This thread is all over the fucking place and it's only getting progressively worse. I'm out.
You can't quit, you're fired!
This thread is all over the fucking place and it's only getting progressively worse. I'm out.
I don't know, him shouting down a sexual harassment allegation is pretty terrible. Bullying someone for coming forward with a very serious allegation (without yet knowing if it's true or not) is pretty disgusting. This isn't to say he deserved it, because he didn't. But I don't see why people can't be disgusted in his actions as well as not support what happened to him (why it has to be one or the other). The reason I say this is because, I feel that pretty much lets people off the hook for terrible actions, if other people do terrible things to them.
I don't want a gaming community where someone is bullied to stay quiet about sexual harassment. I get it's not just the gaming industry that has this problem. Any kind of career that has a tight knit community, one has to fear ruining their career if they speak out against someone with a lot of connections. That isn't unique to gaming. But it was pretty disheartening to see Phil's reaction to this man's allegation, and subsequently the other people in the industry that joined in on it and supported it.
I have read on another site that the passwords on the infamous 1.5GB file don't really work. I assume this has been debunked, but can someone provide me with some links on the subject?
But the thing is, you don't know the true story there, and none of us do. It's not even related at all to Polytron getting hacked or any of the other stuff that's emerged, yet it's something that keeps getting harped on in this thread.
You state that you're not saying that Fish deserves it, but that's actually what you're blatantly doing. And what dozens of other people in this thread are doing when they pull up tweets from Fish (and those statements are generally wildly out of context).
Of course the silence of sexual harassment is bad. But we really don't know anything here and to conclude anything from that one tweet from Fish is just a bit premature.
Irrelevant to the discussion. What would your first priority be if all your passwords were revealed?
Yeah no. I don't support doxxing regardless of how terrible a person is. But I also don't agree that people shouldn't be critical of a person who is doxxed just because they were doxxed. That's some pretty insane logic. And i do think Phil and certain members of this industry showed some disgusting behavior by bullying someone with a serious allegation. That we should not question these actions because they were doxxed is insane. That you can't think their behavior was terrible and also not support doxxing is insane.
I like Phil Fish.
Besides general curiosity, what does it matter?Well, sure but but reaction and action don't happen instantaneously. Is it known if they ever worked, at least early? People around me are telling me that they never did but I doubt it. I would like to back it up as it seems that the obvious action being taken doesn't seem enough evidence.
Besides general curiosity, what does it matter?
Basically the thread seems to be a lot of "I'm not saying he deserved it, but he deserved it."
I have read on another site that the passwords on the infamous 1.5GB file don't really work. I assume this has been debunked, but can someone provide me with some links on the subject?
Apologies, I was referring more to the sexual harassment topic, which like you said in your original edit, is off-topic entirely to this thread. But then again, most of this thread is off-topic / insane.
Well, sure but but reaction and action don't happen instantaneously. Is it known if they ever worked, at least early? People around me are telling me that they never did but I doubt it. I would like to back it up as it seems that the obvious action being taken doesn't seem enough evidence.
Well, sure but but reaction and action don't happen instantaneously. Is it known if they ever worked, at least early? People around me are telling me that they never did but I doubt it. I would like to back it up as it seems that the obvious action being taken doesn't seem enough evidence.
Yeah, there are so many more reasons why they wouldn't work than would work. Old password database, they changed them as soon as they noticed other Dropbox/Skype accounts being hacked, one person who got to it first changed it so the other thousands who saw it couldn't, ect.They've probably been changed by now?
I like Phil Fish.
You know, it's amazing how gullible people on 4chan can be. They believe anonymous posts without any knowledge of a topic, which is basically the opposite of any actual scientific field's writings. Being anonymous means no culpability for posting bullshit and no way of judging your authority on a topic, and people take advantage of this all the time.So people concluded the last bit of info about cloudfare was false now prove this false.
I'm not saying I think it's true I'm just saying point out inconsistencies like before.
Your lens is pretty distorted if you think discussion of equality in games equals white male persecution.I would love to just play games, but then I apparently have to first be ashamed of myself for playing a game with a straight white male protagonist, regardless of its non-effect on the game itself. Or be belittled by nearly every online video games website out there for simply existing as a straight white male who happens to also enjoy playing video games.
While I'm in agreement of diversity in video games from both audience to reporting to development (the "white dudebro marine" stereotype didn't come out of nowhere), I'm sick of "straight white male" basically being the lynchpin for any semi-moral crusade, that opinions coming from them should be silenced/omitted, and that any insults thrown their way should just be accepted because of "privilege" i.e. these people's carte blanche to be sexist and racist.
I really can't imagine why. I think he made a great game but everything else I've heard coming from him indicates very clearly that he is an asshole.
Probably because he's just a person on Twitter who entertains once in a while and is someone you don't actually have to meet
Approaching 60 pages, here is the wall of shame. It's just unfortunate that even here you can have people act like this.
I think he did it to show how much money he made, in order to sell Fez and his company.
No, you really don't. I don't like Phil Fish's twitter comments, but I never have to hear about or deal with him. I can just choose not to click on the thread like any normal person.But he is a person you have to hear about and deal with on the gaming forums and subreddits you visit. Not visiting twitter doesn't make these people just disappear.
He's passionate, loud, opinionated, abrasive and most of all, entertaining.I really can't imagine why. I think he made a great game but everything else I've heard coming from him indicates very clearly that he is an asshole.
Note: What I say does not mean he deserved this. No one does. Well maybe criminals do![]()
[No, you really don't. I don't like Phil Fish's twitter comments, but I never have to hear about or deal with him. I can just choose not to click on the thread like any normal person.
I don't really get the need for a "Wall of shame" when most of those posts were like "Oh well I mean it happened I guess ¯_(ツ_/¯"
You'll live.Because people don't derail conversations amirite. This thread would be a perfect example.
Because people don't derail conversations amirite. This thread would be a perfect example.
That's an interesting interpretation
Because people don't derail conversations amirite. This thread would be a perfect example.
Are these Anonymous twats still trying to be relevant?
Looks like they leveled up from their infamous DDOS attacks to Password generators
I don't really get the need for a "Wall of shame" when most of those posts were like "Oh well I mean it happened I guess ¯\_(ツ_/¯"
That's an interesting interpretation
you have to defend fish.
I'd like him to explain how "lots of shit being censored, what the fuck is going on" is wall of shame worthy. Stopped reading after that one.
I think those perma-banned juniors will live.Not sure a wall of shame is a great thing in a thread about bullying. Don't get me wrong, I very strongly disagree with these posts but it doesn't mean these posts should be hung over these posters forever. They've been called out for it, some were banned as a result, anything beyond that seems spiteful and unnecessary to me. I think we should be above that kind of petty shit TBH.
If you want to make a broader point about the kind of shit posts this has led to, get rid of the usernames. Though 15 posts out of 3000 doesn't mean much.
So, I dive into a link about this. Then another, and another. Now I have 8 links open and reading material for the rest of the work day.
That said, I believe in Phil Fish. I can't help but like the guy. Love to grab a beer with him.
you have to defend fish.
An important thing that I've taken from this event though is to not store sensitive data on your Dropbox.
I typically work over long distances with people and throwing everything in the Dropbox tends to become a habit; this may ring true for some others as well, but it had me double-checking exactly what I had stored on there.I'm surprised anyone would do so.
The cloud is much less secure and stable than a lot of other alternatives.
Well..I just saw this on tumblr and on 4chan
The weirdest thing of it all is that the hacking was apparently in retribution against virtually the single Phil Fish declaration ever that I actually agree with. Never change, Internet.
Does anyone know if there is going to be an actual criminal investigation into this?
Without a doubt.
I like Phil Fish.