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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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CowboyAstronaut said:
Damn that one was completely brutal. It was very painful to watch that. It will no doubt show up in a Republican commercial. It actually succeeds in making him look like he has no idea about what he's doing.

Not that it's true, but again that was brutal.
Aw come on, it wasn't that bad. No worse than the 57 states thing.


First tragedy, then farce.
So this morning I'm watching the news and McCains economic advisor is spewing something about how Cap Gains tax increases are going to steal money from 401ks for normal folks.

This means

A) She has no idea what cap gains tax is or how a 401k works since you dont pay cap gains taxes on qualifed plans under ERISA.


B) She was lying to scare people.

and no one called her out on it. Thanks morning Joe.


First tragedy, then farce.
The Lamonster said:
Aw come on, it wasn't that bad. No worse than the 57 states thing.

that is a non starter, there were 57 contests in the primary, he just used the wrong word.
StoOgE said:
So this morning I'm watching the news and McCains economic advisor is spewing something about how Cap Gains tax increases are going to steal money from 401ks for normal folks.

This means

A) She has no idea what cap gains tax is or how a 401k works since you dont pay cap gains taxes on qualifed plans under ERISA.


B) She was lying to scare people.

and no one called her out on it. Thanks morning Joe.

The Republicans have been hoodwinking the media on this for months, now. Simply because the media doesn't understand the issue at all. Charlie Gibson of ABC brings it up once every debate and uses it to bludgeon the Democratic candidates.
StoOgE said:
So this morning I'm watching the news and McCains economic advisor is spewing something about how Cap Gains tax increases are going to steal money from 401ks for normal folks.

This means

A) She has no idea what cap gains tax is or how a 401k works since you dont pay cap gains taxes on qualifed plans under ERISA.


B) She was lying to scare people.

and no one called her out on it. Thanks morning Joe.
Same thing happend to me on Friday - Michael Murphy was on NPR saying McCain only voted with Bush 10% of the time. Nobody on NPR said HEY MIKE IT WAS 95% KTHX


StoOgE said:
and no one called her out on it. Thanks morning Joe.
Joe simply allowed the story to be presented without daring to actually question the story. That seems to be what a lot of people want out of journalists these days.
the disgruntled gamer said:
Joe simply allowed the story to be presented without daring to actually question the story. That seems to be what a lot of people want out of journalists these days.
There's a fine line between GOTCHA! journalists and neutral/unbiased journalists. That fine line is called responsible journalism.


CowboyAstronaut said:
No way he's that stupid. Did McCain really try to suggest that he didn't say those things when he clearly did?

And this is exactly why he's deserving of the McSame label. Obama will simply play it straight as he always does and McCain will hang himself. Over and over.


Setec Astronomer
The Lamonster said:
Are you an NPR elitist?

I know better than to think National Public Radio (eg. All Things Considered, Car Talk), Public Radio International (eg. This American Life, Prairie Home Companion), and American Public Media (eg. Marketplace) are all the same thing. ;)
StoOgE said:
that is a non starter, there were 57 contests in the primary, he just used the wrong word.

He's right, that 57 states things was even worse. The man is about to become President so those kinds of mistakes are the last thing you would expect from a Presidential candidate, but I'd say if going into the election all we have are minor things like this then Obama is in pretty damn good shape.


StoOgE said:
So this morning I'm watching the news and McCains economic advisor is spewing something about how Cap Gains tax increases are going to steal money from 401ks for normal folks.

This means

A) She has no idea what cap gains tax is or how a 401k works since you dont pay cap gains taxes on qualifed plans under ERISA.


B) She was lying to scare people.

and no one called her out on it. Thanks morning Joe.

They're going to get called on out on all things economic this year. Whether or not Scarborough wants to is his call. McCain's got some shady characters as financial advisers(if I'm not mistaken, the woman you're talking about is a former CEO), and a lot of them are tied to almost every significant economic issue out there.


Except I've never seen the news channels call McCain out on his blatant lies. If Obama pulled the same shit, it would be on every channel spread over the entire week.


thekad said:
Except I've never seen the news channels call McCain out on his blatant lies. If Obama pulled the same shit, it would be on every channel spread over the entire week.

McCain hasn't warranted spotlight enough yet for them to be in a position to hit him up. All eyes have been on the Democratic race, and we're just now over 48 hours from the end of that primary. The most press McCain has gotten recently has been his godawful speech he made last week.

Will they call him out? Some will, most won't. We still don't have a very responsible news media. This is where Obama's media team needs to push to get their counterpoints on the air.


Trakdown said:
They're going to get called on out on all things economic this year. Whether or not Scarborough wants to is his call. McCain's got some shady characters as financial advisers(if I'm not mistaken, the woman you're talking about is a former CEO), and a lot of them are tied to almost every significant economic issue out there.

Carly Fiorina? And was she even a successful CEO?


thekad said:
Except I've never seen the news channels call McCain out on his blatant lies. If Obama pulled the same shit, it would be on every channel spread over the entire week.
Any real inconsistencies or flubs in Obama's record have been largely skirted over too... the media likes McCain obviously, but I'd say their bias swings fairly evenly between these two.


Tamanon said:
Carly Fiorina? And was she even a successful CEO?

She was forced out of Hewlett-Packard.


Still, there is plenty to criticize about Fiorina's tenure at HP. At this point, the changes that Fiorina made didn't turn out so well for the thousands of Hewlett Packard and Compaq employees that were laid off and the millions of HP stockholders who lost equity since she took over. HP stock is worth less today than it was in 1999. Dell and IBM stock has increased in value.

I guess the changes didn't work out too well for Ms. Fiorina either. Though based on her $21 million severance package and her generous compensation while employed at HP, I doubt very much that she's worried about making ends meet.

Sounds like another Golden Parachute CEO to me.
jarrod said:
Any real inconsistencies or flubs in Obama's record have been largely skirted over too... the media likes McCain obviously, but I'd say their bias swings fairly evenly between these two.

Obama has been called on just about everything of significance including his story about his uncle in world war 2 and the situation regarding soldiers in Afghanistan not having enough in a rifle platoon because they were sidetracked with Iraq, he hasn't been getting the type of free ride or bias that people like to talk up.

The only reason people like to think this is because of Hillary's constant complaining due to the lack of success from her campaign and she was simply already preparing an excuse knowing full well what a major fall from grace her defeat truly was.

Also, lets not ignore the fact that Obama has done a fantastic job in keeping his campaign running like a well oiled machine and, as a result, has minimized his mistakes.
Farmboy said:
Have you guys seen that DemConWatch has started a General Election tracker? It uses WaPo's map to create it, and averages the projections from Electoral-Vote, FiveThirtyEight, NBC, OpenLeft and FrontLoaded. See here).

If these maps are true and Michigan is really up for grabs, that almost guarantees a McCain-Romney ticket. Mitt's got family ties with his dad in Michigan, plus he's much better on the economic side than McCain is. Not that VP's matter that much, but it could be a situation like Johnson running with Kennedy to pull in Texas. Maybe...


Skiptastic said:
If these maps are true and Michigan is really up for grabs, that almost guarantees a McCain-Romney ticket. Mitt's got family ties with his dad in Michigan, plus he's much better on the economic side than McCain is. Not that VP's matter that much, but it could be a situation like Johnson running with Kennedy to pull in Texas. Maybe...
I live in MI, it isn't up for grabs. MI blames republicans for the states economic woes.


CowboyAstronaut said:
Obama has been called on just about everything of significance including his story about his uncle in world war 2 and the situation regarding soldiers in Afghanistan not having enough in a rifle platoon because they were sidetracked with Iraq, he hasn't been getting the type of free ride or bias that people like to talk up.

The only reason people like to think this is because of Hillary's constant complaining due to the lack of success from her campaign and she was simply already preparing an excuse knowing full well what a major fall from grace her defeat truly was.
On television? Are you serious?

I'd leave Hillary out of it really, but the attention lavished on say, her Bosnia flub (as compared to basically anything similar from Obama, like the Uncle flub you mention) doesn't exactly refute her complaint. :lol

CowboyAstronaut said:
Also, lets not ignore the fact that Obama has done a fantastic job in keeping his campaign running like a well oiled machine and, as a result, has minimized his mistakes.
I'll give you that one. As much as his initial rhetoric of reaching out to the GOP and his campaign's creepy messiah message turned me off, examining at his liberal voting record and how subversively ruthless his campaign's been has been what's really inspiring imo. It's exactly what I wanted/expected of Clinton, and she pretty much failed so Obama, here I come! :D


syllogism said:
Gallup 48-42 woo


jarrod said:
On television? Are you serious?

I'd leave Hillary out of it really, but the attention lavished on say, her Bosnia flub (as compared to basically anything similar from Obama, like the Uncle flub you mention) doesn't exactly refute her complaint. :lol

the fact that her bosnia thing wasnt a flub, as she was using it as one of her basis of "experience" it was beyond a flub.

Although his terrorist fist bump-gate, finger-gate, sweetie-gate, pastor-gate, pastor-gate 2, ayers-gate, chicago corruption-gate all would prove to me that you dont watch news.


Very important detail about today's Gallup - they've switched from a five-day average to a three day.

Today's data are based on June 6-8 interviewing. Gallup had been reporting a five-day rolling average for the general election to this point, but now that the major party candidates are known Gallup will move to reporting a three-day rolling average. Obama would still hold a statistically significant lead (matching his best to date) in the five-day rolling average based on June 4-8 interviewing given his recent stronger performance.

This means two of the three days in their tracking were after Clinton's endorsement, and also helps explain the larger than usual swing - one day can impact the poll more than previously.



gcubed said:
the fact that her bosnia thing wasnt a flub, as she was using it as one of her basis of "experience" it was beyond a flub.

Although his terrorist fist bump-gate, finger-gate, sweetie-gate, pastor-gate, pastor-gate 2, ayers-gate, chicago corruption-gate all would prove to me that you dont watch news.
Oh come on... when looking at invented stories Hill's raking over Bosnia got pushed much harder than anything out of Obama, it's not even close. Nice of you to parrot his campaign's talking points as to the reasoning though.

This is all a side issue though, both Obama and McCain have had major media reporting on negatives, both concrete and unsubstantiated (hello NYT affair?). McCain most definitely hasn't had an easier time in the long run though, even if he benefitted recently from the Democratic primary.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Lamonster said:
There's a fine line between GOTCHA! journalists and neutral/unbiased journalists. That fine line is called responsible journalism.

The hate for gotcha! journalist is so stupid. Give me a guy like Tim Russert on MSNBC anyday over the everyday pretty girls on cable news on during the mid-day.

I hate the "let me let you get out your talking points without calling out your BS lies" journalist.


jarrod said:
Oh come on... when looking at invented stories Hill's raking over Bosnia got pushed much harder than anything out of Obama, it's not even close. Nice of you to parrot his campaign's talking points as to the reasoning though.
Um, Wright got much more coverage, for much longer.

And his point was, that wasn't a flub on Hillary's part - it was a deliberate, repeated lie. It should get a fair amount of coverage, especially relative to some gaffe.


GhaleonEB said:
Um, Wright got much more coverage, for much longer.

And his point was, that wasn't a flub on Hillary's part - it was a deliberate, repeated lie. It should get a fair amount of coverage, especially relative to some gaffe.

thank you.

I will not comment on McCain getting a free pass because it was a side effect of the Dem Primary, so anything stupid he said prior to Saturday is null and void because no one really cared about him.

... and FFS, there was a negative news story about him SCRATCHING HIS FACE
People who speculate real money on the elections are heavily favoring Obama over McCain (Intrade is 62/35, the Iowa Electronic Market is 62/37) to win the general.


I like how during Worst Persons in the World he'll have a republican who raped animals at number 3, some CEO who committed genocide at 2, and then Murdoch at number 1 because some random people on the internet put tasteless remarks in the comments on the Fox News website.


testicles on a cold fall morning
mckmas8808 said:
The hate for gotcha! journalist is so stupid. Give me a guy like Tim Russert on MSNBC anyday over the everyday pretty girls on cable news on during the mid-day.

I hate the "let me let you get out your talking points without calling out your BS lies" journalist.
that's akin to saying - "I vastly prefer solid shit over liquid kind", as opposed to damning shit altogether.

also - i'd fail to qualify Russert as a journalist. he hosts TV shows and is a pundit on others.
ugh...obama just called for another $50 billion rebate check package for "immediate relief"

i dont like pandering but if it will help get him elected then whatev


gcubed said:
the fact that her bosnia thing wasnt a flub, as she was using it as one of her basis of "experience" it was beyond a flub.

Although his terrorist fist bump-gate, finger-gate, sweetie-gate, pastor-gate, pastor-gate 2, ayers-gate, chicago corruption-gate all would prove to me that you dont watch news.
Don't forget snub-gate, plagiarism-gate, proud-gate (which was so serious that Bill O'Reilly was ready to start a lynching party), etc.

Its really laughable to suggest the media ignores his gaffes
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GhaleonEB said:
Um, Wright got much more coverage, for much longer.

And his point was, that wasn't a flub on Hillary's part - it was a deliberate, repeated lie. It should get a fair amount of coverage, especially relative to some gaffe.
Wright wasn't an invented story. And honestly, that was a far, far more potentially damaging debacle than anything on Clinton's end... how do you think it'd have gone if it were Clinton's longtime pastor and "spiritual advisor" or whatever on those (out of context) soundbytes?

And... uh... Obama's grandfather liberating camps wasn't a lie? His suit and tie conversion in his first book wasn't a lie? Michelle's five spoon childhood isn't a lie? These invented or embellished histories happen all the time in politics... they just rarely get the sort of pounded newscycle Bosniagate got.


Francois the Great said:
ugh...obama just called for another $50 billion rebate check package for "immediate relief"

i dont like pandering but if it will help get him elected then whatev
He's called for a second stimulus package in debates before, he's just now going into details as part of his economic plan over the next two weeks.

I don't like it. I didn't like the first one (though my kids' college funds did), and a second round isn't needed. He's on the right track with the other parts of the plan, but yeah. We don't need this, especially since we haven't seen how or if the first round impacted things.
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