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POPGAF |OT-12| Welcome To The Mad House

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Well... there's still some of that in Season 2 :l but Season 2 fleshes out so many characters, the students are given actual relationships with each other. And I don't wanna say too much but Season 2 manages to give a reason behind a certain character's actions in a way that really does justify (I think a better word would be explain.. not justify) the things that person does. It's great, I loved it.

also what happened to your Hillary avatar? it was great
Ha avatar forced ha to become too defensive in that joyless man-baby festival known as PoliGAF.

And roy, there is still fucking, but (other than one particularly odious exception, and you'll know it when you see it) it's not all salacious and "edgy" like the music video-esque montages that littered S1.

There are some questionable case-of-the-week storylines, and the central mystery of the season is sort of a non-factor by the end, but it's a much better balanced show in S2. The entire cast gets their moments to shine, and Queen Viola finally gets some heavyweights to bounce off of.

Sue me, no one in this thread uses the word "flawless" literally :p


I bought EMOTION.

just kidding. aprils fooled.

I'm sure Carly RAN to check her bank account after that post tbh.


Can we all agree that Alex Newell POWER, and Charlie XCX Vroom Vroom EPs are the best things we have got so far this year?
but where is the L.I.E.

Bobby Brown 1.5 stays making that ¢oin off these desperate hews, while those same flops bite the Fist that bruiseD them

They deserve it for letting themselves get sucked into the breezy vortex


The irony of diaper girl calling anyone weird. These mood ring artists who swear they have some type of "thesia" need to disappear already.
Like I get celebrities are entitled to their space and privacy but omg so many of them are so rude to their fans like

Some of these people will have travelled 3 hours to see you and all they want is a fucking photo with you and it would make their life for like a year and take literally 20 seconds but you're "tired" or "uncomfortable" smh.
Maybe Gaga's impending domination...

hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha. can't finish that.
the way her attempt to climb back to relevancy crashed and burned.... kamskamksms

and all because of Lorde, Samantha Smith, and INTEL'S TECHNOLOGIES.

the fact that the revolutionary collab was a fucking projector on her face





Whew! On more relevant news, we are so close of turning another page in this thread. It's been a while we have been in this one, long staying our welcome.

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