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Portal to 1996


Gold Member

Yeah, that girl be living selling hemp trinkets....suuuuuuuuuuure :p

If I could go back to my 1996 self knowing all that I know now.......yeah, I think I would. Though it's hard because it would eliminate my kids since there is no way to get them, even if I tracked down my wife and somehow worked my magic a second time there is no way to get the same combo of genes.

Alas, without some really deep understanding of stocks (or memorizing a lotto number I guess) I don't think I could score big until bitcoin came around, then even $100 invested when it first launched would be pretty profitable if you timed the peaks and drops well.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Would you step through if such a portal exisited?


Gold Member
Though it's hard because it would eliminate my kids since there is no way to get them, even if I tracked down my wife and somehow worked my magic a second time there is no way to get the same combo of genes.
There's a British film about that, but I can't recall it's name. As a guy gets older his Dad tells him that the men in the family can time travel, so he does and it's fine until he has a kid and goes back and winds up with a totally different kid he's not used to.
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Gold Member
There's a British film about that, but I can't recall it's name. As a guy gets older his Dad tells him that the men in the family can time travel, so he does and it's fine until he has a kid and goes back and winds up with a totally different kid he's not used to.
IIRC they did that with The Flash show on CW. He goes back and over on Arrow the black guy ends up with a totally different kid. Almost never mentioned again except once or twice.

That kinda stuff really messes with the fun of going back to redo your youth. BttF really dropped the ball on that one, no way the fancy McFlys having 3 of the same kids :p


I'd only go back if I could go back to 19 year old me.
I don't want to be 47 year old me in 1996.

I'd also want a partial memory wipe. I'd only want to know certain very critical things. Like telling my dad that what he thought was chronic pleurisy was actually cancer. Or knowing that I'd rather have studied geology and meteorology rather than computer science. Or knowing, in advance, what I need my doctor to look at before it becomes a bigger problem.

If we went back knowing everything we know today, we'd end up in insane asylums. Imagine going back to 1996 knowing what was coming in September 2001 and everything that happens after... and trying to live with that knowledge.
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Gold Member
I'd only go back if I could go back to 19 year old me.
I don't want to be 47 year old me in 1996.

I'd also want a partial memory wipe. I'd only want to know certain very critical things. Like telling my dad that what he thought was chronic pleurisy was actually cancer. Or knowing that I'd rather have studied geology and meteorology rather than computer science. Or knowing, in advance, what I need my doctor to look at before it becomes a bigger problem.

If we went back knowing everything we know today, we'd end up in insane asylums. Imagine going back to 1996 knowing what was coming in September 2001 and everything that happens after... and trying to live with that knowledge.
How credible of a bomb threat could you make to clear the buildings before the planes hit? Alas, probably little you could do on the day of to save the plane that went down in Pennsylvania but you could maybe clear the WTTs and parts of the Pentagon. If you had specific names and planes/airports I bet you could get those guys nabbed before they board, if you knew who to call.

Of course, much like trying to stop Pearl Harbor, or Hitler, or Ghengis Kahn, or who knows who/what, would the world end up better or worse? You are right, it would drive you mad unless you just really compartmentalized it and made sure to avoid anyone affected.


9/11 is probably easy to stop. Bin Laden was a known terrorist to the Americans back then, he'd already done bombings. They'd listen to a tip off about his groups and round them up that morning.

Then the problems for you start. Good luck explaining how you knew.
It is fascinating, with a little creativity you could get the word out there and preserve your anonymity. Even if it didn't prevent all those planes from being hijacked, you could potentially prevent it from being as large of a catastrophe. Anyway it doesn't really matter because it is all wishful thinking.

Although it is very interesting to wonder what kind of a world 2024 would look like had we thwarted those attacks. That changed the world, no doubt; would there have been other successive targets had 9/11 been foiled? Things that were impossible otherwise because of the response to those attacks? I am sure these notions have been discussed ad nauseum already, although I'd really love to see someone make a well-researched thinkpiece film about this.


hide your water-based mammals
90s maniax and other X channels (or whatever you wanna call them) are really cool. They post anniversaries of cartoons that debuted in the 80's and 90's. There's a few places on X for that. Love it.


LOL 1996 was a pivotal year for me. I dropped out of college and started working at MS as a contractor in PSS. If I told myself to not go into tech but stay in school, my entire life would change, like entirely. Choosing to work instead of school put me on the path to meet my wife who I have kids with. Soooo much would change lol.


I think there's a very strong argument to be made that from about the end of the first Gulf War in 1991 to mid-summer 2001 was the height of human civilization, at least in America. There was optimism and promise to spare, and there was widespread amazement about all the new technology that was coming about at an insane pace. 1996 was right in the thick of it.

But, if we're assuming that taking the portal is a one-way trip and you're stuck there, then no, I can't go back and have to endure the two decades-long losing streak that happens after 9/11. Then again, as others have mentioned there's a strong possibility that you could prevent 9/11 by stepping up to pay phones and flooding the FBI tipline and getting the hijackers arrested.


9/11 is probably easy to stop. Bin Laden was a known terrorist to the Americans back then, he'd already done bombings. They'd listen to a tip off about his groups and round them up that morning.

Then the problems for you start. Good luck explaining how you knew.

Unless this attack was allowed by government 😎

They will just kill you instead.


Would you step through if such a portal exisited?
No. The 1990s was a lame era. Peaceful but lame.

The 1980s were a little spooky if you were tuned into the Cold War. Pun intended. Good music tho. Dark Wave lives!
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9/11 is probably easy to stop. Bin Laden was a known terrorist to the Americans back then, he'd already done bombings. They'd listen to a tip off about his groups and round them up that morning.

Then the problems for you start. Good luck explaining how you knew.


I didn't want to go down that route lol, but yes, completely fucked if it was planned by the people you report it to.

When I was 18 I was totally into conspiracy theories about wtc, inside job, controlled demolition etc.

I have mostly grown out of this (haha) but I think there is still too much weird stuff and incompetence at play. I will never 100% believe official version. Especially that there was much to gain on oil and opium lands of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Coincidence? Maybe...



I think there's a very strong argument to be made that from about the end of the first Gulf War in 1991 to mid-summer 2001 was the height of human civilization, at least in America. There was optimism and promise to spare, and there was widespread amazement about all the new technology that was coming about at an insane pace. 1996 was right in the thick of it.
Francis Fukuyama over here.
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