This was quite possibly the absolute worst presidential debate performance in recorded history. Constantly proven wrong, constantly saying the objectively wrong answer, belligerent, whiny, often times rambling incoherently. I don't think I can properly enumerate the amount of gaffes Trump had.
When asked about race relations: Argued Stop and Frisk was great. Numerous times. Even brought it up again after both Hillary and Lester were like "lolwut".
When asked about the accusations that he's sexist: Trashed Rosie O'Donnell during a presidential debate, saying she deserved it.
When asked about temperament: insists it's great, also insisted committing an act of war by opening fire on Iranian boats was totally not gonna start a war.
When asked about releasing his tax returns: It's the IRS' fault!
When told the IRS has no problem with him releasing anything: It's the IRS' fault!
When asked about why he's not paying his fair share in taxes: Admitted during a presidential debate of tax evasion, then says it's because he's being "smart"
When asked about NATO: He whines that other countries aren't paying their fair share.
When the subject of his stiffing his contractors: Argued they didn't do a good job, also said it was good business
On the lawsuit against him for housing discrimination: Didn't deny it, said he quickly settled.
Shit he obviously lied about:
-Supporting the Iraq war
-China fabricated global warming
Other random shit:
-Advocating a war crime of stealing Iraq's oil
-Rebuttal to everything was "you've been doing it for years and it sux!"
-"You've been fighting ISIS your whole life!"
-Repeated his "my father gave me a very small loan" line, despite the fact that it's been a laughing stock for months.
Random shit he took credit for:
-Making Obama "release his birth certificate" in 2011, despite him still beating that drum years later
-Clinton changing her mind about TPP
-NATO focusing on terrorism
Post-debate fuckery:
-Claimed to be proud of himself that he didn't bring up Bill's infidelity
-Claimed he was given a defective mic
Feel free to let me add more because I'm sure there's way more.