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Pre Paying for HL2: Deception for Dollars?

OK. So, we have the option of prepaying for Half-Life 2. This begs the question, are we receiving an opportunity? Or are we lubing ourselves up for what I like to call "The Shaft"

Paying for a game online and receiving no physical component is a cool idea in theory. Also very convenient. Unless your HD goes out or you have to reinstall it or something. I'm assuming that there will be some record of your purchase somewhere allowing you to re-download it. But how many of us are going to experience the hell of Customer Service when we start to forget passwords or you're one of the unlucky ones where they lose your registration information or something.

(I answer these emails ALLLLL day at work)

Now that you've shelled out cash for a game that isn't out yet, how safe do you feel? Has this game had a promising devlopment schedule so far? Will you receive your game in a timely manner? I'm not sure how they're doing right now so, lets look at the recent history in the development of Half-Life 2.

Point A: Half-Life 2 is delayed.

Point B: The source was 'Leaked' which is now drawing attention away from this

Point C: Sierra goes under..........

Point D: "Hey, Pay us now for a game that's not out yet."

Point E: Next tuesday when CEO of company is laughing at you from a beach in tahiti.

Ok, techincally point E is only hypothetical and unlikely, but on the outside chance that there might be someone corrupt in there (coughenroncough) it is a theoretical possibility.

Well? Are you feeling good about your purchase? Or are you quaking in your boots wondering if it will ever be done? Opinions people!

****** Breaking Weather News ******

Dateline: Black Mesa
Weather Watch Condition: Red

This is is Smarmy Bastard, here with the weather. For the coming weeks, I predict that we'll experience 'patches' of rain with a 'patch' of sun here and there and then a daily 'patch' of one or the other for another month or so. Also, just before I go, I'd like to say hi to my dog 'Patches'.



Well the game is locked into your Steam account. So if you reformat just redownload Steam and you can redownload the game. Just don't forget that username/pass.

Personally, I'd like to have a physical CD backup of these games too. Make me feel more comfortable. I don't want to wait for Steam to download this again.

I'm not gonna buy HL2 version until its available. Charging you full price and only offering CS:S is pretty weaksauce on Valve's part.


I bought the silver package; i got the CS:S in the meantime. Download 3gb+ is no problem for me in case i lose everything, and theres also a password recovery in case i , for some reason, lose my password. I really doubt that they will suddenly go away. we all paid with visa card, so its easy to reserve the charges.


Gold Member
I got the Silver package for $10.

That's NOTHING. $10 for Half-Life 2, HL Source, DoD Source, and CS Source is so worth it, it's not even funny.
mmmm exorbitant...

Dictionary.com defines 'Exorbitant' as: Exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness: exorbitant prices. See Synonyms at excessive.

[Middle English, aberrant, flagrant, from Old French, excessive, extreme, from Late Latin exorbitns, exorbitant- present participle of exorbitre, to deviate : Latin ex-, ex- + Latin orbita, path, track; see orbit.]

Jim Bowie

I still say that HL2 is a codename for "Let's go get drunk", and they've been working on HL2 for some time.

Incidentally, why is this in OT?

Jim Bowie said:
I still say that HL2 is a codename for "Let's go get drunk", and they've been working on HL2 for some time.

Incidentally, why is this in OT?


It's in OT because you touch yourself at night. (I'm just so used to posting in OT)
Last week I bought a HL2 ATI voucher off ebay for $30 USD.

$49.95 is a pretty dissapointing price for the Bronze Steam version, but I'm really happy with the $30 I spent.

Further note, since I'm in Australia where I'm asked to pay $70 USD for the game, I'm really happy with what Steam offers.
I fear Steam and how other companies may pick up the habit. I need something tangible, not this digital download bullshit (especially for $50!!!!).
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