G greycolumbus The success of others absolutely infuriates me. Oct 20, 2016 #5,501 Take a look-o At Aleppo
C Chubzdoomer Banned Oct 20, 2016 #5,502 Gooster said: https://twitter.com/PizzaPartyBen/status/788925523820965888 Click to expand... NWO confirmed.
Gooster said: https://twitter.com/PizzaPartyBen/status/788925523820965888 Click to expand... NWO confirmed.
J Johndoey Banned Oct 20, 2016 #5,504 This traitorous waste basket of a person, this incomprehensible shit stained fuck bag.
DOWN Banned Oct 20, 2016 #5,508 He's yelling at a renowned reporter whether he knows about Aleppo Thank you lord
L lazypants Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,510 Its sad that many people will actually believe that isis and the middle east is all Hilary's fault.
G Gordon Shumway Banned Oct 20, 2016 #5,516 diablos991 said: Subliminal messaging! Click to expand... Can't wait..
L Linkyn Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,518 I'd really love it if he stopped calling it the 'great migration'.
G Garlador Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,526 "Have you seen Titanfall?" Oh yeah. I'm watching this debate, watching a giant orange titan fall.
H HeySeuss Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,532 Gooster said: https://twitter.com/PizzaPartyBen/status/788925523820965888 Click to expand... Trump redeemed!!!
Gooster said: https://twitter.com/PizzaPartyBen/status/788925523820965888 Click to expand... Trump redeemed!!!
G Get'sMad Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,533 i think i made that same argument arguing with my friends with i was 12
K Kimaka Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,534 I am laughing so hard at Trump's response to the Aleppo question that I'm crying. He has no idea where Aleppo is.
I am laughing so hard at Trump's response to the Aleppo question that I'm crying. He has no idea where Aleppo is.
I IdreamofHIME Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,539 Lots of luck Hilary? Did he just admit defeat? He did, right?
G Goodstyle Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,540 Trump doesn't really get that the conservative argument against Trump is that we haven't done ENOUGH in Syria.
Trump doesn't really get that the conservative argument against Trump is that we haven't done ENOUGH in Syria.
R rdytoroll Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,542 Very much sad tremendous disaster bigly liar crooked Iran Every damn time
X xxracerxx Don't worry, I'll vouch for them. Oct 20, 2016 #5,544 "Lots of luck, Hillary" - Trump He just conceded!
B Biggest-Geek-Ever Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,548 So yeah I'll take it, I think between this meltdown over Assad and "I'll keep you in suspense" about accepting the results of the election... This was Trump's worst debate performance.
So yeah I'll take it, I think between this meltdown over Assad and "I'll keep you in suspense" about accepting the results of the election... This was Trump's worst debate performance.
K kingocfs Member Oct 20, 2016 #5,549 "Assad is stronger and smarter than Obama and Hillary." "...but you might end up with someone worse than Assad." wut
"Assad is stronger and smarter than Obama and Hillary." "...but you might end up with someone worse than Assad." wut