He's had enough lol
I missed this. Can someone give me a quick recap? A sniff count at least? Did Ken Bone return?
538 reaction livestream coming up.
They've got their usual game:
I think it'll be "nasty woman" without a doubt.
CNN is so shrill and shouty and insane but I can't stop watching because I don't know what they will say next.
They are definitely in on the joke. They have to be.
A tyrant who plunged his country into a bloody civil war and humanitarian crisis.He also complimented Assad, a tyrant.
Yo this black dude on CNN is dropping dimes
The real issue is he threw out a bunch of dumb questions that contain false priors about how the world and the economy works -- notably regarding debt and stimulus. That is, he asked questions from the Fox News worldview.Chris Wallace came off as a real dipshit at times.
why do we need to assume? they say that they can't read right in the postThis is not photoshopped in anyway whatsoever other than removing the person's name and avatar.
This is someone I went to Highschool with. A 41 year old fucking adult.
Needless to say it is safe to assume they did not pay attention in English class. That goes without saying, and yes it is somewhat of a low blow but I do believe their education is relevant. This is a pretty good representation of the type of comments I am privy to by the very few Trump supporters on my Facebook feed. Luckily most of the people I am friends with are anti-Trump, but there are a few.
This is one of them, and again, this is the type of mentality and intelligence level we are facing.
I do have to say I love the fact it only received 2 likes almost an hour in. I think most people who read it reacted as I did and just felt sorry for this person, albeit it a little scared of the fact this is who is supporting Trump.
Can anyone tell what people are yelling in the background?
538 reaction livestream coming up.
Edit: http://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/third-presidential-debate-election-2016/
They've got their usual game:
I think it'll be "nasty woman" without a doubt.
hahahaChloe Bennet ‏@ChloeBennet4 27s27 seconds ago
Bwahahaha, you haven't seen Scottie Mcneil or AJ Degado
Nice Van Jones dropping knowledge on why the India/China comparison is complete bullshit
The fuck is happening in the background of CNN.
Chris Wallace came off as a real dipshit at times.
Yeah, who is he? First time I've watched CNN. He knows what's up.Yo this black dude on CNN is dropping dimes
No, no no, you see, this is the Monday Night WarsPlinking told you all that Chris Wallace would hold it down. Don't doubt the Plinko!
And to the Stone Cold analogy above:
Donald thinks he is Stone Cold this election, but he's Vince McMahon.
Hillary wishes she could be Stone Cold, but she's Triple H.
I'll take HHH over Vince every day.
Why do these Trump supporters think that Trump had an incredible night?
Why do these Trump supporters think that Trump had an incredible night?
Trump is laying the groundwork for a violent uprising when he loses the election. Mark my words.
Yeah, who is he? First time I've watched CNN. He knows what's up.
The blond lady on CNN looks shell shocked.
How the fuck can you believe this.
Are you trolling.
Man, I hate the shit coming out of her mouth, but this Republican lady in the pink on CNN is hot. What's with all the Jesus signs in the background?
I only understood, Lies and WRONG... but really, something, something lies!
He's the only candidate with a credible plan to raise the GDP by 4,5,6, maybe 38% annually.
Do you want to pay twice as much in taxes or have a tremendous job?
He's the only candidate with a credible plan to raise the GDP by 4,5,6, maybe 38% annually.
Do you want to pay twice as much in taxes or have a tremendous job?