Both candidates receive a failing grade on substance. I don't even know why voters desire this anymore. One repeated things that were clearly debunked and the other demanded fact checks and came out looking foolish and wrong. Can we get better advisers around these two? Where are the best and brightest in this country at?
Uh, did you even fucking read the link you're quoting? I read all of it, and there was absolutely NO comparison there between the number, the severity, and egregiousness of the dishonesty of all issues discussed. Most of Clinton ones were framed as true, and if not, "debatable", "slightly exaggerated", or "another possibility could exist". Almost all of Trump's were bald faced lies or extreme exaggerations and deceptions.
But yeah, let's do this false equivalence again. Not shocking from the guy with a Trump avatar.
Clinton said there is “no evidence that anyone hacked the server I was using.” That is true, but the FBI said it was “possible” that her email system was hacked because she sent and received emails in “the territory of sophisticated adversaries.”
Sorry, but what part of "no evidence" is in dispute?