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POP - 25% in ... my impressions


yeah some puzzels in PoP are really annoying. I have been stuck at 53% since JUNE!!!!! Thinking of uninstalling the game :/

Sweet fancy moses! It isn't Ubisoft's fault that you aren't very bright!
AssMan said:
Sweet fancy moses! It isn't Ubisoft's fault that you aren't very bright!

its not about that, the puzzle is stupid. You have to pull the lever to open the big gate but as soon as you let it go the gate starts going down. You have to reach the top while all this is happening but the jumps in between are really tough. So it’s a platforming puzzle where I am stuck.


I love PoP, and I'm happy with it. I especially like those places you go to extend your health bar, and the Magic Cavern song. I dunno how to explain it really, but the whole game just looks really nice, I love that whole Aladdin feel to things

Ranger X

seismologist said:
The platforming puzzles each one was more frustrating than the last, since they seemed to be blocking my way from getting to the good part of the game.

They shouldn't try copying a game like ICO because it's so subtle. There's a very fine line between shitty and masterpiece. It's like trying to immitate The Beatles.

POP have never been a try at ICO style anyway. This is just a casual and really bad comparison people made up. It must be because the game use alot of glow effect on the lightning (like ICO) then retarded people associate the 2 games.
OMGWTF? Mortal Kombat Deception is a try at Riddick style!!! See? there's bump mapping!!


seismologist said:
The platforming puzzles each one was more frustrating than the last, since they seemed to be blocking my way from getting to the good part of the game.

They shouldn't try copying a game like ICO because it's so subtle. There's a very fine line between shitty and masterpiece. It's like trying to immitate The Beatles.
Really sorry to have to say this, but the game had great controls that made the platforming a breeze. If you really had that much trouble with them, you're really not good at this. At all.

The way I see it, the run, jump, grab ledges-style of platforming originated with PoP. Tomb Raider, ICO, and the new PoP are all descendants of that style... they don't really copy each other. That's like saying Italian and Spanish copy each other. They don't, they're just derivatives of the same root language.
"its not about that, the puzzle is stupid. You have to pull the lever to open the big gate but as soon as you let it go the gate starts going down. You have to reach the top while all this is happening but the jumps in between are really tough. So it?s a platforming puzzle where I am stuck."

This was one of the most common types of puzzles in the original PoP...
SiegfriedFM said:
This was one of the most common types of puzzles in the original PoP...

the original can get away with it because it was like REALLY old.

A lot of the puzzles in the game so far have been push crates / pull lever - tombraider stuff. I like how the prince can pull crates sideways but that's really about it
BUMPAGE for completion impressions

Okay finished the game - game never really got better; but I wanted to see how long this game will take to finish - dunno maybe 6-8 hours? Went hardcored; no save; check point to check point... puzzles NEVER got to the point where it went difficult challenging.

1. ENDING. One of the worst endings ever. Why
did they bother to loop back in time
; I guess it serves the purpose of the story but it was lame and the worst BOSS fight in time memorial. chop chop chop chop chop. Finish. Weaksauce conclusion too. Dunno what the phrase the prince uttered was but I was like WTF? And i had to listen to all that dirty talk and endure that sex scene.

2) Gameplay.
More combat. Getting the one chop sword was neat if only it made the battles go away faster but the puzzle/platforming bits are REALLY really play by numbers; every gamer playing POP will experience the same game and its not open to any other way of playing. Easy as a 2 dollar whore. Many a times; I sat there and thought; why bother with having this room if its only purpose is to be labourious


Planetarium with jumping puzzle. Took like 10 minutes but it wasn't even like a puzzle. Stupid. Way too many of these sort of rooms - the gameplay isn't even that challenging that it made getting through rooms just tedious fun

Final finding Farah in the maze (entering door...trial and error). Fuck This sort of shit is okay in 32 bits games (like zelda 2d) with small rooms but to do it again and again.

tension in breaking floors - unlike some other games - the walls, columns, foothold breakway before you get on them; therefore non of those HOLY FUCK i need to move faster moments. With the exception of a couple of dropping floors and stalagmites later in the game; the POP experience was absolutely lacking in tension. When you lost the dagger; that's when the game became somewhat fun.

Boss fight = stupid lousy poor. Should have ended in the temple of time.

3) Length. This game is seriously short. Like I said 6-8 hours. And a lot of the time I was thinking.. this is filler.

extra) Final song - what the fuck. They should have stuck to an orchestral. Lousy and boring credits

Final Verdict. 5.5/10 (mostly for time interventional elements and graphics)

I don't know how many places could have said this was GOTY material. Short, unchallenging, repetitive and horrible endgame portition. Just when you think it was over; the game chucks you down
into the tombs
and makes you fight some more. Boooo.
I thought it was interesting, myself, as a laid back take on platforming. However:

-When you want to do the auto recenter of the camera so it flips around behind your back there is a swooshing noise and a second of time elapses. I do this often and it became irksome. I have a deep hatred for developers who have the swooshing noise and second delay when you click the button to plop the camera back behind you.

-This game is so focused on the clever platform puzzles that developers never integrated that with a sense of architcture that makes sense functionally the way, say, the architecture of ICO does. POP is more like a "battle course" type of platformer trying to look as if it's a game such as ICO where the spaces you explore are so sensibly and artfully linked together. The broader setting and how it was laid out could have been more interesting. POP's look in this sense simply wasn't memorable, it wasn't such a signifigant gaming experience as ICO's.

- I didn't like the music.

- Some of the textures didn't look so hot. the prince was a dork. He was fighting dorks.
I'm happy they changed the style for the sequel.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The last boss really was total shit. One of the worst I've encountered in a long time, actually. Thought I was playing a PC game for a second. :p

I enjoyed the rest of the game, though, but not as much as I had hoped. Hopefully PoP2 really does end up turning out to be a solid game...

I don't like the change in style, but some of the other changes are good (enemies can be encountered during normal gameplay, they don't seem to spawn in, AND you can even bypass them if you wish).
dark10x said:
The last boss really was total shit. One of the worst I've encountered in a long time, actually. Thought I was playing a PC game for a second. :p

now that you mention it - POP is also most probably the most PC looking / feeling game that I've played on a console in a while. Can't quite put my finger on it but it did feel like a PC title.

What was with the same exact blue room with the fountain again? (besides healing that is). I hated to go into them. Dejavu only works if it happens once.

and how do you unlock POP 1 again?


Final finding Farah in the maze (entering door...trial and error). Fuck This sort of shit is okay in 32 bits games (like zelda 2d) with small rooms but to do it again and again.

Actually, it's not trial and error. I thought it was at first too, and actually went through the whole first floor of that puzzle just by systematically doing every combination of doors. However, once I got past that and realized that there was a second floor, I knew there had to be a trick to it...
When you're walking in front of the correct door to go into, you hear a distinct water noise
. While it is a logical solution, I didn't really care for it, as it really was a bit too much of a departure from the type of puzzles that the game had been doing so far.

1. ENDING. One of the worst endings ever. Why did they bother to
loop back in time
; I guess it serves the purpose of the story but it was lame and the worst BOSS fight in time memorial. chop chop chop chop chop. Finish. Weaksauce conclusion too. Dunno what the phrase the prince uttered was but I was like WTF? And i had to listen to all that dirty talk and endure that sex scene.

Yeah, that plot twist did really lead to a lousy boss fight. I was personally expecting to come across some sort of super sand monster, or maybe the Vizier would become posessed by the sands or something neat like that. What we got was the most disappointing final boss since Eternal Darkness.

However, I thought the plot twist at the end was kinda neat. It does make sense as far as the plot goes, and it shed a little more light on other parts of the game. The phrase that the prince said at the end was the same "secret word" that Farrah used to open the tomb near the end of the game.

What was with the same exact blue room with the fountain again? (besides healing that is). I hated to go into them. Dejavu only works if it happens once.

Well, aside from those rooms giving you a quite-helpful boost to your maximum health, I think the game was implying that there was something mystical about them. There were a few times when the Prince went into one and left Farrah waiting outside, then when he comes out, she mentions that he didn't go anywhere.

Personally, I thought the game was pretty good. It was a nice attempt at recreating the original feel of the game in 3d, and it was a pretty fun game. I appear to be in the minority who didn't mind the combat. Sure, there were a few parts where there were a tad bit too many enemies, but once you knew how to dispatch them quickly, it wasn't that bad at all. Between the Haste and Stop attacks, the wall lunge, and the insta-kill dagger/retrieve counter, the fighting sequences were all pretty simple.

I wasn't a huge fan of how the puzzles in the game all used quite obvious buttons that showed you where you needed to go next. Unlike a game like ICO, which integrated its puzzles believably into the environment, the puzzles in PoP all felt like they were seperate entities that just happened to be in these rooms, instead of parts of the rooms themselves.

One thing that really bothered me almost as much as the lame last boss is the long, boring, unskippable cutscene near the last part of the game that only consists of a black screen, some dust clouds, and the two characters talking for what seems like five minutes.

and how do you unlock POP 1 again?

After you get the first new sword that allows you to break through walls, you'll come across a room that has one of those switches that's a pole that you have to turn around in a circle. One of the walls in there is breakable. Break through it with the sword and walk through, that'll unlock the original PoP

Unfortunately, the version of PoP1 is not the qute nice looking SNES version, but an older, choppier, damn near unplayable version.


Since someone from UBI works here and the PoP2 demo is out, I'd like to ask about the combat.

While much better, is still seems hampered by the combat engine of the original. It just doesn't flow right. I don't know if it is over animation or under animation, but the whole combat movement seems choppy while in motion. Besides this, it is still TOO EASY to hop over the back and slice off enemy heads in one blow in the demo.

As for anyone falling for the hype, I think the finger needs to be pointed at the media boys:

http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/589719.asp?q=Prince of Persia

The game has reaped what it sow. The media tried to overhype and did it backfire? I dunno. But it is hard to go into any PoP thread without someone saying they were caught by the hype and disappointed by the final product. Do you even remember last November? The amount of hype for this game by the media was staggering. Tell the media to tone it down a notch if you don't want the backlash to occur by having a mediocre game get exceptional scores.

Ranger X

Mrbob said:
Since someone from UBI works here and the PoP2 demo is out, I'd like to ask about the combat.

While much better, is still seems hampered by the combat engine of the original. It just doesn't flow right. I don't know if it is over animation or under animation, but the whole combat movement seems choppy while in motion. Besides this, it is still TOO EASY to hop over the back and slice off enemy heads in one blow in the demo.

As for anyone falling for the hype, I think the finger needs to be pointed at the media boys:

http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/589719.asp?q=Prince of Persia

The game has reaped what it sow. The media tried to overhype and did it backfire? I dunno. But it is hard to go into any PoP thread without someone saying they were caught by the hype and disappointed by the final product. Do you even remember last November? The amount of hype for this game by the media was staggering. Tell the media to tone it down a notch if you don't want the backlash to occur by having a mediocre game get exceptional scores.

I'm wondering what will happen this year. The game is definetely better this time around and will probably fit a bit more with it's scores. And of course it feels like POP somehow, it's POP2. lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Unfortunately, the version of PoP1 is not the qute nice looking SNES version, but an older, choppier, damn near unplayable version.

Wha? I thought it was just fine...

It seemed like the Mac version or something. Unlike the SNES version, the port used here was rendered in a higher resolution, so it looked much sharper.


Running off of Custom Firmware
The PoP emu was pretty shitty. Loads of sound problems and sluggier than usual controls.

The PoP1 Stage 1 remade into 3D was just bad. No fun at all.

I agree that the last boss fight sucked total ass. But I did enjoy the ending immensely.

And yes, the sequence leading up to the bath scene was NOT trial and error. The correct path would be marked by the sound of bath water splashing.


dark10x said:
Wha? I thought it was just fine...

It seemed like the Mac version or something. Unlike the SNES version, the port used here was rendered in a higher resolution, so it looked much sharper.

Well, the only version I ever played was the SNES version, and I guess I just got too used to the animation and control of that one. The version in the Gamecube version of SoT just felt way too choppy to me.
Mejilan said:
And yes, the sequence leading up to the bath scene was NOT trial and error. The correct path would be marked by the sound of bath water splashing.

sure felt like it. Couldn't tell. It was incredibly annoying - I got through by luck (+ doors that you'd been through would have flapping curtains)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TheGreenGiant said:
sure felt like it. Couldn't tell. It was incredibly annoying - I got through by luck (+ doors that you'd been through would have flapping curtains)

No shit? You actually finished that via trial and error?!?!?! Ha ha ha, damn, that MUST have been a bitch. :p

I can see how you'd miss it, but I didn't think anyone would actually try and solve that through trial and error.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I tried to complete it via trial and error for about 15 minutes, until I noticed that the splashing water wasn't random.
Cyan said:
The platforming is a lot of fun-- much like the "Secret" levels in Mario Sunshine, they're linear and simple, but pure fun.

No. the platforming I felt was really dull. A--> B. The SMS secret levels were difficult. Especially the ones with the rotating logs.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I too thought the platforming was by far the best part of PoP. It was completely linear and contrived, but that's the way the series has always been, and honestly, wouldn't be even remotely PoP-ish otherwise, IMHO.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mejilan said:
I tried to complete it via trial and error for about 15 minutes, until I noticed that the splashing water wasn't random.

So did I, but I just assumed that most people would realize that there had to be a pattern to the thing.

I didn't expect anyone to actually finish that part via trial and error. Kind of impressive, I suppose. :p
dark10x said:
So did I, but I just assumed that most people would realize that there had to be a pattern to the thing.

I didn't expect anyone to actually finish that part via trial and error. Kind of impressive, I suppose. :p

it didn't take me that long. Maybe about 5-6 minutes and I got past. I have a good memory so just running into doors etc was fast.

This game is going on ebay. cheerio.


I hate you guys and therefore will play Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (available on all major consoles everywhere) for the Personal Computer.

Good day.
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