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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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I went to a music festival over the weekend and I'm starting to find myself in other people's pictures because they will tag the artists or whoever I'm friends with.

This is my favorite so far.


I'm up front and I'm the second person from the right of the singer, in a black t-shirt with a white design on it...to the right of the red and blue shirt.
quotes quotes quotes

9 pins. Almost a strike :/

Next time, Gadget. I will get all 10.

You got some decent spin on that one.

Took me a while to get down the form that day. The other ones were ugly.

cheeky smile at the end there.

Thought the same thing :x


At least, I'm taking it as a compliment.

Mel, you so cray.

Nice gif FE!


slimy right-handed people

left-handers unite!


Look at that swolewling.

#bulking #acquiringMass

4 more months to go.....

at a restaurant with an amazing ceiling.


great pic. Jealous of your facial hair.

I'm the third guy from the right, looking serious (Thanks G.O.O. for the pic)


Here comes trouble.

So, uhm, I'm taking the plunge.

At the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, about two weeks ago.

Awesome! Looks great man.


Wow, it's beautiful.
This thread is making green with envy, man.

It really is, and we were there at the right time too, around sunset.

It's really quite an amazing sight. In terms of impressive photos, the vast majority definitely on our trip came from Kyoto.

Definitely, although Tokyo at night has some great sights as well.

That's incredible ! I'm so jealous ;^;

Hahaha I know the feeling, I've had to look at tons of pictures of friends who went to Japan before. The good news is, it's not as expensive as people make it out to be, for vacation at least.

Awesome! Looks great man.

Handsome, but the flash makes you look like you're intensely staring at something.

I knew there was something wrong with it lol

Never been able to take a decent photograph, I use flash in the light, no flash in the dark, zoom in too far, out too far, unsteady hands etc. Ah well, som people are born to stay away from handling cameras, and I'm one of them :p


SquiddyCracker, I hope you don't expect payment for your recent impromptu services as my secretary. While I admire your enthusiasm, it is unrequited.

Creep your own path chum.



challenge accepted

/obligatory eyeroll

I guess I should rephrase. I am used to harassment and guys being extreme creepers on less moderated forums and IRC rooms in the past. GAF is great in that people don't go out of their way to be abusive, sexually harass, etc. People here--that I notice at least--have a sense of humour and know limits. :3


/obligatory eyeroll

I guess I should rephrase. I am used to harassment and guys being extreme creepers on less moderated forums and IRC rooms in the past. GAF is great in that people don't go out of their way to be abusive, sexually harass, etc. People here--that I notice at least--have a sense of humour and know limits. :3

uh...you don't know mac well enough huh
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