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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Any big polls released between about 6:00am and now today?

I know McCains up by 10 in one and up by 2 or 3 in the Gallup Daily.
gcubed said:
which position is that?
The position that clueless people think Obama has because the McCain campaign repeated the lie so many times.

Vote for the liars . . . because we need more wars based on false reasons. :lol


Hootie said:
Any big polls released between about 6:00am and now today?

I know McCains up by 10 in one and up by 2 or 3 in the Gallup Daily.
CNN has them tied at 48. Just check Pollster.com for new polls, on the front page.
Thank God Obama is down in the polls. the lower the expectations for Obama and Biden for the debates, the greater the bounce post debates. this is the best thing for Obama since hillary quit
Deus Ex Machina said:
$15 Sarah Palin action figure is here!


Looks like the doll from Grandma's Boy.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
artredis1980 said:
Thank God Obama is down in the polls. the lower the expectations for Obama and Biden for the debates, the greater the bounce post debates. this is the best thing for Obama since hillary quit

I actually agree with this line of thinking, McCain does best when he is coming from behind, it will be interesting to see how he performs as a front-runner, also, this takes the 'why hasn't Obama closed the deal yet' argument out of the equation. Best thing for Obama now would be to play expectations for the debates and start putting out harder hitting ads.


Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic and/or crazy, but I think that Gibson softballing Palin might actually be a good thing. Perhaps other networks and journalists and such will look at it and think "okay, that was bullshit, Palin needs to be asked some serious questions."

And maybe they'll do just that, or start picking up on her gaffes and actually discuss them.

... Maybe.


GhaleonEB said:
I'm not expecting them to, but they might. The media has been asking for interviews or off-script time with Palin since she got in the race, and have been shut out. So they might scrutinize stuff like this closely, since it's one of the first times she's gone off-script. And is hilariously wrong about a major story happing right now.

But I don't have my hopes up.
Send it as a newstip to CNN. Everyone do this with the little things you run across. It probably won't stick, but at least you gave it a chance.

I'm doing it now.

Go here:

Copy/paste this:

"The fact is that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--they've gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers."


The companies, as McClatchy reported, "aren't taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization."

And make sure to digg it.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Zeliard said:
Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic and/or crazy, but I think that Gibson softballing Palin might actually be a good thing. Perhaps other networks and journalists and such will look at it and think "okay, that was bullshit, Palin needs to be asked some serious questions."

And maybe they'll do just that, or start picking up on her gaffes and actually discuss them.

... Maybe.
more than likely the drumbeat of 'liberal, sexist media' will temper serious inquiry into Palin's biography/record because editors think the issue has been overplayed. Drudge is happily marching to McCain's drumbeat, posting really frivolous articles the last few days (Obama's Muslim Faith? Oprah Hates Palin? DNC Threw Away Flags?!) to deflect attention once the base rallied support around Palin.
scorcho said:
more than likely the drumbeat of 'liberal, sexist media' will temper serious inquiry into Palin's biography/record because editors think the issue has been overplayed. Drudge is happily marching to McCain's drumbeat, posting really frivolous articles the last few days (Obama's Muslim Faith? Oprah Hates Palin? DNC Threw Away Flags?!) to deflect attention once the base rallied support around Palin.

This has been a banner year for Drudge. He was finally able to get some payback on the Clintons and he's racing to put away Obama.

I've always said it's amazingly scary how much his right wing slant sets the narrative agenda for the traditional media.
the sort of coverage McCain wants for Palin

Campaign chief Rick Davis explained yesterday when he was grilled on by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday about when Palin would go off-script and face reporters:

Look, your network last night had a wonderful special on — Greta van Susteren had an intimate portrayal of this mayor or this governor when she was in Alaska still and not on our ticket. It was a wonderful look inside who Sarah Palin is — a working mother, you know, a brave and courageous politician. And I think you all did a great job of doing it.



scorcho said:
more than likely the drumbeat of 'liberal, sexist media' will temper serious inquiry into Palin's biography/record because editors think the issue has been overplayed. Drudge is happily marching to McCain's drumbeat, posting really frivolous articles the last few days (Obama's Muslim Faith? Oprah Hates Palin? DNC Threw Away Flags?!) to deflect attention once the base rallied support around Palin.

That's Drudge, though. The guy laughably pretends to be non-partisan when he clearly is not. He's just another hitman for the right.

Can't really disagree with the whole "liberal, sexist media" notion, though. The Obama campaign is certainly in a tough spot, especially Joe Biden, who has to be rather tactful in his debates with Palin.


GhaleonEB said:
In the time it took me to open the page, log in, and hit the digg button, it went up by 20. At least the internet is paying attention.

It's gone up by 150 since I found it ten minutes ago.


GhaleonEB said:
In the time it took me to open the page, log in, and hit the digg button, it went up by 20. At least the internet is paying attention.

I've noticed that any article unfavorable to the GOP, regardless of how precisely accurate it is, gets flagged as possibly having incorrect information.

LOL: Warning: The Content in this Article May be Inaccurate
Readers have reported that this story contains information that may not be accurate.


Mecha_Infantry said:
Sarah Palin is sooooo damn hot

I am lost on these elections now. Seems like a whole lot of American idol style PR work is over shadowing any of the electives ideals. But then again, I am British, and I like my tea with milk, bread buttered and politics straight.
As opposed to what? Tea with cream, bread with lard and politics curvey?


Zeliard said:
Palin accusing Obama of requesting earmarks?

:lol :lol
They are projecting, knowing Palin requested 750 million. It's a response to Obama's criticism the other day.

It's as if they are saying NO U , even though they are guilty.


Nothing so far this campaign has illustrated to me the importance of Obama's message.

McCain/Palin: What better way to change Warshington than to send two MAVERICKS there?!

Obama: They don't get it. It's never been about me. It's about you. Change doesn't come from Washington. It comes to Washington.

McCain/Failin's campaign's about representing 'ordinary (uneducated, crazily relicious) people' as their leaders.

Obama's campaign's about ordinary people doing extraordinary things.


Master of the Google Search
minus_273 said:
at least he is beginning to admit he was wrong about raising taxes. I suspect in amonth or so he will have the same policy as mccain. Its just like it look obama 3 days to get it right about gerogia.
Obama is not perfect on the tax issue but at least he's miles ahead of McCain's sad excuse for fiscal responsibility.


Alaska senator to retain oversight of Palin probe

ANCHORAGE, Alaska September 8, 2008, 03:12 pm ET · A Republican effort has failed to unseat the Alaska state senator overseeing the ethics investigation into whether Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power when she dismissed the state's public safety commissioner.

Democratic Sen. Hollis French was accused of manipulating the probe for political effect on the national and state elections. Republican Rep. John Coghill last week asked the Alaska Legislative Council to discuss replacing French as the probe's project director.

On Monday, the head of the Legislative Council turned down his request. Democratic Sen. Kim Elton responded that he is sure that partisan politics can be kept out of the probe.





minus_273 said:
the problem with biden is you cant tell if what he is saying is actually real or an something he stole from someone else's life. His mother probably never said that.

seems obama has learned a few lessons from biden:


Well I guess that's the problem with you too, since we're not really sure if these are your actual thoughts or you're just reading from the talking points you ran across.

Funky Papa



"Let's not play games," he said. "What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you're absolutely right that that has not come."

Mr. Stephanopoulos interrupted with, "Christian faith."

"My Christian faith," Mr. Obama said quickly.
"Well, what I'm saying is that he hasn't suggested that I'm a Muslim. And I think that his campaign's upper echelons have not, either. What I think is fair to say is that, coming out of the Republican camp, there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps I'm not who I say I am when it comes to my faith -- something which I find deeply offensive, and that has been going on for a pretty long time."

Asked to comment on the accidental misstatement illustrating the difficulty of the issue, Obama spokesman Bill Burton offered this comment: "I'm not surprised that the only outlet doing this story is The Washington Times."

Let's see which one gets more air time, Obama's clear-as-fuck-slip or Palin's abundant ignorance.


minus_273 said:
the problem with biden is you cant tell if what he is saying is actually real or an something he stole from someone else's life. His mother probably never said that.

seems obama has learned a few lessons from biden:


king slender part 2... seriously though, why are you even here? You add nothing to any conversation, at the most you spout nonsensical bullshit, and you don't respond to any post that asks you a question...

wait wait... John, is that you?

minus_273 said:
maybe it is because both fannie mae and freddie mac are government sponsored programs?


oh im sorry did i just bring facts?

which makes the private entities... how?


minus_273 said:
the problem with biden is you cant tell if what he is saying is actually real or an something he stole from someone else's life. His mother probably never said that.

seems obama has learned a few lessons from biden:

#1: Stop that. If we had written testimony from his mother saying "I don't think I ever said that", would that change anything he's saying in that video, in any way at all?

#2: That video seems to be saying that Layton copied Obama. You seem to be implying the opposite.
Barack Obama- August 28, 2008
Jack Layton- September 7, 2008
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