Gold Member

You can’t make AAA games for just one platform anymore
Nintendo is the exception, as usual... but for how long?

The prevailing wisdom in the video game industry used to be that exclusive games were the pillar that could prop up a whole platform. Must-have games that couldn’t be played anywhere else were the reason to choose one console over another, or to buy one in the first place. The games drove the console sales, the console audience drove the game sales, and the whole system raked in money from third-party publishers eager to be part of a healthy platform.
To put it simply: Games have gotten too expensive to make. To put it only slightly less simply: Game budgets are growing much faster than the audience is. In fact, at the moment, the audience for AAA games barely seems to be growing at all.
So how do publishers address the fact that the cost of making games is growing, but the audience for them isn’t? The most straightforward answer is to raise prices, and Navok predicts this change is coming, possibly with Grand Theft Auto 6.
Failing that, a quick fix is to increase the potential audience size of your AAA production by simply putting it on another platform. A PC version, at least, is clearly considered a necessity by both PlayStation and Xbox now. It seems the need for these games to make a decent profit has exceeded their value to the platform holder as incentives to buy into a console ecosystem