Amazing graphics on Mario.
Amazing graphics on Mario.
If you are worried about graphics you should buy an Xbox X and play... ermmm, Minecraft 4K?
Amazing graphics on Mario.
Amazing graphics on Mario.
Didn't realize Erasure came out with a new album last month. This is not very good, sadly.
The level of nitpicking involved in this comment speaks more about the quality of what was shown than otherwise, tbh.
Metroid: Samus Returns
Lol I sold my 3DS two days ago
y'all doing too much on sony its conference was alright
my problem is more at the inconsistencies the game has. The presentation is all over the place depending where the character is and the aliasing is also busted in the game. It can be polished before launch but I expected the game to look better on that area. The town part looked so much like Sonic Adventures with those humans and the early PS3 level buildings is wack. The gameplay looks great as usual but not sure if Im fully sold on the direction its going.
i didn't know we were watching video games instead of playing them
boy have i been doing it wrong these past few years
We watch them while we play them. They are an interactive visual experience. Its part of the package.
I know that when I'm playing video games, the first thing I check is to make sure all steel girders look realistic enough, lest I be remove from my experience as a acrobatic midget rescuing a princess from a turtle.
Mau ®;240644428 said:SZA came. Wow.
Rihanna oughta commision her for the R9 lyrics.
Mau ®;240644428 said:SZA came. Wow.
Rihanna oughta commision her for the R9 lyrics.
It's okay. The songs all sound really similar to each other. I phased out after halfway through the album, and didn't even realize it was over until the music stopped in my car.Mau ®;240644428 said:SZA came. Wow.
Rihanna oughta commision her for the R9 lyrics.