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Poll: Have you used VR in some capacity?

Tried VR yet?

  • Yes, only phone/cardboard VR, though.

  • Yes, I played PCVR/PSVR/Oculus Quest once (or a few times).

  • Yes, I actually own a headset!

  • No, I want to but I haven't had the chance.

  • No, not interested.

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Have a PSVR which I got for like $250 new.

Incredible headset for the price, dogshit move controllers. Stuff that just uses the dual shock is amazing though. Really looking forward to PSVR 2 as that issue will be fully fixed.

Funny enough, the first time I tried PSVR and Vive I was totally unimpressed. It wasn't until I tried GearVR which blew my mind (first time I'd felt presence) that I was convinced VR was worth it and went back and decided to buy my own headset.

What made the GearVR stand out more than PSVR and Index? I am rather interested to know.


Currently have a PSVR
Will buy PSVR2 once i can get my hands on it.
Not interested in Facebook, not interested in tinkering with a pc headset. Only interested in high quality games and experiences.


A friend brought round a Vive Cosmos from work and he punched the glass inset in my living room door, cracked the glass and broke the Vive controller lol. Good times. Gorn was fun!


Yes i had tried both PS VR as well as Oculus Rift. Hated both since i got dizzy with both and also because i didn't thought they added anything meaningful to the games except the initial "Wow" factor.

For PSVR i tried RE7 and for Oculus i tried some demos,The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and Hellblade.
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Yes i had tried both PS VR as well as Oculus Rift. Hated both since i got dizzy with both and also because i didn't thought they added anything meaningful to the games except the initial "Wow" factor.

For PSVR i tried RE7 and for Oculus i tried some demos,The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and Hellblade.
Ugh, RE7 is like one of the worst games to start VR with. Even now after 3 years sometimes it gets me. Something to do about how the game handles turning the camera. Having a fan blowing in front of me helps me not get sick though.


Before I tried VR, I kind of expected it to be like using your head instead of a mouse. I couldn't see the point of looking around in a car game. If I looked sideways on a flat screen, I would crash. It didn't seem beneficial.

As soon as I tried it though, my brain was scrambling to adjust to this new experience, giving me the feeling I had as a kid when trying headphones for the first time and hearing music in my head. I came away feeling as if I had an experience, rather than just playing a game. The sense of scale alone was easily worth it.

Everything suddenly clicked into place and those concerns I had before, seemed naive.

I bought a headset soon after and ended doing some really strange things like going to an Inn on Skyrim, lying on the floor and shuffling under the table to see if they had bothered to texture the underside of the object.

In resident evil, I found myself getting truly terrified, impulsively reacting in ways that I had never experienced before.

It makes me smile though how all the "Hardcore" gamer bravado turns to complaing about feeling sick as they were clubbed across the map by a Giant while trying to see if it's soup bowl was textured on the underside.
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There are levels:

Virtual Boy was straight up rejection and a kick to the nuts

Cardboard/Nintendo VR is like flirting with real VR from across the room

Gear VR is the pop kiss

PSVR is steamy full on make out sessions with grab ass

Quest 2 (without PC) is oral

Maxed out PCVR/Quest/Index is everything, full on sex but varying degrees depending on your headset of choice.
wow, i finally got some, woo hoo!

Quest 2 here, have had it for a couple of weeks. i've been fiddling with vorpX, really interesting combo of hardware/software, and those 'other' people that live here like it as well.


Just bought a Quest 2 that should arrive soon because I can't find any GPUs or console at anything close to a regular price. Before that I tried VR at the MS store and at a Sports and Games Bar, both times I was very impressed at how immersive it was - not sure why I took this long to actually get one. Maybe I was waiting for cheaper/better headsets and more games but their seems to be enough to keep me occupied.


What made the GearVR stand out more than PSVR and Index? I am rather interested to know.
I believe it was a combination of the high resolution, better demo software that didn't require movement and better environment. I was not at all prepared for the degradation in visuals compared to the games I was used to and that was a huge part of it.

With PSVR, I was in a bright environment with people around playing RIGS. It was hard to control, I felt ill, I was very aware that my body didn't experience the motion that the VR was telling me it should and as a result I felt like I was just looking at a screen strapped to my face with super dated graphics.

With the Vive, a similar thing. Bright environment, friends around, and I was playing this climbing game. There was a prominent screen door effect and again I was very aware that I wasn't actually moving or climbing, there was just a screen with accelorometers stuck to my face. However the controls were magic - that was the one time I felt something like presence.

With the Gear VR, great software that was about being still - no movement - and really just looking carefully around a virtual space (it was a horror story app or a Stranger Things app) and I was alone in a pure dark room with good headphones. All of those things - but particularly the lack of movement - combined to convince my body I was "there".

When I got my PSVR, I slowly adapted to the shitty graphics, but it took time. Once I did that I was able to feel presence in certain games.


I have a PSVR and a PS5. About half the games I buy and play are VR. I plan to buy PSVR2 as soon as possible.

I'd like to have a PCVR setup as well, but in Brazil where I live those are very expensive. In the future I'll probably buy a Quest to use mostly as a PCVR headset.


Tried a PSVR, it was pretty cool but I found the resolution and image quality distractingly bad.
Also tried an Oculus Rif (not sure which one) on a PC, played some zombie game. The game itself was nothing special but the VR novelty definitely made it fun, also the image quality was better than PSVR.

I'd definitely like to play more though. It's just too expensive at the moment (though the Quest 2 is getting to that price to performance ratio that will make me reconsider)


I have a psvr. Will get the psvr2 day one. I got an oculus quest for Christmas, but have not even opened it
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I've had an OR for a while but haven't been able to use it for the last few months. The cable doesn't work and FB does not sell replacements anymore. The few going around on ebay are more than $150 USD used. Not worth it.

Maybe in the future I'll jump back in but definitely another brand. Fuck Facebook.


Tried a PSVR, it was pretty cool but I found the resolution and image quality distractingly bad.
Also tried an Oculus Rif (not sure which one) on a PC, played some zombie game. The game itself was nothing special but the VR novelty definitely made it fun, also the image quality was better than PSVR.

I'd definitely like to play more though. It's just too expensive at the moment (though the Quest 2 is getting to that price to performance ratio that will make me reconsider)

Yeah the step up from those two experiences you had is pretty big with a full-fledged VR title and the better tech now. Probably a full generation ahead of those.


Before I tried VR, I kind of expected it to be like using your head instead of a mouse. I couldn't see the point of looking around in a car game. If I looked sideways on a flat screen, I would crash. It didn't seem beneficial.
Same here, I tried Sony's HMZ-T2 and that was just like having a floating screen on your face to watch movies or play 3D games and I thought VR was the same. Until I asked out of curiosity, someone explained and when I finally got to try it it was definetly just how I imagined.

I bought a headset soon after and ended doing some really strange things like going to an Inn on Skyrim, lying on the floor and shuffling under the table to see if they had bothered to texture the underside of the object.
Hahaha exactly. More than a decade ago, I remember subconsciously trying to peek over windows to see more... then felt stupid immediately afterwards because you can't do that kind of thing (unless you use TrackIR which at the time didn't know existed), now in VR I can lean, duck and peek through windows and explore and try to see more of the games.


Yes I have the PSVR and very curious about what the PSVR 2 is going to be and look like.

I hope it's at least 1080p per eye and much lighter and easier to use. Also I hope it doesn't fog up my glasses.

My man don't you use anything I've this?

  • Fire
Reactions: TLZ


As dev I played all the main systems, including some devkits (not the PSVR2). As consumer I still didn't buy them because I prefer to wait until the hardware and the games evolve more.

I think PSVR2 will solve all the main issues the early headsets had, specially if they have some wireless adaptor or a wireless SKU and a maximum $299 launch price.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: TLZ


I use a Reverb G2 mostly for racing sims and the DCS and IL2 flight combat sims. I couldn't go back to the Index due to the visual upgrade. Controls are better on the Index, but don't use them most of the time anyway.


Blood and Truth was a great game. Really showed the potential of gun play with the move controllers. Pity we didn't get more of those efforts.


I once played a demo of a rollercoaster and a goal keeper. That's it.
I was with my dad and he also played the rollercoaster demo, his hand were sweating.


Damn I'm out of the loop lol. When did VR get so huge? Surprising numbers.

Pretty recently. Quest 2 is selling around a million per month, which is fucking insane because the first VR headsets could not break a million headsets combined for over a year. I'll say that again, combined.
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I've got the HTC Vive since October 2016, but I doubt I've played it for more than 100 hours. It's annoying having to set it up whenever I want to use it + lack of space.


ChatGPT 0.001
Yes I looked forward to playing firewall and beat saber it’s still not casual cheap but I see psvr preventing eye pokes lol


Pretty recently. Quest 2 is selling around a million per month, which is fucking insane because the first VR headsets could break a million headsets combined for over a year. I'll say that again, combined.
What's the best head set right now? Has it gotten more affordable?


I haven't try it, but really want to.

After hearing about how convincing it's becoming, I'm very excited about it.

Just waiting for the next gen tech to come out... and a rig to run it of come.


I owned a VR headset twice.

First was many years ago when Oculus Rift DK2 was a thing. What a baptism into the virtual world! Everything was indie, experimental and intense! I got my fix, was satisfied and sold it off a year later.

Never had any interest in VR since then, well till HL Alyx was announced. Then I was in 2 minds, do I protest and not get a headset? Do I get a new headset because I absolutely love everything about Half Life?
I did the latter and got myself a brand new Oculus Rift S.

Half Life Alyx came, and I was ready! Needless to say I had an awesome experience playing my beloved franchise in VR. However once I finished it, i had no urge to return.
The cumbersome headset where I'm constantly micro adjusting the headset position, the not so perfect pupil distance (forgot the term) and in every play session id always get into a bit of a tangle with the cord.

In the end, I sold the Rift S for more that I paid; crazy pandemic prices and stock shortages.

Maybe one ill return to vr when headsets have made numerous advancements.
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I have a index and a Reverb G2.
After 1 month of being stuck at customs my tundra labs transceivers arrived a few days ago and I'll plan to test out how good the Reverb G2 is with index controllers.

I really dislike the native G2 controllers and so far the HMD has some issues on its own too. The index is completely worth it in my opinion. Works right out of the box and everything.


Gold Member
What's the best head set right now? Has it gotten more affordable?

The best visuals and clarity you'll get in the cabled Reverb G2, for wireless then Quest 2. Both are sensibly priced. (there are some other brand monstrous headsets that spec-wise are arguably better (and more expensive), but for various reasons I wouldn't recommend them).

Valve's current VR headset the Index is still very expensive, much due to the fantastic rock solid tracking. Overall prices have went down for everything else.

Also, inside-out headsets like the Reverb G2 and the Quest 2 can have some issues with controller tracking (tracking relies on a combination of having direct line of sight to headset cameras (fused with data from motion reference units on the controllers of course). I do most of my VR in racing and flight sims, so it's not an issue for me. Also, you can optionally use Valve's controllers and tracking with the G2 anyway.

The major platforms/walled gardens on PC are Windows Mixed Reality (WMR), Oculus VR and Steam VR. Most headsets supports multiple platforms though.

On consoles you have Playstation VR v1, but it's mostly obsolete by today's standards. Version 2 is incoming for the PS5 so that'll be more interesting.

Some say the Xbox SX will get WMR VR support soon, but that's just a rumor yet.
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I’ve had psvr since launch and an oculus rift s for over a year. Haven’t really touched the psvr in ages except to let my son play Minecraft vr- he wasn’t as enthralled as I expected. Rift I use for flight games often but that’s really it. I have lots of vr games but I can’t be arsed to play them. And porn? It’s honestly too much of a pain to grab new vids unless you sub to an app whose name I can’t recall, which I don’t want to do.

ive been looking at the quest 2 which I hear is rad but I probably won’t bother.


I was super into vr and was a backer for the original occulus rift. Had psvr and now own a rift s. I still use vr regularly but 90% it's for fitness games such as box vr and beat saber. My headset is covered in dried sweat salt which is nasty. X


Had PSVR for about a month after it launched. I couldn’t play longer than 10 minutes without bursting into sweats and feeling nauseous. I could never get over the motion sickness.
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