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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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lawblob said:
I meant that Bush is involved more than Reagan, not more competent. I was just observing that Reagan had such a low involvement in policy or management that he literally was like a puppet. At least with Bush you get the feeling he at least 'thinks' he is involved in policy-making.
Cheney knew what he had in his hands.


has calmed down a bit.
Hitokage said:
Oh, I see, that must be why they're pushing so hard for hardcore and longtime gamers then. :p

Nintendo's base are fans of Nintendo games. They're certainly throwing them a bone or two to keep them quiet and in line, similar to McCain picking Palin to help ease the Republican base.

"Hey, don't worry about the constant stream of non-games, we released Metroid and Mario last year!!!"

And with that, I'm done. I don't' want to get banned for taking this joke comparison too far.


Setec Astronomer
If anything, Nintendo is ostensibly playing to people who DON'T usually buy their products. Most game console comparisons to political parties are stupid, but you had to go and make it moreso.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
lawblob said:
I meant that Bush is involved more than Reagan, not more competent. I was just observing that Reagan had such a low involvement in policy or management that he literally was like a puppet. At least with Bush you get the feeling he at least 'thinks' he is involved in policy-making.

maybe that was Bush's problem. Everyone alive will say that Reagan was better than Bush regardless.


Setec Astronomer
lawblob said:
At least with Bush you get the feeling he at least 'thinks' he is involved in policy-making.
If it weren't for the fact that no such apparatus exists in this administration, unless they recently jerryrigged one together.


so does the whole "i am not racist, but black girl..." line fall into the same fold as...

I don't want to offend you but... category of, i preface it by saying i am not really something, so that i can be a ignorant prick and am absolved of all moral obligation.

I think we have a real celebrity on the forums!!!

Ricky Bobby? Is that you?!


I don't know if I have ever shared this story here, but I have an interesting 2nd hand story about the Bush Admin.

My dad is acquaintances with a very rich CEO of company X. This man is personal friends with Bush 1, Cheney, etc. He has been to numerous White House events over the years, etc.

Two years ago my dad was on a business trip with this guy and he 'opened up' about his friendship with various politicians, etc. My dad finally felt comfortable asking him about Bush, and this is what he told my dad - Cheney wanted to resign from being Vice Prez, but felt that he couldn't because Bush is such a moron that Cheney worried Bush would fall apart if Cheney left, and Cheney felt a personal responsibility to stay there and keep things running.

Hitokage said:
If it weren't for the fact that no such apparatus exists in this administration, unless they recently jerryrigged one together.

Remember when Treasury Secretary O'Neill resigned back in 2001, and said that the main reason he resigned is because they never held any policy meetings? I think he said their cabinet meetings were little more than political strategy sessions, with little concern for policy.

That's what drives me insane about Bush, he has been the same way since Day 1, but it took people six years to realize how incompetent he was.
Is there a resource that show what the trend in polling leading up to the election was in 2004?

I tried looking for the 2004 graph at the Gallup site but couldn't find it.
One more thing, I find it hilarious that I say one thing, and its like a hornet's nest in here, man you guys are pretty much hypnotized by him. (you could say the same thing about McCain supporters)

well atleast X26 is a glimpse into reality - that the average american voter is dumb as shit

Obama 08 - may god help you all

see what I did there, you can say something that you think applies to someone, but you just change a few words and it turns the whole sentence around. And now the bomb, you know and I know that if Obama wasn't black, he would not be even remotely as popular as what he is today. (same thing can go for Hillary and Palin for being women).

This thread is always great for a few laugh knowing why I'll never vote liberal.

:lol :lol :lol


formerly sane
VanMardigan said:
Nintendo's base are fans of Nintendo games. They're certainly throwing them a bone or two to keep them quiet and in line, similar to McCain picking Palin to help ease the Republican base.

"Hey, don't worry about the constant stream of non-games, we released Metroid and Mario last year!!!"

And with that, I'm done. I don't' want to get banned for taking this joke comparison too far.

Rarely ever do I agree with what you write but that's pretty accurate to a T.


Setec Astronomer
lawblob: That actually makes a lot of sense when considering possible personal motivations for Cheney's actions in office. Maybe he truly believed it was up to him to supplant the President while keeping appearances for the public.

...and yeah, I've read O'Neill's book. It's one of my primary sources of disdain for the Bush Administration.
CrazedArabMan said:
One more thing, I find it hilarious that I say one thing, and its like a hornet's nest in here, man you guys are pretty much hypnotized by him. (you could say the same thing about McCain supporters)

see what I did there, you can say something that you think applies to someone, but you just change a few words and it turns the whole sentence around. And now the bomb, you know and I know that if Obama wasn't black, he would not be even remotely as popular as what he is today. (same thing can go for Hillary and Palin for being women).

This thread is always great for a few laugh knowing why I'll never vote liberal.

:lol :lol :lol

What an angry, bitter person you are. I feel kind of sorry for you.
So, I was sitting here this morning, worried that this economic situation was going to be a tough one for McCain to overcome. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to inspire confidence that he can fix it, and some would even go so far to argue that his party's hatred of regulation played a big role here. All was lost.

Then, one of my esteemed colleagues brought me up to speed on what happened, at least with Fannie and Freddie. It wasn't a lack of regulation, it was too much! They were forced to give out mortgages to minorities who couldn't afford them. They didn't want to, but government policies that were inspired by white liberal guilt forced their hand.

I feel much better now knowing that McCain can get back on the trail and preach about how big government needs to stay out of the free market.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
CrazedArabMan said:
One more thing, I find it hilarious that I say one thing, and its like a hornet's nest in here, man you guys are pretty much hypnotized by him. (you could say the same thing about McCain supporters)

see what I did there, you can say something that you think applies to someone, but you just change a few words and it turns the whole sentence around. And now the bomb, you know and I know that if Obama wasn't black, he would not be even remotely as popular as what he is today. (same thing can go for Hillary and Palin for being women).

This thread is always great for a few laugh knowing why I'll never vote liberal.

:lol :lol :lol

So basically you are continuing to show that you are an elitist by saying that Obama is only where he is today because he is black.

So only white men deserve what they get? This is my problem with some white men in this country. Yes I'm a black man.


mckmas8808 said:
So basically you are continuing to show that you are an elitist by saying that Obama is only where he is today because he is black.

So only white men deserve what they get? This is my problem with some white men in this country. Yes I'm a black man.

i agree, and i'm white.

that being said, you have to agree, he wouldn't be where he is today if he was white.

He'd be even further ahead, and we'd be talking about how great it is going to be to see one of the biggest blowouts in electoral college history taking place in November


has calmed down a bit.
Hitokage said:
If anything, Nintendo is ostensibly playing to people who DON'T usually buy their products. Most game console comparisons to political parties are stupid, but you had to go and make it moreso.

So they're reaching out to with shallow, condescending material that offer little in the way of true substance. Drill Now!! Wii Music!! Comparison still holds true!! :p

that being said, you have to agree, he wouldn't be where he is today if he was white.

He'd be even further ahead, and we'd be talking about how great it is going to be to see one of the biggest blowouts in electoral college history taking place in November

Yeah, it's funny when folks try to point out that him being black is somehow an asset. What? And I bet being named Barrack Hussein Obama has also benefited him greatly. :lol


CrazedArabMan said:
One more thing, I find it hilarious that I say one thing, and its like a hornet's nest in here, man you guys are pretty much hypnotized by him. (you could say the same thing about McCain supporters)

see what I did there, you can say something that you think applies to someone, but you just change a few words and it turns the whole sentence around. And now the bomb, you know and I know that if Obama wasn't black, he would not be even remotely as popular as what he is today. (same thing can go for Hillary and Palin for being women).

This thread is always great for a few laugh knowing why I'll never vote liberal.

:lol :lol :lol

Ignorant troll.


The guy's an apparent hard-line right-winger, says Obama is only where he is today because he's black, and his name is "CrazedArabMan".



we all knew her
gcubed said:
i agree, and i'm white.

that being said, you have to agree, he wouldn't be where he is today if he was white.

He'd be even further ahead, and we'd be talking about how great it is going to be to see one of the biggest blowouts in electoral college history taking place in November

Pretty much.


formerly sane
mckmas8808 said:
So basically you are continuing to show that you are an elitist by saying that Obama is only where he is today because he is black.

So only white men deserve what they get? This is my problem with some white men in this country. Yes I'm a black man.

Everyone gets what they get in the sea of chaos, existence and life.

I hate what he said but he has a valid point even if it's despicable to say. You seriously think obama would've taken hillary had he been white? I'm black as well, so don't bother pulling that line with me.

Obama being black at this point in time gave an great opportunity to be president, but we also see it has a double edge with it being a downside in some cases out of ignorance and fear.


CrazedArabMan said:
This thread is always great for a few laugh knowing why I'll never vote liberal.
So I assume that things are much better for you now than they were 8 years ago? If you can honestly answer yes, then by all means, vote neocon.
lawblob said:
I don't know if I have ever shared this story here, but I have an interesting 2nd hand story about the Bush Admin.

My dad is acquaintances with a very rich CEO of company X. This man is personal friends with Bush 1, Cheney, etc. He has been to numerous White House events over the years, etc.

Two years ago my dad was on a business trip with this guy and he 'opened up' about his friendship with various politicians, etc. My dad finally felt comfortable asking him about Bush, and this is what he told my dad - Cheney wanted to resign from being Vice Prez, but felt that he couldn't because Bush is such a moron that Cheney worried Bush would fall apart if Cheney left, and Cheney felt a personal responsibility to stay there and keep things running.

this is weird. the father (also huge ceo of company X) of the girl i'm involved with relayed nearly the same anecdote to me. he was a huge bush supporter (pioneer), donated $200k+ to the inaugauration, has had many personal meetings with W, but recently has had a falling out over the overall direction of the administration. when you've lost the CEO's.....


Zeliard said:
The guy's an apparent hard-line right-winger, says Obama is only where he is today because he's black, and his name is "CrazedArabMan".


Clearly he doesnt want to seem like an ignorant bigot and personify a lot of what is wrong in this country, but he thinks all
Arab men
are crazed
mckmas8808 said:
Seriously! Isn't this talk elitist? Why do you think you are better than the actors and rappers? How do you know they actually don't know about Obama's policies?

And talk about how McCain supporters are just uneducated rednecks isn't elitist? That kind of stupidity is all over this thread. That's probably why more people who aren't supporting Obama or are on the fence like myself don't post more.


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
I wonder if it's starting to turn a bit. Since the start of this month, nearly every poll has been within five points. Florida certainly looks more in play than Ohio at this point.

I think he gets them both at this point.. unless there is a momentum shift, its starting to look like Obama might be able to pick up all of the major swing states. Hell, even MO is starting to come back into play a bit.


Bumblebeetuna said:
And talk about how McCain supporters are just uneducated rednecks isn't elitist? That kind of stupidity is all over this thread. That's probably why more people who aren't supporting Obama or are on the fence like myself don't post more.

if you have a shred of intelligence and post in this thread, you are USUALLY treated with quite a bit of respect. It would be nice to have more then, what, 3 contrary opinions who post here regularly, instead, we get CrazedArabMan


StoOgE said:
I think he gets them both at this point.. unless there is a momentum shift, its starting to look like Obama might be able to pick up all of the major swing states. Hell, even MO is starting to come back into play a bit.

We're almost to the point where Iowa, New Mexico and Colorado are in the bag; the first two are already out of McCain's reach. Once that is done, Obama just needs to hold Kerry states and nothing more. Anything else is gravy.
Steve Youngblood said:
So, I was sitting here this morning, worried that this economic situation was going to be a tough one for McCain to overcome. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to inspire confidence that he can fix it, and some would even go so far to argue that his party's hatred of regulation played a big role here. All was lost.

Then, one of my esteemed colleagues brought me up to speed on what happened, at least with Fannie and Freddie. It wasn't a lack of regulation, it was too much! They were forced to give out mortgages to minorities who couldn't afford them. They didn't want to, but government policies that were inspired by white liberal guilt forced their hand.

I feel much better now knowing that McCain can get back on the trail and preach about how big government needs to stay out of the free market.

You know Pat Buchanan?!!!
maximum360 said:
You know Pat Buchanan?!!!
Oh, I've had magnificent dreams of such a thing, working side by side with that man among men. But alas, I am but a lowly computer programmer, and am thus not fit to shine his shoes.

But I can continue to dream...


GhaleonEB said:
We're almost to the point where Iowa, New Mexico and Colorado are in the bag; the first two are already out of McCain's reach. Once that is done, Obama just needs to hold Kerry states and nothing more. Anything else is gravy.

would be nice to get Virgina as insurance. PA new voter registration numbers are, if i recall, insanely tilted towards democrats, which would lead me to believe that a 2% obama polling advantage is quite a bit bigger with the GOTV initiative.
GhaleonEB said:
We're almost to the point where Iowa, New Mexico and Colorado are in the bag; the first two are already out of McCain's reach. Once that is done, Obama just needs to hold Kerry states and nothing more. Anything else is gravy.

All be for naught if he loses NH.. well, a tie.

Anyway, something funny I came across in the comment section at 538:

..Without FL and NC and VA McCain's prospects are pretty bleak.

You don't say!


formerly sane
Bumblebeetuna said:
And talk about how McCain supporters are just uneducated rednecks isn't elitist? That kind of stupidity is all over this thread. That's probably why more people who aren't supporting Obama or are on the fence like myself don't post more.

Way to take the same 2d way of thinking that those you're complaining about. It's not elitist to generalize the behaviors of others just stupid and pointless elitist or not elitist.

Group mentality is rampant here on the OT or gaming board. For months on the gaming board I had to cut through endless bs of ignorant clueless crap spewed about Wii's ability and I didn't give up or not speak using a weak excuse to be silent because of harsh/hostile comments.

Case in point if you aren't willing to defend let alone speak for yourself or your opinion's perspective why should we care let alone respect your position? I'd say more but I don't want to sound informed *cough* elitist *cough*.


Steve Youngblood said:
So, I was sitting here this morning, worried that this economic situation was going to be a tough one for McCain to overcome. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to inspire confidence that he can fix it, and some would even go so far to argue that his party's hatred of regulation played a big role here. All was lost.

Then, one of my esteemed colleagues brought me up to speed on what happened, at least with Fannie and Freddie. It wasn't a lack of regulation, it was too much! They were forced to give out mortgages to minorities who couldn't afford them. They didn't want to, but government policies that were inspired by white liberal guilt forced their hand.

I feel much better now knowing that McCain can get back on the trail and preach about how big government needs to stay out of the free market.

Yea, that was the entire Neil Boortz show yesterday. Glad to see people are still obediently believing and regurgitating what the right wing/libertarian media is feeding them.


Incognito said:
All be for naught if he loses NH.. well, a tie.
NH does make me nervous in that scenario, but a tie is still a win. It's just not a pretty one. Still, it's comforting that Obama just needs to pick up six EV, and hold Kerry states. He's got seven or eight states that could happen in.

Not a huge deal, but pollster.com just switched Michigan from toss-up to "lean blue". A few polls in the past week have had bigger margins than over the past month.


Steve Youngblood said:
So, I was sitting here this morning, worried that this economic situation was going to be a tough one for McCain to overcome. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to inspire confidence that he can fix it, and some would even go so far to argue that his party's hatred of regulation played a big role here. All was lost.

Then, one of my esteemed colleagues brought me up to speed on what happened, at least with Fannie and Freddie. It wasn't a lack of regulation, it was too much! They were forced to give out mortgages to minorities who couldn't afford them. They didn't want to, but government policies that were inspired by white liberal guilt forced their hand.

I feel much better now knowing that McCain can get back on the trail and preach about how big government needs to stay out of the free market.
Totally agreed! We are in the position we are in today because we are being TOO nice! Thinking about it, perhaps we should only lend money based on a pigmentation scale...this way, it's not personal and purely business.

Black: $70,000 or less
Mixed: $150,000 or less
White: $400,00 or less
Albino: 10% of gross national product
VanMardigan said:
So they're reaching out to with shallow, condescending material that offer little in the way of true substance. Drill Now!! Wii Music!! Comparison still holds true!! :p

Yeah, it's funny when folks try to point out that him being black is somehow an asset. What? And I bet being named Barrack Hussein Obama has also benefited him greatly. :lol

I have to give Obama props. He is the first presidential candidate to be called:

too white
too black
too radical
most librul
too conservative
an empty suit
too wordy

And after all that he's still ahead. The guys is pure teflon. The list is really endless. The pundits and others just finds a new term to fit the "narrative" of the day/week.


has calmed down a bit.
gcubed said:
if you have a shred of intelligence and post in this thread, you are USUALLY treated with quite a bit of respect.

No, I can't say that's really true. As a religious conservative, I've gotten a ton of flack on poligaf. I think once I started to lean towards Obama, the treatment has gotten better, but anti-Obama views generally get a ton of negative attention, whether they're worded well or worded ignorantly.

And I don't think there will be much resistance moving forward from informed Republicans/Independents, since it's becoming increasingly obvious that Obama is the better choice in this election. Of course, that leaves folks like crazedarabman who will never agree, but that's why you'll see less and less coherent arguments against Obama heading into the election. If there were many compelling reasons to pick McCain, you'd see a lot more counter-current intelligent posts. He'll never be the perfect candidate for Republicans/Independents, but Obama is increasingly looking like the overall better choice. McCain 2000 would've been a better opponent in terms of discussion in this thread.


Bumblebeetuna said:
And talk about how McCain supporters are just uneducated rednecks isn't elitist? That kind of stupidity is all over this thread. That's probably why more people who aren't supporting Obama or are on the fence like myself don't post more.

Plenty of McCain supporters are ignorant hicks. Whats the problem?

Look, Obama has support of plenty of crooked/lazy unions, nobody denies that, thats just how politics functions, you try to grab as many constituencies as you can, and hope they can bring out the vote for you.

The reason there is so much disdain over hillbilly Republicans is because the Republican party has engineered a program for the last 30 years that manipulates lower class & lower middle class people into voting Republican based on phony moral issues, despite the fact that actually voting for Republican candidates will in reality do very little to advance that moral issue cause. The outrage stems from the Republican's manipulation of people's religious, moral and patriotic beliefs. At least with a crooked union there is an honest exchange of why they are voting for a candidate. With many hick Republican voters, there is no honest exchange, it is intentional subterfuge by Republicans to manipulate people into voting a certain way. Hence, when Republicans distribute thousands of pamphlets across rural America saying Democrats will ban all guns!, I don't feel bad calling people who get swayed by that kind of thing Hillbilly morons; because that's what they are. On the other hand, when a fat & lazy machinist in Detroit votes straight-ticket Democrat his entire life in the hopes of keeping his crooked / lazy union in power, while that person may be disdainful, at least he has an honest expectation of what he is giving & getting in the exchange.
GhaleonEB said:
I wonder if it's starting to turn a bit. Since the start of this month, nearly every poll has been within five points. Florida certainly looks more in play than Ohio at this point.

Chuck had some interesting words about that this morning. It just has a higher ceiling for Obama culturally. There's more there for him to work with.
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