed wholesale by the base, and hopefully will horrify the cleverer independents.

Neil Cavuto said that exact samething on FoxNews on his show. He blamed this crisis on minority home owners getting loans that they couldn't afford.


When is the big Ohio early voting week? Or have the republican troglodites succeeded in preventing it?

mckmas8808 said:
Neil Cavuto said that exact samething on FoxNews on his show. He blamed this crisis on minority home owners getting loans that they couldn't afford.

That is such garbage. To the extent that homebuyers are culpable, how many minorities in distressed neighborhoods did you see on "flip that house"?
Xisiqomelir said:
Well this talking point is particularly stupid, which means it ought to be swallowed wholesale by the base, and hopefully will horrify the cleverer independents.
It sounds perfectly reasonable to me. It's just like the Democrats to invervene to try and level the playing field with their irresponsible and unrealistic policies. And who ends up paying? Me, the responsible (and by 'responsible', I of course mean 'white') taxpayer. That's who!
electricpirate said:
Send him this, http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?sched=1242

Though if he see PRI or NPR he'll freak out.

Also, NPR money podcast is awesome.

No dice. We all know that NPR is a biased liberal outlet.
The Mason Dixon poll is encouraging but fla is still the kind of state that will break your heart. I liked the Chuck Todd bit in first read on the Tampa Bay area going for Obama at the moment. That's my area. ;)


perryfarrell said:
I'm big-time against polls, but why wouldn't non-early voters be representative for all voters? Is it democrats or republicans who tend to vote early?
Both campaigns will try to bank as many early votes as possible, but it's quite likely Camp Obama will out organize Camp Mccain


Steve Youngblood said:
It sounds perfectly reasonable to me. It's just like the Democrats to invervene to try and level the playing field with their irresponsible and unrealistic policies. And who ends up paying? Me, the responsible (and by 'responsible', I of course mean 'white') taxpayer. That's who!


SY, this one can't be pulled off because
no one will be able to actually cite said irresponsible and unrealistic policies
! Appreciate the effort though!
Xisiqomelir said:

SY, this one can't be pulled off because
no one will be able to actually cite said irresponsible and unrealistic policies
! Appreciate the effort though!

Or for that matter the research in demographics that support this.
Xisiqomelir said:

SY, this one can't be pulled off because
no one will be able to actually cite said irresponsible and unrealistic policies
! Appreciate the effort though!
Citing is overrated. When you work from the gut and put forth ideas that sound plausible, that's all that matters. Who has time to back up arguments with facts?

Drill baby drill!


Frankly I am a bit confused as to how the failure of government-backed financial institutions proves we need more government-backed financial institutions.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Branduil said:
Frankly I am a bit confused as to how the failure of government-backed financial institutions proves we need more government-backed financial institutions.

What government backed institutions are you talking about?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Branduil said:
Frankly I am a bit confused as to how the failure of government-backed financial institutions proves we need more government-backed financial institutions.
Freddie and Fannie have very little to do with this crisis.
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