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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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maximum360 said:
Sorry, I forgot. White preacher of a Republican candidate so context matters. ABC didn't care much for context when it broke the Rev. Wright story.
Absolutely right about the context as it pertains to Wright, but Wrights' sermon was about the ethics of Americans to it's own citizens.

This looks like it's just describing the totality of the end of the world.



maximum360 said:
I expect it is based on thorough investigation and critique that is purely objective. Fox News is "Fair and Balanced" after all.

Oh, you're so right. I bet they doctored that whole video!

*rolls eyes*

I've noticed a funny thing about the most fervent Fox bashers. They're own world view is skewed and they don't even know it.

I watch all of the cable news networks, and I can tell you that most of them have shows that lean one way or the other, but I can assure you they did nothing to doctor the videos of Palin's debates or personal interviews.

ryutaro's mama said:
It's called "Governor Sarah Palin: An American Woman" and hosted by Greta Van Sustren.

It contains exclusive video of her home life.

Totally fair and balanced.

Just waitiing for the Joe Biden equivilent.

I'll prolly be waiting past Nov.

Wow. Never mind the fact that in less than a week, Sarah Palin has exploded onto the national stage and become a household name. Biden has a long and storied career, but he's old news outside of his recent selection as Obama's VP.

You can't blame a news network for jumping on a big story that they know will get big ratings. It's just business.


Tamanon said:
Um, the "God Damn America" was in the context of the US which did do evil things that God would not approve of, like financing terror....er....freedom fighters and interfering in other countries. The whole "Chickens coming home to roost" was from a former diplomat's article on our influence and why we foster terrorism.

I think the man has a history of going too far. At the height of the controversy a couple of months back, the man went on the offensive, spouting things that made even Obama himself distance himself.

Rev. Wright is an albatross around Barack's neck. I don't see what's to be gained from defending the man.
maximum360 said:
I expect it is based on thorough investigation and critique that is purely objective. Fox News is "Fair and Balanced" after all.

It's called "Governor Sarah Palin: An American Woman" and hosted by Greta Van Sustren.

It contains exclusive video of her home life.

Totally fair and balanced.

Just waitiing for the Joe Biden equivilent.

I'll prolly be waiting past Nov.


Kolgar said:
I think the man has a history of going too far. At the height of the controversy a couple of months back, the man went on the offensive, spouting things that made even Obama himself distance himself.

Rev. Wright is an albatross around Barack's neck. I don't see what's to be gained from defending the man.

You just asked for context. I gave you the context. I've always said he went too far afterwards.


ryutaro's mama said:
It's called "Governor Sarah Palin: An American Woman" and hosted by Greta Van Sustren.

It contains exclusive video of her home life.

Totally fair and balanced.

Just waitiing for the Joe Biden equivilent.

I'll prolly be waiting past Nov.
Jesus. And after that hit piece of a special about Obama.

Calling themselves "Fair and Balanced" really shows that somewhere they are capable of a self-deprecating sense of humor.
Kolgar said:
Oh, you're so right. I bet they doctored that whole video!

*rolls eyes*

I've noticed a funny thing about the most fervent Fox bashers. They're own world view is skewed and they don't even know it.

I watch all of the cable news networks, and I can tell you that most of them have shows that lean one way or the other, but I can assure you they did nothing to doctor the videos of Palin's debates or personal interviews.

I'm not even sure it's worth responding to you after your comments. I never claimed that they 'doctored videos'. Don't be obtuse. You can easily be subjective in your presentation of information and cherry pick that which supports your claims. I'll back off bashing Fox when they stop doing tabloid reporting and have pundits/hosts pushing their own right wing agenda. There are a small minority (I count 3 at most) who don't seem to delve into the partisan nonsense by spewing republican talking points all day.

BTW, CNN is full of it half the times as well because they go the tabloid route way too much to compete with Fox's ratings (as does MSNBC) at times. I don't mind objective criticism of the candidates and their policies by the media because I think that is what we deserve. They have their own agenda though, since drama drives up the ratings more than actual news so I don't expect things to change in the near future if ever.
Good analogy but there is an obvious difference.

Albatrosses are white.

You get a lot more leeway with that. Pretty much short of looking positively on Hitler you are gonna be alright.
Kolgar said:
Oh, you're so right. I bet they doctored that whole video!

*rolls eyes*

I've noticed a funny thing about the most fervent Fox bashers. They're own world view is skewed and they don't even know it.

I watch all of the cable news networks, and I can tell you that most of them have shows that lean one way or the other, but I can assure you they did nothing to doctor the videos of Palin's debates or personal interviews.

No one accused anyone of "doctoring" videos.

Have you ever heard of presenting something in positive light with a slant that you need it to have?

Fox News claims to be "fair and balanced" but they are anything but.

It's comedy actually.
Kolgar said:
Rev. Wright is an albatross around Barack's neck. I don't see what's to be gained from defending the man.
It isn't so much defending him as it is wanting other candidates to be subject to the same scrutiny and subject matter of criticism as Obama has. If it is so important what Obama's pastor has preached, then isn't it equally as important what McCain's and Palin's pastors have said from the pulpit?

I think it's all equally ridiculous.


Setec Astronomer
Kolgar said:
Yeah. McCain's was earlier.

Fox News is doing a two-night special on Palin.

During one of the videotaped debates for Alaska governor (or lieutenant governor, I'm not sure), the incumbent and some other man were squabbling at each other and all of a sudden Palin scolded, "You know, guys, Alaskans deserve a better discourse than this."

The two looked up right away and shut up immediately, with one of the men saying, "I agree," and that was that.

Sarah Barracuda indeed. :lol
Says the woman who pulls "loyalty tests" and fires people who don't kneel and kiss her hand. People deserve a better government than that. :p
adamsappel said:
It isn't so much defending him as it is wanting other candidates to be subject to the same scrutiny and subject matter of criticism as Obama has. If it is so important what Obama's pastor has preached, then isn't it equally as important what McCain's and Palin's pastors have said from the pulpit?

I think it's all equally ridiculous.

He's a black radical. That ain't America!


maximum360 said:

Full Audio is here: http://wasillabible.org/sermon_files/2008_Sermons/wbc080720.mp3

Full Transcript here: http://www.wasillabible.org/sermon_files/2008_Transcripts/Sin is Personal to God.doc

Now I fully expect this to played on cable news channels 24/7 for at least the next two weeks.

Sounds eerily similar to another sermon I heard. Too bad there's no video.
sadly, I think this wont get air play.


Kolgar said:
I think the man has a history of going too far. At the height of the controversy a couple of months back, the man went on the offensive, spouting things that made even Obama himself distance himself.

Rev. Wright is an albatross around Barack's neck. I don't see what's to be gained from defending the man.
http://www.theroot.com/id/45334 said:
I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother – a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.

These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love.

Some will see this as an attempt to justify or excuse comments that are simply inexcusable. I can assure you it is not. I suppose the politically safe thing would be to move on from this episode and just hope that it fades into the woodwork. We can dismiss Reverend Wright as a crank or a demagogue, just as some have dismissed Geraldine Ferraro, in the aftermath of her recent statements, as harboring some deep-seated racial bias.

But race is an issue that I believe this nation cannot afford to ignore right now. We would be making the same mistake that Reverend Wright made in his offending sermons about America – to simplify and stereotype and amplify the negative to the point that it distorts reality.
Shiggie said:
sadly, I think this wont get air play.

I'm no fan of Rev. Wright, especially after his ego trip even after Obama came out to defend him but the shameful way the media reacted after ABC's hit job, was disgusting. You still have people like Hannity who may be secretly aroused by Rev. Wright considering that he talks about him on every single show.
Gruco said:
I get the feeling you don't get what you're linking to. This describes a one time loss due to a change to accounting to recognize pension liability.

Wow. Maybe they should respond to that like a business, and I dunno, raise prices or something. Hey, didn't they do that recently?

1) They don't lose a billion dollars every year. They have performing at a break even level since the 1971 reorganization. You can see this both on the NALC site as well as the statement of net assets in their latest 10Q. USPS financials are available on their site, after all

2) See Note 2 to their latest Q:

"Note 2 – Debt and Related Interest
As of June 30, 2008, our debt consisted of $1,461 million in short-term debt outstanding with the Federal Financing Bank compared with $4,200 million outstanding at September 30, 2007.

We continue to maintain two credit lines with the Federal Financing Bank. One credit line enables us to draw up to $3,400 million with two days notice. The other credit line enables us to draw up to $600 million on the same business day that funds are requested. In addition, we can also use a series of other notes with varying provisions to draw upon with two days notice."

Total pwnage.

ComputerNerd suffers from GIGO. There's some computerNerdishness for ya.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
speculawyer said:
Total pwnage.

ComputerNerd suffers from GIGO. There's some computerNerdishness for ya.
He's definitely a WYSIWYG type of guy.

No depth here!

Confessions of an RNC security guard:

4:15 a.m.
I'm developing a purely anecdotal theory about Republican drunkenness: that it's related to ideology. The less ideological arrive back at the headquarters earlier in the evening, between midnight and 1 a.m. These are, in chronological order, the Romney and the Giuliani supporters. Both are East Coast, urban college grad, corporate types. They like to drink and reminisce about the Harvard-Yale game, but they also like to wake up early, shave and not smell like booze at committee meetings. The Giuliani people are secular and more openly lecherous. So they tend to drink a bit harder and stay out closer to 1 a.m. The Ron Paul people party past 1 a.m., but not much. And they shave but they don't showboat.

The ones who stay out the latest and come back the drunkest, I notice, are the Huckabee folks, the party's rural conservatives. They believe in Jesus, in the hard-bitten way of the true alcoholic. If they ever sober up, it'll be by the grace of the Lord; and if they intend to stay on the sauce and continue living, then they'll really need His loving kindness. If you intend to be drinking heavily until closing time -- 4 a.m. in the Twin Cities during the RNC -- you had better walk home with Jesus.

I can't place true McCainites on the alcohol-ideology matrix. I think they were all asleep by 9:30 p.m.

5 a.m.
...All the hotels in the area are dark. Thousands of Republicans stir in their beds, dreaming thousands of dreams about Sarah Palin. But Charles Hunter, an environmentalist delegate from New Hampshire and a veteran of Republican conventions going back to the 1980 coronation of Ronald Reagan at Detroit's Joe Louis Arena, can't sleep at all.

"This is my last convention," he tells me, lighting a cigarette.


"I'm a real McCain guy. I served. But I liked the old McCain -- when he was a true hero, before he signed on with the yahoos. I actually believe in 'country first.'"

"Not a fan of Palin?"

"If I were McCain I'd probably bring her onto my ticket, too. That's exactly the problem. I guess I tricked myself into thinking that McCain, even after he watered himself down for the election, could somehow restore sanity. The Democrats tried to paint him as a twin of Bush. Not true. But Palin ... she does remind me of Bush. McCain has made a devil's pact and sealed this party's fate."

Even though he's older, he smokes his cigarette like a young man, with earnest haste, before he flicks it off into the dark.

"That's it," he said, "we're through. Even if we win, we've lost."


"Even if we win, we've lost" is actually the lament of a lot of traditional, non-evangelical conservatives after the Palin pick. This election represented their chance to sever the GOP from being controlled by the church.


Tamanon said:
"Even if we win, we've lost" is actually the lament of a lot of traditional, non-evangelical conservatives after the Palin pick. This election represented their chance to sever the GOP from being controlled by the church.
buh...bu...buh...but rallies the base!!!
Tamanon said:

Daily Show on Small Town Values! The cognitive dissonance is almost painful!

"Small Town Values" are another mythologized portion of our country that is in the same rough category as this perpetual yearning for the 50's Leave it to Beaver America that never actually existed for everybody.

The sad thing is once again there is something to small town values (on both the positive and negative side) but the fellating of small town America is simply another GOP talking point to bash gay rights, civil rights, basically any kind of "rights".
Tamanon said:
"Even if we win, we've lost" is actually the lament of a lot of traditional, non-evangelical conservatives after the Palin pick. This election represented their chance to sever the GOP from being controlled by the church.

If you fucking shoot wolves and bears from a fucking plane with a shotgun and support the right to do so, then yes, you've already fucking lost.


ryutaro's mama said:
"Gays have all the rights they want...as long as they marry someone from the opposite sex."


"Small town means traditional marriage, and it means, uh.... uh.... help me out here."

I guess that's the thing that bothers me the most about the Republicans in general. Their hypocrisy is extraordinary. How do you take your "small town conservative values" to a strip club and then claim God is with the party in the morning?

That last Daily Show was great.
you know what, the word "God" is probably uttered more during sex than in church...

America has come a long way though...i'd say a few more generations and we will finally break free from the puritan view of sex and sexuality
maximum360 said:
I guess that's the thing that bothers me the most about the Republicans in general. Their hypocrisy is extraordinary. How do you take your "small town conservative values" to a strip club and then claim God is with the party in the morning?

That last Daily Show was great.

1. God created all beings.
2. God created women.
3. God gets wood, too.
4. God goes to strip clubs :lol
5. Not only is God with the party, he was at the party.
CharlieDigital said:
1. God created all beings.
2. God created women.
3. God gets wood, too.
4. God goes to strip clubs :lol
5. Not only is God with the party, he was at the party.
6. Not only is God at the party, He's having a hell of a good time!
Thunder Monkey said:

Let's not get ridiculous now. I was just pointing out their hypocrisy. It is possible to have a belief, Christian or otherwise, while still being guided by common sense and logic. I don't see them as mutually exclusive.
maximum360 said:
Let's not get ridiculous now. I was just pointing out their hypocrisy. It is possible to have a belief, Christian or otherwise, while still being guided by common sense and logic. I don't see them as mutually exclusive.
Cloudy said:
The Repubs are even lying about stupid stuff now

Republicans kicked off a McCain/Palin rally in Colorado Springs with veterans handing out American flags they say were discarded after the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Tom Kise –a spokesman for the McCain campaign in Colorado said a worker at Invesco field who wants to remain anonymous dropped off the flags to the McCain campaign this past week. He says there were 84 bags that amounted to roughly 12 thousand flags.

As thousands in the crowd waved flags, Senator McCain noticed them – saying “those flags look great” — but did not make direct mention of the flap.

Damon Jones, a spokesman for the Democratic Convention tells CNN “the story is false.”

He says the flags were bundled together, placed in bags and intended to be distrubited at Invesco. Jones says they “were removed without authorization”.

Updated with DNC response

In response to the accusations, DNC spokeswoman Karren Finney released the following statement:

"American flags were proudly waved by the 75,000 people who joined Barack Obama at the Democratic Convention. John McCain should applaud that, but instead his supporters wrongfully took leftover bundles of our flags from the stadium to play a cheap political stunt calling into question our patriotism. On the same day he agrees to join Barack Obama at Ground Zero on September 11, John McCain attacks the patriotism of Obama supporters who so proudly waved the American flag at our historic event in Denver just days ago."

Keep "firing up" the base but these kinds of slime tactics aren't very smart in a tight election. Nice message to say that ALL Dems aren't patriotic :lol

Keep your eyes on prize, guys. You need to single out the evil community organizer cos you won't win if you lump him in with his supporters :D
Source Of Fake Fox Flag Story Is Carl Cameron.


According to a article just out from Huffington Post, the story about flags from the Democratic National Convention being thrown away is simply false. The story was jumped on and apparently authored by the McCain campaign. But the real tell is down in the Huffpo piece where it traces the story to none other than Fox News' Carl Cameron.

Longtime readers of TPM will remember that back in October 2004 this site caught Cameron publishing a series of fabricated quotes attributed to John Kerry on the front page of the Fox News website.

After I placed a series of calls to Fox News inquiring about the Kerry story, the story was eventually pulled, and Fox was forced to issue an apology and retract the fabricated story. Fox spokesman Paul Schur told TPM: "Carl [Cameron] made a stupid mistake which he regrets. And he has been reprimanded for his lapse in judgment. It was a poor attempt at humor."

Why anybody would believe anything this joker says is difficult to fathom. But he's good enough for McCain.


CBS now calling it fake

So it is false? I've been really disappointed with the HotAir blog this past week. As far as the conservative blogs go they seemed the most fair-minded and willing to cut through the BS stories. Guess there is no such thing....


Dan Rather gets fired for sloppy fact-checking, and this shithead gets a slap on the wrist after fabricating a news story for the second time.
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