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Priest blames children for paedophilia

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Ah now come on. I try to defend the church every time someone makes an unnecessary comment, but thats ridiculous, and stupid ignorant comments like that are disgusting frankly.


"Unfortunately there are children who seek affection because they don't receive it at home and I understand that some priests can give up," he said on La7 channel.[/B]

You know what's really funny
(no, it's not)
? Two years ago Polish archbishop said (almost) exactly the same thing:
Archbishop Jozef Michalik said:
'Many of these cases of molestation could be avoided given a healthy relationship between parents. We often hear that this inappropriate attitude [i.e. paedophilia], or abuse, manifests itself when a child is looking for love. It clings, it searches. It gets lost itself and then draws another person into this.

Unfortunately, he was not suspended.



"Oh, you want me to confront Father Roy about what happened at camp. Thing is, I'm not sure it was entirely his fault. I may have deserved it. In fact, I may have instigated it. Actually, Francine, I seduced him. I don't know why I wanted him, but I wanted him."
Wonder what that guy who lost his mod rights would think of this.

Anyways, not really surprising. Still hoping that the majority of priests do not share this view.


Wonder what that guy who lost his mod rights would think of this.

Anyways, not really surprising. Still hoping that the majority of priests do not share this view.

Opiate might have been too agressive in his championing a better understanding of and treatment for pedophiles, but that doesn't make him pro pedophilia.


top kek

Wonder if paedophile men of church have a no-homo prayer for their church boys that makes it not gay.


homosexuality is a sin

but raping young boys is not?

isn't this like condemning people who eat meat and then ordering a veal sandwich?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This is not really all that far in terms of contortion, from Huckabee's defense of Duggar.


Hey now guys, every christian knows the Golden Rule.

It's okay
When it's with the clergy
It's not gay
When it's with the clergy
With Jesus in the middle
There's some leeway
The area's grey
With the secular clergy


"Paedophilia is a sin, and like all sins has to be accepted, also."

Accepted? Was this translated properly or does he just not understand? The idea behind Christianity is to repent your sins. Repentance is an honest commitment to personal change and the resolve to live a more responsible and humane life.

ie, to change your ways. Then you will be forgiven.

Edit - And "forgiven" is not "acceptance".
If a woman gets raped, it's the woman's fault.
If a child gets touched, it's the child's fault.
If a dog get touched, it's the dog's fault.
If stuff gets stolen, it's obviously the owners fault. They shouldn't have owned such nice stuff.
If someone gets murdered, it's obviously their fault....

Just an awful awful way of looking at things.



Gold Member
My biggest problem is that priest cannot marry. I find that men who are denied the pleasures of marriage and/or sex may delve into things like pedophilia.

I believe the sexual urges of a man should not go unnoticed. I do not believe in an oath because of religion because I believe it intensifies the sexual urges.

As for pastors. I think their lives have been much more beneficial by marrying and having sex. If heaven is something both Christians and Catholics believe in, then a holy person or a vow does not mean anything. Intercourse and having sexual relations are a benefit to society.

As for kids and the church. I think it's downright sickening, but people still attend Church. God just doesn't bat an eye if it's in his own house. It can't be 2 for 2. Maybe 1 for 2 with the money lenders, but that's it. I do see why pedophiles are inside the church.

A. Religious people are much more trustworthy in churches.
B. Religions that do not believe in marriage because of their role in the church draws men who only seek out children.

Psudoscience and psudoreligion don't mean a welcome party for pedophilia. Regardless of how confident one or the other is about their beliefs.


Opiate might have been too agressive in his championing a better understanding of and treatment for pedophiles, but that doesn't make him pro pedophilia.
he essentially took the side of a pedophile over an abuse victim and called it a "slip up."

he may not be pro-pedophilia but he's certainly more sympathetic to them than their victims.
My biggest problem is that priest cannot marry. I find that men who are denied the pleasures of marriage and/or sex may delve into things like pedophilia.

I believe the sexual urges of a man should not go unnoticed. I do not believe in an oath because of religion because I believe it intensifies the sexual urges.

As for pastors. I think their lives have been much more beneficial by marrying and having sex. If heaven is something both Christians and Catholics believe in, then a holy person or a vow does not mean anything. Intercourse and having sexual relations are a benefit to society.

As for kids and the church. I think it's downright sickening, but people still attend Church. God just doesn't bat an eye if it's in his own house. It can't be 2 for 2. Maybe 1 for 2 with the money lenders, but that's it. I do see why pedophiles are inside the church.

A. Religious people are much more trustworthy in churches.
B. Religions that do not believe in marriage because of their role in the church draws men who only seek out children.

Psudoscience and psudoreligion don't mean a welcome party for pedophilia. Regardless of how confident one or the other is about their beliefs.

Nope people just become pedo's because they can't get married, the pervs joined the church because it's easy for them to gain access to children. This was a big problem here in Ireland for years, since Éamon de Valera gave the catholic church the power to run our schools and look how that turned out. The church had it's tendrils in a lot of Irish life over the last century, from running schools, orphanages, industrial schools and Magdeline Laundries.

They're plenty of priests out there that don't go on to molest kids but if they stand by knowing about the abuse and do nothing by refusing going to the proper authorities, they are just as guilty. And up to recently and I mean recently within the last ten years or so it was church rules to keep the abuse covered up and to ship the abusers to South America and than ship them to another parish somewhere else. Hell even the local priest in my town threatened to sue a woman if she went around saying she was abused by another priest.

Below is a official document from the Vatican on what to do with perv priests


And a very disturbing documentary on the church and it's abuse cover up


And personally I think the church should allow the priests to marry, but the abusers will still join any way.
An old man preying on underdeveloped parishioners that he's supposed to be guiding through the faith, traumatizing them for life - "Jesus saves!"

Two consenting adults, enjoying each other's company, and occasionally seeking the Lord's blessing to live their lives in monogamy - "That's fucking gay dude"

This seems backwards.
An old man preying on underdeveloped parishioners that he's supposed to be guiding through the faith, traumatizing them for life - "Jesus saves!"

Two consenting adults, enjoying each other's company, and occasionally seeking the Lord's blessing to live their lives in monogamy - "That's fucking gay dude"

This seems backwards.

There's a book, you know.
I think the problem is that when you have a group of religious men that only associate closely with other religious men, they become so separated from the reality of normal society that it's impossible to be good moral guides, let alone be able to be sympathetic to people who aren't religious men. Particularly if they went straight into the seminary at a relatively young age. Because it's not just with saying terrible things like this, but pretty much any social issue that we come into serious conflict.

It's like if all the world's laws were dictated by people whose primary source of human interaction was 4chan.

Basically, I think that letting priests marry and integrate more into normal society would at the very least solve the problem of them not understanding how much of a big fucking deal these things are to normal people and working harder to get rid of the pedophiles.


What the fuck? The priests "give up?" Like, they say to themselves, "Man, this child must want affection, but it's too much work to not rape them, so I give up." How could a priest's understanding of what affection even is be so fucked up?
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