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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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I love the glasses sweetie!

I just Bleached my hair, the color changes a lot. The red was stubborn though so I still have some pink streaks I think it looks cool :)

Chilling last night with an old homegirl of mine.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

And devolution.

GAF ladies are all beautiful. We should have a GirlGAF slumber party and not invite any boys.

In middle-school I was the only boy at a slumber party consisting of 6-7 ~1-2 years older girls. They made me drink beer - I hated it - and some of them even slept in nothing but their undies and no blankets or anything since it was a hot summer night. If there ever was a heaven I think I was in it.

Can't we recreate that somehow? Pretty please?



Liar! Yoshi why...I was expecting a juicy pm but alas my inbox's emptiness is like a dagger piercing my heart. Your punishment will be me sharing the story of what happened last time I was at your place. I'm sorry but I have to.

I was going to tell this story in Evilore's travel-thread since it was somewhat relevant to that but I forgot and since we're all good friends here ( don't worry one day I'll post a pic myself... one day ) I might as well tell it here. Every word in this story is true, cross my heart, if Yoshi dares he can corroborate as well.

Summer of 2012, me, Yoshi and a couple of other guys from GAF are going to meet up with Evilore in Stockholm. I live in a different town than Yoshi and since his place is closer to Stockholm I thought 'hey why not I'll, pay him a visit the day before the GAF-gettogether'. This wasn't the first time we hung out, I've been to his place before and met his family which consists of some of the most wonderful and kind people I've met.

We spend the day nerding about playing games and talking shit about random GAF stuff as you do. We contact the rest of the crew and throw together some haphazard plan for the next day. Trying to act as a pair of responsible adults we decide to go to sleep around midnight, which was relatively early for both of us, in order to be fresh and energetic the morning thereafter. I get supplied with my own room and bed together with a bunch of gaming magazines that I joyfully flipped through. Before I dose off Yoshi kindly reminded me to not close/lock the door, I don't remember if I'm wrong or not but that's how I heard it and at the time I'm sure there was a good reason to comply, which I did.

Here's where it gets weird...

I'm woken in the middle of the night by something wet touching my face... startled I open my eyes feeling as if my chest/heart is going to burst from all the sudden rush of adrenaline. Through my drunken and sleepy haze I managed to make out a silhouette, of who you ask? Of fucking Yoshi! He's staring right through my eyes digging into my very soul. Again I feel that wet sensation although this time I'm aware of its' origin, it's Yoshi kissing my nose..."Dude, what are you doing?" I asked perplexed : silence. Don't know why I expected an answer...

I think to myself "Surely this is some weird dream" and force myself to go to sleep. Again I'm awakened by someone's presence in the room, this time I manage to see the door creak open before he enters... I'm scared and don't know what to do. He creeps next to me and lays beside me in the bed. At this point I don't know if it was the lack of sleep or something else that made me do it but for some damn reason I kiss him on the nose. I shouldn't have...

Things got a bit awkward from there as he wouldn't let me go, constantly coming into the room throughout the night and gently petting/stroking my hair wanting more kisses. I instantly regretted my decision. I wanted to talk to somebody in the house but I felt uncomfortable bringing it up, especially considering it was so late and the fact that I was the guest in his house.

I couldn't take it anymore so I just pulled the blanket over my head and hoped for the best. I think he got the message after a while as Yoshi subsequently left the room.

Anyways, I still love you ♥Yoshi♥ and even with all that I hope to see you soon again.

Oh I almost forgot, just so there's no confusion Yoshi has a cat called Yoshi.
Corky and his tantalizing tales. Now I have to ask: tell me what you did in the room while I was getting dressed before we went back to Yoshi and KaoZ that night in Stockholm ?


all good things
I can't compete with this :


I'm sorry girls I've let you down... I'll show myself out.

Hey, anybody can look good when they have access to people to take pictures of them who are good at taking pictures. Lets see how good Bradely Cooper looks in the mirror of a badly light bathroom!
I gotta say, the girls from GAF are getting better and better each day. When I started lurking 5 years ago things were definitely different.
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