Mandark said:I hope you people don't find out about Stephen Colbert.
I hope that you don't find out about CNN.
Mandark said:I hope you people don't find out about Stephen Colbert.
I hope to understand what this means.Liara T'Soni said:I hope that you don't find out about CNN.
Tamanon said:BTW state polls are coming up roses for Obama recently. Iowa lead to 11, Michigan lead to 8, Minnesota to 18.
Mandark said:scorcho: It means that nobody should say anything that could possibly be misused by other people against Obama. No sarcasm until November 5th.
Mandark said:scorcho: It means that nobody should say anything that could possibly be misused by other people against Obama. No sarcasm until November 5th.
Though I'd bet dollars to donuts that this wouldn't be nearly as big a story if the Obama campaign had said "It shows how ridiculous and unrealistic these smears are, ha ha ha!"
OF COURSE if you feign outrage something is going to make the cable news.
Tamanon said:BTW state polls are coming up roses for Obama recently. Iowa lead to 11, Michigan lead to 8, Minnesota to 18.
Tamanon said:I call complete bullshit on this. Why would you admit now that the Obama camp has any ability to shape the media narrative?![]()
reilo said:MISSOURI IS TIED. Why isn't anyone catching onto this dammit!
Mandark said:Liara: No, I completely understand.
You think nobody should say stuff that could be misconstrued by the larger (monolithic, malign, anti-Obama) media, and you get very very upset when they do so.
I think that's completely stupid.
Karl Rove exchanged e-mails about Pat Tillman with Associated Press reporter Ron Fournier, under the subject line "H-E-R-O." In response to Mr. Fournier's e-mail, Mr. Rove asked, "How does our country continue to produce men and women like this," to which Mr. Fournier replied, "The Lord creates men and women like this all over the world. But only the great and free countries allow them to flourish. Keep up the fight."
Hootie said:Can anyone give me a general rundown of what's happened the past couple of weeks? I still watch MSNBC and CNN a lot but clearly not as much as when the primaries were happening. I'm sure I'll once again be active in this thread come September when the race really heats up.
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckPhoenixDark said:But Colbert sucks. At least this cover is entertaining I suppose
PhoenixDark said:Speaking of the NYer: great article on the media's obsession with finding non-existent flip flops to justify their narrative on Obama Longtime Washington talk-show host John McLaughlin is facing fire Monday for referring to Barack Obama as an "Oreo" during a segment on his Sunday political program, "The McLaughlin Group.
The veteran Washington journalist was discussing the recent comments from the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who was caught last week by an open microphone on Fox News saying the Illinois senator is "talking down to black people" as he campaigns for the White House. Those remarks were largely seen in reference to Obama's recent admonishment at a Chicago church of some black men who he said were not living up to their responsibilities as parents.
Referencing Jackson's comments, McLaughlin said Obama "fits the stereotype blacks once labeled as an Oreo a black on the outside, a white on the inside."
"Does it frost Jackson, Jesse Jackson, that an Oreo should be the beneficiary of the long civil rights struggle which Jesse Jackson spent his lifetime fighting for?" McLaughlin asked his panelists.
The term "Oreo" is often viewed as a derogatory term toward some African-Americans who appear not to exhibit certain stereotypes of their race.
Tamanon said:There was something else a few weeks ago that McLaughlin was in trouble for saying too. I can't remember what it is off the top of my head, but I guess the problem is that some of the older generation of pundits/newsmen really don't know how to report on this election consistently and unoffensively. To him, oreo is just a label!
GhaleonEB said:Holy crap. Rasmussen has Obama down four points in South Dakota.
PhoenixDark said:Speaking of the NYer: great article on the media's obsession with finding non-existent flip flops to justify their narrative on Obama
Hertzberg was actually on Morning Joe today discussing his new article and it was amazing how the hosts attempted to frame the discussion, prefaced on a statement along the lines of "so we know Obama has flip flopped on a multitude of issues these last 3 weeks..." Hertz objected and began to lay out his argument - basically that outside of FISA, talk of Obama flip flops are grossly exaggerated. So of course Joe tried his best to stick to the narrative no matter what, eventually just ignoring Hertz until the segment was over
Tamanon said:BTW, I don't think anyone has really called him on it, but any time McCain is asked a question where he knows the answer he gives won't play well with the electorate, he always falls back on "he will call on Congress to find a bipartisan solution". He did it with Social Security, he just did it with the Fiorina taxing-the-rich comment.
The state-by-state polling so far really favors Obama. I wonder if states like Kentucky, Alabama and West Virginia, where Obama is crushed, pull his national average down. I wonder what the composite state average polling from would look like, weighted by population, to get a national average.AniHawk said:If so many states are close (or with a huge lead, like Minnesota wtf), then why do the gallup/rasmussen polls have the two in a dead heat? Some states tipping the balance way more towards McCain?
Agreed, although I still don't really get where the satire is within the image itself. If it weren't for the magazine's name on it, I wouldn't see a wink at all. I have no doubt satire was the intent, but all I see is a conglomeration of smears thrown into an illustration.worldrunover said:I'm upset at The New Yorker cover because it's an overt cry for attention, and not only that, a pretty lame one. It isn't creative, funny, or thought-provoking; and its only real value is the shock value; which is to say, no value at all. Not only that, now they can sit back behind their lattes with the "smartest guy in the room" shithead smirk and hide behind the "bu-bu-but satire!" guise for all those who criticize this. "Elitest attention whores" is a bit too contrived, but you get the idea.
Tamanon said:And another WTF, Maddow AGAIN on Countdown?
Dan said:Agreed, although I still don't really get where the satire is within the image itself. If it weren't for the magazine's name on it, I wouldn't see a wink at all. I have no doubt satire was the intent, but all I see is a conglomeration of smears thrown into an illustration.
reilo said:Richard Clark talking about how Obama has been calling for peaceful negotiations with foreign leaders, and how it has seemingly worked thus far this year. And he talked about doing that months before this administration has decided to go that route.
Then he finishes it off, with this quote:
Clark: "And McCain, is supposed to be the foreign policy expert?"
I'm still not seeing it. I don't see what the image is poking fun at. I can see how someone can look at the image and then tangentially call the people who believes these smears idiots, but I fail to see what the image itself does to contribute to that conclusion.Mandark said:The exact same thing could be said of The Onion's editorial cartoons. Or "Sail Away" by Randy Newman, "Send in the Marines" by Tom Lehrer or any number of Colbert skits. Hell, some people took "A Modest Proposal" seriously, IIRC.
As far as I'm concerned, the satire's implied by the complete disconnect between the picture and reality, and people like Kevin Drum are asking for it to be dumbed down.
Are some rightwing memes and FUD tactics just as ridiculous? Yeah, but if you surf around Renew America or Adam Yoshida's site you can find stuff that surpasses any possible satire.
Incognito said:I'm telling you all that you don't realize how great life is once you turn off the cable networks. I haven't watched in a good two months (except for splices put up on websites) and to say my general stress level is down would be an understatement. These pundificators have been going full speed wrong and absurd since last Summer.
And nice polls for Obama today.