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Presidential Debate #1 |Hofstra University| PRESS X TO SEAN

Who won the debate?

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why all these polls I'm looking at show that Trump won but CNN is the only one showing Hillary won? Everyone already calls CNN the Clinton News Network. IMO it was more of a draw with maybe a slight edge to Clinton because Trump ramble on a lot about dumb shit, but Trump killed her the first half hour.
Online reader polls are complete garbage for what should be obvious reasons.
Why does everyone attack someone that doesn't like either candidates on this site? Not everyone falls into the two party system belief.

you: hey i want to get a sandwich for lunch
your friend: ok well the only two options are a subway sandwich or a sandwich literally made of bread and dog shit
you: those are both equally terrible choices! no thank you!
Debate went as expected. However, I didn't really like the moderator, Lester Holt. I thought the moderator was supposed to remain neutral? He attacked and quoted trump quite a bit.

Shouldn't he just been asking neutral questions that either party could respond to?

It stood out quite a bit and I thought it was weird. Not that I care much anyways as it showed Trumps colors even more.
Fact-checking is neutral, dude. It's not Lester Holt's fault that Trump is constantly fabricating things.
For sure, by the end of the night he was all just word vomit. The racial issues topic really shook him, which is damning because anyone could've told you that would be a big topic in light of the last few weeks.

It's amazing how he tried to be calm and collective, but by the end he was practically acting like a whiny brat, and basically regressed to his loudmouth personality.

I have to agree with the general reaction, that he sounded like high or something. Also he probably had a cold. I'm personally glad he made a fool out of himself. Hopefully his numbers drop (though his supporters are very ignorant), he's not be qualified to be president at all.


Not liking either candidate is fine, but when you try to act like they're both equally bad you'll be rightfully called out.

I guess I missed the "equally bad" posters(thread is moving fast). Personally, I dislike both candidates, but I'm gonna have to go Hillary....it hurts, but I can't vote for Trump.
Replay time! Now I can properly enjoy it. Though I'm just going to get greedy and get mad when she didn't hit back at him on stuff, I know her staying quiet and minimally interrupting made her look way the hell better. It cannot have been easy to keep silent in the face of a lot of that bullshit.



OMG this is too good.
man, /the_donald is in full on hardcore panic delete mode because even some of the trolls that live in that den didn't think he did that well tonight

I've been perusing the various political subreddits tonight.

The hillary-leaning /politicaldiscussion is pretty muted. Lots of anti-Trump sentiment in a "Wow, he walked into that one!" way, but a decent amount of people going "BOTH SIDES."

The AskReddit thread is almost exclusively "I can't believe how bad both are!"

/politics is exclusively anti-Trump with occasional things about Bernie. A lot of the latter is opinion pieces about how Bernie should have been the candidate.

/the_donald is accusing Lester Holt of biased questions.
This was quite possibly the absolute worst presidential debate performance in recorded history. Constantly proven wrong, constantly saying the objectively wrong answer, belligerent, whiny, often times rambling incoherently. I don't think I can properly enumerate the amount of gaffes Trump had.

When asked about race relations: Argued Stop and Frisk was great. Numerous times. Even brought it up again after both Hillary and Lester were like "lolwut".

When asked about the accusations that he's sexist: Trashed Rosie O'Donnell during a presidential debate, saying she deserved it.

When asked about temperament: insists it's great, also insisted committing an act of war by opening fire on Iranian boats was totally not gonna start a war.

When asked about releasing his tax returns: It's the IRS' fault!
When told the IRS has no problem with him releasing anything: It's the IRS' fault!

When asked about why he's not paying his fair share in taxes: Admitted during a presidential debate of tax evasion, then says it's because he's being "smart"

When asked about NATO: He whines that other countries aren't paying their fair share.

When the subject of his stiffing his contractors: Argued they didn't do a good job, also said it was good business

On the lawsuit against him for housing discrimination: Didn't deny it, said he quickly settled.

Shit he obviously lied about:
-Supporting the Iraq war
-China fabricated global warming

Other random shit:
-Advocating a war crime of stealing Iraq's oil
-Rebuttal to everything was "you've been doing it for years and it sux!"
-"You've been fighting ISIS your whole life!"
-Repeated his "my father gave me a very small loan" line, despite the fact that it's been a laughing stock for months.

Random shit he took credit for:
-Making Obama "release his birth certificate" in 2011, despite him still beating that drum years later
-Clinton changing her mind about TPP
-NATO focusing on terrorism

Post-debate fuckery:
-Claimed to be proud of himself that he didn't bring up Bill's infidelity
-Claimed he was given a defective mic

Feel free to let me add more because I'm sure there's way more.


Fact-checking is neutral, dude. It's not Lester Holt's fault that Trump is constantly fabricating things.

I caught only the second half of the debate. However, I never heard him once say "but Hilary you said this on X date" and he did that with Trump a few times. eg Support for Iraq war.


Online polls? The _Donald is on it:

I love how they somehow try to phrase it like they aren't ballot stuffing. And what's more many of them will even believe that they're not trying to rig the polls, which is exactly what they're doing.


you: hey i want to get a sandwich for lunch
your friend: ok well the only two options are a subway sandwich or a sandwich literally made of bread and dog shit
you: those are both equally terrible choices! no thank you!

I mean, if steak was an option over Subway or a "sandwich literally made of bread and dog shit" I'd pick the steak. Just me though. However, there is no steak this election. Gonna have to suck it up and choose something from the dollar menu.


Why does everyone attack someone that doesn't like either candidates on this site? Not everyone falls into the two party system belief.

Beyond the reasons people mentioned, it's because it's a call to not vote. "I don't like either! Count me out!" Abstaining is not a way to make any sort of statement. No one cares about non-voters. You need to choose whether they're both bad or not. (Which they're not but whatevs.)
Why does everyone attack someone that doesn't like either candidates on this site? Not everyone falls into the two party system belief.

Attack? I don't see much of that going on.

Listen. I'm not a fan of either party, I'm outspokenly anti politics as a whole. But in the world of what is not what "should be" you have two choices Trump or Hillary. Maybe you don't like either, fine.

But I have friends that are gay, minorities, muslims, etc that get treated like second class citizens.

I think it's insane to not believe in global warming.

I want someone with experience.

So until both parties can get their shit in line with the above, whoever gets those boxes checked gets my vote.

Because I actually care about creating a better life for them even if it "won't affect me."

And sorry, but voting third party is throwing away your vote. It shouldn't be, but it is.
I caught only the second half of the debate. However, I never heard him once say "but Hilary you said this on X date" and he did that with Trump a few times. eg Support for Iraq war.
That's because she didn't lie during the debate. Sure, maybe she can't do all the things she's claiming she can, but she never outright lied about something where there is actual proof to the contrary, either in print or on video. Trump did many times, however.


This was quite possibly the absolute worst presidential debate performance in recorded history. Constantly proven wrong, constantly saying the objectively wrong answer, belligerent, whiny, often times rambling incoherently. I don't think I can properly enumerate the amount of gaffes Trump had.

When asked about race relations: Argued Stop and Frisk was great. Numerous times. Even brought it up again after both Hillary and Lester were like "lolwut".

When asked about the accusations that he's sexist: Trashed Rosie O'Donnell during a presidential debate, saying she deserved it.

When asked about temperament: insists it's great, also insisted committing an act of war by opening fire on Iranian boats was totally not gonna start a war.

When asked about releasing his tax returns: It's the IRS' fault!
When told the IRS has no problem with him releasing anything: It's the IRS' fault!

When asked about why he's not paying his fair share in taxes: Admitted during a presidential debate of tax evasion, then says it's because he's being "smart"

When asked about NATO: He whines that other countries aren't paying their fair share.

On the lawsuit against him for housing discrimination: Didn't deny it, said he quickly settled.

Shit he obviously lied about:
-Supporting the Iraq war
-China fabricated global warming

Other random shit:
-Advocating a war crime of stealing Iraq's oil
-Rebuttal to everything was "you've been doing it for years and it sux!"
-"You've been fighting ISIS your whole life!"
-Repeated his "my father gave me a very small loan" line, despite the fact that it's been a laughing stock for months.

Random shit he took credit for:
-Making Obama "release his birth certificate" in 2011, despite him still beating that drum years later
-Clinton changing her mind about TPP
-NATO focusing on terrorism

Feel free to let me add more because I'm sure there's way more.



No Scrubs
I understand that, but wouldn't it be her that should call him out on his lying, not the moderator?

He kept the candidates honest and asked the hard questions, like he was supposed to. He called the candidates out when they didn't answer his questions, like he's supposed to. Lester Holt did his job admirably and anyone who doesn't think so is...well I'm going to leave it there.
I mean, if steak was an option over Subway or a "sandwich literally made of bread and dog shit" I'd pick the steak. Just me though. However, there is no steak this election. Gonna have to suck it up and choose something from the dollar menu.

but that is the point. when people say things like "ehhh, they're both bad" it does a disservice to HOW bad one is compared to the other. you may not like Hillary for whatever reason (I actually love her as a candidate and it has nothing to do with my hate for Trump) but she is in another solar system compared to Trump. Just as you may not like a subway sandwich for whatever reason, but realistically no one would (or should!) choose a dog shit sandwich. it's not even a contest worth debating


The economic coverage at the beginning of the debate was so fascinating to watch. Lester sets it up perfectly:

  • 6 straight years of job growth
  • Uptick in middle class income growth
  • Income inequality is still rampant.

This in no way plays into the Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, Republican party tax program which continues to degrade the already low corporate tax rate and reduce taxes on the top incomes. There is no evidence that this creates economic growth, but this also blows up the deficit and continues income inequality.

Just such a surreal moment for me to watch, likely goes over the head of the majority of undecided voters however.
trump saw hillary shaking hands with lester so he went to someone else off to lester's right (maybe his family?). then he shook lester's hand after hillary was done.

Which was still stupid. But in his cheeto mind he obviously thought "well I'm not gonna just stand here waiting while this WOMAN finishes shaking this BLACK MAN's hand!" and instead tried to look busy.


you: hey i want to get a sandwich for lunch
your friend: ok well the only two options are a subway sandwich or a sandwich literally made of bread and dog shit
you: those are both equally terrible choices! no thank you!

Your loss for not knowing about scrumptious food truck that sells tacos down the street.


No Scrubs
To be fair, much of their production has moved to Mexico, correct? Headquarters in America but products from Mexico in many cases

If I remember right they moved one factory down to Mexico, so they could retrofit it to build another (far more profitable) car in the US.


He kept the candidates honest and asked the hard questions, like he was supposed to. He called the candidates out when they didn't answer his questions, like he's supposed to. Lester Holt did his job admirably and anyone who doesn't think so is...well I'm going to leave it there.

He did a solid job in my opinion.

He inserted himself when necessary, he tried to get answers out of Trump when he refused to answer, but he wasn't inserting himself overtly into the debate. He was largely placing the onus on the nominees to run the show, only guiding them along.

If there is any assertions of implicit bias, it's only because the opinions perpetuated by Donald Trump and the Republican party are on the losing side of reality.


That's because she didn't lie during the debate. Sure, maybe she can't do all the things she's claiming she can, but she never outright lied about something where there is actual proof to the contrary, either in print or on video. Trump did many times, however.

The only thing she lied about was the "gold standard" comment.

That's really it. Trump has so much more bullshit to call out on.
I don't want Trump to win, but I wish I had the ability to show people what would happen if he did, Twilight's stupid ending mind trick style. Seeing the constant false equivalences is not good for my health.


And sorry, but voting third party is throwing away your vote. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Voting third party is exercising your right to vote for whichever candidate you like the best. No vote is a "throw away vote" if you are participating in the election and are trying to make the decision you feel is the best one to make.
You know there was so much shit in the debate that it's just now fully sinking in:

A presidential candidate of the United States said that blowing up another nation's ship would not result in a war and that's the right way to deal with Iran.

Am I tripping? That actually happened in relation to the Iran question, right?

It's worked for Presidents in the past regarding other countries.

Trump didn't word it that way. That is the problem i have with what he said.

That's what his campaign manager said on Marketplace last week. So perhaps you're reading too much into the letter and not into the intent.

[Again, not that I think Trump should be anywhere near the presidency]
I think it's fairly obvious that Hillary won the debate. I can't believe some of the things Trump said "it's just good business" to the 2008 Recession, defending not paying his workers, and admitting to not paying taxes. Jesus fuck how can he be spewing crap about Hillary raising taxes on the Rich after this when a Middle class citizen probably lasts more in taxes than him?

However, why is Trump leading in most post-debate polls over who won?
I think Trump has some valid points/arguments but he says so much nonsense and rambles on incoherently that the decent stuff gets lost in translation.

Hillary won the debate naturally but I am deeply concerned about the revelation that there could be a 400 pound man sitting on his laptop spying on everyone.
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