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President Donald Trump says he believes waterboarding works

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US President Donald Trump has said he believes torture works, saying "we have to fight fire with fire".
Mr Trump told ABC News he would consult Defense Secretary James Mattis and CIA director Mike Pompeo about what could be done legally to combat radicalism.
The president said while radical groups beheaded people in the Middle East "we're not playing on an even field".
However, ex-CIA director Leon Panetta said it would be a "serious mistake to take a backward step" on torture.
Mr Trump has also issued an executive order for an "impassable physical barrier" to be built along the US border with Mexico.

‪ http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38753000?ocid=socialflow_twitter‬


Why can't he ever make up alternative facts that aren't terrible? Like, how are his opinions so uniformly wrong?

listen if you're trying to dismantle america from within and destroy trust in not only the system but your fellow man, then the quickest way is to probably go all out like he has been


He's an idiot.

It works if you don't care if the tortured provides accurate information or not. It works if you're a sick fuck who gets his rocks off TORTURING people.


listen if you're trying to dismantle america from within and destroy trust in not only the system but your fellow man, then the quickest way is to probably go all out like he has been

If he is trying to break the United States, he's doing so with merciless precision. Shame we couldn't have a sane person in the White House follow through on their promises the way this guy has over the last week.
he has consulted with people that he appointed to determine whether torture "works"

we all know that donald only appoints and surrounds himself with the most qualified people
Why can't he ever make up alternative facts that aren't terrible? Like, how are his opinions so uniformly wrong?

The thing about alternative facts is that the truth is what you say it is. And if people correct you, you publicly shame them and pull their funding.

To a large part of the population, this is now true.


"Treat the prisoners of war well, and care for them. This is called 'winning a battle and becoming stronger'" - Sun Tzu (The Art Of War)
how can a guy who wants to TORTURE be chosen to lead a Western so called civilized country? boggles the fucking mind. even many Islamic terrorists are against torture (from what i've read) so you have to sink pretty low to entertain such ideas..


His own Secretary of Defense, Mattis, is against torture and has said it is completely ineffective in getting information, and that treating prisoners well instead leads to reliable intel (to say nothing of it being humane).


like you're talking about people who are literally willing to blow themselves up and do all kinds of heinous shit but by just doing a little bit of torture they'll give up all of the goods....believe me!


McCain and a few others in the GOP won't back this. Here is where some of the Republican infighting starts.


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Already a thread for this interview. Discuss it there. Quit turning every article and interview into four threads.
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