Grizzlyjin Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that Oct 20, 2016 #3,402 And the election is officially over on that mic drop. Jesus Christ. He was doing okay in the first part but he's getting turned out now.
And the election is officially over on that mic drop. Jesus Christ. He was doing okay in the first part but he's getting turned out now.
D Dash_Riprock Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,405 Note to Mr. Trump fish: When you see bait, you're supposed to AVOID it, not bite down and not let go.
Note to Mr. Trump fish: When you see bait, you're supposed to AVOID it, not bite down and not let go.
M mackattk Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,407 Yeah if you ran the country like you ran your business you would pummel everyone into the ground.
IrishNinja Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,411 ima go back to watching luke cage, hoping for a recap later with something worth hearing
C ChrisD Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,417 I've never actually heard "Yuuuuge" until just then. That was so yuge, that wasn't EVEN huge
A Aaronrules380 Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,418 If we ran our country the way we ran his business, we'd bankrupt
S Spotless Mind Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,421 That was such an amazing comparison of their past 30 years. Hilary is obliterating him.
B broncobuster Banned Oct 20, 2016 #3,422 He has maybe four or five talking points he repeats. How he is so dumb.
G Geist- Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,423 How can anyone think Trump has a chance? If not after the last few weeks/debates, this debate has to make it clear what kind of gap they have.
How can anyone think Trump has a chance? If not after the last few weeks/debates, this debate has to make it clear what kind of gap they have.
B balladofwindfishes Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,429 these are literally the same talking points from Trump as the first debate
N Ninja Scooter Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,430 Why does Trump always act like ISIS is some mystery that nobody knows about? He talks about them like he's blowing minds.
Why does Trump always act like ISIS is some mystery that nobody knows about? He talks about them like he's blowing minds.
J Johndoey Banned Oct 20, 2016 #3,434 Shouldn't have gone in, definitely shouldn't have come out, cool.
M Metroidvania People called Romanes they go the house? Oct 20, 2016 #3,436 More vague 'I've got the best _X_" from Trump. No actual policy in place, no other defense.... sigh.
L Lord Frieza Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,437 Jobbs said: Why doesn't Hillary just go for the throat? Just tell him he's a joke directly Click to expand... Let the joke tell itself
Jobbs said: Why doesn't Hillary just go for the throat? Just tell him he's a joke directly Click to expand... Let the joke tell itself
Y yanipheonu Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,442 Oh shit shes going after his business past, one good "yeah but your businesses sank" and that could really piss him off.
Oh shit shes going after his business past, one good "yeah but your businesses sank" and that could really piss him off.
E evil solrac v3.0 Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,443 if we run a country like trumps business it would fail in a year.
R Raxus Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,448 A bankrupt country. SO PROUD! Oh, I think she will get rid of ONE person Trump.
T Tekniqs Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,449 Pivot to ISIS didn't we pull out of Iraq due to something Bush passed prior to Obama taking office?
V Volimar Member Oct 20, 2016 #3,450 His answers only hit for his supporters. He's not going to grab anyone new with this.