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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AniHawk said:
And like Nate Silver says, Obama really needs some better ads. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack for the community organizer thing. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack to paint Palin as a corrupt government official that left her small town in a load of debt. I'm not sure why they don't point out that McCain was against giving her lobbyist money when she requested it years ago. Destroy her character by showing her for who she really is.

I'm starting to be reminded of Kerry and his nonexistent push back against the Bush bullshit.
rope a hope.

speculawyer said:
BTW, did you notice how the GOP ran the last couple nights of their convention on a Musollini schedule? It was done that way intentionally so talking heads couldn't get a chance to interject opinion into the broadcasts. Kinda clever but such things can backfire.
That shit almost pissed me off more than the Romney and Giuliani speeches.


AniHawk said:
And like Nate Silver says, Obama really needs some better ads. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack for the community organizer thing. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack to paint Palin as a corrupt government official that left her small town in a load of debt. I'm not sure why they don't point out that McCain was against giving her lobbyist money when she requested it years ago. Destroy her character by showing her for who she really is.

I'm starting to be reminded of Kerry and his nonexistent push back against the Bush bullshit.
Completely agree. The one thing I want to hear more of is how she left Wasilla with millions of dollars in debt. If not for GAF I might not know about it at all, yet to me it sounds like the most damning evidence by far.
polyh3dron said:
Just like how Mitt Romney had the nerve to call our government of the last 8 years too liberal :)lol) the GOP is getting away with calling the increasingly right-leaning media liberal.
Yeah, that speech freaked me out. It seemed that he must have moved to the John Birch Society since he was bashing Washington (the GOP) as if it were run by a bunch of hippies.
laserbeam said:
I think your off base in some regard. Potential Humanity that has been snuffed out due to convienence factor etc could have been the Human who cured cancer or any other countless possible discoveries.
Every time a woman ovulates the cure for diabetes is lost forever.
Trurl said:
Completely agree. The one thing I want to hear more of is how she left Wasilla with millions of dollars in debt. If not for GAF I might not know about it at all, yet to me it sounds like the most damning evidence by far.


laserbeam said:
I think your off base in some regard. Potential Humanity that has been snuffed out due to convienence factor etc could have been the Human who cured cancer or any other countless possible discoveries.

Could've also been the next Hitler. Stupid argument.


laserbeam said:
I think your off base in some regard. Potential Humanity that has been snuffed out due to convienence factor etc could have been the Human who cured cancer or any other countless possible discoveries.

You seem to be arguing as if keeping a child someone ends the humanity of the woman when the Child in the womb that is snuffed out is the one who is deprived of their humanity.

More often than not it seems like there is more racial bigotry involved in the support of abortion then anything. A very common arguement is look how crime has dropped when abortions are the most prevelant among african americans.

There are plenty of ways to get a good fuck and not create a lifeform in the womb. It seems to me that a choice was made when you let that life form be formed.
History has already proven that inventions and new ideas are not exclusive to certain individuals.
polyh3dron said:

She balanced the state of Alaska budget I suppose. Of course it is pretty easy to balance a budget when the lower 48 is paying $120/barrel for all that oil flowing out of Alaska PLUS Alaska is one of the mostly highly subsidized states in the union.

That subsidizing of Alaska shit needs to stop. Now. Alaska's got so much money that they give each resident thousands just for being a resident. They need that AND us giving them state welfare?

Wow . . . quite the achievement to balance the budget of a state that is rolling in oil money AND heavily subsidized by the rest of the country. WTF . . they should be subsidizng us.
Also, why is it after all this time the public still "doesn't really know Barack Obama and they don't know what he stands for" but this never gets brought up about Sarah Palin who was introduced to most of us a little over a week ago?


Mumei said:

... Wow.

This is the most incredibly stalker-ish thing I have had the opportunity to use. :lol

For anyone else who has been affiliated with the campaign for long, how long has this been available? I've been thinking about going out and doing this, but I'm not sure how good of a "salesman," I'd be (I'm very shy, and not good with "new" people, usually), but I'm about annoyed enough to want to try.

I live in Indianapolis, around Geist (if you know anything about the area, anyway), so I know that with the polls as close as they are and the 200,000 new registered voters, it might be worth it, but... augh. My Rejection Fear thing is coming on again.

Anyway, can anyone who has volunteered door-to-door in this fashion tell me about their experiences? I need moral support. :D

edit: I concur with the current motion.

I'm pretty sure the web component is very new, but they've been doing stuff like this coordinated out of campaign offices since forever.

I've done it in Pennsylvania, Oregon and Nevada, and I find it to be much more enjoyable than something like phone-banking--people are often very nice and sometimes even offer you water when they see how dedicated you are and sweating outside, as opposed to when you call them in the evening (The only times I didn't like going door-to-door was around 6-7:30, when people would get annoyed since they're eating dinner).

It generally is good at dispelling rumors from low-info voters (I heard he doesn't say the pledge of allegiance, I heard XYZ, etc.) and really reminding/teaching new voters to vote (I've encountered new Obama voters--during primary season--where they said they didn't plan to vote because they didn't know enough about the downticket contests, and I was able to tell them that you don't have to vote for every contest for your ballot to count).

And the last thing is that it compels Obama supporters to also chip in and help somehow, when they see that a fellow supporter is doing something, they feel like they can also help.

You don't need to know about all his policies, and that really only helps with smart alecks who think that you're just blindly following somebody (I really only have encountered this once or twice) Have a good line for why you do support Obama though, I usually used something simple like "Unlike McCain, Barack Obama doesn't take money from lobbyists, so I feel like I can trust him to make the right decisions in the White House without being in the back pocket of some big corporation."

If you are doing voter registration, you often encounter cynics that say "Nothing will ever change," I've found that being cynical to the cynics usually works "Yeah, because gas prices were the same 8 years ago, huh?" And people being afraid of jury duty, you just tell them that the Courts get jurors from the DMV, not registered voters. (Yes, it simplifies things, but it gets them registered!).


I think the Dems are holding back because they feel they're in the driver's seat anyways as long as they make no major gaffes. If they start going too negative, the GOP will have "justification" in making a Rev. Wright ad or something similar.

The Obama campaign is counting on the issues to win this and for now they'll keep hammering on that. We'll see how it goes..
laserbeam said:
I think your off base in some regard. Potential Humanity that has been snuffed out due to convienence factor etc could have been the Human who cured cancer or any other countless possible discoveries.

Hey . . . I see some hot chick out on the street. I should probably rape her because if I don't we might not get the person that cures cancer.

Seriously, that is the lamest argument I've heard.


polyh3dron said:
Also, why is it after all this time the public still "doesn't really know Barack Obama and they don't know what he stands for" but this never gets brought up about Sarah Palin who was introduced to most of us a little over a week ago?
That's just code for racism and anti intellectualism and general bigotry, I reckon.


thefit said:
Don't be so offended, she generally gets a kick out of the goofy shit that gets posted here but as for your question. Simply bringing the issue up and it being used as something that defies a country is offensive to her in other words when, why and who made this an issue that has been brought out into the mainstream rather than being what it was and should have always been, a private family matter.
Not offended so much as annoyed with a tendency of people on boards to massively conflate different points and not specify what is actually being addressed. It's bad enough on it's own, but exponentially worse when adding in a) insults and b) being relayed from a third party who doesn't stick around to participate in the discussion.

It was also completely nonsensical to be critical of both sides, as (apparently) you acknowledge with a later post.
AniHawk said:
I'm starting to be reminded of Kerry and his nonexistent push back against the Bush bullshit.
This is the single most disappointing aspect of the Obama campaign. I thought they learned from Kerry taking it on the chin with "Wolves" and Swiftboat vets, but I guess not. Seriously, they should have dropped the fucking hammer after the Palin/Giuliani BS session. They could have called them out of seven different kinds of liars, and the community organizer stuff is a great "outrage moment". Instead we got a press release that was clearly written like the week before the convention.


AniHawk said:
And like Nate Silver says, Obama really needs some better ads. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack for the community organizer thing. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack to paint Palin as a corrupt government official that left her small town in a load of debt. I'm not sure why they don't point out that McCain was against giving her lobbyist money when she requested it years ago. Destroy her character by showing her for who she really is.

I'm starting to be reminded of Kerry and his nonexistent push back against the Bush bullshit.

Pretty much. As big of a fuss as the democrats made over not getting "Kerry"ed again, they sure are looking like they are heading down the same path. They are letting the pubs knock them around while avoiding returning any serious fire. And there are several things out there. There needs to be more ads attacking McCain AND Palin. It's good to see they are at least starting to address Palin now, but they really need to attack both of them more.

you know why the republicans are getting better media coverage? Becuase they actually try to hold them accountable. The media screws the dems over and they just say, "Well, that's just part of the game." The media starts attacking the pubs, they say, "Hey, that's not fair!" They put pressure on the stations. Why is Fox news allowed to be so biased and be accepted, yet MSNBC can't show too much love for Obama?

We need Democrats that will HIT BACK against the republican bullies... and what's so phenomenal is that we can do it with TRUTH instead of lies.

We sit here and blame the stupidity of the American people, etc. etc., for choosing McCain and Bush, yet we don't ever question why the republican tactics are seeminngly working THREE elections in a row with utterly incompetent candidates. If the democrats fielded such poor candidates, they'd be getting trounced right now. So why is that? The republicans play to win. The democrats are stuck playing the nice guy. I mean I guess being nice is more important than possibly starting a WWIII when McCain tries to rashly quarrel with Russia or Iran. I mean, this is the guy that was singing a tune about bombing Iran.

The thing is, playing up the hope thing worked in the Democrats Primary, but it's not going to work nearly as well in the general election. It's not good form to attack your own party, which is something Hillary really was doing. There's no such rule about attacking the other party. And seriously, what is so bad about telling America about how the other candidate actually IS? There is so much out there on Palin and McCain, yet the Dems don't want to utilize that because they feel like they will be 'attacking character?' Ridiculous. I seriously hope that you guys will maybe comment on Obama's myspace or try and get in contact with some of these higher ups in the Democratic campaign and tell them to be more aggressive. John Kerry won the primary for the Dems by being John Kerry, and look at what that did for him in the general.
And if anything, we know the media isn't going to hold anyone accountable. They'll just roll with the juicy story, which is why I keep saying not to depend on the media to 'tear apart' Palin. They can turn her into a star just as quickly. If you need something done, you'll have to do it yourself.

I'm considering starting a small group to distribute videos/information about McCain and Palin so more people can really understand what they are getting. I hope some of you will join me. It's time to hit back.


polyh3dron said:
Well, she did leave Wasilla in debt but there was a public referendum that agreed to do it. Blame the 9000 idiots of the town who wanted to be millions in debt so they could play hockey and have like a target or something. A bond is covering half of it, I think.
You guys are asking for a GOP-esque outburst over the lies told at the RNC and especially regarding Palin and that's just never going to happen. Democrats can't do it. They aren't any good at it and it goes down in the public perception a lot of differently than when the Republicans do it.

We found out about Palin about a week and a half ago, and the Obama camp needed to see what the GOP was planning to do with her during the RNC. The RNC just wrapped a few days ago. The response will be researched, planned and conducted with the greatest care. Have a little patience. The McCain camp has laid a painfully obvious trap for Obama and Biden in Palin. Dealing with her is going to be like disarming a bomb, and it's like some of you wish he would just kick the damn thing and hope it shuts down.


polyh3dron said:
Also, why is it after all this time the public still "doesn't really know Barack Obama and they don't know what he stands for" but this never gets brought up about Sarah Palin who was introduced to most of us a little over a week ago?
Because, for the most part, you can just assume she is very socially conservative and on any other issue she will simply regurgitate what McCain and his campaign wants her to. She is a VP candidate, she'll be whatever McCain and them want her to be.
Gruco said:
This is the single most disappointing aspect of the Obama campaign. I thought they learned from Kerry taking it on the chin with "Wolves" and Swiftboat vets, but I guess not. Seriously, they should have dropped the fucking hammer after the Palin/Giuliani BS session. They could have called them out of seven different kinds of liars, and the community organizer stuff is a great "outrage moment". Instead we got a press release that was clearly written like the week before the convention.

IMO what the mccain people are trying to do is make this Obama Vs. Palin rather than Obama Vs. McCain, because the GOP well knows if McCain is their poster child this year then they've no hope.

so by attacking palin, obama'd be feeding right into their game. however it is neccessary to hit back here and there - which he has be doing, conservatively. really smart.


polyh3dron said:

Because MSM is exclusively owned by the people who have strong ties to the (R)s and to a lesser degree the (D)s and prefer news coverage that doesn't expose the flaws of the candidates that they will benefit from if they get into the Whitehouse.

That answer your question?
Sleeker said:
Because MSM is exclusively owned by the people who have strong ties to the (R)s and to a lesser degree the (D)s and prefer news coverage that doesn't expose the flaws of the candidates that they will benefit from if they get into the Whitehouse.

That answer your question?
That damn liberal media.


Here I've compiled a few of the videos.

McCain can't stop lying

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran

What does a VP do?

Former POW says McCain is unfit to lead

Just pass these around. Please put up other videos and I'll compile them in this post. I mean Neogaf has raised around $80,000 for Obama... If we can do that, why can't we become a force in spreading information? Possibly hook up with some other forums, net entities and we can get a movement going.

Or maybe it'd be better if we sat and cried about why the media is treating Obama so bad while ignoring the fact that we have an amazing outlet to distribute media using this little thing called the internet. It's time to get proactive!
Huzah said:
Well if we are on the subject of posting youtube vids:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHEIi4XKRmM Obama on Iraq War

Youtube age makes politics a bit harder for everyone.
John McCain said that the Anbar Awakening (which should get most of the credit for the reduction in violence) was a result of the surge when in fact it began before any such plans were even considered.

Even though McCain may have been lucky with the surge, it doesn't change the fact that he was partly responsible for us going to war with Iraq in the first place. Hell, McCain wanted to go after Iraq right after 9/11 happened even though Iraq had nothing to do with it. We went to war based on LIES. Lies from the Republicans. Do you really want those liars running our country for another 4 years after destroying it in the last 8 years?


We're doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!



polyh3dron said:
John McCain said that the Anbar Awakening (which should get most of the credit for the reduction in violence) was a result of the surge when in fact it began before any such plans were even considered.

Even though McCain may have been lucky with the surge, it doesn't change the fact that he was partly responsible for us going to war with Iraq in the first place. Hell, McCain wanted to go after Iraq right after 9/11 happened even though Iraq had nothing to do with it. We went to war based on LIES. Lies from the Republicans. Do you really want those liars running our country for another 4 years after destroying it in the last 8 years?
This little tidbit about the surge is really the only thing foreign policy he has slipped up on. He has repeatedly tried to explain it away. His reasoning is sound; I understand what his thinking was. Unfortunately, he reasoning goes over the head of a lot of the voters.


qwertybob said:
I would pay serious money to see Biden and Palin square up in a house of commons style debate


hosted by paxman - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCo7qbzEX3c

Wow! Amazing. :D

This is also cool, that Paxman guy dragging that cunt Galloway through the mud and then off a cliff:


Don't threaten me! <--------- Imagine if CNN had the guts to say that when McCain canceled an interview because when of his robots was asked real questions.

This is really ridiculous, Americans just don't care about this stuff. There's no outrage, there's no protest. You're just taking it, and this is all happening in a country that's pretty much one of the most advanced on every front.


AniHawk said:
Is it a slipup or is Snuffalufagus being an impatient retard?
I've listened to the whole interview. It is a slip up, or at least not what he was trying to say. When he said it he was talking in a hypothetical statement but didn't really make a clear transition into it. Just got ahead of himself I think.


polyh3dron said:
John McCain said that the Anbar Awakening (which should get most of the credit for the reduction in violence) was a result of the surge when in fact it began before any such plans were even considered.

Even though McCain may have been lucky with the surge, it doesn't change the fact that he was partly responsible for us going to war with Iraq in the first place. Hell, McCain wanted to go after Iraq right after 9/11 happened even though Iraq had nothing to do with it. We went to war based on LIES. Lies from the Republicans. Do you really want those liars running our country for another 4 years after destroying it in the last 8 years?

1. The idea for the war was foolish and naive, alot of assumptions were made that sounded good on think tank white papers but don't bear out in reality.

2. The execution of the war was terribly bungled, ie Rummy and his war on the cheap mantra.

3. Baracks and McCains Iran/Afghan/Paki policies are roughly the same anyways.

McCain does seem to be more anti-Russia though. His georgian reponse sure made me roll my eyes, but I'm more pragmatic and less idealistic with my foreign policy, the US shouldn't write checks it can't cash.
polyh3dron said:
Also, why is it after all this time the public still "doesn't really know Barack Obama and they don't know what he stands for" but this never gets brought up about Sarah Palin who was introduced to most of us a little over a week ago?

Palin's white.


*drowns in jizz*
Gruco said:
Not offended so much as annoyed with a tendency of people on boards to massively conflate different points and not specify what is actually being addressed. It's bad enough on it's own, but exponentially worse when adding in a) insults and b) being relayed from a third party who doesn't stick around to participate in the discussion.

It was also completely nonsensical to be critical of both sides, as (apparently) you acknowledge with a later post.

This is the single most disappointing aspect of the Obama campaign. I thought they learned from Kerry taking it on the chin with "Wolves" and Swiftboat vets, but I guess not. Seriously, they should have dropped the fucking hammer after the Palin/Giuliani BS session. They could have called them out of seven different kinds of liars, and the community organizer stuff is a great "outrage moment". Instead we got a press release that was clearly written like the week before the convention.

An ad with Guliani mocking community organizers with that shit-eating grin of his, saying its a 'problem' on Baracks resume, and the crowd roaring, then afterwards some text and a voice-over of what community organizers have done in history would have ben VERY effective I think. I get outraged every time I see it, and I think many people will. Anger is motivating.


Slurpy said:
An ad with Guliani mocking community organizers with that shit-eating grin of his, saying its a 'problem' on Baracks resume, and the crowd roaring, then afterwards some text and a voice-over of what community organizers have done in history would have ben VERY effective I think. I get outraged every time I see it, and I think many people will. Anger is motivating.
If you have the tools, make one yourself. I just did three about Sarah Palin and they're uploading right now. At the very least, they can be examples for bigger and better commercials and get people motivated into doing something.


Date of Lies said:
Holy crap

This is the best comedy I've seen in the last 3 years. British politics are a fucking hilarity, I think I'll never read another webcomic again. Thanks.

I've never seen this type of debate in my life. I want to move to the UK quicker than ever now. What a circus.

Parliamentary democracy ftw.


Some of the other questions in the Gallup poll are giving "WTF?" results...


Which party’s congressional candidate would you vote for (among likely voters):
After conventions: Republicans 50 percent-Democrats 45 percent
Before conventions: Democrats 51 percent-Republicans 42 percent

That's the biggest WTF that makes this seem like a super outlier.

6. How would you rate the acceptance speech of:

John McCain
Excellent or Good/47
Poor or Terrible/12

Barack Obama
Excellent or Good/58
Poor or Terrible/7

Sarah Palin
Excellent or Good/60
Poor or Terrible/14

Obama outperforms Mccain big-time and even Palin in Excellent/Good/OK/No Opinion

Did the Democratic convention make you more or less likely to vote for Barack Obama?
More likely/43
Less likely/29
No difference/19
Did the Republican convention make you more or less likely to vote for John McCain?
More likely/43
Less likely/38
No difference/13

No evidence of a bounce here

Does Sarah Palin as the running mate make you more likely to vote for John McCain?
More likely/29
Les likely/21
No effect/49
Does Joe Biden as the running mate make you more likely to vote for Barack Obama (asked before conventions)?
More likely/14
Less likely/7
No effect/72

And none here either.


devilhawk said:
Well, she did leave Wasilla in debt but there was a public referendum that agreed to do it. Blame the 9000 idiots of the town who wanted to be millions in debt so they could play hockey and have like a target or something. A bond is covering half of it, I think.

this is what i have read in several places.. and i think this is reason why it is not brought up. Wasilla's budgets should be available online in some form.
The Palin pick dragged this whole election down into the abortion/guns/religion debate (as even evidenced here in this thread). I knew this shit would happen sooner or later. Squeeze in some Iraq in the next 50 days and it's 2000/2004 all over again.
teruterubozu said:
The Palin pick dragged this whole election down into the abortion/guns/religion debate (as even evidenced here in this thread). I knew this shit would happen sooner or later. Squeeze in some Iraq in the next 50 days and it's 2000/2004 all over again.

It seems that's exactly what the republicans are hedging their bets on. People forget the economy when they feel that their "values" are at stake. Bah.
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