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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AniHawk said:
Why haven't they done this yet (go on the attack for the community organizer thing)? What are they waiting for?

It's coming. I honestly expect the Biden-Palin debate to be one of the most embarrassing and humiliating spectacles in the entire history of US politics. Just make sure to record it for posterity.


The thing that really amazes me about the first graph is for how long the trend holds true. I had no idea it went all the way back to Johnson.
Alec Baldwin
John McCain Is Not George Bush, Sarah Palin Is

PS: My apologies to the cast and crews of My Name Is Earl and Scrubs. In my frustration with NBC's reprehensible promotion of 30 Rock, I took an unfortunate swipe at both of those shows and that was not cool.

But, for Earl's creator, Greg Garcia, who referred to me as a "psychotic", I have only one question. Why are you Scientologists always rendering these medical opinions you aren't qualified to give?

laserbeam said:
People seem to downplay the fact that the US Government made our highways that are cross country in the exact same fashion as Hitler. Cross Country movement of massive amounts of military hardware was its intention.

Obviously the People benefit from it but that was not its primary goal. Local highways are designed primarily for civilians but even then they make sure they are large enough for Military forces.

wait a minute. what exactly is the point/argument here? That the current highway system is NOT a socialist concept, because one of it's intended uses was military application in case of an emergency?

I don't see how that's relevant at all. As it stands it's not a capitalist concept. It's publicly funded, with tax dollars, and everyone and anyone is free to use it within the same limits.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
MassiveAttack said:
It's coming. I honestly expect the Biden-Palin debate to be one of the most embarrassing and humiliating spectacles in the entire history of US politics. Just make sure to record it for posterity.

Knowing the structure of these debates I think you're going to be hugely disappointed.
Can we stop this stupid debate about the US highway system? It is a FACT that the Interstate Highway System was instated for military and economic purposes.

Wiki for the Interstate Highway System:

The Interstate Highway System was authorized by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 – popularly known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956 – on June 29. It had been lobbied for by major U.S. automobile manufacturers and championed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was influenced by his experiences in 1919 as a young soldier crossing the country (following the route of the Lincoln Highway) and his appreciation of the German autobahn network as a necessary component of a national defense system.[7] In addition to facilitating private and commercial transportation, it would provide key ground transport routes for military supplies and troop deployments in an emergency.

Initial federal planning for a nationwide highway system began in 1921, when the Bureau of Public Roads asked the Army to provide a list of roads it considered necessary for national defense. This resulted in the Pershing Map.[8] Later that decade, highways such as the New York parkway system were built as part of local or state highway systems. As automobile traffic increased, planners saw a need for such an interconnected national system to supplement the existing, largely non-freeway, United States Numbered Highway system. By the late 1930s, planning had expanded to a system of new superhighways. In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave BPR chief Thomas MacDonald a hand-drawn map of the U.S. marked with eight superhighway corridors for study.[8] The publication General Location of National System of Interstate Highways maps out what became the Interstate System, and is informally known as the Yellow Book.[9]

The larger National Highway System was put into effect in 1995. Again, a simple Wiki search:

The National Highway System (NHS) of the United States comprises approximately 160,000 miles (256,000 kilometers) of roadway, including the Interstate Highway System as well as other roads, which are important to the nation's economy, defense, and mobility.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
MassiveAttack said:
It's coming. I honestly expect the Biden-Palin debate to be one of the most embarrassing and humiliating spectacles in the entire history of US politics. Just make sure to record it for posterity.

Said it before snd I will say it again. As long as she doesn't drop trou and take a shit on the podium, they will say she stood up to Biden better than expected and it was David vs. Goliath.

See radio mic'd Bush debate for evidence.
By the way, Milton Friedman - the father of libertarian thinking and a huge influence on the Goldwater conservative movement in the Republican party which is still alive today - thought that all roads should be developed by private companies, not the government, and paid for by tolls. If the government building roads is considering communist, then hand me my hammer and sickle baby!


I'm late to this, but my internet has been down since last night till recently:

That George Bush/John McCain mashup from last night's Daily Show was incredibly well-done. Just brutal. They seriously tore McCain a new one.
Trurl said:
The thing that really amazes me about the first graph is for how long the trend holds true. I had no idea it went all the way back to Johnson.

The biggest myth in recent political history has always been that Republicans shrink government on the federal level. They do no such thing and when you include military spending (which you should) they invariably grow it more than Democrats do not to mention run up huge deficits.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Said it before snd I will say it again. As long as she doesn't drop trou and take a shit on the podium, they will say she stood up to Biden better than expected and it was David vs. Goliath.

See radio mic'd Bush debate for evidence.
Yeah when you think about it Palin really has the advantage in terms of the expectations game. Biden is expected to defeat her handily, so he cannot do anything less - and he cannot do anything more either or he'll come across as a bully.

Of the two camps Biden is the one that has more to worry about in this debate. Palin only has to merely hold her own to come away with a win.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Said it before and I will say it again. As long as she doesn't drop trou and take a shit on the podium, they will say she stood up to Biden better than expected and it was David vs. Goliath.

See radio mic'd Bush debate for evidence.

Yup yup. Bar so low not even midgets can limbo.
Frank the Great said:
By the way, Milton Friedman - the father of libertarian thinking and a huge influence on the Goldwater conservative movement in the Republican party which is still alive today - thought that all roads should be developed by private companies, not the government, and paid for by tolls. If the government building roads is considering communist, then hand me my hammer and sickle baby!

Why do you hate Ameirca?



This is useful.



I am Korean.
laserbeam said:
People seem to downplay the fact that the US Government made our highways that are cross country in the exact same fashion as Hitler. Cross Country movement of massive amounts of military hardware was its intention.

Obviously the People benefit from it but that was not its primary goal. Local highways are designed primarily for civilians but even then they make sure they are large enough for Military forces.
The internet was designed for the military as well. Systems grow.


100% logic failure rate
Kolgar said:
Well, the teleprompter was borked during her big speech last week--apparently, it cut off the first two lines of each paragraph--and she got through that just fine.

But I'm very disappointed that the ticket's speech writers have apparently gone on vacation. The stuff they're reading in Colorado right now is a carbon copy of last week's speeches. It's OLD already. I honestly had to turn the channel, it sounded so embarrassing. (Doesn't help that McCain's delivery is stumbling and awkward.)

I really think that McCain and Palin have compelling messages--they're just not delivering them. Everything sounds too "speechy." Listening to them, it's easy to conclude they don't have anything substantial to say, and that's nobody's fault but theirs.
In her speech today Fox clearly showed the teleprompter she was using and she still needed to look at her notes.




The Gallup tracker now shows Barack Obama leading by 2 points, down from 4 a day ago. When I attempt to estimate the daily results from the topline numbers, however, I get the following:

Wednesday: Obama +7.8
Thursday: Obama +2.4
Friday: McCain +4.2

So Obama's numbers are being propped up by a strong night of polling on Wednesday, which will cycle out tomorrow.

Should swing in McCain's favor completely tomorrow then.

Once again, I would caution against overinterpreting any of this. Conventions should produce bounces -- they are the equivalent of tens of millions of dollars in free advertising time. What we don't know is how to contextualize these bounces. An average convention bounce is about 6 points, but we don't know how the Democratic and Republican conventions interact with one another, particularly as it affects the timing of the respective bounces. Moreover, Fridays (and Saturdays) are tough nights to poll. My hunch, as I've stated before, is that whatever numbers McCain winds up with over the weekend, Barack Obama will probably be polling a couple of points ahead of those numbers by the end of the upcoming week.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon


quadriplegicjon said:
she kept it for herself? or for the alaskan government?
For the Alaskan government, I assume. But she didn't give it back when she found out Alaska would have to pay more than she thought.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Said it before snd I will say it again. As long as she doesn't drop trou and take a shit on the podium, they will say she stood up to Biden better than expected and it was David vs. Goliath.

See radio mic'd Bush debate for evidence.
Pretty much. All she has to do is show some sense of competency and she'll come out a media declared winner. The american people aren't going to be judging this from a logician's point of view. They aren't going to just side with whoever has the best argument. A lot of it will be about emotion. Look at that babe and how she stood up! The pubs are hiding her right now to give her some decent lines to say when asked about policy. I really don't see Joe getting super aggressive with the poor ol' woman. Just look at how the Dems have been treating her so far. She's already had one of the more vicious speeches against Obama, and their response was to virtually ignore her. I said it before and I'll say it again... It is a huge mistake to ignore Palin.


ralexand said:
In her speech today Fox clearly showed the teleprompter she was using and she still needed to look at her notes.

Yes, and I'm sure you would too, being suddenly thrust into the national spotlight with the Republican party's entire 2008 campaign on the line. If she had fucked up even once, one single thing, people on all sides would have pounced and McCain's run would be OVER.

Jesus. We don't know if the teleprompter was working properly. All we have are some people saying it was, and others countering that it wasn't. Both sides lie. It's very interesting how the right is rallying around Palin and the left is bending over backwards to discredit everything about her.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
laserbeam said:
The interstate system is a result of the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956. It championed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was influenced by his experiences in 1919 as a young soldier crossing the country (following the route of the Lincoln Highway) and his appreciation of the German autobahn network as a necessary component of a national defense system.

whats your point exactly? highways are still a major part of civilian transportation and its publicly funded.


Kolgar said:
Yes, and I'm sure you would too, being suddenly thrust into the national spotlight with the Republican party's entire 2008 campaign on the line. If she had fucked up even once, one single thing, people on all sides would have pounced and McCain's run would be OVER.

Jesus. We don't know if the teleprompter was working properly. All we have are some people saying it was, and others countering that it wasn't. Both sides lie. It's very interesting how the right is rallying around Palin and the left is bending over backwards to discredit everything about her.

Um....Jonathan Martin is definitely not "the left":lol
Is there a one-stop shop for all public events Obama will hold? I want to see this man live sometime in my life, and I'm willing to travel.

I just don't know where to look.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Gary Whitta said:
Yeah when you think about it Palin really has the advantage in terms of the expectations game. Biden is expected to defeat her handily, so he cannot do anything less - and he cannot do anything more either or he'll come across as a bully.

Of the two camps Biden is the one that has more to worry about in this debate. Palin only has to merely hold her own to come away with a win.

people seem to forget that debates arent really about who is right, but who can dumb things down into perfect soundbites for the general public and media.
Slurpy said:
So I just donated another $100 to celebrate McCains
ludicrously narcissistic
acceptance speech.

To Obama, of course

That makes $450 in the last 2 days.

It's scary how much you guys love wasting your money. Aren't there bills to be paid?


quadriplegicjon said:
people seem to forget that debates are really about who is right, but who can dumb things down into perfect soundbites for the general public and media.

Which McCain will do easily. He's gotten pretty good at giving vague generalizations even though he's a lousy debater.

It's like the Kerry-Bush matchups.


I just watched the new Obama speech, and I see that he finally mentioned Palin and the 'earmark' ordeal. That's what I want to hear. He really got McCain good, and now he's mentioning Palin. That's exactly what needs to be done. Control her narrative before the GOP can.
If I were Joe Biden, in the debate with Sarah Palin, I would label her with some quick wit.

I would say America, Gov. Palin was introduce to us as a "Reformer" (using my hands to make the quotation symbol)

1. The Bridge to Nowhere, she told us, I said thanks but no thanks

2. Earmarks thanks but no thanks

She's trying to reform her image to the lower 48, but I willl just call it like I see it, She's a Transformer literally in disguise. Nothing she said was true and thats unfortunate and we have seen this before from George Bush and Karl Rove.

So stop telling us you are a reformer no you're not, you're optimus prime.


Kolgar said:
Yes, and I'm sure you would too, being suddenly thrust into the national spotlight with the Republican party's entire 2008 campaign on the line. If she had fucked up even once, one single thing, people on all sides would have pounced and McCain's run would be OVER.

Jesus. We don't know if the teleprompter was working properly. All we have are some people saying it was, and others countering that it wasn't. Both sides lie. It's very interesting how the right is rallying around Palin and the left is bending over backwards to discredit everything about her.
Jonathan Martin a left wing liar? Hilarious, Martin is a old school journalist. And one McCain LIKES. Martin was invited to the McCain BBQ a few months ago.


gluv65 said:
If I were Joe Biden, in the debate with Sarah Palin, I would label her with some quick wit.

I would say America, Gov. Palin was introduce to us as a "Reformer" (using my hands to make the quotation symbol)

1. The Bridge to Nowhere, she told us, I said thanks but no thanks

2. Earmarks thanks but no thanks

She's trying to reform her image to the lower 48, but I willl just call it like I see it, She's a Transformer literally in disguise. Nothing she said was true and thats unfortunate and we have seen this before from George Bush and Karl Rove.

So stop telling us you are a reformer no you're not, you're optimus prime.
What leads you to believe a transformers reference would be anything but terrible?


ComputerNerd said:
It's scary how much you guys love wasting your money. Aren't there bills to be paid?

Don't fault people for wanting the Republicans out of office so badly that they're willing to pay money for it. If McCain gets into office, most of us will be losing a lot more money than what's being donated to Obama.
AniHawk said:
What leads you to believe a transformers reference would be anything but terrible?

for simple fact that most americans deal in simple sound bites, i.e. Reformer and thats all you hear is reformer, but the record shows it not to be true.

People know what a transformers are and in short what you see is not what you get. Couple that with its sound similar to reformer.
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