aronnov reborn
Shows one side takes things serious? The other thinks being president is a joke?
Admitting to tax fraud twice should by rights be considered a meltdown.I have a bad feeling the media says Trump won because he didn't melt down.
Birther segment? What's that about? I just tuned in
How do you "take the oil" exactly?
That moderator is really soft...
You are crazy. That's all ill say.Ugh, I'm sorry but if you vote for Hillary you are pond scum. She is just evil.
He's not 400lbs.Bill is good at the cyber.
Let's tie this into RAW and get Enzo and Big Cass put here.That moderator is really soft...
BUT SHES EVILHow any rational human being can even contemplate voting for Donald Trump astounds me. I get not liking Hilary but jesus.
Those claiming Donald is doing well are delusional as fuck. He's said almost nothing of substance, and screams and interrupts like a petulant child while dodging questions, and essentially admitting to some shady shit.
She is essentially saying "See, Donald also supported an invasion which I took a greater part in that eventually backfired".