Yes, there are more than two people there.
Or because one of the people involved works at Kotaku?This entire story is heavily centered around a tiny subset of people looking to cause chaos and revel in it; Kotaku and other such sites might actually be showing restraint by not giving them the attention they're craving. Also, since this issue is about Phil's personal info being blasted all over the net, it's probably better that less people are aware of it.
That might be highly presumptuous, but I think that's a safe guess as to why the big sites are being silent (at least until things settle down).
Holy shit, that's insane.People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
It's been a very hard week for game developers like myself. The general malaise among everyone I know in the industry is worrying. There is a real fear & perception that anyone is fair game for being targeted now for speaking up about anything, or tackling more social/personal issues in the gaming spectrum, especially in the independent scene
all I know is there was incentive for Phil Fish to make it seem like he was hacked too. By doing so, he helps protect ZQ by having 'another' doxing incident. This double protects his friend, who she allegedly had sexual relations with (the name eludes me... he worked on Fez). This is why he's been defending her from the get-go. I'm not saying it did or didn't happen... but there's *incentive* to make this all up or set it up himself. With that said, people on the internet are generally fucking scumbags and are even worse than PF, who I personally think has a personality disorder or two.
I think that's quite a hyped up statement myself. 'A hard week for game developers'. Not from what I've seen, everyone's happy that Gamescom went smoothly and is taking holiday. One of the biggest game developer forums hasn't even mentioned this whole topic this week, so it shows where the real audience is right now. The games press so happen to be peddling the whole fiasco into insane levels at this point, while every minor indie developer is jumping in to let their voice be heard on twitter.
'There is a real fear & perception that anyone is fair game for being targeted' - who are these people? They need to pull their heads out of 'you know where'. The creator of Fez, surely it's understandable why he would be targeted....I can't imagine your average developer has anywhere near as much notoriety/exposure as this fellow, so really, they needn't worry.
That's why putting your real name on twitter is a bad idea, not to mention the whole knee jerk reactions that it accentuatesPeople are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
all I know is there was incentive for Phil Fish to make it seem like he was hacked too. By doing so, he helps protect ZQ by having 'another' doxing incident. This double protects his friend, who she allegedly had sexual relations with (the name eludes me... he worked on Fez). This is why he's been defending her from the get-go. I'm not saying it did or didn't happen... but there's *incentive* to make this all up or set it up himself.
Salty ex boyfriend posts a blog saying she cheated on him with people, some were journalists.Speaking of that: I don't want to de-rail the thread or anything, but is there a definitive "What actually happened" on the Zoe Quinn thing now? I was only really following that on the periphery.
That dnsdies guy really doesn't want it to be a hack...
Salty ex boyfriend posts a blog saying she cheated on him with people, some were journalists.
Despite a lack of parity to the timing, the wider internet has apparently decided that Quinn slept with people to promote her game (and now everything connected to her must burn to preserve the sanctity of videogames). There's a lot of slut shaming and misogyny involved, they're also digging up nude pictures, cracking her social media and work passwords etc.
Fish ran his mouth, and hacker(s?) decided he was connected enough to be worth destroying. Hence Polytron hack.
That was the state of things about six hours ago but I've slept since then.
This entire story is heavily centered around a tiny subset of people looking to cause chaos and revel in it; Kotaku and other such sites might actually be showing restraint by not giving them the attention they're craving. Also, since this issue is about Phil's personal info being blasted all over the net, it's probably better that less people are aware of it.
That might be highly presumptuous, but I think that's a safe guess as to why the big sites are being silent (at least until things settle down).
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
Practically every single developer and journalist I follow on Twitter has shared their malaise on the matter. Get over yourself.
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
"What actually happened" is that a lot of very personal things happened between Zoe and her ex that never had any business being made public, but the ex did so anyway.
The tenuous connection between these events and the games industry was entirely debunked. The people she supposedly "manipulated" for coverage never even gave her any meaningful coverage.
So that's it. Whatever hurtful things she allegedly did to her boyfriend are between the two of them and none of our business.
Actually, on a tangent of that I had also heard that she may have used DMCA to get a bad review of DQ pull off of youtube. Was there anything on that?
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
Actually, on a tangent of that I had also heard that she may have used DMCA to get a bad review of DQ pull off of youtube. Was there anything on that?
Are you serious? I had no idea that the moderation staff of GAF has been target/harassed as well. I shouldn't be surprised that the same disillusioned "MRA gamer" contingent is equating effective moderation with censorship though.
Yeah, I'm done with this shit. I'm going to go play some actual games now.
Actually, on a tangent of that I had also heard that she may have used DMCA to get a bad review of DQ pull off of youtube. Was there anything on that?
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
This notion is pretty ridiculous.People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
This notion is pretty ridiculous.
In a nutshell: I don't like your opinions, so I will destroy both your company and your identity.
... disgusting.
Yeah, this is really sad. No creator should fear their audience.
Sorry, should've elaborated. I can't imagine why *coverage* would make anyone fearful. Coverage is neutral; maybe if they gave an editorialized response there would be something to fear for.Which notion is that?
His site got hacked and his fucking personal information posted up for the world to exploit. Are you thick as hell? THAT is exactly the kind of stuff that makes anyone sensible go "enough, for my own safety I need to get the hell out of this." Or be more proactive to make sure it doesn't happen again, at any rate NOT the kind of thing for a small developer to just "ignore" like it's someone calling them names.I'm in no way defending the assholes of the internet, but it's not like we're going to magically make everyone start being nice. He should just choose to ignore the assholes and pick his battles more wisely.
People are afraid to cover it. That's the point of actions like these, to scare people into shutting up. We have people posting photos of mods on this board along with harassing private details. We have mods who are considering quitting, rather than put up with it. That is the entire point of these little shitbags. If they can scare Fish and Quinn out of the industry, they can scare anyone out. No one wants their loved ones dragged into this shit.
Actually, on a tangent of that I had also heard that she may have used DMCA to get a bad review of DQ pull off of youtube. Was there anything on that?
Sorry, should've elaborated. I can't imagine why *coverage* would make anyone fearful. Coverage is neutral; maybe if they gave an editorialized response there would be something to fear for.
is it bad that i have no empathy for Phil fish in this matter
Some people just don't have anything to do. I have no idea why all of this has been made into anything at all, much less being taken this far.
Also, I'm impressed how a large chunk of Reddit, seeing that the /V/ thing means it's not real because they would write it as /v/, has assumed it's just fake now largely. Not much consideration that perhaps a third party did it. Could only be /v/ or Phil Fish faking it.
gaf staff is being harrassed?
I don't agree with this; I think they are very rational; in fact, they put their reasoning right on the hacked page. Whether or not it's *sensible* is a different question (it's not), and whether or not you agree with their reasoning (safe to say most of us don't) is also a different question.The people doing this stuff are not rational in the first place. You should not expect a logical course of action out of people who will reveal information like this in the first place.