Did Trump just try to rewrite the history of ISIS?
Saw this on Twitter, feels apt:
How any rational human being can even contemplate voting for Donald Trump astounds me. I get not liking Hilary but jesus.
Birther segment? What's that about? I just tuned inYeah he's usually a Fox News shill. Speaks volumes. I think the birther segment killed him. The tax stuff was bad because it's easy for even idiots to understand.
This is another reason why Hillary is terrible at responses, how do you have nothing to counter this?
Somehow, this debate is beneath America's dignity.
That moderator is really soft...
Ugh, I'm sorry but if you vote for Hillary you are pond scum. She is just evil.
Oh I know, was just talking about that one specifically. It's unfuckingbelieveable that this man got this far.He has dodged every question. He hasn't given a straight answer all night. Only a moron could come out of this thinking Trump would be a good president. He has no idea what he's doing or talking about.
Wait did Trump's 10 year old boy hack the DNC?