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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Hitokage said:
Well duh, domesticated cats are a product of artificial selection in the first place.
There is always this weird gray border between 'natural selection' and 'artificial selection'. At what point did our animal husbandry become 'artificial'?

Hitokage said:
Just think, caturday is older than any written record. ;).
Al Gore has nothing over the Egyptians. :D


Setec Astronomer
speculawyer said:
There is always this weird gray border between 'natural selection' and 'artificial selection'. At what point did our animal husbandry become 'artificial'?
When people decided being cute and docile was more important than being able to hunt for food and bred accordingly. ;)
My Arms Your Hearse said:
It's just a front. Cats are following a long term plan for global domination. Once they've eradicated humans they will reign supreme in the coming urban jungles - masters of the world we've unwittingly built for them and thought was ours.

We are the caretakers of the forefathers of the future rulers of the universe.

Cats? I walk around picking up my dog's shit. Who's the master there?
Mandark said:
JD, I've never discussed the humanity of embryos with you, outside of asking you if you'd support the legal implications of treating abortion like murder.

I'm completely aware of the difference between a terminal loss of sentience and the temporary dependency of childhood. I know that we accord some rights to infants based on qualities they will eventually develop if they live that long.

But I also realize that we don't accord minors all the rights we do to adults and we let parents do things to their children that would be considered crimes if they did them to another adult. I don't have a problem breaking the Sorites paradox by saying you're a minor one day and an adult the next and I don't have the problem making a distinction between potential human/actual human either.

I'm fine drawing the line at birth because pushing back further means interfering with the mother's body. Pregnancy is a really big fucking deal for the woman involved, even though people who live in developed countries and have never gone through it tend to assume it's just an inconvenience.

The full humanity of the mother easily trumps the potential future humanity of the embryo for me. I can't give as much weight to a future life that hasn't occurred as I can to someone who already has the memories, thoughts, emotions, and viewpoint that make me empathize with my fellow humans.

Comparing the years of development of childhood with the temporary state of sedation does nothing for me.


I learned something else today.


Mandark said:
JD, I've never discussed the humanity of embryos with you, outside of asking you if you'd support the legal implications of treating abortion like murder.

I'm completely aware of the difference between a terminal loss of sentience and the temporary dependency of childhood. I know that we accord some rights to infants based on qualities they will eventually develop if they live that long.

But I also realize that we don't accord minors all the rights we do to adults and we let parents do things to their children that would be considered crimes if they did them to another adult. I don't have a problem breaking the Sorites paradox by saying you're a minor one day and an adult the next and I don't have the problem making a distinction between potential human/actual human either.

I'm fine drawing the line at birth because pushing back further means interfering with the mother's body. Pregnancy is a really big fucking deal for the woman involved, even though people who live in developed countries and have never gone through it tend to assume it's just an inconvenience.

The full humanity of the mother easily trumps the potential future humanity of the embryo for me. I can't give as much weight to a future life that hasn't occurred as I can to someone who already has the memories, thoughts, emotions, and viewpoint that make me empathize with my fellow humans.

Comparing the years of development of childhood with the temporary state of sedation does nothing for me.

Great post



... Wow.

This is the most incredibly stalker-ish thing I have had the opportunity to use. :lol

For anyone else who has been affiliated with the campaign for long, how long has this been available? I've been thinking about going out and doing this, but I'm not sure how good of a "salesman," I'd be (I'm very shy, and not good with "new" people, usually), but I'm about annoyed enough to want to try.

I live in Indianapolis, around Geist (if you know anything about the area, anyway), so I know that with the polls as close as they are and the 200,000 new registered voters, it might be worth it, but... augh. My Rejection Fear thing is coming on again.

Anyway, can anyone who has volunteered door-to-door in this fashion tell me about their experiences? I need moral support. :D

edit: I concur with the current motion.


Mandark said:
JD, I've never discussed the humanity of embryos with you, outside of asking you if you'd support the legal implications of treating abortion like murder.

I'm completely aware of the difference between a terminal loss of sentience and the temporary dependency of childhood. I know that we accord some rights to infants based on qualities they will eventually develop if they live that long.

But I also realize that we don't accord minors all the rights we do to adults and we let parents do things to their children that would be considered crimes if they did them to another adult. I don't have a problem breaking the Sorites paradox by saying you're a minor one day and an adult the next and I don't have the problem making a distinction between potential human/actual human either.

I'm fine drawing the line at birth because pushing back further means interfering with the mother's body. Pregnancy is a really big fucking deal for the woman involved, even though people who live in developed countries and have never gone through it tend to assume it's just an inconvenience.

The full humanity of the mother easily trumps the potential future humanity of the embryo for me. I can't give as much weight to a future life that hasn't occurred as I can to someone who already has the memories, thoughts, emotions, and viewpoint that make me empathize with my fellow humans.

Comparing the years of development of childhood with the temporary state of sedation does nothing for me.

I think your off base in some regard. Potential Humanity that has been snuffed out due to convienence factor etc could have been the Human who cured cancer or any other countless possible discoveries.

You seem to be arguing as if keeping a child someone ends the humanity of the woman when the Child in the womb that is snuffed out is the one who is deprived of their humanity.

More often than not it seems like there is more racial bigotry involved in the support of abortion then anything. A very common arguement is look how crime has dropped when abortions are the most prevelant among african americans.

There are plenty of ways to get a good fuck and not create a lifeform in the womb. It seems to me that a choice was made when you let that life form be formed.
laserbeam said:
I think your off base in some regard. Potential Humanity that has been snuffed out due to convienence factor etc could have been the Human who cured cancer or any other countless possible discoveries.

You seem to be arguing as if keeping a child someone ends the humanity of the woman when the Child in the womb that is snuffed out is the one who is deprived of their humanity.

"Butterfly effect" argument? It works for the mother as well. People tend to think that the mother is some passive agent in a pregnancy...she's not.


Mumei said:

... Wow.

This is the most incredibly stalker-ish thing I have had the opportunity to use. :lol

For anyone else who has been affiliated with the campaign for long, how long has this been available? I've been thinking about going out and doing this, but I'm not sure how good of a "salesman," I'd be (I'm very shy, and not good with "new" people, usually), but I'm about annoyed enough to want to try.

I live in Indianapolis, around Geist (if you know anything about the area, anyway), so I know that with the polls as close as they are and the 200,000 new registered voters, it might be worth it, but... augh. My Rejection Fear thing is coming on again.

Anyway, can anyone who has volunteered door-to-door in this fashion tell me about their experiences? I need moral support. :D

edit: I concur with the current motion.

I signed up for it, and they gave me info for people hundreds of miles away, somewhere in Central California. I'm probably just gonna do it at a more local level through the democratic center/store/thing around here.


For those of you wondering, here are the voter registration deadlines for every state (for the general election):


Voter Registration Deadlines

The election is Tuesday, Nov. 4.

Alabama: "Voter registration is closed for the ten (10) days before an election." By my count, that means that the deadline is Oct. 25.
Alaska: Oct. 5
Arizona: Oct. 6 at midnight
Arkansas: Oct. 6
California: October 20 2008
Colorado (pdf): Oct. 6
Connecticut: "up to the 7th day before the election." By my count, this is Tues., Oct. 28.
Delaware: Oct. 11
Florida: Oct. 6
Georgia: October 6
Hawaii: Oct. 6
Idaho: Oct. 10, but election day registration is also available.
Illinois (pdf): Oct. 7, though something called "Grace Period Registration" is also possible Oct. 8 - 21. Grace Period Registration is described here (also pdf).
Indiana: Oct. 6
Iowa: 10 days before the election. By my count, this is Oct. 25. Election day registration also available.
Kansas: 15th day before the election. By my count, this is Oct. 20.
Kentucky: Oct. 6
Louisiana: Oct. 6
Maine: deadline to register by mail is Oct. 14. No deadline to register in person. Call to see whether you can turn in forms other people have completed in person after Oct. 14.
Maryland (pdf): Oct. 14
Massachusetts: 20 days before the election. By my count, this is Oct. 15.
Michigan (pdf): Oct. 6
Minnesota: Oct. 14. Election day registration available.
Mississippi: 30 days before election. By my count, this is Oct. 5.
Missouri: Fourth Wednesday prior to the election. By my count, this is Oct. 8.
Montana: Oct. 6. Late registration (must be done in county election office) available through close of polls.
Nebraska (pdf): Oct. 17. Registration in person available through Oct. 24.
Nevada: Oct. 4 to register by mail; Oct. 14 to register in person.
New Hampshire: Oct. 25. Election day voting available.
New Jersey: 21 days prior to election. By my count, this is Oct. 14.
New Mexico: 28 days prior to election. By my count, this is Oct. 7.
New York: Oct. 10
North Carolina: 25 days before the election. By my count, this is Oct. 10. In person registration and voting available 19-3 days before election.
North Dakota: does not have voter registration.
Ohio (pdf): Oct. 6
Oklahoma: Oct. 10
Oregon: Oct. 14
Pennsylvania: Oct. 6
Rhode Island: 30 days before election. By my count, this is Oct. 5.
South Carolina (pdf): Oct. 4
South Dakota: Oct. 20
Tennessee (pdf): Oct. 6
Texas: Oct. 6
Utah: 30 days before the election (by my count, Oct. 5); in person registration available through Oct. 20.
Vermont: Oct. 29
Virginia: 29 days before election. By my count, this is Oct. 6.
Washington: Oct. 4 for online and mail-in registration; voters not currently registered in Washington State can register in person through Oct. 20.
Washington DC: Oct. 6
West Virginia: Oct. 14
Wisconsin: by mail, Oct. 15; in person, through Nov. 3; election day registration available.
Wyoming (pdf): Oct. 6


CharlieDigital said:
"Butterfly effect" argument? It works for the mother as well. People tend to think that the mother is some passive agent in a pregnancy...she's not.

Its why the right tends to lump up women who would like to, I don't know, have a say so in their bodies as "feminist abortionists" as if the question of whether to bring a life or not is that simple. This is coming a from a party and religious right who is wholly subservient and that means women, and anyone who is not white male and Christian for that matter, should "know their place".

BTW I've had my wife read many of the reasons here on why your "pro-life" and "pro-choice", her response? "Your nerd friends should stick to posting stupid cat picture and not trying to decide what the opposite gender should do with their bodies, maybe they'll get laid more if they just stopped telling women what they should do with their bodies whether pro or against"


thefit said:
BTW I've had my wife read many of the reasons here on why your "pro-life" and "pro-choice", her response? "Your nerd friends should stick to posting stupid cat picture and not trying to decide what the opposite gender should do with their bodies, maybe they'll get laid more if they just stopped telling women what they should do with their bodies whether pro or against"
Your wife is welcome to post herself if she wants to be condescending and generalizing without specifying anything. Also, how does she interpret "pro or against" as both telling women what they should do with their bodies? Just curious and all.
thefit said:
BTW I've had my wife read many of the reasons here on why your "pro-life" and "pro-choice", her response? "Your nerd friends should stick to posting stupid cat picture and not trying to decide what the opposite gender should do with their bodies, maybe they'll get laid more if they just stopped telling women what they should do with their bodies whether pro or against"
Well . . . the pro-choice is about not 'telling women what they should do with their bodies'.
thefit said:
BTW I've had my wife read many of the reasons here on why your "pro-life" and "pro-choice", her response? "Your nerd friends should stick to posting stupid cat picture and not trying to decide what the opposite gender should do with their bodies, maybe they'll get laid more if they just stopped telling women what they should do with their bodies whether pro or against"

Tell that witch lovely lady that's what forums are for.


Gold Member
So Olbermann and Matthews got yanked from the anchor seat, eh? The trainwreck that is MSNBC continues.
Hitokage said:
When people decided being cute and docile was more important than being able to hunt for food and bred accordingly. ;)
For an off-the-cuff answer, that actually makes sense. When were were domesticating dogs just for hunting or protection, it was a symbiotic relationship. But when we really got in control of matters and just domesticated animals as hobbies . . . yeah, that is probably when it was artificial.

Although not being much of a cat person, I don't know their history much . . . I wonder what cats were like before domestication? Much different? It is much easier to look at wolves and hyenas with regard to dogs.


speculawyer said:
Well . . . the pro-choice is about not 'telling women what they should do with their bodies'.

She really just doesn't give a shit that anyone would want to tell her what to do IE she is like a lot of people who don't keep up with politics so has a perspective of an outsider, she doesn't get that some politics are revolved around this issue her attitude is "aren't there real problems to solve out there". You get what I mean?
thefit said:
She really just doesn't give a shit that anyone would want to tell her what to do IE she is like a lot of people who don't keep up with politics so has a perspective of an outsider, she doesn't get that some politics are revolved around this issue her attitude is "aren't there real problems to solve out there". You get what I mean?

A few more far right supreme court justices and she will be told explicitly what to do. Which is why people who have zero interest in politics always baffle me. Not a knock at your wife. Lots of people are that way.


speculawyer said:
Although not being much of a cat person, I don't know their history much . . . I wonder what cats were like before domestication? Much different? It is much easier to look at wolves and hyenas with regard to dogs.
Before, cats pooped wherever they felt like. Now they poop in a box, most of the time.


Gruco said:
Your wife is welcome to post herself if she wants to be condescending and generalizing without specifying anything. Also, how does she interpret "pro or against" as both telling women what they should do with their bodies? Just curious and all.

Don't be so offended, she generally gets a kick out of the goofy shit that gets posted here but as for your question. Simply bringing the issue up and it being used as something that defies a country is offensive to her in other words when, why and who made this an issue that has been brought out into the mainstream rather than being what it was and should have always been, a private family matter.
thefit said:
She really just doesn't give a shit that anyone would want to tell her what to do IE she is like a lot of people who don't keep up with politics so has a perspective of an outsider, she doesn't get that some politics are revolved around this issue her attitude is "aren't there real problems to solve out there". You get what I mean?

So...are we just supposed to ignore Palin's stance on the issue and just kinda keep our fingers crossed she won't move to overturn Roe v. Wade if she ends up in office? When McCain says he thinks Roe v. Wade should be overturned, should we roll our eyes and say "oh great, here's that dumb abortion thing again, who cares."

Like it or not, it's an issue. Defend it or lose it.
thefit said:
Don't be so offended, she generally gets a kick out of the goofy shit that gets posted here.

I agree, don't get so offended. My wife pretty much asks why I spend so much time reading a "stupid forum". Sometimes I ask that of myself :lol Caturday is still a mystery to her "Why are they posting stupid pictures of cats?"

There is a world outside of GAF, you know?

echoshifting said:
So...are we just supposed to ignore Palin's stance on the issue and just kinda keep our fingers crossed she won't move to overturn Roe v. Wade if she ends up in office? When McCain says he thinks Roe v. Wade should be overturned, should we roll our eyes and say "oh great, here's that dumb abortion thing again, who cares."

Like it or not, it's an issue. Defend it or lose it.

No, no, no. More like wives could really give a shit about what goes on and the opinions of a bunch of strangers in the OT of a gaming forum. I know my wife could really give two shits about any of this (PoliGAF) but she's watched the conventions and a bunch of Daily Show and Maher as well.


Stoney Mason said:
A few more far right supreme court justices and she will be told explicitly what to do. Which is why people who have zero interest in politics always baffle me. Not a knock at your wife. Lots of people are that way.

Not a knock at all, its the truth and sadly its the truth for a lot of Americans which makes the fact that the issue is something to run on all the more tragic, regular folk have for so long depended on America to be honest with them so they really shouldn't have to have such private matters brought into politics for gain, its a testament to the sad state of our politics that we want to tell our mothers and sisters what we want them to d, not because we care but because we want to outdo the other politically.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chiggs said:
So Olbermann and Matthews got yanked from the anchor seat, eh? The trainwreck that is MSNBC continues.

Wait, what?



How lame.

Instead now we get that shill David Gregory that will do everything in his might to put every single syllable uttered by the McCain camp in the right context.

Olbermann's and Mathews' problem I suppose was that they were too opinionated. It seems that is only a problem when you back your statements up with facts. God forbid someone in the media actually appreciated the way Obama has run his campaign.
speculawyer said:
Well . . . the pro-choice is about not 'telling women what they should do with their bodies'.
And the pro-life* side of the argument would contend that a woman's rights extend inasfar as upholding them would not interfere with another person's right to... well... life.

But then the cycle of argument starts again and you get to defining personhood and what sort of rights you should extend to a proto-human. Do we care if it's sentient or not? Do we care if it feels pain or not? If we go too far on one side, are we endorsing infanticide? If we go too far on the other, are we banning all contraception? Neither end of the scale is very palatable.

Whether those on either side of the debate like it or not, the answers aren't cut and dry, black and white or right and wrong. Instead, you have a fuzzy area where on one side, you have something that is clearly human while on the other, you have something that clearly isn't. The trouble with laws is that there needs to be a dividing line.

I personally would want to have the cutoff based on the development of the mind. Find some milestone (say the beginnings of sentience or something) and make the cutoff there. That's difficult to define though, so it's best to try to avoid the question with widely-available contraception and if abortion is to be used, to have it as early as possible.

*Stupid freakin' labels, like everything else in these discussions, invite a bias. They should be pro-abortion-rights and anti-abortion-rights and leave it at that.


echoshifting said:
So...are we just supposed to ignore Palin's stance on the issue and just kinda keep our fingers crossed she won't move to overturn Roe v. Wade if she ends up in office? When McCain says he thinks Roe v. Wade should be overturned, should we roll our eyes and say "oh great, here's that dumb abortion thing again, who cares."

Like it or not, it's an issue. Defend it or lose it.

Nope, my point is when did this country become so fucked that these private matters became an actual thing to run on, but alas it is the way of politics today and no we cannot ignore it the only thing left now is to fight it no matter how ridiculous it is in perspective to the rest of the issues we face.


CharlieDigital said:
No, no, no. More like wives could really give a shit about what goes on and the opinions of a bunch of strangers in the OT of a gaming forum.
Don't they know the internet is serious business.

It's funny how typed "wives." As if nobody who is a wife cares about the OT and not carrying about the OT is something unique among wives.:lol
viciouskillersquirrel said:
That's difficult to define though, so it's best to try to avoid the question with widely-available contraception and if abortion is to be used, to have it as early as possible.

See, the left has been unfairly branded as baby killers in this whole debate. Given any individual woman, don't you think that she would want to deal with the issue as soon as possible as well (being pregnant is no walk in the park)? It's not like liberals take particular joy in having an extra 3 months of pregnancy and then pulling the trigger.

But in any case, one of the more interesting aspects to this discussion is the inconsistency of the conservatives on prevention of unwanted pregnancies. I don't know how the can preach on about an obviously broken abstinence only program (you know, because kids are going to get it on, regardless of how holy a family is) and rail against sex education. It's not like abortions are all rainbows and kisses; it hurts the woman physically and emotionally as well. It's not an easy choice to make (my mom aborted on child who would have been an older sibling because she was in graduate school - she is very emotional about it, but at the same time, she knows that she couldn't have provided the opportunities for my sister and I had she not done it and finished up grad school). The best way to reduce abortions is through education and preventing the pregnancies in the first place.
Stoney Mason said:
A few more far right supreme court justices and she will be told explicitly what to do. Which is why people who have zero interest in politics always baffle me. Not a knock at your wife. Lots of people are that way.
Yeah exactly.

However, that could always be a silver lining if McCain wins. If Roe v. Wade were over-turned there might be a lot of people that ignored politics who get involved. This is one of the reasons why many think abortion is the carrot-on-the-end-of-a-stick for the right. They want to keep it around as an issue to keep their voters voting for them . . . but if they ever actually suceed in outlawing it, they know there may be a huge backlash. Hence it is better for them as that issue that they never suceed on but keep getting voters to vote on. It has been working very well for some 30+ years now.



Just found this and thought I'd share the pain.

Manufactured candidate! Staged production! :lol

Columbia, Harvard, president of Harvard Law Review, US senate, wrote two books, incredible vision/intellect and leadership skills, took on the most powerful family of the democratic party and won. I'm sure everything this manufactured candidate, this staged production, accomplishes if he's president will be accredited to Bush without a drop of shame or disbelief.

What's funny, or sad I guess, is that Palin is the one that fits that description to a frightening degree.

The black hole and black sheep bit was funny though.

The more I learn about people the more I despise humanity. Such miserable creatures. I really hope Obama loses and the whole world goes to hell. It wouldn't be the least bit undeserved.

If Barack wins, he has to make education his priority. Could this change much, though? Lots of college educated people are complete morons. Maybe if he made a system with incredibly high standards, to the point where every high school graduate has read hundreds of books and passed reasonably difficult tests of critical thinking? I honestly think the genetic component to intelligence will bottleneck that effort... who knows, maybe to the point that it would make it worthless. I mean, you don't have to read hundreds of books to learn how to think... How dumb can one be to need that before reaching a basic level of common sense? I don't know, maybe such a program can still help. Things definitely will change when science advances enough to unlock the genetic map for intelligence, but that's another topic.

Oh and Slurpy, you're a pathetic fucking hypocrite, you know that?

Every fucking time I see you going off about fox news and the forces of darkness that call themselves god-fearing I wonder how good it would feel to see you go insane if Obama loses and if it'd be worth it. You, the one who praised qardawi and thinks al-jazeera is not only nothing like fox, but is on a higher level than the BBC. Al-fucking-jazeera. Whenever you wonder in amazement how could anybody be so dumb as to say that fox is needed to counter the liberal media and that GAF is too far left or too critical of fox, look in the fucking mirror. You're that guy.
Chiggs said:
So Olbermann and Matthews got yanked from the anchor seat, eh? The trainwreck that is MSNBC continues.


No one else would have spoken up against that 9/11 video. They were like the one voice of reason in a sea of spineless news offices that regurgitate the GOP's ludicrous talking points and give them the same weight as real news.

Of course the far right loves to paint anyone putting the truth out there as LIBRUL (a euphemism for evil, communist and Anti-American amirite) to put pressure on their corporate parents to stop this truth from getting out. Looks like it's working on MSNBC. Meanwhile I don't see Hannity and his cronies going anywhere.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
polyh3dron said:

Yeah, apparently it was so awful that Olbermann and Mathews actually liked what Obama had to say.

Now we'll get David Gregory instead! How wonderful for all of us! We all know he's purely objective.


reilo said:
Wait, what?



How lame.

Instead now we get that shill David Gregory that will do everything in his might to put every single syllable uttered by the McCain camp in the right context.

Olbermann's and Mathews' problem I suppose was that they were too opinionated. It seems that is only a problem when you back your statements up with facts. God forbid someone in the media actually appreciated the way Obama has run his campaign.

This is complete bullshit, who gives a flipping shit if MSNBC is trending heavily to the left. Obama and his campaign doesn't complain or protest Fox News for their one sided political coverage :lol


Why the FUCK aren't democrats and liberals fighting bullshit like that? Fox might as well be an official propoganda outlet and yet the ones that get punished are the journalists with integrity? Oh I'm sorry, they like Obama! What the fuck does it matter when they never lie and twist the truth like others do?

Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable.
Chrono said:
Why the FUCK aren't democrats and liberals fighting bullshit like that? Fox might as well be an official propoganda outlet and yet the ones that get punished are the journalists with integrity? Oh I'm sorry, they like Obama! What the fuck does it matter when they never lie and twist the truth like others do?

Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable.
Because Democrats aren't as good at the Faux Outrage as the Repubs are.

Also, a good portion of them are spineless pussies. It's kinda like that monologue near the end of Team America.


The GOP still controls so much, it's scary. They can get their hypocritical messages out there, that Palin's grandbaby is actually a good thing, when they would tear apart Obama for the same, that Palin herself is being attacked with sexist remarks when these right-wing shills were laughing at Hillary for not being thick-skinned enough while simultaneously building Palin up as an attack dog, and that the media is biased against John McCain and Sarah Palin and the right wing in general when a lot of the controversy they created this election cycle has surrounded Barack himself. They go unchallenged on everything, and when they do get challenged on something, they take their ball and go home, while demonizing the network in the process.

The only 'news' team that has balls all year round is on Comedy Central. And that's just so fucking sad.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Looks like the media is right back to where they were pre-Katrina:

Letting the GOP walk all over them like roaches.

It's no wonder that nobody besides Olbermann and Maddow has challenged McCain on his "BOMB BOMB BOMB IRAN" bullshit.

If he gets elected, it will be Iraq all over fucking again.


And like Nate Silver says, Obama really needs some better ads. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack for the community organizer thing. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack to paint Palin as a corrupt government official that left her small town in a load of debt. I'm not sure why they don't point out that McCain was against giving her lobbyist money when she requested it years ago. Destroy her character by showing her for who she really is.

I'm starting to be reminded of Kerry and his nonexistent push back against the Bush bullshit.
Just like how Mitt Romney had the nerve to call our government of the last 8 years too liberal :)lol) the GOP is getting away with calling the increasingly right-leaning media liberal.
Killthee said:

So Olberman and Matthews won't host big news events? So what? Those things are probably better handled by down the middle journalists anyway.

BTW, did you notice how the GOP ran the last couple nights of their convention on a Musollini schedule? It was done that way intentionally so talking heads couldn't get a chance to interject opinion into the broadcasts. Kinda clever but such things can backfire. The press may just get so annoyed that they'll hit back harder. The same is true with the Palin hiding from the press issue.

If you keep hiding, that just gives them more time to come up with better questions. And you've got to come out some time or else the press will just start bashing you for hiding.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
AniHawk said:
And like Nate Silver says, Obama really needs some better ads. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack for the community organizer thing. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack to paint Palin as a corrupt government official that left her small town in a load of debt. I'm not sure why they don't point out that McCain was against giving her lobbyist money when she requested it years ago. Destroy her character by showing her for who she really is.

I'm starting to be reminded of Kerry and his nonexistent push back against the Bush bullshit.

I think it's because they want to let the convention bounce fizzle out. Then, when everything is back to equal, like it will be later in the week, they will go back on the offensive.

The GOP is on a high right now. It would be pointless and a waste of money.
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