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POPGAF OT 14: The Alpha and The Omega

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Is Shakira past having another She Wolf quality bop?

The looks she was serving there whew

Has Grimes said anything about new music? Flesh Without Blood is still so incredible.
I think she's mentioned she is working on new music, but it'll likely be a very long time till we see her again considering she likely just finished her promotion of "Art Angels".

Last news came in April.
In a new Q&A session in the current issue of Rolling Stone, she reveals, “I’m actually halfway done with another record. I’m not committing to anything, but I have a bunch of b-sides I kind of want to finish. Plus, I’ve been making a bit of new music.”

But here’s where things get a little confusing. When asked to describe the direction of the new songs, Grimes says, “With Art Angels, it was all like [growls]. This would be more chill vibes, downtempos, synth-y shit. That makes it sound boring. It’s not boring.” And when asked if that upcoming record is a b-sides album, she explains, “You know how Lana Del Rey put out Paradise Edition after Born To Die? It would be like that. There are songs I seriously considered for Art Angels, but they fucked with the momentum when I tried to put them on the record.”

But she later clarified that new music wasn't imminent. I'd honestly say we'll see her next year but who knows. Just give me more songs like Realiti.


irresponsible vagina leak
Carly Rat Herpes Emotion had good production and thats about it.

The songs we've heard from act 2 are garbage, she can keep it

Speaking of, listened to Carly's B-Sides again, and y'all are crazy for saying it's one of the best pop albums of last year. Where??

Wow saying truth about Gaga and Carly in one post. A broken clock is right twice a day


Pues la verdad no recuerdo como escribir en Español bien, pero solo tomando en cuenta sus singles no se puede negar que Shakira ya no es como antes. Digo, Chantaje es un bop pero no es nada comparado con La Tortura o Ojos Asi, la diferensia en calidad se nota claramente.

how much mistakes are in there >.>

I'm more bothered about your english mistake


Other than diferencia, it's well written.
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