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President Trump advocates for Government shutdown in September


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account

The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there! We....


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account

either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good "shutdown" in September to fix mess!


First time I seen a president say he wants to not do his job so blatantly.


(CNN)President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that the country needs a "good 'shutdown,'" as well advocated for changing Senate rules, in a pair of tweets where he complained about the congressional negotiating process.

"The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there! We ... either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good 'shutdown' in September to fix mess!" Trump said Tuesday in two consecutive tweets.

Congressional leaders announced Sunday that they'd reached a deal to avert a government shutdown until September. The deal did not include several Trump campaign promises -- including money for a border wall -- in part because GOP leaders needed Democratic votes to pass the deal in the Senate.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This guy seems so incredibly ignorant of every and anything that doesn't have the Trump name stamped on it. His ignorance in seemingly everything from history to society to how the fucking government works is astounding and terrifying all at the same time. I don't think this dude is player checkers, let alone chess. Fucker probably has trouble coloring in the lines.
Shut down everything but the Russia investigation.

Which still needs a fucking independent commission.

Never seen such ineptitude in my lifetime.
I really hope the Democrats call this bluff, because I'm pretty sure Donald is to chicken shit to go through with forcing a shut down and all that that entails for a bipartisanally agreed upon spending bill. Even if he doesn't back down, all the blame falls on him.


What do you think the point will be where Trump completely alienates Congressional Republicans? Not enough for them to publicly denounce him, but enough to freeze him out of their affairs until the end of his presidency.


I'm not sure I've seen yet a facepalm meme powerful enough to convey my feelings about this.

Silver lining: the giant orange baby continues to be able to surprise us, even after 100 days of dumpster fire.
Am I correct in assuming that he literally wants the filibuster gone in general if he can't get more Republican senators? That is what his "51%" tweet reads like. He has no idea what he will unleash if we ever get another D/D/D government.


Nothing helps the fourth business quarter of the year. Then a good shutdown, wall street would lose their minds


Am I correct in assuming that he literally wants the filibuster gone in general if he can't get more Republican senators? That is what his "51%" tweet reads like.

Yes, Trump just cares about getting his agenda passed. He doesn't understand the nuances of the Senate and why the Senate has its arcane rules that was developed over centuries.
DJT is threatening to shoot himself in the face if the democrats don't agree to help him shoot himself in the foot.

It's a bold move to be sure.

I really doubt he'd actually go through with it. This reads to me like an empty threat to try and get dems to back down


keep your strippers out of my American football
What do you think the point will be where Trump completely alienates Congressional Republicans? Not enough for them to publicly denounce him, but enough to freeze him out of their affairs until the end of his presidency.

That only happens if congressional republicans feel like Trump is hurting their chances of getting reelected. That is the only way. I think he could start WW3 and have bombs dropping on US soil and they would support him if the polls say it is good for them. I have zero confidence in most politicians to actually do what is right versus doing what will get them reelected.


The man is a walking talking moron. God help me if they change the Senate rules for passing laws to 51%. If they do, I would be ok with the riots, deaths, and chaos which will follow.
Trump is going to fight so hard to get the Republican supermajority in 2018. He wants to pass amendments unchecked and fundamentally change this country.
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