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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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lawblob said:
Here's my theory on Palin:

Republicans have been desperately searching for an emerging leader for the last two years, hoping to shake off the Bush years with a new vision for America. If you look at the Republican primary process, it was basically a rollercoaster ride of Republicans getting extremely hyped every time a new candidate entered the race, with their polling numbers shooting through the roof, only to crash back down to Earth. Look at Giuliani, Huckabee, Thompson, Gingrich, even Romney in some circles. But, each of these people eventually proved to just be tired-old-Republicans dressed up to look like legit agents of reform / change. Right now Palin is receiving the same positive frenzy that each of the aforementioned received, the only difference now is that she is 'locked in' to the election. However, I think as people continue to digest her selection & learn more about her, they will lose interest as they did with Romney, Huck, 9/11-Giuliani, Thompson, etc. The question, IMO, is whether the disinterest curve will kick-in for Palin before or after the election.

The problem with Republicans is that they live in this scary world where they think the US isn't far enough to the right as it is, and that they need to outdo the insanity with someone even more off the mark.


when is my burrito
VanMardigan said:
It's like the dude read my post from yesterday. Spooky.

edit: here's me yesterday:

Despite leaving John McCain where he couldn't pick somebody like Palin, Obama picking Hillary Clinton would have had a similar effect on the Republican base as the Palin pick.

It would have also gotten him a lot more than 1 million dollars in donations. The base would be enthusiastic about voting against Hillary.
Gruco said:
We're limited by the tools we're given. Anything is variable by events over the next two months.

Given the choice between a complex regression analysis and control for poller accuracy and trends, vs daily tracking polls...Plus, people have added faith in Nate for his performance in the primaries. Plus, the baseball shit.

Don't get me wrong I find the stuff interesting and check nearly the same sites everyday but I do find it worrying when people adopt this "Don't worry folks. Obama has it in the bag" attitude and then post a 538 pic that shows him blowing out Mccain. It's sort of the other end to me of the "OMG the sky is falling mentality" that happens whenever the polls shift a bit.


Why would he do this?

Democrat Barack Obama says he would delay rescinding President Bush's tax cuts on wealthy Americans if he becomes the next president and the economy is in a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy.

Doesnt this open up the opposition for saying that Obama is conceding that tax hikes for businesses and the rich actually hurts the economy?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Fragamemnon said:
Regardless of who wins in November, I really want to see a biographer properly document the "McChange" from 2002 or so to 2008.
Done - already narrated succintly by Ian McShane on TDS.


Fragamemnon said:
I really want to see a biographer properly document the "McChange" from 2002 or so to 2008.



polyh3dron said:
Most of us are aware that it is 2008 and that they should be able to have a normal debate without Biden handling Palin with kid gloves. However we are also aware of the Republican Pseudo Outrage Machine and its power. They've already played the sexism card and they will continue to play it

Yeah, considering they played the sexism card on piddling stuff in the media, its almost a guarantee that they will play it after the debate.
Jonm1010 said:
Why would he do this?


Doesnt this open up the opposition for saying that Obama is conceding that tax hikes for businesses and the rich actually hurts the economy?

I think that came from his interview with George Stephanopolous. And I don't think that blurb quite captures what he actually said.

You can see for yourself here. http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=5745783

When pushed whether it's wise to raise overall tax revenue in a recession, the way his plan does over the next 10 years, he says it is when you have a half trillion dollars deficit.

Funky Papa

Can we just use old people* for flamethrower tests?

article said:
In a corner booth, Biden sat down and, after a moment's conversation, planted a kiss on the forehead of Carolyn Bauer, age 89. Bauer explained afterward it wasn't such a friendly encounter.

"I told him I'm not going to vote for him," Bauer said. "Anybody who runs with a guy with a name like that is not going to get my vote. It'd be disgusting to get a man named Barack Obama as president of the United States. No way. I mean it . . . I'm going to vote for McCain and the lady."

"[Obama's] a Muslim," Bauer added. "He pretends to be a Christian, and he isn't, he's a Muslim."

*ok, just some of the craziest ones.
I'd say that 64 wouldn't factor in to what is going on right now. Goldwater's Republican party was a totally different beast than what we see today. The GOP of '64 was pre-Religious Pandering GOP.


Republican red faces as regulators close bank

A bank with ties to the family of John McCain was shut down by federal regulators on Friday, marking the 11th US bank failure this year and threatening to cause ripples across the presidential election campaign.

Andrew McCain, son of the Republican presidential nominee, was a director of Nevada-based Silver State Bank until resigning in July for “personal reasons”.

He was a member of Silver State’s audit committee, which has responsibility for overseeing the bank’s financial accounts.

Silver State was heavily exposed to construction and land development loans that have come under pressure as the housing market slumps.

Much of the bank’s business was concentrated in Las Vegas and other western cities that have suffered some of the sharpest falls in land prices after years of rapid growth and heavy speculation.

Silver State had about $2bn of assets and $1.7bn in deposits at the end of June and reported a second-quarter net loss of $72.3m.

Its failure is expected to cost the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures bank deposits up to $100,000, about $450m-$550m.

There is no evidence that Mr McCain did anything wrong nor that his departure was connected to the bank’s financial troubles.

But the episode is a potential embarrassment to his father at a time when bank failures are adding to a broader sense of gloom and economic insecurity among US voters.

It could revive memories of John McCain’s role in the “Keating Five” scandal during the 1980s savings and loans crisis, when he was reprimanded by a Senate watchdog for lobbying on behalf of a campaign donor whose mortgage lending institution was under investigation by regulators.

The younger McCain joined the board of Silver State in February after it acquired Arizona-based Choice Bank, for whom he had served as a director since 2006.

He is an adopted son from his father’s first marriage but also has close ties to the senator’s second wife, Cindy, in his role as chief financial officer of Hensley & Co, the Arizona-based beer distribution company controlled by Mrs McCain.

The 11 bank failures in the US this year compare with three in all of 2007 and none in the preceding two years. More are expected.

The number of so-called “problem” banks grew from 90 institutions at the end of the first quarter to 117 at the end of June, the highest level since 2003, according to the FDIC. It is drawing up plans to raise additional capital to shore up its insurance fund that has been depleted by this year’s bank rescues. The fund currently holds about $45bn.
Financial Times

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
jmdajr said:
When are they gonna add an amendment so Arnold can run?

Oh well I can dream.

The idea of the Terminator as president bothers me. My first reaction was to laugh this off and move on, but I'm curious... Do you really want Arnold, and if so... why?


jmdajr said:
dont be so mean ! (cry)*

Haha. Look, I think Arnold is a good guy, and is smart enough to surround himself with competent advisers, etc., but I think we have a long list of qualified people to run through before we get to Ahnuld as the most qualified for office.

And, at least IMO, I just don't think its necessary to allow foreigners to be Prez. Maybe its just the Repubnick inside me talking, but I don't see the logic in allowing foreigners to lead your nation.
Captain Pants said:
The idea of the Terminator as president bothers me. My first reaction was to laugh this off and move on, but I'm curious... Do you really want Arnold, and if so... why?
He has done jack shit for my state, and actually wanted to pay all of our state employees minimum wage until our budget got worked out. "Special interest groups can't buy me" my ass.

Fuck that guy, he's doing just as bad of a job as our former governor Gray Davis(D) did.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
polyh3dron said:
He has done jack shit for my state, and actually wanted to pay all of our state employees minimum wage until our budget got worked out. "Special interest groups can't buy me" my ass.

Fuck that guy, he's doing just as bad of a job as our former governor Gray Davis(D) did.

Ugh. This is about what I figured, I haven't followed his governorship too much, but it doesn't sound so hot.


Master of the Google Search
Stoney Mason said:
Don't get me wrong I find the stuff interesting and check nearly the same sites everyday but I do find it worrying when people adopt this "Don't worry folks. Obama has it in the bag" attitude and then post a 538 pic that shows him blowing out Mccain. It's sort of the other end to me of the "OMG the sky is falling mentality" that happens whenever the polls shift a bit.
PoliGAF is a land of extremes.


Palin's first big gaf (if the media takes notice)


Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, the Republican vice presidential nominee claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had "gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers." The companies, as McClatchy reported, "aren't taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization."


Rugasuki said:
Palin's first big gaf (if the media takes notice)


Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, the Republican vice presidential nominee claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had "gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers." The companies, as McClatchy reported, "aren't taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization."

That's laughable.

VanMardigan said:
You better be kidding, cause you agreed with me on that post yesterday 100%. :)

No, that makes sense - you're right on those very rare occasions when I agree with you :D


thefro said:

Kos has commissioned Research 2000 to do a shitton of polling. :D
I like it:
Given the success of the early-season polling, I've decided for more polling. Lots, lots more.

First of all, we're going to join the ranks of the "daily tracking poll" outfits. Polling begins today, and with a three-day rolling average, our first published results will come Thursday. Unlike other outfits, we'll remain fully transparent about our results, including the daily samples (which everyone else refuses to release).

We're also going to aggressively poll presidential, Senate, and even House races all over the country, with a package that will give us an average of more than one poll a day until this thing is called (yup, that's more than 56 polls, which is how many days we have left to the election).
We've got some ramping up to do, so just three polls this week (Maine, North Carolina, and Mississippi), but we'll have a flood of them coming in before long. I'm particularly excited about targeting a couple dozen (or so) House races, given the dearth of polling at that level.

All the stuff in that Roll Call story will remain -- we won't cherry-pick which polls or information to feature. Every poll I commission will be published, with the crosstabs including all the info delivered by R2K. I'll continue to run all the good stuff, the bad stuff, and anything in between.

This is going to be fun.


Junior Member
I don't normally like to talk politics because any attempts at discussion seem to be viewed as having some sort of agenda by most people. IE: If I'm talking about politics, I must be trying to convince others to agree with my opinion of things.

That isn't what this post is about. I don't expect people to agree or disagree with me. I would just like to point out a couple of things.

The two parties: Democrats and Republicans seem to be identical. Last election Republicans tried to tell you how a slow-talking Vietnam vet (John Kerry) who married a rich lady was no good to lead this country. This election they are giving us exactly the same thing and saying it's the best choice. Democrats are telling us the VP candidate McCain has chosen lacks any experience, but they back Obama who is similarly lacking.

Voting based on who your party supports is dumb: Politicians would have you believe there is no choice. If you are Republican, you must vote for the person that has been chosen to represent them. If you are a Democrat, it is your patriotic duty to vote the Democratic nominee into office. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every American has a responsibility to elect the person they think will be the best leader for this country. If that person isn't on the ballot, he or she should be written in by anyone who wants to do the right thing and not just follow the status quo.

Wasted Votes: Some will say that your vote has been wasted unless it was cast for the person most likely to win. I think that's yet more manipulating nonsense. Strategists and publicists try to make their candidates look like they are the clear winner so that those who vote will feel compelled to side with the obvious choice. Yet the reality is that an election is anyone's game until all votes are counted. Voting your true feelings on who deserves the presidency is far better than voting for who you think will win.

My political opinion: I am a registered Democrat who considers himself a Libertarian. I hate what George W. Bush has done to this country and yet I'm ready to vote for a self-professed Republican in the election. Of all the candidates who have stepped forward, I have admired the honesty, common sense and intelligence of Ron Paul the most. Regardless of which party title he falls under, or whether he's even on the ballot when I vote, he will be my choice.

All I can do is vote and hope that others share my belief that what's best for America many not be what the media or publicists say.


CharlieDigital said:
ComputerNerd's misguided view of the USPS was even funnier :lol

his was worse because someone slammed his face with facts and made him look like an idiot. Unfortunately, i dont think anyone will even mention that Palin is clueless both foreign and domestic
gkrykewy said:
Still the veepinator should stick to the script. That's just dreadful.

What worries me most is that her supporters could really give a shit about whether she knows what she's talking about. All they really care is that she looks sincere, shows some faux outrage, and promises to "shake things up". And I guess it doesn't hurt that they find her pleasing to look at.

I mean, it's just all kinds of stupid, but ultimately, her base doesn't give a shit because they don't know any better anyways. A good majority probably have no clue what Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are.
Sarah Palin is sooooo damn hot

I am lost on these elections now. Seems like a whole lot of American idol style PR work is over shadowing any of the electives ideals. But then again, I am British, and I like my tea with milk, bread buttered and politics straight.
fyi, Obama's newest book is being released tomorrow

it's not really a book in the sense of Audacity of Hope, but more of a policy centered book. Probably something like his website, except in book form.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
Yeah, all the women's body stuff? In one ear and out the other. I have no interest in that side topic. I support gender equity. I support women's rights. That has nothing to do with abortion. Tangential BS coopted by feminist radicals trying to accuse people of misogyny when they have a legitimate concern about the rights of all human beings.
In other words, you really don't give a shit if a woman is harmed because of her pregnancy just as long as you can feel good about yourself in not actively aborting the baby. Ok, that's consistent with other statements you made.
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