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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ComputerNerd said:
For 2) If there's no incentive to build a road/rail there, then it shouldn't be built. Less needless road building.

The benefits are all external. They are externalities. They are called that because they can't be internalized into the price of the service you're providing without wrecking the entire financial model.

Did you ever have even a basic economics course? Are you John McCain?


formerly sane
Cooter said:
Yeah, I've seen it but it is the same on both sides. You continue to believe in your national corporate conspiracies though.

I never said I haven't seen it on both sides, you seem to think I'm on one particular route/side. It's not corporate btw it's elite society and despite your word about cospiraciries law even recognizes such a thing is possible. Only blind sheep who believe in delusional realities like you buy in to the notion that the media who is owned by an elite few isn't controlled by the top when it comes to national discussion.
Hitokage said:
Ok, I know words like "idiot" have been thrown around a lot in this thread, but please believe I mean no hyperbole when I say treating roads like a competitive market is completely retarded, about as utterly and mindblowingly stupid as embedding multiple water pipes underground to every house to provide choice in running water.

Roads aren't widgets people pick up and take home, they are travel routes. Efficiency of their use is a matter of empirical optimization, not choice. Building multiple roads to connect two points with the expectation that one eventually wins out is inherently less efficient, not more. Now, things get a little more complicated when you factor the array of roads necessary to construct a transportation system that serves a populated area as well as varying levels of traffic congestion, but it remains a problem of planned optimization.

Fancy words "Hitler" but the unseen hand would have fixed these issues...
ComputerNerd said:
As for monopolies on areas, if one road is charging too much and gets too much traffic, you can bet somebody else will go "Hey, I want a piece of that pie", and build a competing road/bridge/whatever. That would force down the prices.

You've officially lost your mind.
Hitokage said:
Ok, I know words like "idiot" have been thrown around a lot in this thread, but please believe I mean no hyperbole when I say treating roads like a competitive market is completely retarded, about as utterly and mindblowingly stupid as embedding multiple water pipes underground to every house to provide choice in running water.

Sanity speaks!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Azrael said:
It's not a conspiracy. It's blatant and out in the open. Look at how the credit card companies axed the Mythbusters show on RFID security as a recent example. Television networks are funded by big corporate advertisers. They twist or bury information that is inconvenient to the interests of those sponsors, whether it's oil companies and offshore drilling, health insurance companies and pharmaceuticals and public health care, etc. It doesn't matter how many networks there are when they're all beholden to the same interests. You can't have a healthy flow of information in a society that doesn't have a well-funded public media to counterbalance private media, and the United States doesn't have it.

So you're saying calls are placed from the board of directors and CEO's to NBC, CBS, ABC, ect and they tell them what stories they want covered and how to slant them? I think it is proven that the vast majority of on air personalities and writeres in newpapers vote democrat so why would these corporate types hire so many people that apparently go against their vision and interest in news coverage?


Cooter said:
Where have you been? Politicians stretch the truth, bend the truth, and sometimes downright lie. It isn't particular to one party.

And yes, the spineless media doesn't call them out usually.

In this general election, the Dems are doing the usual distortion of quotes and half-truths but the other side is telling COMPLETE lies..
Cooter said:
Where have you been? Politicians stretch the truth, bend the truth, and sometimes downright lie. It isn't particular to one party.

And yes, the spineless media doesn't call them out usually.

You are out of your mind if you think the RNC speeches contained anything but lies upon lies upon lies. Wake up.

Characterizing what was done at the RNC (And throughout John McCain's entire campaign, basically) as "stretching" and "bending" the truth is about as intellectually dishonest as one can get.

This shit isn't a matter of opinion; anyone can fact check and see that almost all of the major talking points that were made to defend the credentials of the Republicans or discredit the credentials of Obama were blatant misrepresentations of the truth.

Cloudy said:
In this general election, the Dems are doing the usual distortion of quotes and half-truths but the other side is telling COMPLETE lies..

Honestly. I can't believe anyone that can walk upright, breathe, and blink simultaneously would be so willing to suspend disbelief that they could completely shroud themselves in delusion with this.


...to continue my chasing voter registration numbers, in Virginia this time.


With time running out on its push to register thousands of new voters in Virginia, the Obama campaign is picking up the pace. State election officials told the campaign Friday that 49,000 new voters signed up in August, a sharp increase from the 36,500 who signed up in July and the 28,000 who registered in June.

The campaign had predicted that its August numbers could lag given the difficulty of reaching residents during vacation season. But the August gain puts the Obama campaign very much on track toward its goal of signing up 150,000 new voters by the early October voter registration deadline, on top of the 142,000 new voters who registered during primary season.
There is no way of knowing how many of the newly registered will vote for Obama, especially since Virginia does not record voters by party affiliation. But the campaign is encouraged by the demographic profile of the new voters -- about 40 percent of those who registered in August are aged 25 or under.

The campaign predicts that if it can add 150,000 new registrations before early October, it will net about 60,000 votes out of that in November, assuming that 80 percent of the new voters are for Obama and that they turn out at a rate of 75 percent. Those votes could add up to about 1.75 percent of the anticipated state vote -- not enough to make up for the eight-point edge George Bush had in 2004, but possibly enough to tip the state Obama's way if he can also make gains with existing voters.
Cooter said:
So you're saying calls are placed from the board of directors and CEO's to NBC, CBS, ABC, ect and they tell them what stories they want covered and how to slant them? I think it is proven that the vast majority of on air personalities and writeres in newpapers vote democrat so why would these corporate types hire so many people that apparently go against their vision and interest in news coverage?

Which candidate has gotten more negative coverage from the media, McCain or Obama?


Cooter said:
So you're saying calls are placed from the board of directors and CEO's to NBC, CBS, ABC, ect and they tell them what stories they want covered and how to slant them?

In a few cases. Most of the time they don't have to, because the networks know how to keep their customers happy.

I think it is proven that the vast majority of on air personalities and writeres in newpapers vote democrat

And the vast majority of their editors are Republicans. And I would disagree that there are more liberal partisans on cable news than conservative partisans.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
theviolenthero said:
Which candidate has gotten more negative coverage from the media, McCain or Obama?


WickedAngel said:
You are out of your mind if you think the RNC speeches contained anything but lies upon lies upon lies. Wake up.

Characterizing what was done at the RNC (And throughout John McCain's entire campaign, basically) as "stretching" and "bending" the truth is about as intellectually dishonest as one can get.

This shit isn't a matter of opinion; anyone can fact check and see that almost all of the major talking points that were made to defend the credentials of the Republicans or discredit the credentials of Obama were blatant misrepresentations of the truth.

If you say so. I'm not going to get into which politicians are more deceiving. You obviously have your opinion or should I call them "facts."

theviolenthero said:
And the vast majority of their editors are Republicans. And I would disagree that there are more liberal partisans on cable news than conservative partisans.

I want to see that survey. Are you seriously saying that the on-air personalities on tv and newpapers don't have a huge majority of people voting democrat?


formerly sane
Cooter said:
So you're saying calls are placed from the board of directors and CEO's to NBC, CBS, ABC, ect and they tell them what stories they want covered and how to slant them? I think it is proven that the vast majority of on air personalities and writeres in newpapers vote democrat so why would these corporate types hire so many people that apparently go against their vision and interest in news coverage?

You're going about the issue wrong.

The media works by elite society finding people of their message who connect well with other, think hannity, o'reilly, rush and the left has it's equivalents. They don't need to slant or tell their surrogates what to do because they know they are exactly what they want and will spew useless amounts of rhetoric that do nothing but widen the political divide in this country which is what they are after.

Radio is dominated by the right not the left. Newspapers and some of tv is dominated by the left with a little bit of the right having a home on foxnews and at times CNN. This Elite society setup works because rather than have tons of personalities doing their bidding they have a few in the right places who can make the overall discussion whatever is dictated by their agenda.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Cooter said:
way to avoid the question. And Hillary certainly had more bullshit to call her out on than Obama. I don't recall Obama ever blatantly lying about being under sniper fire.

Cooter said:
If you say so. I'm not going to get into which politicians are more deceiving.
Of course you won't. The truth hurts. (just ask McCain)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
theviolenthero said:
But anyways, between McCain & Obama, who got the most negative coverage?

I'd say it's about even.

You guys are really too smart to think politicians are that different. Regardless of party they all only care about one thing, power. They will do or say whatever it takes to keep it. The fact that the right is beholden to the NRA and the religious right is no different than the left being beholden to trial lawyers and environmentalists. It really isn't.


The Repubs are even lying about stupid stuff now

Republicans kicked off a McCain/Palin rally in Colorado Springs with veterans handing out American flags they say were discarded after the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Tom Kise –a spokesman for the McCain campaign in Colorado said a worker at Invesco field who wants to remain anonymous dropped off the flags to the McCain campaign this past week. He says there were 84 bags that amounted to roughly 12 thousand flags.

As thousands in the crowd waved flags, Senator McCain noticed them – saying “those flags look great” — but did not make direct mention of the flap.

Damon Jones, a spokesman for the Democratic Convention tells CNN “the story is false.”

He says the flags were bundled together, placed in bags and intended to be distrubited at Invesco. Jones says they “were removed without authorization”.

Updated with DNC response

In response to the accusations, DNC spokeswoman Karren Finney released the following statement:

"American flags were proudly waved by the 75,000 people who joined Barack Obama at the Democratic Convention. John McCain should applaud that, but instead his supporters wrongfully took leftover bundles of our flags from the stadium to play a cheap political stunt calling into question our patriotism. On the same day he agrees to join Barack Obama at Ground Zero on September 11, John McCain attacks the patriotism of Obama supporters who so proudly waved the American flag at our historic event in Denver just days ago."

Keep "firing up" the base but these kinds of slime tactics aren't very smart in a tight election. Nice message to say that ALL Dems aren't patriotic :lol

Keep your eyes on prize, guys. You need to single out the evil community organizer cos you won't win if you lump him in with his supporters :D
Cooter said:

If you say so. I'm not going to get into which politicians are more deceiving. You obviously have your opinion or should I call them "facts."

That's a nice try at a cop-out. I know you're "not going to get into which politicians are more deceiving" because everyone with an IQ above 90 knows that the Republicans have outdone themselves this time by leaps and bounds over past elections in terms of dishonesty. Unfortunately for you, there are people out there that actually fact-check speeches that candidates make.

How many times have we heard about things like the eBay jet lie, Obama Bin Laden, the insistence that Obama will raise taxes on the lower/middle-classes, the insistence that Obama will cut taxes on big companies and overtax small businesses, McCain's lies about his support for veterans and their approval of him, McCain's pledge to pursue "wind, tide, and solar" even though his plan budgets nothing towards it, his insistence that he is above lobbyists even though he and his VP have used them in the past, his VPs insistence that she was always against the Bridge to Nowhere...these are things that I remember off the top of my head. Do you really want to go there?


Cooter said:
Yeah, I've seen it but it is the same on both sides. You continue to believe in your national corporate conspiracies though.

Right, right. The point is that the media have given McCain a relative free pass because they stand to benefit financially from a close election. A close election which would be nigh impossible if the press took the same microscope which it has and continues to apply to Obama. McCain has contradicted himself on numerous occasions, committed gaffes which should have been largely damaging to his presidential aspirations, and generally been a mediocre bore of a candidate. And yet, the media narrative stays consistently close to the "he's a maverick" Republican BS that has built up his image into that of one resembling a competent candidate. Obama is going to win this election, and the media knows it. But in the meantime the election news cycle will remain a referendum on Obama, because that's what's "interesting", and that's where the money is.


Cooter said:
You guys are really too smart to think politicians are that different. Regardless of party they all only care about one thing, power. They will do or say whatever it takes to keep it.

Good thing Obama is a community worker and not a politician!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cloudy said:
The Repubs are even lying about stupid stuff now

To be fair it's really just he said she said at this point. How do you know who's lying?

FightyF said:
Good thing Obama is a community worker and not a politician!

Nice one. Unfortunately there is no denying he is a politician and a damn good one at that.


I am Korean.
ComputerNerd said:
The 2nd road would be built if the first one is making good money. And yes, I know how much it costs to build a road.
It's awesome that private road builders have unlimited space in which to build these competing roads. :lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Cooter said:
I'd say it's about even.

You guys are really too smart to think politicians are that different. Regardless of party they all only care about one thing, power. They will do or say whatever it takes to keep it. The fact that the right is beholden to the NRA and the religious right is no different than the left being beholden to trial lawyers and environmentalists. It really isn't.

myth, myth.

The left is beholden to roughly the same corporate interests as the right. Environmentalists may influence the party but not with money.
ComputerNerd said:
Same goes for the US Postal Service. Why don't UPS or Fedex do regular slow letter-sized mail like the USPS? Because it's hard to compete with a money-losing subsidized government division that doesn't care about how much it spends. So they have to specialize in packages, and express delivery.

Shouldn't he get a ban for posting the same LIE for the third time now?

Seriously now. One of my favorite things about GAF is the ban hammer for sexists, homophobes, liars, racists, etc. Having people repeatedly post the same fact that has been debunked over and over is just counter-productive.
Cooter said:
I'd say it's about even.

You guys are really too smart to think politicians are that different. Regardless of party they all only care about one thing, power. They will do or say whatever it takes to keep it. The fact that the right is beholden to the NRA and the religious right is no different than the left being beholden to trial lawyers and environmentalists. It really isn't.

Ok prove it!!

Here's 10 Obama stories i can think of off the top of my head, please post 10 McCain stories to counter these:

Reverend Wright-gate
Lapel Pin-gate
Pledge of allegiance-gate
Can't get White working class voters-gate
Hillary supporters won't support him-gate
Is he a muslim-gate
Is he a celebrity-gate
Is he a patriot-gate

NOTE: All of these "gates" are ongoing stories the media constantly brings up.


To be fair it's really just he said she said at this point. How do you know who's lying?

Cos McCain didn't bring it up as planned. Fox News reported earlier that they were gonna announce it to the crowd in CO, but they didn't at the last minute..

They are a bunch of divisive opportunists and it shows McCain will sully his reputation to win at all costs. I just hope Obama and Biden can continue to keep it classy regardless of what happens..

PS: Hey, they're stealing all the Dems slogans and themes so why not the flags too? :lol
speculawyer said:
Shouldn't he get a ban for posting the same LIE for the third time bow?

They're incapable of making a single argument without mirroring the party stance toward lying.

"If it sounds good and there are no repercussions to telling the lie, keep doing it."

-I'm John McCain and I approve this message.


Cooter said:
To be fair it's really just he said she said at this point. How do you know who's lying?

Nice one. Unfortunately there is no denying he is a politician and a damn good one at that.

Considering the source that told him about the "flags being thrown away" was the same "reporter" from FOX that during the 2004 election randomly made up quotes and attributed them to Kerry, but then had to retract them. Plus, the fact that after passing them out, McCain didn't actually mention them means he realized he had been suckered.


Cooter said:
To be fair it's really just he said she said at this point. How do you know who's lying?

How likely is it that the democrats banned flags at the DNC? Really, think for a second here.

Nice one. Unfortunately there is no denying he is a politician and a damn good one at that.

If he was a good politician, why isn't he attacking McCain and Palin personally?

It's quite obvious to ANYONE following this election that Obama is very different than any other politician on either side.

And that's what worries the Republicans the most. They've even labeled him a "messiah".
ComputerNerd said:
Same goes for the US Postal Service. Why don't UPS or Fedex do regular slow letter-sized mail like the USPS? Because it's hard to compete with a money-losing subsidized government division that doesn't care about how much it spends. So they have to specialize in packages, and express delivery.
You don't know anything about how the USPS works, either.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Cooter said:
You guys are really too smart to think politicians are that different. Regardless of party they all only care about one thing, power. They will do or say whatever it takes to keep it. The fact that the right is beholden to the NRA and the religious right is no different than the left being beholden to trial lawyers and environmentalists. It really isn't.

this is as ridiculous as saying that all police officers are power hungry monsters. yes, many politicians are as you describe, but not all.. and it would be foolish to lump all politicians together like that.

seems like a cheap ass tactic when you need to back away from a losing argument.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
theviolenthero said:
Ok prove it!!

Here's 10 Obama stories i can think of off the top of my head, please post 10 McCain stories to counter these:

Reverend Wright-gate
Lapel Pin-gate
Pledge of allegiance-gate
Can't get White working class voters-gate
Hillary supporters won't support him-gate
Is he a muslim-gate
Is he a celebrity-gate
Is he a patriot-gate

NOTE: All of these "gates" are ongoing stories the media constantly brings up.

you forgot:

Basch said:
I don't have a problem with it, but I do censor a bit because some don't even like to read it. People have told me to pipe it down a little. Honestly, I'm trying to watch how many times I swear. Sad to see words like these have somehow become offensive. I like them for their emotional impact. Kind of hard to convey the same meaning in other words.
It's not the cursing I'm pointing out. That's fine by me. It's writing $h!+ and f\/ck and such. Just write out the real word. Cursing in print can have impact, but it has a lot less in emoticon form.


Setec Astronomer
Companies like UPS and FedEx cannot compete with the USPS in standard letter delivery because they prohibited by law. Furthermore, it is critical to understand the difference in priorities between the two, because UPS/FedEx do not have to service everyone, while the USPS does. Universal mail service is an important part of a functioning democracy because it allows for all citizens to exchange documents with their government. Otherwise, it's one-sided rule.

Google "franking privilege". :p
theviolenthero said:
Ok prove it!!

Here's 10 Obama stories i can think of off the top of my head, please post 10 McCain stories to counter these:

Reverend Wright-gate
Lapel Pin-gate
Pledge of allegiance-gate
Can't get White working class voters-gate
Hillary supporters won't support him-gate
Is he a muslim-gate
Is he a celebrity-gate
Is he a patriot-gate

NOTE: All of these "gates" are ongoing stories the media constantly brings up.

some of those are worth bringing up though, i don't think its neccessarily the media coming down hard on him

and the thing about the obama-mccain media thing... its hard to gauge because the sample size for obama is bigger, as he's an international phenomenon and more scrutiny is invariably going to be directed at him


speculawyer said:
Seriously now. One of my favorite things about GAF is the ban hammer for sexists, homophobes, liars, racists, etc. Having people repeatedly post the same fact that has been debunked over and over is just counter-productive.
Really? That's one of my least favorite things about GAF. Especially the duration of bans, it would be cool if nearly all bans were only for a day or two if a poster goes a bit over the top. Maybe I have too much confidence in this forum not going to the shitter, but I believe in free speech dammit.:lol

But yeah, the right in this country always goes over the top in attacking the USPS. They're just bitter because of its success.


Master of the Google Search
ComputerNerd was arguing that roads can be privitized? That's one of the most basic examples of things that "can't be privitized" even in Economics 101 :lol


Great Article up at the Prospect, just noticed

It's about the marriage between Daschle's old guard with the Obama campaign and Dean's 50 state strategy, and the impact this has had on the operations of the whole party. It really is kind of a remarkable convergence of a party that finally decided to think long term, a team that is ruthlessly focused on results, and a candidate who not only communicates so effectively but is making all the right calls to execute the best organizational goals of the party. I don't know whether to be cautiously optimistic that an Obama administration could actually be function, or just depressed that the race still manages to as close as it is despite such a fortunate setting. But regardless, very worthwhile read.

Also, the USPS operates at a surplus.
grandjedi6 said:
ComputerNerd was arguing that roads can be privitized? That's one of the most basic examples of things that "can't be privitized" even in Economics 101 :lol

Not interested in your elitist 'learning'.
gkrykewy said:
No. By talking points, I mean that you're arguing from an ideological fantasyland with no correspondence with reality. Your examples are all IFs and SHOULDs, but I'm telling you from the perspective of a transportation professional that they're AREN'Ts.

Major highway/rail projects would require staggering tolls to recoup their costs, which would mean they would not be used, which would mean they don't get built. If private interests were banging down the doors of government to pay for infrastructure projects, believe me, they would be welcomed with open arms.

Private interests are starting to agree to fund building. In many cases, building of roads have stalled, and government is turning private to finish them. It seems to be the way America is turning in general.

And I guess Canada too. They're turning private to help finish construction.


Pennsylvania Turnpike? Likely turning private.


Also in the article above, "There are 71 projects worth $104 billion being considered for private development by state and local governments, according to the publication Public Works Financing
Deals in which the private sector actually builds new infrastructure are usually a better bargain for the public. The state or city gets a new stretch of highway or a bridge or a tunnel, and it shifts risk to its private partner--a genuine benefit. If construction costs spike or expected traffic doesn't materialize, that's the company's problem. "We've had some governments say to us, 'I don't really need to be in that business,'" says Mark Florian, who oversees infrastructure deals for Goldman Sachs. These so-called greenfield projects are starting to catch on. And some states are getting savvy about how to structure the terms. The 50-year lease for Texas' State Highway 130, for example, includes a revenue-sharing clause that nets the state 4.6% of gross receipts at first and up to 50% as traffic increases--just in case the road proves more valuable than predicted.

And even though 2007 has placed a few speed bumps in their way, public-private partnerships are almost certainly here to stay. Many of the financiers who run infrastructure funds actively drum up deals--some states allow unsolicited bids, and bankers have fanned across the country in response--and the big global players in infrastructure have set up shop too. Worldwide, somewhere from $50 billion to $150 billion worth of equity is waiting to be invested in infrastructure of all stripes (including assets like airports and water systems), and much of that is trained on the U.S. "U.S. infrastructure needs lots and lots of capital, and it's not obvious where all that money is going to come from," says Murray Bleach, who runs U.S. operations for Macquarie. "The potential is huge." With all that cash waiting in the wings, other concerns may not stand a chance."

Or this article which complains that public roads hurt the environment.

So, anyway, yes, there is recently great interest in private firms in buying and building infrastructure. Right now it's up to government to decide whether to give it to them. And things seem to be swinging towards the private route. My only concern is the non-competitive clauses they write up. They need to get rid of those.


"But states are getting crafty about how they partner with private firms, demanding a share of the revenue, quality standards and more competitive bidding. Unless motorists suddenly warm to a hike in the gas tax, privatization is unstoppable."
ComputerNerd said:
Same goes for the US Postal Service. Why don't UPS or Fedex do regular slow letter-sized mail like the USPS? Because it's hard to compete with a money-losing subsidized government division that doesn't care about how much it spends. So they have to specialize in packages, and express delivery.

Dude...i replied to this last time...THE USPS IS SELF-SUFFICIENT!!!!


Do not receive tax dollars for operations. We are a self-supporting agency, using the revenue from the sale of postage and products to pay expenses.
gkrykewy said:
The benefits are all external. They are externalities. They are called that because they can't be internalized into the price of the service you're providing without wrecking the entire financial model.

Did you ever have even a basic economics course? Are you John McCain?

Of course I've taken an economics course. Why the hell else would I be for privatization? In general, it's people who haven't taken an economics course that want more government control.

But like my last post says, privatization is the only way to fix crumbling infrastructure.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
ComputerNerd said:
Of course I've taken an economics course. Why the hell else would I be for privatization? In general, it's people who haven't taken an economics course that want more government control.

But like my last post says, privatization is the only way to fix crumbling infrastructure.

You have no more business continuing this argument than I have entering an olympic weightlifting contest.


Master of the Google Search
ComputerNerd said:
Of course I've taken an economics course. Why the hell else would I be for privatization? In general, it's people who haven't taken an economics course that want more government control.

But like my last post says, privatization is the only way to fix crumbling infrastructure.
So by your logic you think the majority of economists would support the privatization of roads? :lol
ComputerNerd said:
Of course I've taken an economics course. Why the hell else would I be for privatization? In general, it's people who haven't taken an economics course that want more government control.

But like my last post says, privatization is the only way to fix crumbling infrastructure.

Are you going to reply at all to what everyone else has said about the USPS?


ComputerNerd said:
Of course I've taken an economics course. Why the hell else would I be for privatization? In general, it's people who haven't taken an economics course that want more government control.
People who have taken economics classes generally have heard of externalities, barriers to entry, natural monopoly, and path dependence. Have you? Is so, please explain how these issues are addressed in a market with multiple competing private road builders.

So, anyway, yes, there is recently great interest in private firms in buying and building infrastructure.
There is a difference between arguing that private interest exist and arguing that this is the most efficient approach.
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