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Politico: Mulvaney: Trump's budget shows 'compassion' to supporters [taxpayers]

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Mick Mulvaney, the White House budget director, pushed back Sunday against critics of President Donald Trump's budget proposal, saying it shows compassion to the voters who elected Trump.

"The president knows who his voters are. His voters are folks who pay taxes as well. And I think for the first time in a long time, you have an administration that is looking at the compassion of both sides of the equation," Mulvaney said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"Could I, as a budget director, look at the coal miner in West Virginia and say, 'I want you please to give some of your money to the federal government so that I can give it to the National Endowment for the Arts?'" Mulvaney explained. "I just think we finally got to the point in the administration where we couldn't do that."



What about the voting majority who would probably disapprove of a 9% budget increase for DoD?

Even if this line of argument were valid, you don't have the legitimacy to say your budget reflects the will of the people. Nothing you ever do will, unless Trump gets re-elected by a real, popular majority.


I'm sure those folks in coal country would much rather pay for that orange turd to go golfing in Florida every weekend.
"Could I, as a budget director, look at the coal miner in West Virginia and say, 'I want you please to give some of your money to the federal government so that I can give it to the National Endowment for the Arts?'"

instead of asking the coal miner you could ask the many multiples of rich people whose interests you are protecting.


"Could I, as a budget director, look at the coal miner in West Virginia and say, 'I want you please to give some of your money to the federal government so that I can give it to the National Endowment for the Arts?'"

instead of asking the coal miner you could ask the many multiples of rich people whose interests you are protecting.



You're not cutting their taxes though, you're just diverting their money that they are paying from programs that enrich their lives to...a new jet?


That's not happening. His approval rating is in the 30's and dropping. He is a one term President or he gets impeached, resigns early.

I'm just saying hypothetically. Frankly if he does get re-elected, it's going to be the same situation we had last year, unless voter rights get really fucked in the next three years.

Edit: Yeah, and cutting these tiny little programs is bullshit even if you compare it to a household budget. That's like if you went to an accountant who looked at your monthly budget and said "oh, you bought a Coke for $1.25 once. Try not doing that next month, that'll help" while ignoring the 15 restaurant meals you eat a month.

There's a huge line of discretionary spending in there that we simply do not need. If you want to talk about cutting waste, fix the military appropriations process . You could probably raise soldier pay and still make massive cuts to DoD if you just tightened up the contracting process.
How do people fall for this? If I think what someone is saying is bullshit, I whip my phone out and fact check.

The same way the vaccines = autism nonsense persists.

They look until they find an answer that matches the one they already decided on, ignoring anything they saw before that point, and immediately stopping.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I love how they act like they won with a large majority of voters and have some sort of mandate to do this. 2018 can't come soon enough to just make these fools lame ducks.


This is pretty much word for word what he said during the press conference. Someone needs to grab a dictionary, show this guy what compassionate means and then beat him down with the book.


Is there anyone in this administration that is capable of a single intelligent thought? Anyone?

Why are you doing this to yourselves America? :(


"Could I, as a budget director, look at the coal miner in West Virginia and say, 'I want you please to give some of your money to the federal government so that I can give it to the National Endowment for the Arts?'"

Oh fuck off. As if you would ever give a coal miner the time of day.


So instead you're asking these coal miners to enrich the businesses of millionaires/ billionaires who are climbing over themselves for the new government contracts you're writing up for the stupid wall and unnecessary additions to defense spending on top of the continued lack enforcement on corporate tax evasion/ fraud/ penalties.


You're not cutting their taxes though, you're just diverting their money that they are paying from programs that enrich their lives to...a new jet?
That's my understanding as well to what he is saying..he's basically saying your taxes won't pay for the arts buts it's being put to good use..."trust" us. Or am I misconstruing this and is he saying he's cutting their taxes by cutting the arts.


I love how they act like they won with a large majority of voters and have some sort of mandate to do this. 2018 can't come soon enough to just make these fools lame ducks.
I have no faith in a large turnout to vote on anything until after like 8 years of Trump. People are so lazy and don't pay attention to what's going on politically until it's late. Would be nice to be proven wrong. Too many people I know didn't go vote in this election because they don't think their vote would matter...
His supporters will only pay attention and support what the budget director is saying.

It's too simple of a statement for them to disagree with or challenge.


That's my understanding as well to what he is saying..he's basically saying your taxes won't pay for the arts buts it's being put to good use..."trust" us. Or am I misconstruing this and is he saying he's cutting their taxes by cutting the arts.

You should look up the tax proposal. Trying to simplify it to the arts is very disingenuous on their part. In fact, if you consider their coal miner example, this line of thinking becomes especially nefarious because part of the funding they are cutting explicitly affects coal miner housing and income supplementary programs.

On top of their medical!

Funny how they didn't use that in their example though.


"Could I, as a budget director, look at the coal miner in West Virginia and say, 'I want you please to give some of your money to the federal government so that I can give it to the National Endowment for the Arts?'" Mulvaney explained. "I just think we finally got to the point in the administration where we couldn't do that."

Is it just me or is he calling every coal miner a philistine? He appears to have a picture of the working class as this uniformly dour, unimaginative mass of sweaty guys who despise culture (ie. he doesn't know any working class people).


Aren't you pleased to fund the real arts



That's not happening. His approval rating is in the 30's and dropping. He is a one term President or he gets impeached, resigns early.

He was also never going to get enough votes to survive the primary. He was also never going to get the nomination. He was never going to be elected.
I'm not saying a re-election or impeachment isn't impossible.
I'm saying, theres been so much corruption since he announced his running and the sheer gullible-ness of his supporters that they probably will safely rig the next election thinking they can get away with it.

I have zero faith in the system right now.


I changed the title because I figured it was a typo, but actually, are they even giving tax cuts to anyone but the wealthy?

Rebel Leader

"Could I, as a budget director, look at the coal miner in West Virginia and say, 'I want you please to give some of your money to the federal government so that I can give it to the National Endowment for the Arts?'" Mulvaney explained. "I just think we finally got to the point in the administration where we couldn't do that."

You mean the thing that cost a few pennies a year?

Fuck off
this is the same thing he was saying earlier. 'people are going to be much better off cause we're not taxing them!!'

yeah also there's not going to be a social safety net anymore but thats fine, people will all be rich once we stop taxing them
That's not happening. His approval rating is in the 30's and dropping. He is a one term President or he gets impeached, resigns early.

Are we really sure about this? Do we really think that Republicans have learned their lesson? Or while we are on the subject, the DNC?


The budget actually cuts some funding for programs helping areas hit by the dip in demand for coal. Appalachia something or other.


Since we are apparently deciding on where our taxes are going now; I would gladly allow you to spend my taxes on the arts, education, science, social needs programs, medicine vs. military.

How can you ask me to continue paying for the military when our nation's defense already surpasses every other nation's?


You should look up the tax proposal. Trying to simplify it to the arts is very disingenuous on their part. In fact, if you consider their coal miner example, this line of thinking becomes especially nefarious because part of the funding they are cutting explicitly affects coal miner housing and income supplementary programs.

On top of their medical!

Funny how they didn't use that in their example though.
Oh I agree that they are malicious in being disingenuous with the narrative they are trying to peddle. I should have said "arts" as I meant their general messaging.
I guess I was trying to see if their messaging was that they were cutting their taxes by cutting the "arts"(multiple programs that are actually beneficial to these voters).
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