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President Donald Trump's First Negotiation Was A Humiliation

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"Vladimir Putin is a much, much better negotiator than Donald Trump. But then again, who isn't?"

Straight fire. Truth everywhere.


MSNBC is in a weird place. You get some great reporting, but then you also have shit like Morning Joe and recent hiring of Fox News stooges. They try to have it both ways. Lots of fake "balance".

In fairness I have been very impressed with Greta. Shes like a female Chris Matthews and plays most of the issues pretty fairly, while obviously being a conservative.


"Putin is a much much better negotiation than Donald Trump... but then... who isn't?"

That was fire...
I like when he reads the exchange from Peter Alexander. You can hear the sarcasm in his voice when he reads the "Okay?" and then "None of this is going to happen" was fucking beautiful


I would argue that CNN is stepping their game up too. Even if only a little. Jake Tapper went in on the Trumpster the other day. Was pretty magnificent.
My issue with CNN is that their reactions are inconsistent and schizophrenic.

Tapper blew off Bannon's threat and then Cooper had a 10-minute discussion panel later that same evening legitimizing it and mulling over the inherent Liberal bias in mainstream media reporting.

MSNBC, meanwhile, initially seemed more open to working with the administration than CNN but has veered sharply (and refreshingly) adversarial over the past few days as the inefficacy of Trump's administration at just about everything has been brought to light.


The best part is he probably went in so hard on Trump because he knows Trump watches everything about himself.

This has been going on for over a year now. You can see and hear Lawrence trying to bait him, hoping he is watching, knowing which things drive him nuts.


Yep the key to wreck Trump's support in his own party is for all foreign leaders to refuse meeting him or anyone else sent to negotiate anything. It would all crumble.

Look at Theresa May panicking as she realizes Brexit now means bein irrelevant and having to buddy up with unpredictable Trump.
As an American I truly hope the rest of the world shuts us out as much as possible for the next 4 years. We need to truly feel the repercussions of electing this orange trash monster.

Did someone say trash monster?




If there's no crazy world war scenario the biggest consumer markets will be China and India. Unless Trump is planning to devasted this countries through war this strategy is foolish for the US. If he's planning a war then he's a monster.


Lol well good to know, I do not watch MSNBC too often.

You should! Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence have been a small bastion of sanity and good reporting throughout this national nightmare.

When Rachel was reporting on the Russian insane "dragged him out with a bag over his head" story last night, my girl turned to me and said... "I don't want them to kill Rachel!"


The quote from Trump at around 7:25.

Wow. Absolutely meaningless drivel.
It sounded like Trump was making a case that Mexicans cross the border into the US so they can purchase Mexican goods cheaper because they weren't taxed. Like, why wouldn't they just but that stuff in Mexico? And, before that, it sounded like Trump said he would tax Mexicans coming across the border to pay for the wall... and yet, I thought the reason for the wall was to keep Mexicans out in the first place so they wouldn't take American jobs?

You can't even make up nonsense like this.


No idea how foreign relations work, no idea how domestic policy works. Dude is just making it up as he goes along, hoping his toughness points suddenly materialize into all of his absurd promises - "Mexico will pay for it" "More coverage, lower premiums, less expensive than Obamacare, ready in 2 weeks" etc.
We're going to tax people coming in. Look, we cannot lose our companies to Mexico or any other place and then have them make the product and just sent it across our border free. We're going to put a substantial tax on those countries. Okay? And that's why, by the way, they're all coming back. Okay? Without that they don't come back so easily. Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

Such a wordsmith, our President.


We live in a great world where Nieto of all people and Mexico can make the US and Trump look so pathetic on a world stage. Never thought I would see a day like that
You make it sound as if the only people who will suffer are his supporters which couldn't be further from the truth.

He's holding the well being of all Americans hostage. You don't enable hostage takers because they are going to take bolder actions. Stop pretending that we have to capitulate to his demands for fear of bad outcomes.
No idea how foreign relations work, no idea how domestic policy works. Dude is just making it up as he goes along, hoping his toughness points suddenly materialize into all of his absurd promises - "Mexico will pay for it" "More coverage, lower premiums, less expensive than Obamacare, ready in 2 weeks" etc.

Trump's toughness is classic bully. It's false. A single punch to the nose and he has no idea what to do. He barks loudly and that usually works. When someone pulls his card, he shuts up.
Putin is going to make Trump feel like a Supermodel. Trump will love it. He'll do whatever Putin asks.

Putin might even walk into the dressing room unannounced to meet with Donald.
Oh my goodness. I can't be the only one who felt sorry for Trump's asshole after watching that video. Trump is a terrible human being but that poor sphincter did nothing to deserve getting blown out like that :(


This is just the beginning.

Trump's a petulant man-child, and world leaders will manipulate this bozo to their favor like it's open season.


Trump's toughness is classic bully. It's false. A single punch to the nose and he has no idea what to do. He barks loudly and that usually works. When someone pulls his card, he shuts up.

Yup. There's no way to out-tough an existential intellectual policy challenge. That's why the basics of governance are already confounding him.


The USA are going to have to get used to more embarrassment, mockery and humiliation for the next couple years, no doubt.


Trump's toughness is classic bully. It's false. A single punch to the nose and he has no idea what to do. He barks loudly and that usually works. When someone pulls his card, he shuts up.
Yep, Trump's no negotiator.

He's an intimidator. Was the same way through his business as well.

Ploid 3.0

Trump just proved to other world leaders how unprepared he is as a president.

I think this has been clear for years haha. Who thinks he knows what he's doing? I see people just using him, whispering in his ear, controlling him while he thinks he's in control.

Trump, we have two options here. We can open that pipeline, which you will see some great personal profits in doing so, or we can give the liberals what they want, and cost hundreds and thousands of jobs. Also good idea with putting the Exxon guy as Secretary of State. I knew you would make the Presidential choice. Fluffy the Kittenz would have made a horrible SoS.


Like I said yesterday, jerking around world leaders is in an entirely different league than jerking around contractors building your hotels. Donnie is way out of his element.


Hopefully all world leaders will snub him. Something simple as not meeting him at the airport on official visits and not getting pictures taken with him would be enough. Putin and May won't play ball of course.


Like I said yesterday, jerking around world leaders is in an entirely different league than jerking around contractors building your hotels. Donnie is way out of his element.

Trump is such an idiot. He really thinks world leaders are like CEOs of companies or something.
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