Who is Corey?
Who is Corey?
Is Al Gore running for president again????
Im sorry but.... Trump definently did better then her. Ar least during the debate. Now fact checking may show he was full of crap but he had a better night then she did.
Shes gonna win by a mile still
Im sorry but.... Trump definently did better then her. Ar least during the debate. Now fact checking may show he was full of crap but he had a better night then she did.
Shes gonna win by a mile still
Im sorry but.... Trump definently did better then her. Ar least during the debate. Now fact checking may show he was full of crap but he had a better night then she did.
Shes gonna win by a mile still
Who is Corey?
Who is Corey?
The ticket probably made the chocolate taste bad anyway.
Wait, why are they talking about Al Gore?
This year, at this point, undecided generally means Trump voter way too embarrassed by his or her choice to admit it.
We all heard the "undecideds" in the crowd during the second debate
Its just my opinion. I dont want Trump to be President but in not thrilled about her either. I think overall he did better then her , minus a couple words lol hombre etc.
Is Al Gore running for president again????
Im sorry but.... Trump definently did better then her. Ar least during the debate. Now fact checking may show he was full of crap but he had a better night then she did.
Shes gonna win by a mile still
Im sorry but.... Trump definently did better then her. Ar least during the debate. Now fact checking may show he was full of crap but he had a better night then she did.
Shes gonna win by a mile still
Call your dealer, you got a bad batch.
Corey Lewandowski might be the most toxic, overbearing personality on any news network.
Im sorry but.... Trump definently did better then her. Ar least during the debate. Now fact checking may show he was full of crap but he had a better night then she did.
Shes gonna win by a mile still
Call your dealer, you got a bad batch.
yo, lots of deplorables in that CNN crowd.
And Jeffrey Lord knows that too, which is why they cut to his shit eating grin while everyone else is tripping over themselves to tell him what an idiotic argument he's making.Because in 2000 he let the law run its course when the Florida election was too close to call with out a legally mandated recount.
In what way did he do better though, on which topic?
This might be the best thing:
Trump losing a fake poll on Brietbart. Quick Deplorables, ATTACK!
I'd say he got a very good batch.
This might be the best thing:
Trump losing a fake poll on Brietbart. Quick Deplorables, ATTACK!
Hillary gave the performance of a lifetime, she destroyed Trump, god damn. She was so prepared and executed perfectly.
No he absolutely did not. Not in style or substance. He was a mess. *airhorn*Im sorry but.... Trump definently did better then her. Ar least during the debate. Now fact checking may show he was full of crap but he had a better night then she did.
Shes gonna win by a mile still