The White House will move health care reform to the back burner, in order to "let the dust settle" after Democrats lost their Senate super-majority.
Asked today if health care was on the back burner, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, "The president believes it is the exact right thing to do by giving this some time, by letting the dust settle, if you will, and looking for the best path forward."
He said the administration wants to give Congress time to figure out their next move.
"The President thinks the speaker and the majority leader are doing the right thing in giving this some time and figuring out the best way forward," he said.
He also noted that President Obama "has a very full plate" with financial reform, the economy, the wars and other matters.
"As the majority leader and speaker continue to look to the best way forward, the president has a very full plate," Gibbs said. "There's plenty of work for the president to do in the meantime."
"The president obviously knew from the beginning of this that finding a solution to a very complex problem would be a challenge," he said.