Strongest performance by Hillary so far. Walked a good line between attacking Trump while being very concise on policy.
CBS focus group is destroying him too.NBC destroying Trump.
PBS as well
You're right, which is why I'm hoping we see another 8 years.This country can do much better than another 4 years of Obama.
Ted Dansen there for some reason?
Clinton was very sharp, corrected her mistakes, no big new mistakes
Trump idiot like always but not much worse.
Mission Accomplished.
YessssPBS ripping Trump a new asshole. Thank you lord.
I don't know why people think he's bad. Hasn't he historically been good?
Yeah, he did surprisingly well.
GOP, y'all got some fucking soul searching to do. You put a candidate that said he might not accept the results of the election on the national stage.
Republicans, get your fucking shit together and put up somebody reasonable. The integrity of out democracy shouldn't be compromised because there was a 3 ring circus during the primary. You've failed the American people with this dude.
Fox says it was Trump's best debate.
Ted Dansen there for some reason?
Did she really? To be fair...it might be. His others were pretty terrible
Yeah that exchange is going to get a LOT of play in the coming days.NBC trashing trump for not saying he would accept the poll results.
this whole election is a national embarrassment.
Yeah the panel on ABC is really driving home how utterly blasphemous that is.Not saying he will accept the results is fucking craaaaazy.
I changed the channel as soon as I saw that woman.Kellyanne on CNN! GO!
Trump had his best half hour in the first half hour of all the debates, which is when it is most important. Hillary had a few rough moments, trump had some really BAD moments.
a C?! ON what curve are you grading Trump???